Oct 25, 2017
When it comes to FPSs I don't ever want to play with PC players. Console-only matchmaking needs to be a thing yesterday.

Apex Legends separates console and PC players in matchmaking, and forces console players into PC matchmaking only if they decide to play with another PC player. That's the way Warzone should handle it.
MCC does just fine with PC/Xbox. You can match by input method (kb/m only or gamepad only), you can use kb/m on console, and Halo's generous aim assist and magnetism often gives gamepad players an advantage over all but the best kb/m players.


Feb 28, 2019
Cheating is not specific to pc
That's not the problem here...
Most cheating claims in FPS games are people comming to reddit or twitter and complain about getting killed in a way they cant explain. most of the time its a simple explanation though.
the opponent knows the game better and is general is better at the game.
but people nowadays barely except better players and rather call them cheaters. (especially with crossplay where console players have PC pros that flick shot them due to a more precise input method)
with so many people claiming that they have been killed by hackers (in many FPSs and not just Warzone) on reddit and so on without any evidence or a video that barely shows anything, you get the general impression that its flooded with hackers while cheaters actually are just half as big of a problem as people make it out to be.
In Warzone in a few hundred hours of playtime I met maybe 2-3 hackers which werent 100% proofable though.
In PUBG back then I met 1-2 obvious hackers (that killed the whole lobby from the pther wnd of the map) in 600 hours.
In EFT in 300 hours I have yet to meet a obvious hacker.

Obviously they are there and more prominent on PC and thus via crossplay reach also consoles.
But hackers are nowhere near as big of a problem as reddit and others make it out to be.
The truth is in the middle. When you are good and knows the game very well, you just are better than rookie cheater, especially if you play in a good team.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Cheating exists within the console space, but it occurs more often on PC. You might as well minimize the number of cheaters console players have to play by adding an option to opt-in cross play with PC players.

Saying cheating exists on console or isn't specific to PC is rather useless information. It is already known and you're not really making a point.

Not you

Oct 27, 2017
That's not the problem here...

The truth is in the middle. When you are good and knows the game very well, you just are better than rookie cheater, especially if you play in a good team.

Very rarely do you see people actually kill a hacker. Typically, they are terrible with awful movement, but they routinely kill the best players, and their entire squad. One aim botter does this, and it's easy. There simply isn't a good counter to someone who walls and can laser you from across the map.

I suck at warzone, and I've even seen a sharp uptick in cheaters. The only reason I play with PC people is because my squad is mixed between consoles. If that wasn't the case I'd never play with the PC base.

That option will never exist. The PC segment would die almost instantly without the console base, and Activision wants to sell their battlepasses and money is all they really care about.


May 3, 2021
Crossplay isn't the reason the game is overrun with cheaters, how about they address that instead? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Disabling crossplay for PC players would bring CoD back to the dark days of not being able to find any matches. Please no.


Jul 21, 2018
Just give people the option to block PC crossplay if they want and implement anti cheat software
Oct 28, 2017
When we played Warzone, we had 1 friend that was on Xbox. If you want to play with Xbox Players, you HAVE to play with PC Players too! So when we weren't playing with him, we would all turn off crossplay so that we would only play with PS4 Players.

Turning on Crossplay, turns on playing with Both Xbox and PC Players, there is no either/or. We just seemed to find so many questionable kills when we played with Crossplay on (this would involve continuing to watch the person who killed you, then noticing there are a lot of people watching this same person, then noticing them making ridiculous kills and one shots, it was crazy. Sure, there are a lot of cheaters on Consoles, but there are so many more cheating resources and tech on PC and they are very easy to implement.


Oct 25, 2017
the amount of crying in this thread. Bet 98/100 times yall just getting wrekt.


Nov 6, 2017
I never wanted crossplay with pc anyway

the inherent mouse advantage is too stupidly good and the cheating is too much. Last time i played warzone I somehow made it to top 3, and died to a hacker. As someone who doesnt play that well, it sucked

If its not the stressful sbmm, the hacking will sour u completely
I 1v1'd a gamepad player on Blops 3 with m/kb awhile back and I did not do very well, considering the supposed advantage. And when we tried the same thing on a game without aim assist it was complete annihilation. The gamepad player did not even get a single kill. So I don't think the inherent advantages of the control method overcome the benefits of aim assist until you reach the upper echelon of PC players (basically eSports/streamer tier). But if people think I'm wrong and I'm just horrible with a mouse it's an easy experiment to replicate.

Future anti cheat has to be heuristics / AI based, because the client based solutions will no longer work. The cheats are too numerous and sophisticated. And this probably won't happen until cheating starts to affect console games.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who knows my posts knows I'm a huge supporter of crossplay, but at the same time, we know cheats are much easier to access on PC than they are on console. Console-only crossplay should always be an option to limit the effect of cheats for console players.

hope Activision implements this. Stuff like hackers/cheaters seriously hurt multiplayer games in the long run


Oct 27, 2017
People saying that mentioning console cheating is gas lighting, then why is the Cronus Zen constantly sold out, the next batch you can preorder is due in October or you can grab via scalping price on ebay...


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
People on cheat consoles since as early as I can remember. Pretty much go to any cod that isn't the current one and you'll hack lobbies every five seconds. The problem has very little to do with who's doing them but rather the lack of moderation and anti cheat by Raven/Activision. Of course the majority hackers are on pc but they've already found way to get walls and aim assist on consoles.
The problem is it's infinitely easier to cheat on PC, compared to console where it's virtually a non issue.


Oct 25, 2017
I will say some people do sound the hacker alarm easy - I get called a hacker sometimes because I snipe when I'm just a scrub console player who still hasn't hit first place in BR - but there are countless clips showing blatant aim botting. Activision needs to listen to these cries, but seeing how many issues there this are with bugs and weapon balance, I don't have much of a hope if the that sweet BP, blueprint and skin money is still coming in.

Not you

Oct 27, 2017
I 1v1'd a gamepad player on Blops 3 with m/kb awhile back and I did not do very well, considering the supposed advantage. And when we tried the same thing on a game without aim assist it was complete annihilation. The gamepad player did not even get a single kill. So I don't think the inherent advantages of the control method overcome the benefits of aim assist until you reach the upper echelon of PC players (basically eSports/streamer tier). But if people think I'm wrong and I'm just horrible with a mouse it's an easy experiment to replicate.

Future anti cheat has to be heuristics / AI based, because the client based solutions will no longer work. The cheats are too numerous and sophisticated. And this probably won't happen until cheating starts to affect console games.

CQC is fairly even, I feel between m/k and controller. At range, controlling recoil, 360s/checking flanks, flicking to targets, not to mention higher framerates, fovs, etc, and it's a sizable advantage using a k/m.

All that I can live with, but to those who suggest cheating isn't that bad, check any content creator on youtube, I bet there are several videos in the past month almost entirely dedicated to cheaters, and they're all saying it's getting worse. It's immediately apparent when someone's cheating. I get outplayed all the time, and that's ggs, but most cheaters are not subtle.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The moment they add console only cross play is an admitting that there is a problem.


Oct 27, 2017
The way crossplay was handled on modern warfare was the same shit and it's why I ended up leaving it disabled. I don't get why they couldn't allow console only as a choice. I wanted to play with my fiends on ps4 but could only do so on my xbox by also playing with pc gamers despite the insane advantages they get from that platform. It's honestly ridiculous that people don't understand why console gamers want the choice to avoid pc gamers on matches and if that sucks for pc gamers then it's hardly console gamers fault that Activision can't fix the issues that are worse from pc gamers.


Nov 1, 2017
Cross play is great but for lot of games, I want the option for console vs pc crossplay. Lot of games PC players just have so many advantages, I would love crossplay for consoles only and PC being a toggle really. While in some games crossplay between platforms clearly doesn't matter, but in games like COD and lot of shooters, PC players have too many advantages.


Jan 6, 2020
I'm not huge on multiplayer games, but I did like Warzone. In the end, dropped it completely because of this. I'll take cross-gen only if optional, otherwise hard pass.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the main reason my crew and I ditched warzone. I remember being inside the tower at prison and having a kid outside one shot me from a mile away. Too many situations like that pop up in that game. Console only cross play would be real nice but I think it may be too little, too late for us


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
[laughs in Cronus Zen]

YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO OWN A PERIPHERAL to do this that, which while not difficult, Still automatically makes the barrier to entry for cheating MILES higher lol. Do you personally own anybody who owns one of these things? How many of your joe blow console playing friends even know this EXISTS?

meanwhile, on pc

community manager for x game: we have banned 50,000 cheaters this month and will ban another 50,000 next month please be patient while we try to somehow make this shit bearable


Oct 25, 2017
I just wish there was a better solution to this problem than "let the PC players suffer on their own." Because that's kind of what it feels like people are saying when they push for taking PC players out of crossplay. So what about the players on PC? Fuck em?


Oct 25, 2017
There is more than rough ps4/Xbox one , PS5/Series X players were we can safely cut out the PC player base.

Imo, basically sacrificing the pc community because the multi billion company is unable to solve the issue is the lazy way out. They should invest in better anti cheat and ways to ban cheaters instead of basically saying fuck you to the pc community.
Oct 25, 2017
That $100 peripheral that is out of stock vs a piece of software.

................Comparable for sure.

I just wish there was a better solution to this problem than "let the PC players suffer on their own." Because that's kind of what it feels like people are saying when they push for taking PC players out of crossplay. So what about the players on PC? Fuck em?

I'm sorry, but that is PC. You get a PC, you know what you are getting yourself into.

In an ideal world, cheating would be fixed.

But with the nature of PC, anyone can cheat. Its just a piece of software you download and thats it.

No point in dragging down everyone. Just cut off PC and let console players actually have fun.
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Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I just wish there was a better solution to this problem than "let the PC players suffer on their own." Because that's kind of what it feels like people are saying when they push for taking PC players out of crossplay. So what about the players on PC? Fuck em?

Unfortunately, yes.

The alternative is 'fuck console players' and there are a LOT more console players than PC players.

NO console game should have forced cross play with an open platform that has a widespread cheating problem. Most developers know this, no idea why Warzone would force console players to play with PC players.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm torn on this. I play Warzone at least 5 days a week, so I'm very vested in this game.

The cheating sucks. Especially if you go through most of a match just fine and run into a cheater towards the end game. There goes 20 minutes (and possibly a great match) wasted. There are a ton of cheaters too.

On the other side, I play on PC (with a controller) and are often playing with friends who play on Xbox.

Would it be worth it to give up the benefits of playing on PC to get rid of the majority of cheaters? Maybe, I would certainly miss the high frame rate and FOV on PC though…

I wish they could just get their shit together on identifying and dealing with cheaters because it's the biggest issue in Warzone.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
Cronus devices having 6+ month waiting lists for years straight shows it's also much more common than people think on console as well.
It's a niche device at best. They probably don't even manufacture that many of them.

Cheating is way way worse on pc, which as an open platform and doesn't require a supposedly hard to acquire peripheral lol. Not to mention they aren't explicitly a cheating device, there are probably tons of people just buying them to use their scuff controller on ps5 or whatever. and it's not like they give you aimbots or wallhacks, the two most prominent and blatantly obvious forms of cheating that have infested many PC games.

This should be blatantly obvious.

Like anybody who has played CS go for 10 minutes knows that cheating is a problem on PC


Jan 29, 2019
I just wish there was a better solution to this problem than "let the PC players suffer on their own." Because that's kind of what it feels like people are saying when they push for taking PC players out of crossplay. So what about the players on PC? Fuck em?
I mean, the issue is on that end, why should console players "suffer" because of it? Because for the people who want it left in it sure seems like their answer is fuck console players as long as PC can have healthy lobbies.

U Know Me

Oct 27, 2017
Cronus is bad but I can live with that. Console only crossplay needs to happen and if the pc player base falls apart so be it.


Oct 26, 2017
People saying that mentioning console cheating is gas lighting, then why is the Cronus Zen constantly sold out, the next batch you can preorder is due in October or you can grab via scalping price on ebay...

They're living in the past and still think console is some bastion of a level playing field. Cronus Zen, Strike packs, this new method of cheating using video capture. Go play Siege and past gold rank it's all XIM and Cronus.

The solution as always is for activision to actually pay up for some good anti cheat. Disabling crossplay is just going to let the console cheaters continue to get away with it because theirs aren't as obvious as someone lasering you from across the map through a wall, but just as effective at screwing the fair play for everyone.


Nov 2, 2017
For those saying that cheating is not exclusive, you are right. However it seem like 90% of the blatant cases are. I would celebrate as an xbox player if they gave us an option for cross play. I can post countless shared video of cheating I have saved. It is out of control and ruins the game. As soon as there is an alternative I can convince my group to play instead, we are gone.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Crossplay should always be optional and set to off by default. If the userbase gets so low it impacts match making then they can update the default to on.


Oct 25, 2017
lol, how do you even know if somebody is cheating? Where is the video evidence that cheating is a major issue in Warzone? Is it something blatantly obvious, or is it somebody losing a gunfight and claiming that their opponent was cheating?

insert joke about how console players use aim assist

I play on PC and I haven't really noticed this as being much of an issue, and I play a fair amount so I wonder how rampant it actually is.
Probably not rampant at all.

A lot of gamers are quick to jump to accusations of cheating when anybody kills them.

For instance, Battlefield V on PC has mixed reviews, with most negative reviews being about rampant cheaters. I didn't encounter any cheaters while playing. In fact, I've got a friend who took it upon himself to test out a review that claimed the game had no form of anticheat by cheating himself, and he was banned the same day.

Meanwhile, in my first game of Battlefield 1 which has very positive reviews on Steam, I encountered a player who was invisible and one-tapping everybody from across the map. He was literally admitting to cheating in chat and went 80-0 or something dumb.
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Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the issue is on that end, why should console players "suffer" because of it? Because for the people who want it left in it sure seems like their answer is fuck console players as long as PC can have healthy lobbies.
This makes it sound like every person who plays COD on PC is a cheater or actively wants the cheating which is obviously not true.

My point in all this is that I feel like there has to be a better solution than one part of the community getting fucked over somehow and "anti cheat just isn't viable" doesn't really cut it for me. Seeing a lot of "it just can't be done" without any actual explanation. Why have all the complaints lately been about cheaters in Warzone and not Fortnite or Apex? Is it really as simple as "everyone who plays those games turns the crossplay toggle off?"


Oct 28, 2017
Crossplay with PC in a PvP Mode is a terrible Idea. It should be always possible to just play with other Consoles


Alt Account
Feb 12, 2019
You can already disable cross play.
Try and queue for a match after you do it though. Every time I've tried it simply won't even find a match, and it nags you constantly to turn it back on.
It's fucked


Oct 25, 2017
People saying that mentioning console cheating is gas lighting, then why is the Cronus Zen constantly sold out, the next batch you can preorder is due in October or you can grab via scalping price on ebay...


It's fairly obvious no one here has played Siege on console in order to see the Cronus in all its glory.