
Oct 25, 2017
Just to understand the topic: does Deutsche Bank has to hand over the information now? Or is this just Muller asking and they are free to choose?
A subpeona isn't just "asking", it's telling. Even though they're a foreign bank they can still get into it legally if they just ignore.
Anyway, there's no reason for them to not comply. They seem to be quite the dodgy bank so I doubt they want all this scrutiny aimed at them, they'll hand over whatever Mueller wants to get him off their back.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still in utter disbelief that the President has the authority to fire someone who's looking into illegal matters with which he's involved. It's so fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
But Trump said don't look into his finances! Lol

Man this shit is heating up like crazy. Assembling an investigation team filled with experts in all these different fields is really starting to pay off now.

Deleted member 1759

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just to understand the topic: does Deutsche Bank has to hand over the information now? Or is this just Muller asking and they are free to choose?
The Guardian is reporting that the information has already been handed over
Donald Trump's personal banking information has formally been turned over to Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor who is investigating whether the president's campaign conspired with the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential election.

Red Cadet 015

Oct 27, 2017
Can someone explain the jurisdiction rules w/r/t to w US Court issuing a subpoena to a foreign bank? And can Trump replace these judges that have been cooperating with Mueller?
Isn't Deutsche Bank based in Germany? Shouldn't be a problem unless they want this investigation to span the entirety of the western world. I'm pretty sure the UK is already involved to a limited extent.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still in utter disbelief that the President has the authority to fire someone who's looking into illegal matters with which he's involved. It's so fucked up.

Well technically he can't. Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General would have to do that, since Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. Trump would have to fire Rosenstein, and try to find a new Deputy AG who would be willing to fire Mueller.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Well technically he can't. Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General would have to do that, since Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. Trump would have to fire Rosenstein, and try to find a new Deputy AG who would be willing to fire Mueller.
Oh, okay. At least there's a buffer. I just can't see him not going that route, though. As transparent and stupid as it is.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure any after-the-fact chasing off his financial accounts/dealings will have been gotten to via third-parties if it exposes them (or their interests). Especially should Trump have been too complacent to do so himself. I wouldn't expect anything major to be found.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.

When did anyone say this is the finishing blow? I understand being pessimistic but c'monnnnnnn

Red Cadet 015

Oct 27, 2017
Trump said in a NYT interview last summer that if Mueller delved into his finances in the course of his investigation that he would consider it a "violation". Guess we'll see how he addresses it soon lol

If he did, it would be even more evidence of obstruction of justice. He straight up said it right there. It wasn't even mealy mouthed "Trump speak" like the Lester Holt interview.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Well technically he can't. Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General would have to do that, since Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. Trump would have to fire Rosenstein, and try to find a new Deputy AG who would be willing to fire Mueller.
Yeah it would be difficult at least. Although they already did it to Comey.
Oct 30, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.

Watergate investigation began in 1972, Nixon resigned in 1974. These things take time.


Oct 25, 2017
I like watching the idiots on Twitter who are like "What so now its GERMAN collusion!?"


Oct 25, 2017
Trump said that "red line" garbage in July, but the investigation has progressed a lot further since then, with four indictments and clearly more to come. There's no way to end the investigation without it clearly being obstruction now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.

Go away. It's ridiculous how folks like you are so ignorant, choose to make these dumb and worthless comments instead of educating yourself on what happens when special investigations of this manner take place. Instead you go the 'noting will happen' angle displaying you're either lazy or simply choose to stay ignorant.


Oct 25, 2017
...and nothing will come of it. The coming week will reveal yet another "finishing blow" that fizzles out in favor of the next turn of the news cycle.

Move along...we have more deplorable legislature to ram down the citizenry's throat.

These nothingburger posts always fill me with warm fuzzy feelings.

Oh, okay. At least there's a buffer. I just can't see him not going that route, though. As transparent and stupid as it is.

Saturday Night Massacre comes to mind:

Will we get sequel soon or attempt of?


Oct 26, 2017
I want nothing more then to see Trump penniless and broke.

Seeing a prick like him lose the most important thing to him (his illusion of wealth) would make me so happy.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Good morning, sunshine! Your response seems a little aggressive in relation to what I said. It's cool though, we all have bad days.

Nice try. Your 'nothing will happen' statement displays what I said. Chosen ignorance or simple laziness. That you deem 4 indictments 'nothing' speaks volumes. That you deem a special council and investigation 'nothing' speaks volumes. That you deem two individuals including a previous National Security Advisor taking a plea deal and working with the special council as 'nothing' speaks volumes.

As I said. Ignorance or laziness.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it would be difficult at least. Although they already did it to Comey.

True, but Trump was able to do that without any input; there are more steps to firing Mueller than Trump sending a letter to an empty office, which is what was done with Comey. And of course, it was firing Comey that gave birth to the Mueller investigation in the first place. I'm not sure if any Deputy AG, no matter how loyal to Trump, would want to make that mistake again. I'm also pretty sure that at this point, Mueller most likely has an INCREDIBLE "Dead Man's Switch" set up, in the event that he does get fired.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe the Republicans will shield Trump from impeachment, but Mueller will tear his businesses to the ground.

Even if Mueller gets fired, the NY AG has an ax to grind and will probably hire him on.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
there is nothing to prevent him from being indicted on criminal charges. Do you think the GOP want to own the first sitting president to govern from a jail cell?
It's going to end in a massive constitutional crisis and likely violence.

It should be more than a protest.

Taurus Silver

Big ol' Nerd
Oct 29, 2017

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
I will say it before, and I will say it again, the 2018 mid-term elections are going to be a turning point in this country, for better.....or worse.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I never said I wasn't lazy. I am. Maybe some day you can fill me in on all the social good you do so I can follow your example and learn to better attack anonymous people online. I hope to get to your level someday.


I specifically mentioned not educating yourself which comes down to laziness. Thanks for proving me right since it seems you didn't even read the original post I made in response to you.