
Oct 29, 2017
Destiny 2 - It was $10 a few months ago. Now it's free on PSN for September. And at Best Buy, it's free with a purchase 29.99 and up.

Short of America OnLine discs in the late 90's, have never seen such an aggressive push to get a title / platform into consumers' hands, presumably to sell them expansion content.

What's the most aggressively marketed game you've seen?

Will you be playing Destiny 2 or buying its expansion content because of its price-point?


Oct 25, 2017
Valve games like CS:GO have been offered for free quite a few times. Destiny DLC cost more than the base game anyway so it makes sense to push the base game for cheap/free on the hope people would buy the dlc later on.


Nov 4, 2017
If they put as much thought into their end game as they do their marketing I might still play it.


Oct 27, 2017
I also saw also you get Destiny 2 for free if you get Crash. They just try hard to get you in the base game and then offcourse buy the expansion. Wich is fine. But you are getting a "inferior" copy for free.

Fridge Freezer

Alt Account
Jul 21, 2018
Tomb Raider and Hitman were really big in the UK. Even then I only really see Ninty ads on the tele. Rest are billboards/buses. YouTube as well ofc.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm not playing it because the beta of the first game bored me to tears and it feels like nobody ever has anything good to say about either game in the series. The people playing it are always complaining and it sounds more like a job than something you play to enjoy. It doesn't matter if they throw the game at me for free, it's obviously just to make me splurge on DLC

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
The most aggressively marketed game? Halo 3 or Grand Theft Auto V.

Definitely would not say its Destiny 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Meh. It's Activision Blizzard, they're just using the same tactics as the World of Warcraft Battlechest. Give the base game away, make money with expansions and DLC.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I recently ordered some games and now have 4 copies of Destiny 2 on disc lol

After the last two DLCs, I'm not going to buy Forsaken right away. I'm going to wait after RDR2 drops. If people are still saying positive things about the game, I'll gladly jump back in then.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Steam has free weekends and huge discounts for games that have gotten updates and DLC.

This happens all the time, it's nothing new nor is it "aggressive". For Honor just had a free week where they gave away the starter edition and discounted everything by 75% to market their new expansion.

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, you mean aggressive as in price reduction/deals to get the same hold. Hmmm I guess Destiny 2 would be up there then.


Oct 31, 2017
Its has had a solid endgame since Warmind came out and will be much larger with Forsaken. It might be too little, too late for you.. but there are still over a million players that log on.

That's great, should of been there at launch. And those numbers could be way higher if they didn't fuck up the initial game so badly.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh so that's why best buy wants to put that trash onto me when I try to buy DQ11. I was thinking that was some kind of mistake.

And no as I've said before you couldn't pay me to play that scam game. It's marketed so hard because of how bad it flopped and with this "expansion" they're trying to save it one last time. These faux-mmos are the worst thing to come out of this gen.


Oct 31, 2017
Oh so that's why best buy wants to put that trash onto me when I try to buy DQ11. I was thinking that was some kind of mistake.

And no as I've said before you couldn't pay me to play that scam game. It's marketed so hard because of how bad it flopped and with this "expansion" they're trying to save it one last time. These faux-mmos are the worst thing to come out of this gen.

Yup. They thought they could get away with so much shit, other games came and ate their player base and now they're scrambling. It'll never return to the levels of prominence it once had.

Disagree with the last point though, peek Destiny 1 era was amazing.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh so that's why best buy wants to put that trash onto me when I try to buy DQ11. I was thinking that was some kind of mistake.

And no as I've said before you couldn't pay me to play that scam game. It's marketed so hard because of how bad it flopped and with this "expansion" they're trying to save it one last time. These faux-mmos are the worst thing to come out of this gen.



Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
tbh i find it funny that many people were "omg amazing, Destiny 2 for free on PSN!"

that the game is 1 year old which is antique for a game as a service and that they must buy 2 DLC and an expansion if they plan to continue playing which amounts to near a full price game didn´t came to their minds i guess .-)

genius marketing move from Activision/Sony and i am sure they will sell a shit ton of the Forsaken expansion.

that said, i can´t wait for tomorrow, D2 was a dumpster fire after the awesome D1 year 3 and i hope come tomorrow the game finds back on track. because frankly: with friends or decent people to play with there is nothing like Destiny on the market.


Oct 27, 2017
So they fuck up the base game and to fix it you have to buy an expansion? lol


Oct 27, 2017
So they fuck up the base game and to fix it you have to buy an expansion? lol

Not really. The problem with base destiny 2 wasn't that it lacked content, it was the systems they had in place and how different they were from destiny 1. All of these problems are fixed with free updates. Expansions aren't meant to fix current problems, they're meant to add new planets/content.
Oct 25, 2017
Oh so that's why best buy wants to put that trash onto me when I try to buy DQ11. I was thinking that was some kind of mistake.

And no as I've said before you couldn't pay me to play that scam game. It's marketed so hard because of how bad it flopped and with this "expansion" they're trying to save it one last time. These faux-mmos are the worst thing to come out of this gen.
Imagine actually being this upset over a video game.


Oct 27, 2017
Its has had a solid endgame since Warmind came out and will be much larger with Forsaken. It might be too little, too late for you.. but there are still over a million players that log on. (Prob even more now that its free on PS+)
How you know there is over a million player that log on? Bungie shut down the API for the count after the massive players count drop leaked in late january.


Oct 27, 2017
How you know there is over a million player that log on? Bungie shut down the API for the count after the massive players count drop leaked in late january.

Destinytracker has a good estimate of players that log on for both PVE + PVP content. There were over a million when the solstice event dropped.. but I think they disabled it temporarily a couple days ago to prep for the expansion tomm.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Not really. The problem with base destiny 2 wasn't that it lacked content, it was the systems they had in place and how different they were from destiny 1. All of these problems are fixed with free updates. Expansions aren't meant to fix current problems, they're meant to add new planets/content.

yep, if they had continued where D1 year 3 left off, D2 would have been a hell of a game from Day 1. But, i think they will get many things right or in a better direction with Forsaken.

everything points to something which evokes Taken King memories and if they pull it off, it will be one of the come backs in gaming of the last years. Many people are in a skeptical "wait and see" mode at the moment and if Forsaken nails it, they will be coming back in droves.


Oct 31, 2017
Oh so that's why best buy wants to put that trash onto me when I try to buy DQ11. I was thinking that was some kind of mistake.

And no as I've said before you couldn't pay me to play that scam game. It's marketed so hard because of how bad it flopped and with this "expansion" they're trying to save it one last time. These faux-mmos are the worst thing to come out of this gen.

Damn, so much edge in one post.


Dec 27, 2017
It really is kind of startling how aggressive Activision's been with it. It makes a lot of sense on their end though - the base game has already been purchased by anyone interested and every copy out there is a chance to move some more lootboxes/dlc.
Oct 27, 2017
It's free, because the base game is a demo now. You still need the content from last year's expansion.. so you are paying $60 to upgrade if you wish to play the new content.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
they want to exhaust all options because personally IMO if D3 is not a massive success then that's it for the franchise


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine actually being this upset over a video game.

Not sure I'd call that anger, more like general disdain for the genre as it was only made to hook as many people as possible into buying MTs and poorly made overpriced expansions. It's also a bit annoying to see people constantly crawling back to the game and not learning from their mistakes.

Though I will admit to being a bit irked that the game is being forced on to me for buying something that couldn't be any more different if it tried. But I'll just throw it out when it gets here and call it a day.
Oct 27, 2017
The base game is cheap/free because you need to buy dlc to do anything relevant.

It's just like with WoW. Subscription gets you all the old expansions except the new one which is an additional purchase.

There are many things to criticize D2 over, but this isn't really one of them imo.
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure I'd call that anger, more like general disdain for the genre as it was only made to hook as many people as possible into buying MTs and poorly made overpriced expansions. It's also a bit annoying to see people constantly crawling back to the game and not learning from their mistakes.

Though I will admit to being a bit irked that the game is being forced on to me for buying something that couldn't be any more different if it tried. But I'll just throw it out when it gets here and call it a day.
Ah fuck you're right, people having fun triggers me too!
Oct 27, 2017
It wouldn't be a day at ResetERA without a new thread shitting on Destiny 2. All we need is an appearance from Trim to keep us on schedule!