
Oct 25, 2017
Jfc if there was a mode to drive round people I'd win. I must miss 80% of the rams I go for. I kinda thought I'd naturally get the hang of angles and trajectory after a while... nope, still shit.


Aug 1, 2019
Jfc if there was a mode to drive round people I'd win. I must miss 80% of the rams I go for. I kinda thought I'd naturally get the hang of angles and trajectory after a while... nope, still shit.
Somehow I'm like a magnet to people. It's the vehicles I miss, or don't hit hard enough for it to register.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't know how the developers will handle the Bluefang's balancing in my opinion the only problem with his breaker is it is a push to win and it has a wide surface area.

In comparison to Hana's where you have to be more precise with your angles and her vehicle has low hp.

The All-Stars that need a good buff are Sgt. Rescue, Angelo, Xander and Twinkle Riot.To me all their breakers feel pretty meh.


Nov 1, 2018
So I'm loving the game so far but is the chat in lobbies disabled or is this game party chat only. I figured I would hear people coming out of my controller


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how the developers will handle the Bluefang's balancing in my opinion the only problem with his breaker is it is a push to win and it has a wide surface area.

In comparison to Hana's where you have to be more precise with your angles and her vehicle has low hp.

The All-Stars that need a good buff are Sgt. Rescue, Angelo, Xander and Twinkle Riot.To me all their breakers feel pretty meh.

I genuinely don't understand like, how Bluefang made it into the game. You could have told me about him on paper and I'd have told you he was going to dominate.
Nov 2, 2017
I genuinely don't understand like, how Bluefang made it into the game. You could have told me about him on paper and I'd have told you he was going to dominate.
Honestly he's only a smidge strong imo. If you lower either his damage output or the duration of his ability slightly I think he'd be just fine. He's probably in the game the way he is because he's fun to play and probably playtested really well. I think it says a lot that the duration of his breaker is already so short, in the sense that they're clearly aware of how strong he is.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly he's only a smidge strong imo. If you lower either his damage output or the duration of his ability slightly I think he'd be just fine. He's probably in the game the way he is because he's fun to play and probably playtested really well. I think it says a lot that the duration of his breaker is already so short, in the sense that they're clearly aware of how strong he is.

I suppose that's fair.


Oct 25, 2017
The skin has fallen from my flesh. The color has left my cheeks.

Each accidental win instead of blowing up the other car with Ratu's deletes a month off my life.

I have already forgotten my own name. I've forgotten time.





Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
The skin has fallen from my flesh. The color has left my cheeks.

Each accidental win instead of blowing up the other car with Ratu's deletes a month off my life.

I have already forgotten my own name. I've forgotten time.




I hear your monsterrrooaarrrrr!


Oct 25, 2017
I swear I will have 1000 wins on accident before I manage to get this godawful trophy.

Every, single, time, I've actually had it set up to do, the person just, fuckin jumps out of their car.

How the fuck have developers STILL not learned, that trying to go for a trophy/achievement, that someone else can just click a "No" button to with no consequence is a dumbass fuckin trophy.

I'm not actually that miserable. I'm enjoying the game. But this sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Welp. I got into a lobby at the very end with a fuego, and both he and I realized what we were doing. We tried waiting while I farmed him to build up my Ratu's breaker. The other guy would not leave. I was about to finish building it up, when I backed up a little wrong and fell off.

I want to die.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear, every time I'm set up perfectly for the Ratu trophy, two things tend to happen. Either one or two people refuses to leave the lobby or the last person turtles up and refuses to jump in a car even if they're down lives and gonna lose. So annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
All they had to do was give the option to mute the lobby. Now the game feels like it's missing excitement without music and comms. Also, Ratu is awesome. It's like a nuke.


Oct 25, 2017
I swear, every time I'm set up perfectly for the Ratu trophy, two things tend to happen. Either one or two people refuses to leave the lobby or the last person turtles up and refuses to jump in a car even if they're down lives and gonna lose. So annoying.

For me it's either of those two, or the other person just, falls off because they can't even drive on the smallest version of the court.


Oct 25, 2017
I swear, I am this close to giving up on the character specific trophies.

Lost count of how many games I have played trying to get Fuegos one. Not only do you have to try and get to the last 2 players of gridfall but you have to hope that there are only 2 of you left and the others have left the game which doesn't always happen. You also have to hope that the other player doesn't just die/leave or worse have a character who's special kills you in one hit and so any attempt by you is fucking pointles. oh and or course you have to hope your special actually works when it's meant to.

The game is really enjoyable but these trophies are just really putting me off from bothering.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I guess there's two different POVs on trophies in that they can be a checklist of things that players tick off to prove that they've 100%ed the list or, alternatively, the devs put stuff in that is a small acknowledgement that you've done some remarkable (while, yeah, maybe being a bit random and hard to consistently repeat).

Lucid obviously went for the latter. I'm fairly relaxed about either ethos personally. I'm not desperately tied to the idea that every game should have a platinum that is totally straight forward just as another collectible. I actually quite like trophies that are just there to say 'holy fuck, you just did this stupid/crazy thing'. I appreciate how annoying those are if you're 'going for plat' though.

If I'm playing a multiplayer game regularly for the next x amount of months (even longer if we're being charitable) then I'd hope some of them would last and I'd knock them out naturally rather than just going down the list and grabbing them all in the first couple of weeks. That seems like more of a trophy worthy reward?
Last edited:


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Jfc if there was a mode to drive round people I'd win. I must miss 80% of the rams I go for. I kinda thought I'd naturally get the hang of angles and trajectory after a while... nope, still shit.
It is getting harder. People are getting better. I think that is why Harmony can be so good. You just need to get close enough with her hero car to do some crazy damage with the power.
Oct 29, 2017
Shaft has to be the weakest character? Useless in every mode.
I beg to differ, his vehicle has good health, excellent handling and good speed, which can put you in a good position to inflict lots of damage on opposing vehicles.

Yes, his breaker doesn't have any outward offense like Bluefang's shedder or Hana's blade but if you can drive, you can do a good deal of damage.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess there's two different POVs on trophies in that they can be a checklist of things that players tick off to prove that they've 100%ed the list or, alternatively, the devs put stuff in that is a small acknowledgement that you've done some remarkable (while, yeah, maybe being a bit random and hard to consistently repeat).

Lucid obviously went for the latter. I'm fairly relaxed about either ethos personally. I'm not desperately tied to the idea that every game should have a platinum that is totally straight forward just as another collectible. I actually quite like trophies that are just there to say 'holy fuck, you just did this stupid/crazy thing'. I appreciate how annoying those are if you're 'going for plat' though.

If I'm playing a multiplayer game regularly for the next x amount of months (even longer if we're being charitable) then I'd hope some of them would last and I'd knock them out naturally rather than just going down the list and grabbing them all in the first couple of weeks. That seems like more of a trophy worthy reward?

The problem is when the trophies are buggy as hell. I did fuego's trophy over minimum 6 times successfully before it finally worked.

I am more than capable of effectively using these characters. But it's purely luck based. It has nothing to do with skill.

Same with the box one. I haven't even attempted it, but I've seen so many recordings of people doing it and it just not working at all. It doesn't help that it's really hard. It's so demoralizing because it doesn't feel like your effort matters. It's the exact opposite of rewarding someone for playing well.

I like trophies to be a challenge. But a challenge that can just be invalidated because someone on the other end pressed a "No" button isn't a challenge any more. It's just pure luck. I really don't think a significant people like trophies that are purely based on luck. I agree some trophy lists can be super hard. That's fine. It's totally up to the game. But something based ultimately on pure luck is no fun at all. I want to ultimately be the agent of whether I achieve something. Because with something so based on luck, when I do get it, do I feel happy? No, I feel annoyed.

I think there's a lot of ways to increase length of how long it takes to platinum a game like this. Like, I think a balance of dedication, skill, and encouragement to try all facets of the game, is a good recipe for a satisfying platinum. You want to reward someone who is a big fan of the game and wants to do everything it has to offer. So asking people to prestige a few times. Asking people to use a character's ability to it's fullest. Asking someone to try and use something in a weird way.

But this trophy list, while it kind of tries to do that, ultimately asks people to play in a BAD way. And in a game with very little progression or investment to dig into, people are going to gravitate to the trophy list. That and a lot of people who are anxious about the fact that the population may not be around very long for this game (which I definitely feel), and also notice that this game has a few like, easily exploitable mechanics to screw over trophy hunters (like, being able to just jump out of a car), that people are only going to get better at exploiting as casuals leave when there is nothing to chase in this game.

It leads to a frustrating situation. The game has very little to strive for beyond trophies, and the trophy list is asking me to play badly to try and get this thing that I have to be really lucky for and is out of my control for the most part, and makes my teammates play worse, and is dependent on a population being bad at the game to give me a decent shot at, and is so buggy that even if you get lucky it may not even matter at all, and the developers don't seem concerned about fixing.

That sucks. A lot. It doesn't feel the developers foresaw that situation, which isn't...a good look. I feel like I could have seen this coming a mile away. I kinda did when the trophy list got revealed. Like, me, some schmuck off the street could have told them that the way they've designed this list was very poor, and a number of things they could have done to make a list that was challenging but satisfying.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
That and a lot of people who are anxious about the fact that the population may not be around very long for this game (which I definitely feel)

To that end... I was glad that I knocked out the 1000 gamerscore in Bleeding Edge in the first month or so. Was pretty straightforward.

That was a game that was on Xbox, Steam, Windows Store and Game Pass (and actually reviewed - marginally - better than Destruction Allstars when all was said and done if we wanna be real) and is deader than dead now.

I hope the Destruction community sticks around but being PS5 only (with how few of those there are) makes me a little worried. I'm not convinced that microtransactions to unlock a slow rollout of single player content is gonna be the thing that retains a multiplayer population.


Oct 25, 2017
To that end... I was glad that I knocked out the 1000 gamerscore in Bleeding Edge in the first month or so. Was pretty straightforward.

That was a game that was on Xbox, Steam, Windows Store and Game Pass (and actually reviewed - marginally - better than Destruction Allstars when all was said and done if we wanna be real) and is deader than dead now.

I hope the Destruction community sticks around but being PS5 only (with how few of those there are) makes me a little worried. I'm not convinced that microtransactions to unlock a slow rollout of single player content is gonna be the thing that retains a multiplayer population.

See but at least with Bleeding Edge the achievements are so straight forward, I can still probably make it happen. I was actually going to knock it out here, but I was busy 100%ing both versions of titanfall lol, which so far are my only two 100%s of a multiplayer only game (which btw, it could be a little improved but overall, it's a refreshing list for multiplayer achievements), and as soon as I got done, well DAS came out, and the trophy list looked way more particular than Bleeding Edge, so I've been going for it. I think I made the right decision because woof this is going to suck very soon even more than it does now. Like, my only hope to combat all this stupid amount of luck is to just keep hitting it over and over, and that's going to get less and less as the population decreases.

Also, Bleeding Edge seems to have issues. Some people seem to be able to connect to games in a pretty timely manner. Others can't find games. Don't really understand why. Weirdly, sometimes DAS seems to have that issue too. I haven't given it an attempt on Steam yet, which I might just to be one of the only people in the world to have the steam 100% haha. I got it for like $5.

One thing to combat what you said about it being only on PS5, I think that is definitely a point against it, but also a point for it. PS5 players are kinda hungry for a big new PS5 multiplayer game to justify their purchase. And new players are getting PS5s all the time. If this game came out in like, 3 years, I guarantee you it would be dead in the water, even though it's pretty fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope the game stays free for PS Plus users. The gameplay loop is so solid and the mechanics have a ton of depth once you figure out how to rack up on-foot points. Hopefully in 3 or 4 months time they will have refined the modes and added new content. And I think adding Playstation icons like Kratos, Sweet Tooth, and Aloy could add a ton of players.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope the game stays free for PS Plus users. The gameplay loop is so solid and the mechanics have a ton of depth once you figure out how to rack up on-foot points. Hopefully in 3 or 4 months time they will have refined the modes and added new content. And I think adding Playstation icons like Kratos, Sweet Tooth, and Aloy could add a ton of players.

Yeah, removing it from PS+ would be a mistake.


May 27, 2018
Any tips on getting the boxcar trophy? It's my last one and I just can't seem to get it to work no matter how many times I slam.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Any tips on getting the boxcar trophy? It's my last one and I just can't seem to get it to work no matter how many times I slam.
I think the drones come out slowly, one at a time. So be patient, wait till the drone is out, then ram. Then go to a different car and attach the next drone when it starts flying. I got it on my third or fourth game. (But maybe I'm just lucky and it has nothing to do with that).


Oct 27, 2017
Just out of curiosity, how many of you go for the little blue (double) points multiplier power-up that's usually floating in the middle of the map? In Mayhem, I don't play the other modes so don't know if it's there too.

A couple days ago I realized what it was and started going for it at specific times (use your on foot breaker to double jump to get it, but I always wait until I can call on my special car too)

Anyway, after I started going for it I won 5 Mayhem matches in a row. One match I had 255 points :o I've only ever seen one other person go for it.
Oct 29, 2017
Sharing some Hero vehicle health point numbers, if this is old news please ignore.
All - Star - Vehicle HP
Lupita 180HP
Hana 140HP
Shyft 200HP
Barricado 260HP
Genesis 180HP
Ratu 240HP
Muna 260HP
Angelo 180HP
Fuego 220HP
Twinkle 180HP
Boxtop 220HP
Jian 180HP
Harmony 200HP
Xander 160HP
Sgt. Rescue 220HP

Link To Sheet


May 27, 2018
I think the drones come out slowly, one at a time. So be patient, wait till the drone is out, then ram. Then go to a different car and attach the next drone when it starts flying. I got it on my third or fourth game. (But maybe I'm just lucky and it has nothing to do with that).
Ok that sounds very helpful. Any other tips?


Oct 25, 2017
"Wreck all opponents with Barong's Countdown in an Online match"

The requirement i still wrecking the whole team, so its a bit weird they changed the description.

Probably to better reflect the fact that it doesn't only have to be done in a team game mode. Thank god they changed the description rather than patching it to only work in team modes. Ratu's would be absolutely impossible otherwise.

Speaking of Ratu, after literally doing it one more time and it just flat not working even though the guy was in his car and no one else was in the lobby, and then after frustratingly doing Boxtop and having it just straight up not work several times, I got pissed off enough and boosted those two. I want to do this shit legit, but when I literally DID DO the trophy, and it's not popping like, man I'm not wasting several more evenings of my life on this broken shit. Fuck that. Like man, Fuego was ridiculously tedious and I still did it over like SIX TIMES at least before the trophy popped. I've had more than one character where I got the medal but not the trophy the medal is tied to. So the game even knows I did it. Screw that.

Oh well, the others look pretty rough, but definitely doable, which is fine with me. I have a lot of patience with trophies and achievements, but when I straight up meet the requirements multiple times and know beyond a shadow of a doubt I absolutely did do it, like, nah.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
So I guess the new entry in the Challenge series (Genesis', One Small Step) launches this week for 400 Destruction coins.

Are people keeping up with these and picking them up? Haven't grabbed Lupita's yet but interested to see if the price keeps going up or settles at 400 coins with Lupita's just being a cheap one (that one is 200).
May 22, 2018
For once I used a double XP weekend to its fullest and got up to rank 90. Still love the game, and Mayhem has become my go-to mode at this point.

I also want to say if you are the type of player that spends a majority of the match on foot triggering the columns in the middle of the arena, there is a special place in hell for you.


Oct 25, 2017
For once I used a double XP weekend to its fullest and got up to rank 90. Still love the game, and Mayhem has become my go-to mode at this point.

I also want to say if you are the type of player that spends a majority of the match on foot triggering the columns in the middle of the arena, there is a special place in hell for you.
Pro tip for leveling up: teach your SO how to play the game so he/she can farm AC for you while you browse Resetera all day.