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Oct 28, 2017
...Why on earth would anyone spend the launch of a DLC powerleveling to the new non-Light level, when just playing through the DLC's campaign will more than likely put you near the new cap anyway?

The reason most do it is to be raid ready by the first day it drops. Which is usually about a week after the launch. Some want to try to get World First. Some want to be able to attempt to beat it "blind" before info about strats and encounters come out. Some are just used to doing it that way from old MMO days.


Oct 31, 2017
Have you never asked? Or are you asking now? I user to be very online shy before destiny but you gtta get a mic and just be forward about wanting to raid

Why haven't you asked anyone or used any of the several LFG sites or apps?

Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.
Oct 27, 2017
But you still need to do the missions so you're doing extra work and it seems like it would take even longer that way

The main reason for leveling to 50 before starting the campaign is to maximize any "Powerful" rewards you may get during the campaign.

As already stated there are plenty of reasons to do it this way (raid ready, blind raiding, etc). It doesn't mean anyone is necessarily rushing through content and enjoying the experience any less.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
The main reason for leveling to 50 before starting the campaign is to maximize any "Powerful" rewards you may get during the campaign.

As already stated there are plenty of reasons to do it this way (raid ready, blind raiding, etc). It doesn't mean anyone is necessarily rushing through content and enjoying the experience any less.

If it's anything like every single other expansion, the number of rewards you get that you would benefit for being "maximized" is small enough where it's nearly pointless. Really, there is little to no reason to do it.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.
The raids are fun, and you won't get anything like them elsewhere in Destiny, but if you enjoy what you enjoy and the requirements of the raid sound stressful to you, don't sweat it. I've done the raids, and they have neat mechanics and a satisfaction in completing, but I wouldn't consider it the best content in the game. I much prefer the lax moment to moment and would rather do a few strikes over a raid any time.
Oct 27, 2017
yeah the hell with doing heroic PEs til 50 i reeeallly hope it takes a good while to get there though.. i have 25 bounties ready to turn in though but yeah im going straight through the campaign... i fucking also really hope its not 5 missions short... i wanta it to be 10+ mission levels hell even as long as the base game would be awesome.

please bungle...


Oct 31, 2017
I have this quest at the Tower telling to to go to the Ramen shop but every time I go and hold square nothing happens.

Is this supposed to be happening or is it some thing that won't unlock till Forsaken?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
We won't know until we play it. Enjoy the game however you decide to go about it. I will.

Nah, we kind of do know because of the history of the game. No expansion has worked like that ever. We might get a couple "powerful" rewards along the way but it won't matter in the end.

If the idea is to be "Raid ready," it's silly because we know it will have little to no impact.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.

1) You're gonna fuck up. It's fine. Everyone does. It happens. It's how you learn.

2) Not everyone is an asshole online, despite what Era or other people might say. Plenty of friendly and helpful players out there.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Pre-ordered at the very last minute at 11:30. Same thing I did with D2.

Probably won't be playing until Thursday night because I'm going to be busy this week, but Forsaken will make for a good reward after all of the work.

Godspeed everyone, and if you see Uldron, ignore him and put Banshee in the ground instead for never giving me Antiope.
Oct 27, 2017
Nah, we kind of do know because of the history of the game. No expansion has worked like that ever. We might get a couple "powerful" rewards along the way but it won't matter in the end.

If the idea is to be "Raid ready," it's silly because we know it will have little to no impact.

There were lots of progression alterations throughout Destiny 1 and it's expansions so I'm not going to compare those with Destiny 2.

CoO offered a lot of "Powerful" rewards but progression changes have also been made since then.

Lots of players from different Destiny communities are going about it this way. I'm going to do it on my first run through to see if the benefits are enough to run my other characters through the same way or not.

Have fun.
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Oct 25, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.

In an entire year of playing destiny2 I've only encountered one person through lfg that was a dick, that kicked people through one mistake.

I was the same as you. I stoped playing destiny1 because I was too afraid to group up with people in fear of failure. I made the conscious decision for 2 that I would break that. It's been an amazing experience.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The reason most do it is to be raid ready by the first day it drops. Which is usually about a week after the launch. Some want to try to get World First. Some want to be able to attempt to beat it "blind" before info about strats and encounters come out. Some are just used to doing it that way from old MMO days.
No, I don't mean max Light Level. I just mean max base level, AKA level 40 in Forsaken. Why would anyone care about "powerleveling" to 40 before even playing the campaign? If anything, it's less efficient than just playing the campaign and leveling up naturally through it.


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
Pre-ordered at the very last minute at 11:30. Same thing I did with D2.

Probably won't be playing until Thursday night because I'm going to be busy this week, but Forsaken will make for a good reward after all of the work.

Godspeed everyone, and if you see Uldron, ignore him and put Banshee in the ground instead for never giving me Antiope.
You and me both brother


Oct 30, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.
Don't worry you're in good hands..just join our discord channel.but first you need an invite.


Oct 28, 2017
No, I don't mean max Light Level. I just mean max base level, AKA level 40 in Forsaken. Why would anyone care about "powerleveling" to 40 before even playing the campaign? If anything, it's less efficient than just playing the campaign and leveling up naturally through it.

They level to max level without doing the campaign so that whatever exotics and powerful rewards drop from finishing the campaign drop at a higher level.
Dec 2, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.
I feel you. Getting yelled at in raids has made me quit entire games. Fortunately most Destiny people aren't like that, I've run into tons of super patient folks. Weirdly Destiny turned out to be way more chill than Final Fantasy XIV.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So is it better for me to first hit level 50 before I begin Osiris, Warmind and then Forsaken with my last 2 characters?
Oct 27, 2017
No, I don't mean max Light Level. I just mean max base level, AKA level 40 in Forsaken. Why would anyone care about "powerleveling" to 40 before even playing the campaign? If anything, it's less efficient than just playing the campaign and leveling up naturally through it.

In leveling to 50 you will also be increasing your power level (probably significantly) where the soft cap may come into play thus possibly making any "Powerful" rewards more beneficial at that point no matter the source from where you get them (the process of going through the campaign/unlocking destinations/game modes, Crucible, daily/weekly challenges, etc).


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
No, I don't mean max Light Level. I just mean max base level, AKA level 40 in Forsaken. Why would anyone care about "powerleveling" to 40 before even playing the campaign? If anything, it's less efficient than just playing the campaign and leveling up naturally through it.

It does next to nothing. Some people are being overly cautious but we all know it won't have a meaningful impact.

To each their own, obviously, but if that's the reason for leveling to 50, it simply doesn't make sense.


Oct 28, 2017
No, I don't mean max Light Level. I just mean max base level, AKA level 40 in Forsaken. Why would anyone care about "powerleveling" to 40 before even playing the campaign? If anything, it's less efficient than just playing the campaign and leveling up naturally through it.

It's still necessary to be max base level to maximize your light level drops. You need max base level before you can even equip the starting tier of high light level stuff. So it goes hand in hand.

Sky Walker

Oct 25, 2017
Less than 12 hours, boys and girls.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I'm afraid about talking over the mic and I'm pretty trash at the game so I'm afraid of getting yelled at for screwing something up lmao. Stupid reason ik but it seems like that's where the highlight of the game is so idk if it's worth getting Forsaken when I continue to miss out on the best content.

I used Destiny 1 in order to get over my massive almost debilitating fear of online interaction, especially with strangers. I was fortunate enough to get some pretty great early players, and that only continued once I joined DestinyEra. It's helped me a lot in overcoming that, and as a result, I've gotten to do a ton of raiding, which is now my favorite part of Destiny. You'd probably never know I have massive social anxiety tbh.

On top of that I'm really not the best player ever. I'm not bad, and with practice I can do pretty well, but in social settings yeah I tend to perform noticeably worse. But it's never been bad enough I couldn't complete a raid. Even prestige raid lairs have been totally doable and I felt perfectly on level ground with other people.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 9, 2017
I used Destiny 1 in order to get over my massive almost debilitating fear of online interaction, especially with strangers. I was fortunate enough to get some pretty great early players, and that only continued once I joined DestinyEra. It's helped me a lot in overcoming that, and as a result, I've gotten to do a ton of raiding, which is now my favorite part of Destiny. You'd probably never know I have massive social anxiety tbh.

On top of that I'm really not the best player ever. I'm not bad, and with practice I can do pretty well, but in social settings yeah I tend to perform noticeably worse. But it's never been bad enough I couldn't complete a raid. Even prestige raid lairs have been totally doable and I felt perfectly on level ground with other people.

Chet, we love ya, baby. Despite all the shade we throw, I hope you know that. :)
Oct 28, 2017
I'm kinda disappointed. Forsaken is dropping soon and I still can't find people for esclation protocol. I will never get the Ikelos Shotgun and the Ikelos SMG.
Just yesterday I went to Mars and simply started an escalation by myself. Ended up doing level 1 with 1 guy, then2 more joined level 2 and by level 7 we had 6 man joining. I got the smg btw.


Oct 27, 2017
Hm, my code was emailed to me from Best Buy and it's telling me it's not valid. Will it not work until the reset? I assumed I could pre-load.

There won't be any pre-load, standard installation of Destiny 2 will contain all Forsaken content. The real pre-load was last Tuesday's reset maintenance.

Idk about invalid code though, that would concern me but I don't know anything really about how US PSN and retail shops work sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
There won't be any pre-load, standard installation of Destiny 2 will contain all Forsaken content. The real pre-load was last Tuesday's reset maintenance.

Idk about invalid code though, that would concern me but I don't know anything really about how US PSN and retail shops work sorry.


Has anyone else tried redeeming codes from Amazon or Best Buy yet?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I used Destiny 1 in order to get over my massive almost debilitating fear of online interaction, especially with strangers. I was fortunate enough to get some pretty great early players, and that only continued once I joined DestinyEra. It's helped me a lot in overcoming that, and as a result, I've gotten to do a ton of raiding, which is now my favorite part of Destiny.
The exact same story for me. I never played online with the mic with randoms. I also had bad anxiety at the time and the thought of it made me sick.

I'd got to the point in D1 where I was getting bored and progression had slowed without being able to do nightfall or the raid. So I eventually mustered the courage to post online for the nightfall. Three man activity, would hopefully not have to talk too much, baby steps.

So I get an invite, join and there's five other people. Everyone is talking and laughing and I'm sat there white-faced as I thought the Nightfall was 3-person. Then "Vault of Glass" appears at the bottom of the screen and I about shit myself. I stutter out an embarrassed "uhm guys, I hate to be an ass but I thought we were doing the Nightfall, I've never done a raid and didn't know, and want to say now as don't want to slow you down".

"Oh no worries bro, we have a few new people doing it. It's all good".

From that moment on, for the next seven and a half hours, I had one of the most enjoyable experience I've ever had in games. I went in nervous among strangers and came out laughing with friends. It propelled me into doing it again and again for each new bit of content and the friends I made doing VoG and Crota are people I still play Destiny with to this day. I don't suffer from anxiety anymore and find myself continuing to have fun with friends and strangers alike through the Era discord. I cannot overemphasise enough how liberating that small initial step was.

Genuinely MrConbon210 . I know it's horrifying to imagine if you've not made the leap but I would really recommend it if you could. The Destiny community, especially on Era, is one of the best out there and I am beyond sure you'll have the best time enjoying the multiplayer content with them.
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Oct 26, 2017
I ran the Leviathan raid tonight just to do it one last time before forsaken. Hadn't done it since launch on PS4.

WOW that thing is so much more fun when everyone is OP with whisper of the Worm + coldhearts. Our group of geared up randos did every challenge first try and killed Calus in half a phase. Very satisfying. Can't wait until tomorrow!


Oct 25, 2017
"Oh no worries bro, we have a few new people doing it. It's all good".

This is exactly the kind of person my brother is. He met all his friends through the tower, and one day we just randomly picked up guy in the tower, and then some other person who didn't speak english. The one guy had no idea what he was doing, but the guy who didn't speak english knew the raid so he could guess which callouts we were making. The new guy got vex mythoclast. Had no idea what the gun was or anything. It was awesome.

Of course he didn't want me always raiding with him though, so all my first raids I had to go out and find people. I have to say he was totally right to do that, but I hated it at the time haha. Was not easy at all. I actually had a hard time talking early on sometimes. But the people on the Destiny Sherpa subreddit were incredible.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
This is exactly the kind of person my brother is. He met all his friends through the tower, and one day we just randomly picked up guy in the tower, and then some other person who didn't speak english. The one guy had no idea what he was doing, but the guy who didn't speak english knew the raid so he could guess which callouts we were making. The new guy got vex mythoclast. Had no idea what the gun was or anything. It was awesome.

Of course he didn't want me always raiding with him though, so all my first raids I had to go out and find people. I have to say he was totally right to do that, but I hated it at the time haha. Was not easy at all. I actually had a hard time talking early on sometimes. But the people on the Destiny Sherpa subreddit were incredible.
He sounds great, and as you say definitely made the right call even though I completely feel you on the hating it. I didn't use the Sherpa subreddit but used Fireteams a lot in D1 and always managed to land in a good group.

Also that Mythoclast guy is totally me lol. Got it first run and had no idea what it was but everyone else sure seemed to.


Oct 27, 2017
Still deciding if I want to go to bed now or go to bed later so I wake up closer to launch :O


Oct 25, 2017
He sounds great, and as you say definitely made the right call even though I completely feel you on the hating it. I didn't use the Sherpa subreddit but used Fireteams a lot in D1 and always managed to land in a good group.

Also that Mythoclast guy is totally me lol. Got it first run and had no idea what it was but everyone else sure seemed to.

I still have a vague interest in acquiring the year 1 Vex and Necrochasm to complete my exotic collection lol. But alas, no one is very interested.

Nbd though. I managed to platinum the game, complete every raid, and acquire every exotic, and I was able to do just that. It's probably my proudest Platinum Trophy purely because what it took for me personally to acquire.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
yeah the hell with doing heroic PEs til 50 i reeeallly hope it takes a good while to get there though.. i have 25 bounties ready to turn in though but yeah im going straight through the campaign... i fucking also really hope its not 5 missions short... i wanta it to be 10+ mission levels hell even as long as the base game would be awesome.

please bungle...

i am thinking it will be at least 10 missions intro, 8 for those barons and one for the boss.

i will just play the campaign till 50 and then a lot of strikes and gambit for going over the softcap...grinding till 50 and then the campaign i have no patience for .-)


Oct 25, 2017
Stomped the shit out of people in PvP with some old friends for the last few hours. Finally going to bed...
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