
Nov 20, 2017
Paying 70 for this game is a joke and it's a bigger joke I have to go on twitter to see the rest of the tutorial.

The game is enjoyable because I miss twisted metal but it's incredibly half bake for a 70 dollar game.


People really can't get over that initial price tag, shit is so tiring to read.

I can't help but assume that the old price has colored some of these impressions. Yes, this current version of the game is not worth full price, but it's a pretty good value as an essentially free to play experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly great concept but it doesn't gel for me. Takes forever to find an enemy vehicle and then even when I hit one, it doesn't feel good at all. Doesn't feel destructive or anything. Meh. Glad it came to PS+ for a try.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
I mean it's an arena car destruction game. I don't know what some were expecting after they finally showed more of the game. Imo, it shouldn't have been a $70 game if it were strictly an arena game, but that's on the suits. It would have screwed this game if it didn't launch on +.

Yeah, it's an arcade destruction derby so I wasn't really expecting a ton of complexity (although this is what the hero system tries to do) or something super competitive like Rocket League, so in that regard it's pretty mindless fun.. but the current state of the game is not going to retain players for long even if it is free via PS+, and this is where my complaints come filing in that many people share.

- Nothing wrong with the graphics or performance, but there's way too few arenas to play in and they all feel the same.

- The initial hero offering is quite good and varied for launch however the balance is seemingly pretty bad with some heroes being clearly better than others.

- The single player content is bad and mostly locked behind the paid currency.

- The progression system is very boring and about as unimaginative as you can get, honestly. Having a good progression system is probably the most important factor with retaining players and unlocking 1,000 coins per level to spend on profile customization or lame skins and emotes that don't even look good is not fun and doesn't really give me an incentive to keep grinding.

- Smashing vehicles doesn't always feel good or even impactful. There already seems to be a lame meta of on-foot crystal collecting for your hero vehicle and once that's busted just repeat the process. This is kinda why I like Carnado the best since that forces you ditch your ride in order to score points for your team.

- Gotta throw on a Spotify playlist while playing the game currently since they made the bizarre decision to have games be completely void of any music.

- The combination of arenas being too large, people being on-foot, and lack of music can give the game that boring feel that people have described where if they miss a charge shot they have to drive around and wait for it to regen and then find another opponent.

All of the above can be fixed though, it's just up to the devs how quick and how often they update it and take feedback.


Aug 21, 2018
wellington , new zealand
I think some of the negative reaction is nuts. I love this game. There surly is incoming more drivers with on foot breakers that can punish vehicles, I think there is one atm? And surprised we haven't seen a teleporter.

But yep as a pick up and play distraction this is eating into my fifa time, it's very visceral.

But yeah, matches need some music ASAP


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, it's an arcade destruction derby so I wasn't really expecting a ton of complexity (although this is what the hero system tries to do) or something super competitive like Rocket League, so in that regard it's pretty mindless fun.. but the current state of the game is not going to retain players for long even if it is free via PS+, and this is where my complaints come filing in that many people share.

- Nothing wrong with the graphics or performance, but there's way too few arenas to play in and they all feel the same.

- The initial hero offering is quite good and varied for launch however the balance is seemingly pretty bad with some heroes being clearly better than others.

- The single player content is bad and mostly locked behind the paid currency.

- The progression system is very boring and about as unimaginative as you can get, honestly. Having a good progression system is probably the most important factor with retaining players and unlocking 1,000 coins per level to spend on profile customization or lame skins and emotes that don't even look good is not fun and doesn't really give me an incentive to keep grinding.

- Smashing vehicles doesn't always feel good or even impactful. There already seems to be a lame meta of on-foot crystal collecting for your hero vehicle and once that's busted just repeat the process. This is kinda why I like Carnado the best since that forces you ditch your ride in order to score points for your team.

- Gotta throw on a Spotify playlist while playing the game currently since they made the bizarre decision to have games be completely void of any music.

- The combination of arenas being too large, people being on-foot, and lack of music can give the game that boring feel that people have described where if they miss a charge shot they have to drive around and wait for it to regen and then find another opponent.

All of the above can be fixed though, it's just up to the devs how quick and how often they update it and take feedback.

Fair points. I think they have said more arena's are coming.

I only play online multiplayer, so I can't comment on single player aspects.

The no music thing.. I think it's so you can hear things go on around you. You can hear footsteps, cars approaching, etc. I think they'll add music though, with a slider to turn it down if someone wants.

I think the destruction and crash impact is fine. I think it depends on the angle and speed. I'm pretty good with angling and timing so I cause good crashes. Like someone mentioned a few days ago, I'd like better physics (rag doll?)when players are hit when on foot. It should be dangerous and you should get sent flying far away depending on the hit... if it causes you to be much further to where you were trying to get to, too bad.. that's the chance you take.

As far as the Arena's being too big...they are not that big, imo. But when you get away from the action..I think that's where you're supposed to pick up speed, angle at opposing players. I do wonder if some gamers are too used to instant gratification/action. If you miss a charge shot, pick your shots more wisely next time. You can still cause damage, while it's regenerating. In old Twisted Metal games there were many occasions where you were just by yourself driving with nothing going on. If that happens in an arena, I don't think it's a big deal. Players can just choose to stick with the action, or go build up and return with some momentum. They are only a few secs away.
Last edited:


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Just played for the first time. It has a good base and mindless fun and I'll stick around for a bit. After Astro's and Demon's Souls I played my backlog of PS4 games before this. The haptics and resistance triggers were sorely missed and Destruction Allstars uses them so well. It feels so good to play because of the dualsense. My daughter just woke up so I had to rock her back to sleep but I'm about to head back on!


Oct 28, 2017
Why this game has no music while playing boggles the mind. It's just so dull without it. Really strange decision.


Nov 1, 2017
So yeah.. just lost a game where I did the most damage, had the most ko's, and the least deaths.

1st place: 1200 damage, 1 KO, 2 deaths
2nd place (ME): 1700 damage, 9 KO (no one else had more than 5), 0 deaths (only player with zero deaths)
3rd place: 1400 damage, 5 KO, 2 deaths

Not only should I have easily won, but 3rd place should of been over the person who actually won. The complete lack of any consistency really pulls me out of the game, I think it's already been relegated to "screw around for a few minutes" rather than actually trying to win type of game.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
So yeah.. just lost a game where I did the most damage, had the most ko's, and the least deaths.

1st place: 1200 damage, 1 KO, 2 deaths
2nd place (ME): 1700 damage, 9 KO (no one else had more than 5), 0 deaths (only player with zero deaths)
3rd place: 1400 damage, 5 KO, 2 deaths

Not only should I have easily won, but 3rd place should of been over the person who actually won. The complete lack of any consistency really pulls me out of the game, I think it's already been relegated to "screw around for a few minutes" rather than actually trying to win type of game.
It took me only like 50+ games to discover that theres 2× orbs in Mayhem 🤦‍♂️
The 2x orbs are the reason... and the reason I'm staying away from Mayhem. I'm loving Carnado though!
May 22, 2018
I have a question; Is it possible to abandon daily challenges? I have two dailies involving 5 takeovers with one character and 5 wreckovers with another. I'd rather not do these if possible.

If I have to do them, what's the best way to do it? I've never bothered with this aspect of the game, so I don't know if a certain mode is best or if your special speeds up the process of a takeover.


Oct 28, 2017
I have a question; Is it possible to abandon daily challenges? I have two dailies involving 5 takeovers with one character and 5 wreckovers with another. I'd rather not do these if possible.

If I have to do them, what's the best way to do it? I've never bothered with this aspect of the game, so I don't know if a certain mode is best or if your special speeds up the process of a takeover.
These are some of the worst mechanics in the game imo. If you try to wreckover or takeover anyone who knows what they're doing you fail 100% of the time because all they need to do is wiggle the left stick.

Adding to this I'm in Australia so I only get Japan, Europe and US Central servers to choose from so there is always lag. This means any takeover/wreckover attempt has the other player starting with a half complete bar to shake me off so it is impossible.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
If I have to do them, what's the best way to do it? I've never bothered with this aspect of the game, so I don't know if a certain mode is best or if your special speeds up the process of a takeover.

At the start. Don't rush to one of the vehicles in front of you, let someone get in front and then jump on it after them. It's my preferred way to start in general.
Apr 11, 2018
I've played like 10 hours or so, and I frankly love this game. I think there are some problems, sure (like I can't play the best two modes in a party with my friends???)

But I think the foundation and core of this game is strong enough that if they do some minor tweaks, and some additions down the line - it's going to be a great game period


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
I get consistently into the top 3 in mayhem now. they need to tune the game here and there but the core is great. they need to do something about the on foot melee though, you can´t aim very well and more often than not you are missing the opponent. and the game needs more punch when you are going KO, it is strangely muted when this is the case.

the game is surely far from being "a very bad game". and the lack of music doesn´t bother me at all, if you are playing this as intended you are rushing the whole round anyways, couldn´t care less if there is music or not tbh.

people can easily turn on spotify if they want music to this.

this is an entertaining game for 1-2 hrs here and there.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm quite enjoying my limited time with it. Have a 6month old child so quite enjoying being able to pick it up for 15minutes at a time. I agree that the arenas seem a touch too big but I think over time with additional content etc this game could be excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It's really not fun.

Like I said before, there is something good here but I can't fathom how the mechanics that are in the game ended up being final.

It's like they wanted to make a car battle game but at some point forced this idea of running around on foot so they could make it a hero character game. If this game was 100% driving, I think I'd be having a blast. Driving feels good. Wrecking another player is rewarding. But there is absolutely nothing fun about running around the arena to collect gems with bad platform mechanics while spinning the camera around to make sure you don't get run over.

Not only were Geometry Wars and Project Gotham two of the best franchises of the 360/PS3 gen, Blur was probably one of my top 10 favorite games of that gen. My hopes were so high for this.


Oct 28, 2017
I've tried a few times now to get into this.

It's bad. It's a very bad video game. I was so excited for this given who was behind it.

Seems like it's not clicking for you. I think you're just wasting your time now... you shouldn't waste your gaming time on very bad videogames imo. So many other games to play. ✌🏾


Nov 5, 2017
I've been having a blast with it the past couple of days. The core game is pretty good, it just needs to be tweaked here and there, which I'm sure they'll do as this kind of game always changes a lot over time. Reaction seems mixed, but this has an audience for sure and I'm excited about where this might go.

My main gripe is the leveling system, they really need to make that more interesting.

Also the first game where I've noticed people seem to use the new 'accolade' system.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
I've put 15 hours into this and each one has been more enjoyable than the last. I'm at peace with what this game wants to be and is now.

You can see there are already other modes waiting in the wings. I reckon the next one they add to multiplayer is likely to be Transporter from Ultimo's story type thing. Competitive Crazy Taxi? It would be rude not to.


Oct 28, 2017
Sure. But I was looking forward to this. So I'm going to join go discussion about how bad it is.

If that's how you want to spend your time, go ahead. 😂

The game is not going to drastically change.. they had a vision, and this is their game. Sure I'd love another Dark Gritty Twisted Metal game... or a Motorstorm game.. or a Jet Moto game...but what I want from studios isn't gonna happen.

They are not gonna turn it strictly into a driving game.

I trust they'll improve it, and expand what is already there.


Oct 29, 2017
Its got potential but the game isn't for me in the long run. I might jump in occasionally but this is the same situation as On-Rush. The idea is fine and game looks fun but once you start playing for a bit the whole thing just kinda leaves no real impression. Also like everyone else, the no music in matches is Soooooooooo weird and draining to the experience.

I love the characters and cars though, really sucks this game isn't better.


Oct 29, 2017
I really liked it at first, but the more I play, the more apparent the games flaws become to me. Like there's a genuine problem with balance. For example, there's a character who's ability is to lay flames, which damages every player who crosses it, stacking up lots of damage, compared to another whose ability is to smoke the enemy's screen and that's it. This wouldn't be a problem if scoring wasn't based on damage.

Or what about the start of matches? Is there a way to be the first to enter cars, can you actually press or do something to overtake the others? Or is the whole running and jumping sequence completely random?

Another thing is the badges you get at the end of the match. I literally spend the match smashing into everyone, taking every small chance to cause damage to another player and I get labelled as a "Procrastinator". It feels like a personal "next time, try doing something for a change you fucking noob" from the game.

Things like this, coupled with the horrible traversal mechanics make it look like the whole "running around on foot" aspect was shoehorned into the game late in development, (even if this isn't the truth) and is too big of a focus.

I'm not saying I won't play now and then -because driving around and smashing things does feel good-, but focus should be like this: 10% walking on foot 90% driving cars instead of the current 40-60 split.

Maybe the game needed a bit more time. Hopefuly they'll be able to fix some of these stuff in the long run, because I was really hyped to actually have a proper online MP game on PS5.


Nov 5, 2017
Has anyone figured out what the hidden gems do? Seems every arena has 2 and I'm pretty sure I collected them all but I don't think it did anything? The commentators say you should collect them as they 'might be worth something'.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Or what about the start of matches? Is there a way to be the first to enter cars, can you actually press or do something to overtake the others? Or is the whole running and jumping sequence completely random?

When you hit the ground from the big initial jump, you get a speed boost/roll if you hit circle at the exact moment you land. That's why some people are reaching the cars before you.

Annoyingly, the game never tells you about this mechanic. It's nowhere in the tutorials and I only learned about it from this OT. There's a whole vaulting/rolling/speed boost system when you're on foot that the game doesn't tell you about at all. Someone shared some tweets from a dev about it in here.


Oct 27, 2017
I really liked it at first, but the more I play, the more apparent the games flaws become to me. Like there's a genuine problem with balance. For example, there's a character who's ability is to lay flames, which damages every player who crosses it, stacking up lots of damage, compared to another whose ability is to smoke the enemy's screen and that's it. This wouldn't be a problem if scoring wasn't based on damage.

It really feels like they came up with these abilities for a team-based game. Damage dealer, tank, support. But, in Mayhem it's just FFA. And in other modes, there's 0 need to play together. In fact, I've never seen anyone try to play together. So yeah, you're left with your "support" ability... which is just useless.


Oct 29, 2017
When you hit the ground from the big initial jump, you get a speed boost/roll if you hit circle at the exact moment you land. That's why some people are reaching the cars before you.

Annoyingly, the game never tells you about this mechanic. It's nowhere in the tutorials and I only learned about it from this OT. There's a whole vaulting/rolling/speed boost system when you're on foot that the game doesn't tell you about at all. Someone shared some tweets from a dev about it in here.
Wow! Thanks! (It's kinda baffling to find it out like this though.)

It really feels like they came up with these abilities for a team-based game. Damage dealer, tank, support. But, in Mayhem it's just FFA. And in other modes, there's 0 need to play together. In fact, I've never seen anyone try to play together. So yeah, you're left with your "support" ability... which is just useless.

Yeah, that crossed my mind too. Shame, because I really like Sgt. Rescue's design / hero vehicle.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
It really feels like they came up with these abilities for a team-based game. Damage dealer, tank, support. But, in Mayhem it's just FFA. And in other modes, there's 0 need to play together. In fact, I've never seen anyone try to play together. So yeah, you're left with your "support" ability... which is just useless.

Yes, it's ultimately a hero game like Overwatch and therefore some characters don't work well in solo modes just like you wouldn't play as Mercy in Overwatch deathmatch unless you're looking to do some kind of challenge.

I had a daily challenge for Boxtop to deliver parcels to team mates which is obviously something that isn't going to happen by playing Mayhem. You could win a solo game with Boxtop if you're good enough but he's mainly designed as support character for team modes in a game where you're currently never really playing as a team. Many matches went by where team mates wouldn't pick up the parcels.


Oct 27, 2017
I can see why they thought it was cool to have some focus on your character, because some moments do look cool (ejecting out of a soon-to-explode car just to enter another) but they're so rare that it doesn't justify suffering through all the boring parts on foot. Maybe if they gave you something to feel a part of the match, something that would allow you to shift the balance of the match, even on foot. I know "guns" is usually the go to response to keep the player engaged in gaming, but maybe it would help if you could damage the cars while on foot.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone figured out what the hidden gems do? Seems every arena has 2 and I'm pretty sure I collected them all but I don't think it did anything? The commentators say you should collect them as they 'might be worth something'.

They just unlock icons and banners for your profile. Check the list, there's some locked ones that require 20 gems or so.


Oct 27, 2017
Or what about the start of matches? Is there a way to be the first to enter cars, can you actually press or do something to overtake the others? Or is the whole running and jumping sequence completely random?

The rolling was mentioned already, but also go for the cars at the end of the line. People usually just go for the ones right in the center.

I can't remember the last time I didn't get a car at the start.

Darth Smurf X

Oct 25, 2017
Hoth, WI
Okay. I had the week off work last week due to having saved too much vacation time in 2020 just in case I got sick and needed to use it and that's the end of this prologue.

So, having all this free time, I played Destruction AllStars ALL WEEK. It was great. And the game is lots of fun. In fact, I had so much fun that I gave them $5, since I got the game for free, just to buy one of the Challenge Modes. Also, the game got better once they disabled party chat. While several games had people talking about how much they loved the game and getting excited when they had an epic crash, most of them featured children singing, YouTube videos in the background, pure static and one featured a screaming baby the ENTIRE MATCH and there was no way to mute any of this.

Here's a rundown of the Pros, Cons and things I'd like to see added.

• Fun. Like Rocket League when it launched levels of fun. At least for me.
• It's like if OnRush, Wreckfest and Burnout had a love child.
• The cast of characters is diverse and the vehicle specials are varied and fun to use.
• It's pretty.
• Every mode is fun. My favorite was Gridfall, but then it switched to Stockpile, then Carnado, then Mayhem. I couldn't pick my favorite mode now… they are all great.
• If you love stats… they have every stat.
• Driving feels good and fast like Burnout. And crashes feel impactful. And heart-wrenching when you miss.

• Level variety. It needs more stadiums. I think there are currently 2 per mode. This gets repetitive.
• Bugs. The game has given me several "network" errors out of nowhere, but I'm sure these'll be fixed. And one time my rank wasn't correct until a restart.
• Several of the trophies are controller-shatteringly infuriating. There is one trophy per character and most of them are completely based on luck.
• Announcers get repetitive.
• Can't matchmake into single-player modes with friends.

• Add Playstation IP as DLC. I'd love to see Sweet Tooth added. I'd pay money for this.
• More studiums.
• Team Mayhem.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Okay. I had the week off work last week due to having saved too much vacation time in 2020 just in case I got sick and needed to use it and that's the end of this prologue.

So, having all this free time, I played Destruction AllStars ALL WEEK. It was great. And the game is lots of fun. In fact, I had so much fun that I gave them $5, since I got the game for free, just to buy one of the Challenge Modes. Also, the game got better once they disabled party chat. While several games had people talking about how much they loved the game and getting excited when they had an epic crash, most of them featured children singing, YouTube videos in the background, pure static and one featured a screaming baby the ENTIRE MATCH and there was no way to mute any of this.

Here's a rundown of the Pros, Cons and things I'd like to see added.

• Fun. Like Rocket League when it launched levels of fun. At least for me.
• It's like if OnRush, Wreckfest and Burnout had a love child.
• The cast of characters is diverse and the vehicle specials are varied and fun to use.
• It's pretty.
• Every mode is fun. My favorite was Gridfall, but then it switched to Stockpile, then Carnado, then Mayhem. I couldn't pick my favorite mode now… they are all great.
• If you love stats… they have every stat.
• Driving feels good and fast like Burnout. And crashes feel impactful. And heart-wrenching when you miss.

• Level variety. It needs more stadiums. I think there are currently 2 per mode. This gets repetitive.
• Bugs. The game has given me several "network" errors out of nowhere, but I'm sure these'll be fixed. And one time my rank wasn't correct until a restart.
• Several of the trophies are controller-shatteringly infuriating. There is one trophy per character and most of them are completely based on luck.
• Announcers get repetitive.
• Can't matchmake into single-player modes with friends.

• Add Playstation IP as DLC. I'd love to see Sweet Tooth added. I'd pay money for this.
• More studiums.
• Team Mayhem.
Great post and I agree with most of it.

Team Mayhem would be great and eliminate the 2x points items (remove them for regular Mayhem too).

About PS IPs, at least give the characters themed customization, but additional characters from other PS IPs would be preferable.


Oct 26, 2017
Got the Platinum finally. That was extremely brutal.

The game is.mindless fun though. I really love Ultimo Barricado and shyft


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
When you hit the ground from the big initial jump, you get a speed boost/roll if you hit circle at the exact moment you land. That's why some people are reaching the cars before you.

Annoyingly, the game never tells you about this mechanic. It's nowhere in the tutorials and I only learned about it from this OT. There's a whole vaulting/rolling/speed boost system when you're on foot that the game doesn't tell you about at all. Someone shared some tweets from a dev about it in here.

Ok, this makes sense. But like the Mario Kart start boost lol.


Nov 10, 2017
I find this game like cotton candy. It's intrinsically very fun to crash cars and it feels great to pull off a big hit. But I'm not convinced there's any depth to it, sometimes I win, sometimes I'm near the bottom of the leaderboards. Also the games feel a bit short compared to the time spent matchmaking.

But by far my biggest criticism is the lack of local multiplayer. I just assumed it would be in there, and couldn't believe at minimum 2 player split screen was not implemented. Even if the gameplay is shallow, it would still make a great party game. As an online-only game I can't imagine getting invested enough to care about my rank like I do in Rocket League.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I'm on a good path to the Plat at the moment but I'm starting to feel the desire for more progression than just levelling up for coins to spend on recolours and emotes.

Game could do with a ranked mode or similar. Something to raise numbers and to work towards. Your level just goes up regardless so isn't really an indication of how well you're doing.


Oct 25, 2017
I've really come around to this. The biggest issue has been said, it really feels like there's no depth. But it's being fun picking up and playing when I don't feel like sweating in any other online game.


Oct 27, 2017
I've said this before but I think this game would be better if it was 25% faster. It'd make the impacts feel better and cut down on downtime. I get almost no sense of speed at all, even in the fastest cars


Oct 26, 2017
Montréal, Québec, Canada
I don't normally play games online but I really enjoy this one. Maybe for its lack of depth... it's accessible and perfect to pick up and play.
I'm a big Twisted Metal fan and this game should definitely be an inspiration for a potential next TM game... Especially since they've been flirting with on-foot gameplay for a while.

The only things I don't really like is the lack of a boost button (I sometimes eject my character out of the car trying to boost) , this new style of edgy cool characters and the super bland/uninspired/boring looking arenas.