Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
Because those people miss out on good news. It's like if they were in line to buy an apple phone and the store sells out right before they get in line, but then guy in the store says "wait come back there's more in stock again" at that moment some people would hear him, others might not and drive away missing their chance.
lol yes, no other way to learn about game patches outside of a ResetERA thread


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
I´m surprised this doesn`t run with locked 60FPS in native 4k mode.
And they should add an option to turn off DOF, to improve performance in cutscenes.

Stitch AU

Oct 29, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
On Series X it shouldn't be an issue since you can set your refresh rate in the system settings if you wanted to play one of the 60fps modes smoothly, but on PS5 sounds like you gotta wait for another patch.

That's correct, on gears 5 I could not select the 120hz mode on my HDMI 2.0 tv until I changed it to 1080p 120hz in the OS.

I imagine the issue here is a combination of no visual mode toggle in game and not being able to set refresh rate in the PS5 OS. Both Sony and Capcom need to fix this.


Apr 6, 2018
Now I'm kinda regretting that I preordered DMC5SE, because clearly it needs VRR for the 120fps mode, but neither PS5 or my X900H TV supports VRR at launch, I should have just waited for a deal after VRR is available.


Oct 25, 2017
That 120hz performance sounds really bad.
I got better framerates (120-144) on a 2017 1080ti and at a higher resolution (1440p).

Deleted member 46804

User requested account closure
Aug 17, 2018
Is VRR mainly to combat screen tearing, or does it also help with boosting the frame rate and/or keep it consistent?
You shouldn't perceive the frame drops since your TV will match the output from the game. It won't boost or make anything more consistent but does make it to where you won't care of the game holds a steady frame rate.


Oct 27, 2017
Yikes! Sounds like a swing and a miss.

They had all these different options for framerate locks, resolutions including cb and graphics modes that actually reach a target framerate and they managed to choose the worst combination for all of them.

Also it's really concerning to see that PS5s lack of VRR already comes biting it in the ass in launch games. I hope they patch this sooner rather than later.


Jun 19, 2018
Was already planning to pick this up dirt cheap down the line, guess it's in "not before they fix it" now.


Nov 12, 2017
So arguably if you just buy the DLC and play the PS4 copy on PS5 with BC you'll get actually get a smoother experience (at a higher resolution thanks to that 120 hz feature/bug)?


Oct 26, 2017
Don't worry, PS6 will be able to sort these out. lol

Jokes aside, it looks great but the uneven framerate in addition to the issues John mentioned are quite bothersome. There should be a patch.


Oct 25, 2017
People expecting VRR to keep drops from 115 to 70 looking smooth need a reality check. It may stop screen tearing but the judder and drop in controller responsiveness will absolutely be there.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Super interesting, this definitely might be a title to see how well the series x does with it. I would suspect it would definitely hit the frame rates a lot more often, I bought this on PS5 but I will wait to see if they patch it up a bit. Seems like there are some things they need to fix


Jul 25, 2020
Does this game have ray tracing on Series X today? Someone shared a tweet earlier of someone who worked on the game saying it has a day one ray tracing patch on Series X.

Anyone tested it?


Oct 27, 2017
This needs a day one patch. Just at least lock stuff properly, they said there was going to be a 4K 30FPS mode for raytracing, and I'm still expecting that rather than the mess they seem to have delivered.

Edit: maybe I should cancel my pre-order until this is the case, kinda embarrassed that they could get so much wrong with this, although I'm sure not for lack of hard work from the devs.
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Jan 1, 2020
Honestly RT is overrated imo.
It's nice to play around with for 10 mins, but once you actually start playing the game, you won't really pay attention to it anymore and it won't be that noticeable. I'd rather have a higher/smoother framerate and resolution then.
Kinda felt the same about Miles Morales: the RT looks great, when you actually pay attention to it. But once you're in the fast paced gameplay, it's just not worth it anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Guess I'll just get the PS4 Version and play it in BC mode? Looks like I'll get a better experience that way.


Oct 25, 2017
This whole things screams rush job. You're probably better off just playing the original in backwards compatibility until a patch hits.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like the game is in a really bad state for launch.
Hopefully they will be addressing these issues with updates.
It's particularly frustrating when they decided not to release this version of the game on PC too, since these issues are trivially worked around there.

this isn't a great port. Game played much better on my vega 64 + 2700x.
They focused on the wrong upgrades obviously
I've said it before, but the way this game is running - even back when all they did was list the options it would have, several months ago - suggests that these consoles are quite bandwidth-starved compared to what we're used to with PC GPUs of an otherwise similar performance level.
Same thing for RT performance. It will be interesting to see actual benchmarks once the RX 6000 cards are out, but I suspect RT performance on RDNA2 is quite a bit lower than NVIDIA's hardware - which would not be helped by the limited bandwidth.

Won't matter too much if you have VRR.
I mean it will affect RG and exceed timing a bit yeah, but its not the end of the world.
High FPS will be absolutely vital to preserving clean image smoothness on turbo mode. When I look at 60hz captures I make of turbo it looks really bad..
edit there's no VRR? What, why?
You don't want a game jumping around from 30 FPS to 120 FPS, spending most of its time at the lower end, even with VRR.
Something like 80–110 FPS in the performance mode would be absolutely fine though.

This right here is a case study as to why VRR is important and I really hope the PS5 gets it patched in soon.
I would argue that it's also going to be an example of why enabling VRR alone is not enough - which I assume will be covered in an Xbox follow-up video, if there is one.
VRR is amazing, but it's not magic. You still notice big frame rate drops; it only hides smaller fluctuations.
VRR should be combined with a frame rate limit most of the time. You let it fluctuate a bit, but not wildly.

The other thing to be considered is that you don't need to limit games to 30 or 60 with VRR now.
Rather than limiting cutscenes to 30 FPS, as suggested in the video, you could limit them to 40 FPS with VRR and let them run at 30–40 FPS rather than 30–60 FPS.

Of course when VRR is not available, games should still be targeting 30 FPS or 60 FPS.
You target 30/60/120 with the design, and allow it to breathe by lifting the restriction when VRR is enabled.
But you don't let a 30 FPS game jump up to 120 FPS when you're looking at a wall. You allow it to push to, say, 40% above the target frame rate at most.

VRR doesn't require HDMI 2.1
It needs to support it specifically, but a fair number out there will. It's often under the FreeSync name, but G-Sync is another brand-name for the feature.
FreeSync-over-HDMI and HDMI-VRR are two separate technologies. They are not compatible with one another.
If your display supports FreeSync, but not HDMI-VRR, don't expect it to work with a PlayStation 5.

I had to make another update to the chart since Sony are not launching with VRR support:


- If the game detects your display supports 120Hz, it will ONLY output in the resolutions that the 120Hz mode supports. For example, if you have a 4K TV that does 120Hz in 1080p, you'll never be able to run the game at 4K, only 1080p.

If I'm reading this right, DMC is going to force 120Hz if my TV supports it? I can't opt for the 60fps mode? What?
It should be noted that a 120Hz output is ideal for VRR operation. You want it running at 120Hz even if the game is only running at 30 or 60 (or anywhere between them).
But older TVs were only able to support 120Hz at lower resolutions such as 1440p or 1080p; often without VRR support - so you don't want the game locking things to 120Hz automatically.
Since the PS5 cannot output a 1440p signal, a TV which supports both 4K60 and 1440p120 would currently be locked to 1080p120, since there's no 60Hz option.

It sounds like this is a combination of errors, like the way Sony is handling video outputs, and the limited options provided by the game itself.

Wow. Too many modes, this is so confusing.
It's not that there are too many options, it's that the options they have are very poorly considered/implemented.

Can someone explain the utility of VRR again like I'm 5?
Reposting my response to someone asking why games typically have to run at only 30 or 60 FPS, and how VRR changes that, from a few days ago:

Displays have typically updated at a fixed 60Hz refresh rate.
That means they have to be receive a new image every 1/60th of a second. If the system does not have a new frame ready by then, it must repeat the last.
  • If the game renders at 60 FPS, you have a new frame every single update - which should look very smooth.
  • If the game renders at 45 FPS, you have a new frame at an uneven 1:2 rate - which appears to stutter badly.
  • If the game renders at 30 FPS, you have a new frame every two updates - which should look stutter-free again; but is less smooth than 60.
30 FPS at 60Hz has another potential issue though: frame pacing.
While 30 FPS should ideally be updating every two refreshes, the reality is that those 30 frames may be clustered together or have longer gaps between them. There's a lot of ways that 30 frames can fit into 60 updates.
When they are displayed at an uneven pace, the game also appears to be stuttering because a new frame cannot be displayed until the next refresh is ready - even if it still completes 30 total frames in one second. Frame-pacing issues arguably end up looking more like the next divisor of the refresh rate down: 20 FPS than 30 FPS.

This is where Variable Refresh Rate displays (VRR) come in.
Instead of the game having to run fast enough to sync up exactly to a divisor of the refresh rate (30 FPS or 60 FPS), VRR flips that around.
VRR synchronizes the display's refresh rate to the game's frame rate. It updates the display when the frame is ready.
So if the game is running at 45 FPS, the display is effectively updating at 45Hz - which is perfectly smooth, rather than being displayed at an uneven 1:2 cadence.
If the timing of a frame is slightly off, it's not delayed until the next refresh cycle - it's displayed as soon as it's ready.
This allows the frame rate to be variable without noticeably stuttering - so games which don't perfectly hit their 30/60 FPS target tend to look a lot smoother. It can't fix all causes of stutter, or very sudden and highly variable frame rate changes, but it generally makes games look a lot smoother.

VRR also reduces latency - sometimes considerably.
Because the display updates when the frame is ready, you don't have to queue up (buffer) several frames in advance to ensure that you never miss a refresh, and are never displaying a partially-rendered frame.
Being able to eliminate some of those buffers means there's less of a delay between when a frame was rendered, and when it is displayed.
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Oct 26, 2017
wonder why Capcom didnt just send them the SX version, since that has VRR. I guess Sony has the marketing deal for DMC5?


Oct 27, 2017
Going to be interested to see how all this pans out. I preordered this game digitally, and I have a Sony X900H that can do 4K120, but I was hoping I'd be able to mess around with different modes and see how they all stack up.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
It's so soon since the last gen version came out and this seems so heavy with compromises. I was always a bit dubious when I heard that the quality mode had to be 1080p(!) but I can't fathom buying this now.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
So with games like this that have unstable 60 and a 120fps mode, is it possible to run it at the 120fps mode on a 60hz TV and get locked 60fps?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so thankful for the fan mods. This is like a Dragon Quest XI S situation for PC owners.