
Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I never said I wasn't lazy. I am. Maybe some day you can fill me in on all the social good you do so I can follow your example and learn to better attack anonymous people online. I hope to get to your level someday.


I think you do that already in a not so subtle passive aggressive turd version


Nov 6, 2017
It's going to end in a massive constitutional crisis and likely violence.

It should be more than a protest.

Yes it will. The violence is obviously an issue but sweeping government reform would be immediate. I feel Trump may almost single-handedly invoke the 2nd American Revolution. Obviously followed there after by the 2nd American Civil War... I'm not a fan of either idea but our current track was completely unsustainable.


Oct 27, 2017
User has been warned for: derailing thread, antagonizing posters
I think you do that already in a not so subtle passive aggressive turd version

So, I make a message on a MESSAGE board that someone doesn't like. I get called a ignorant lazy-o by another poster with a stick up his ass and I'm somehow in the wrong.

*Thumbs up*

Apparently, you can't take the "Gaf" out of some posters.

...Add another for the "Ignore" list


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't Deutsche Bank based in Germany? Shouldn't be a problem unless they want this investigation to span the entirety of the western world. I'm pretty sure the UK is already involved to a limited extent.
It is based in Germany but it has several operations in the United States. I used to work at one.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Trump's gonna fire Mueller.

Saturday Night Massacre Redux.
It's actually pretty unclear if Trump can do that. The special council (at least the current one) was created by a law. Even though Mueller is contracted by the Justice Dept on paper Mueller could actually get an injunction to stop Trump if he tries to fire him. The Republicans in Congress claim that it would never come to that because they would immediately reinstate Mueller as special council under Congress but those guys are full of shit, all we'll get from them is more frowny faces.


Oct 25, 2017
So, I make a message on a MESSAGE board that someone doesn't like. I get called a ignorant lazy-o by another poster with a stick up his ass and I'm somehow in the wrong.

*Thumbs up*

Apparently, you can't take the "Gaf" out of some posters.

...Add another for the "Ignore" list

Ah, can finally see why you think nothing will happen. Your projection is as strong as Trump's.


Oct 28, 2017
So does George Clooney play mueller in this upcoming film? I think it will be a good fit. We already have Baldwin.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes it will. The violence is obviously an issue but sweeping government reform would be immediate. I feel Trump may almost single-handedly invoke the 2nd American Revolution. Obviously followed there after by the 2nd American Civil War... I'm not a fan of either idea but our current track was completely unsustainable.
History is full of "corrective actions". Usually a small amount of violence is always involved, even in generally peaceful corrective actions. But sometimes the corrective actions are suppressed so hard they erupt into mass violence.

Russian interference, the death throes of net neutrality, the formation of Trump's personal gestapo, the looming student debt crisis, the destruction of healthcare, the opiod epidemic.

It's all leading to an explosion of violence and strife. But there is still time to defuse, but I worry about something triggering it like a natural disaster tipping the scales.


Oct 25, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.
Two guilty please and two indictments are a whole lot of nothing.


Nov 6, 2017
History is full of "corrective actions". Usually a small amount of violence is always involved, even in generally peaceful corrective actions. But sometimes the corrective actions are suppressed so hard they erupt into mass violence.

Russian interference, the death throes of net neutrality, the formation of Trump's personal gestapo, the looming student debt crisis, the destruction of healthcare, the opiod epidemic.

It's all leading to an explosion of violence and strife. But there is still time to defuse, but I worry about something triggering it like a natural disaster tipping the scales.

A natural disaster is the least of our worries.
An unauthorized war, resulting in protests, which in turn prompt the issuance of martial law is the end effect.

Scenario, Mueller closes in and moves to indict Trump.
Trump, moves to engage North Korea in response to "threat" and claims indictment hampers war efforts. Results in dismissals.
Protests erupt, with a Martial law response occurring. Thus more protests and violence.

Similar circumstances lead to a similar outbreak of violence.
Basically this on a WIDE WIDE Scale.

Freedom Riders were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States, in 1961 and subsequent years, in order to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Court decisions Morgan v. Virginia (1946) and Boynton v. Virginia (1960),[3] which ruled that segregated public buses were unconstitutional.[4] The Southern states had ignored the rulings and the federal government did nothing to enforce them. The first Freedom Ride left Washington, D.C., on May 4, 1961,[5]and was scheduled to arrive in New Orleans on May 17.[6]

Boynton outlawed racial segregation in the restaurants and waiting rooms in terminals serving buses that crossed state lines.[7][page needed] Five years prior to the Boynton ruling, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) had issued a ruling in Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company (1955) that had explicitly denounced the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) doctrine of separate but equal in interstate bus travel. The ICC failed to enforce its ruling, and Jim Crow travel laws remained in force throughout the South.[citation needed]

The Freedom Riders challenged this status quo by riding interstate buses in the South in mixed racial groups to challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation in seating. The Freedom Rides, and the violent reactions they provoked, bolstered the credibility of the American Civil Rights Movement. They called national attention to the disregard for the federal law and the local violence used to enforce segregation in the southern United States. Police arrested riders for trespassing, unlawful assembly, and violating state and local Jim Crow laws, along with other alleged offenses, but they often first let white mobs attack them without intervention.

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) sponsored most of the subsequent Freedom Rides, but some were also organized by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). The Freedom Rides followed dramatic sit-ins against segregated lunch counters, conducted by students and youth throughout the South, and boycotts of retail establishments that maintained segregated facilities, beginning in 1960.

The Supreme Court's decision in Boynton supported the right of interstate travelers to disregard local segregation ordinances. Southern local and state police considered the actions of the Freedom Riders to be criminal and arrested them in some locations. In some localities, such as Birmingham, Alabama, the police cooperated with Ku Klux Klan chapters and other white people opposing the actions and allowed mobs to attack the riders.

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Why do I get the vibe Kushner got that loan for something expecting Trump to lose

now they're all screwed


Oct 28, 2017
At this point with the GOP officially supporting a pedophile would they even care if Trump was guilty short of full blown treason? Money laundering is probably a lesser crime than fucking a 14 year old.

I can't wait to see the results of this.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point with the GOP officially supporting a pedophile would they even care if Trump was guilty short of full blown treason? Money laundering is probably a lesser crime than fucking a 14 year old.

I can't wait to see the results of this.
It's all about proof. That said, Repubs should never be expected to do anything that may hurt their election chances unless it personally benefits them.

Taurus Silver

Big ol' Nerd
Oct 29, 2017
At this point with the GOP officially supporting a pedophile would they even care if Trump was guilty short of full blown treason? Money laundering is probably a lesser crime than fucking a 14 year old.

I can't wait to see the results of this.

They probably wouldn't even care about full blown treason. It's party over country every fucking time with the GOP.


Oct 25, 2017
It's all about proof. That said, Repubs should never be expected to do anything that may hurt their election chances unless it personally benefits them.
The diehards will never waiver. This is all about the middle third. It still makes me sick to my stomach that a good third of this country is officially okay with a fucking pedophile though.


Oct 25, 2017
So what happens if Millionaires and Billionaires accumulate more debt than actual money and assets they have anyway?

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.

There will be no "Finishing Blow"

Trump will die a death of a thousand cuts. It will be MANY things that take him down rather than any one thing in particular.
Oct 25, 2017
It's actually pretty unclear if Trump can do that. The special council (at least the current one) was created by a law. Even though Mueller is contracted by the Justice Dept on paper Mueller could actually get an injunction to stop Trump if he tries to fire him. The Republicans in Congress claim that it would never come to that because they would immediately reinstate Mueller as special council under Congress but those guys are full of shit, all we'll get from them is more frowny faces.

I don't recall any law being passed creating his authority or protecting Mueller. This Vox article doesn't mention it either:

The parallel there is to the Saturday Night Massacre. Similarly, Trump can't fire Mueller directly, but he can keep firing Deputy AGs until he finds someone willing to fire Mueller on his direction.

Trump already mentioned Mueller looking into his finances would be a red line crossed. I'm sure he's fuming at the thought of it. Another Saturday Night Massacre is definitely in play.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
At the least they could easily goad him into saying something incriminating and or stupid just by appealing to his ego, being as easily manipulated as he. This news will flip him into orbit, if he didn't get a heads up already.

And yeah. There's no depth there. He's comically simple. Don't underestimate Trump, though, he's cunning and plays dirty. I don't think he has a low bar.

He just endorsed a literal pedophile for the Senate, so you're right, he doesn't have a low bar.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
I don't recall any law being passed creating his authority or protecting Mueller. This Vox article doesn't mention it either:

The parallel there is to the Saturday Night Massacre. Similarly, Trump can't fire Mueller directly, but he can keep firing Deputy AGs until he finds someone willing to fire Mueller on his direction.

Trump already mentioned Mueller looking into his finances would be a red line crossed. I'm sure he's fuming at the thought of it. Another Saturday Night Massacre is definitely in play.
I'm not up to date, the law expired

I do believe that Mueller would still have the ability to challenge any firing in court unless the Trump admin can demonstrate just cause for termination.


Oct 25, 2017
So, uhh...Trump hasn't tweeted since telling his Minions to watch Fox and Friends about the witch out. I think his attorneys took phone away lol.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point with the GOP officially supporting a pedophile would they even care if Trump was guilty short of full blown treason? Money laundering is probably a lesser crime than fucking a 14 year old.

I can't wait to see the results of this.
The GOP will find a way to handwave this away. Probably some "this makes him smart" crap or something.

The diehards will eat it up, but I hope the mounting pile of evidence that shows that this guy and his entire camp is scum is at least swaying some people.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

Kushner firm's $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day:

What is matter comrade?
Do you not also launder the Russian monies?


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
History is full of "corrective actions". Usually a small amount of violence is always involved, even in generally peaceful corrective actions. But sometimes the corrective actions are suppressed so hard they erupt into mass violence.

Russian interference, the death throes of net neutrality, the formation of Trump's personal gestapo, the looming student debt crisis, the destruction of healthcare, the opiod epidemic.

It's all leading to an explosion of violence and strife. But there is still time to defuse, but I worry about something triggering it like a natural disaster tipping the scales.

Those all seem like pretty unrelated things to me, none of which would appear to lead directly to violence except for the formation of Trump's personal gestapo, which I've heard absolutely nothing about and I'm assuming is some wild hyperbole.

There isn't going to be any violent insurrection in the US. The vast majority of people are still way too comfortable and unaffected by most of the issues you've listed.