Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
That's amazing if true, but is that actually a direct comparison? The location looks different.

I'd love to see how long it takes to transition to and from the Temple. That could be a game changer for how people play the game, much less painful.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
This is really thorough. Thank you for sharing your analysis.

Cheers! I forgot to mention in that post that the reason why that 3.9 seconds is all the more impressive is because:
  1. PS3 VRAM pool was around 256MB GDDR3 (given that sometimes portion of the 256MB XDR DRAM could be used for GPU related data; unsure but unlikely that texture related data was stored there).
  2. PS3's internal HDD (which ranged widely between manufacturers used. Here some stats) had an speed range between 40 to 50MB/s on average which was used to fill that pool.
  3. PS5 now comprises of 16GB GDDR6. Presuming (at worst) 3GB is reserved for OS (like it is with PS4) it still leaves 13GB of RAM (a whopping 52 times larger than the PS3's 256MB GDDR3 pool) that needs to be filled with game data.
  4. So around 3.9 seconds to expunge and load at least 13GB of new data (portion of that time the player is still sees remnants of pre-existing level that they are about exit from). This technically puts the load rate at around 3.33GB/s; however, given the throughput figures of storage, I would guesstimate that if the title did not have to adhere to OG DeS's animation routines, the loading process would complete even sooner.
PS: This is where I am reminded that in his Road to PS5 speech, Ser Cerny explicitly said that there have been times where developers had opted to slow things down.


Oct 25, 2017
I noticed a demon's souls wiki already has the pre-order weapon on there including a description. I guess they announced that. With the confidence of making a weapon and description for it, i wonder if they added anything else, because it would be a dick move for something new to be only available as dlc.
If big mysteries are still ahead in the remake i'd would be pretty great. SOTC had that one new secret, but an entire area would be pretty sweet.


Oct 27, 2017
I did enjoy the loading screens with all of the characters. It was cool to finally see them in person after seeing them on the loading screens throughout your playthrough. And in certain instances it lets the player know there's more to discover if you haven't found one of the characters from the loading screen. I remember playing DS for the first time and only finding Miralda because I saw her in the loading screens and knew she was around somewhere.


Not saying I want the loading back, but they will be missed.


Nov 15, 2017
I did enjoy the loading screens with all of the characters. It was cool to finally see them in person after seeing them on the loading screens throughout your playthrough. And in certain instances it lets the player know there's more to discover if you haven't found one of the characters from the loading screen. I remember playing DS for the first time and only finding Miralda because I saw her in the loading screens and knew she was around somewhere.


Not saying I want the loading back, but they will be missed.
If you think about it, it's very possible that the Souls Lore community wouldn't have built to its current size without the Souls loading screens. From Dark Souls, I think, and on, the load screens had item descriptions, which probably piqued a ton of peoples' interest in the world.
Nov 13, 2017
Bad change IMO

1) It removes the pleasure of looking at the concept art
2) It deprives us of useful game tips
3) It makes dying in Souls games less punishing if you can just instantly respawn

As a hardcore gamer, I will take long breaks in between each death equal to the way the original game was designed.
🙄 ok mr. hardcore gamer

ANYWAY, this is awesome!


Oct 27, 2017
Well, that's to be expected given the specs of ps5 hdd. I guess some times transitions to make things smoother to the eye may even add extra time not really need by the system to load.
Hopefully we can see games that are designed around that in the future

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I did enjoy the loading screens with all of the characters. It was cool to finally see them in person after seeing them on the loading screens throughout your playthrough. And in certain instances it lets the player know there's more to discover if you haven't found one of the characters from the loading screen. I remember playing DS for the first time and only finding Miralda because I saw her in the loading screens and knew she was around somewhere.


Not saying I want the loading back, but they will be missed.

Holy shit! Me too!

Also, I had always thought that these 3D models shown during load screens were the ones that were meant to be in the game but the HW would be able to handle it. After seeing Tower Knight, I am confident that we will be seeing fidelity on par with this high poly sculpted models (perceptually) with even more embellishments.

I do feel a tang of sadness for the newbies who are going to get whooped by these more notable foes without an early preview.

Elden Ring is probably cross gen, and while FROM has great art direction lately, they're not the technical wizards Bluepoint are. I'd keep expectations relatively in check for that one graphically.

I would love for them to give us a single bloody game that is not a remaster of a last gen title to NOT have FRAME PACING issues.


Oct 27, 2017
Cheers! I forgot to mention in that post that the reason why that 3.9 seconds is all the more impressive is because:
  1. PS3 VRAM pool was around 256MB GDDR3 (given that sometimes portion of the 256MB XDR DRAM could be used for GPU related data; unsure but unlikely that texture related data was stored there).
  2. PS3's internal HDD (which ranged widely between manufacturers used. Here some stats) had an speed range between 40 to 50MB/s on average which was used to fill that pool.
  3. PS5 now comprises of 16GB GDDR6. Presuming (at worst) 3GB is reserved for OS (like it is with PS4) it still leaves 13GB of RAM (a whopping 52 times larger than the PS3's 256MB GDDR3 pool) that needs to be filled with game data.
  4. So around 3.9 seconds to expunge and load at least 13GB of new data (portion of that time the player is still sees remnants of pre-existing level that they are about exit from). This technically puts the load rate at around 3.33GB/s; however, given the throughput figures of storage, I would guesstimate that if the title did not have to adhere to OG DeS's animation routines, the loading process would complete even sooner.
PS: This is where I am reminded that in his Road to PS5 speech, Ser Cerny explicitly said that there have been times where developers had opted to slow things down.

Thank you for the additional information. It's really quite helpful.

Since this game is potentially loading 3.33GB/s, would it be fair to assume that Bluepoint has indeed slowed down the rate at which it loads for smoother transition?

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Thank you for the additional information. It's really quite helpful.

Since this game is potentially loading 3.33GB/s, would it be fair to assume that Bluepoint has indeed slowed down the rate at which it loads for smoother transition?

Yes, I do think that their decision to keep parity with the smaller and creative animation details used during PS3 days (which was then used for soften the perception of actual load times) means that they most likely have done so.

After all, given the OG comparison results of 10.96s vs 0.86s, it shows how players have been taught to perceive what visually comprises of load times by developers over decades of game design.

Edit: An addendum- It should be noted that the 3.33GB/s is a simple 'Average'. The actual data transfer rate per unit time would vary owing to the nature of transition animations involved.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I guess we don't need those amazing character arts anymore when the in game models are looking just as good
Oct 2, 2018
Bad change IMO

1) It removes the pleasure of looking at the concept art
2) It deprives us of useful game tips
3) It makes dying in Souls games less punishing if you can just instantly respawn

As a hardcore gamer, I will take long breaks in between each death equal to the way the original game was designed.

How are people happy about this? This is not true to Miyazaki's vision.

people complain about everything!
Oct 28, 2017
Damnit I swore I was never buying one of these souls games.

love action games but I'm more into pew-pew button mashers.

tried bloodborne at a friends house and just couldn't get into it at all.

I guess this will be my first one.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Yes, I do think that their decision to keep parity with the smaller and creative animation details used during PS3 days (which was then used for soften the perception of actual load times) means that they most likely have done so.

After all, given the OG comparison results of 10.96s vs 0.86s, it shows how players have been taught to perceive what visually comprises of load times by developers over decades of game design.

Edit: An addendum- It should be noted that the 3.33GB/s is a simple 'Average'. The actual data transfer rate per unit time would vary owing to the nature of transition animations involved.
Yeah. Cerny said they targeted at least a raw speed of 2GB in .27 seconds your numbers are pretty in line I'd say it might even be even faster.


May 12, 2020
How are people happy about this? This is not true to Miyazaki's vision.
Look I love all of From Software's games and am a diehard souls fan but Miyazaki is not some infallible messiah figure, he's just a dude that makes good games. A remake of Demon's Souls by another studio without the yellow pee-filter and with new art and tech behind it is going to be fantastic - even if they fucked up some font choices or whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
Bad change IMO

1) It removes the pleasure of looking at the concept art
2) It deprives us of useful game tips
3) It makes dying in Souls games less punishing if you can just instantly respawn

As a hardcore gamer, I will take long breaks in between each death equal to the way the original game was designed.
A man of culture much like myself, I see. I make sure to uphold the devs original intentions by never using subs or dubs. It's best for me to fully immerse myself. It can be tough sometime as I don't know Japanese but I manage. In the end it's worth it for that genuine experience.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
So is there any chance speeds anywhere near this are possible on ps4 games with ps5? Without relying on a patch. Has Sony gotten into how that works exactly? Or does it just not work that way?


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
This was one of the first things I noticed during the gameplay demo, and I was like, "God damn, that was fast."

The loading screens in the original were awesome (loved the art), but damn they were annoying when you're dying so regularly, and it takes so long to get back into it to try your run again.

It may seem like a little thing, but this improvement fundamentally changes the way Soulslikes feel, and in a good way. The closest I can compare would be dying in Ghost of Tsushima. You get dropped back in the game so quickly, that it really does minimize the feeling of frustration when you have to try again. I'm very excited by this change. The load times in the original Demon's Souls were just something you kind of dealt with, but yeah, after the hundreth death in the same area, those seconds kind of add up. I remember feeling that impatience of just wanting to try my run again, so it was so great to see how fast he transitioned to the next area. Reloading from bonfires could potentially be even faster, because, technically, the area you're in is already loaded into memory, so you're just spawning at your latest bonfire.


Oct 28, 2017
Can you imagine dying in bloodborne and hitting the ground in the dream before you body hits the ground in the stage?

I can see them doing fun stuffwith death animations in future souls games.


Nov 15, 2017
Damnit I swore I was never buying one of these souls games.

love action games but I'm more into pew-pew button mashers.

tried bloodborne at a friends house and just couldn't get into it at all.

I guess this will be my first one.
If it means anything, it takes a lot of people, myself included, more than one shot for the series to "click" before it hooks you.

I bought Bloodborne at release, and quit because I thought it was bullshit and wasn't having any fun. A year later I gave it another shot, and now its one of my favorite games of all time.


Jul 22, 2019
I guess they can solve the "I want to see the artwork" issue by having a press X to continue in between the near instant load.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
For someone who never played it before it was a very strange segment. Just running from enemy to enemy, one shotting them and ocasionally putting the shield up and tanking a hit with zero reaction. It was super stilted and weird looking IMO.
The rest of the trailer looked cool, it was just a very strange section that made very little sense to me

I have two thoughts about the one shotting. First thought: Looking at a comparison of the original game and this one, I noticed that it took at least 2 hits to kill an enemy in that opening area in the original PS3 game. It's a tutorial area, and is designed to introduce the player to the core mechanics of the game. In the original, it's the easiest part of the game.

Second thought: As you level up, 1 shotting those earlier enemies is pretty common. I think for the purposes of the demo, they may have been using a slightly higher level player character, but even so, that tutorial area just isn't very hard.

I have no concerns that this remake will be as punishing as the original. Bluepoint's bread and butter with all of their remakes/remasters is that they make very minimal changes to the gameplay of the games. They polish them up for modern controls (ie, Shadow of the Colossus PS4 was more polished/responsive, but still felt like it's PS2 counterpart for the most part), but keep the core of the experience intact. It's why they're such a respected studio in the realm of remasters and remakes. Just look at their Metal Gear, God of War, original Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, and Uncharted HD Remasters. Even animations they tend to keep intact.

I guarantee they didn't turn Demon's Souls into a casual experience with difficulty levels.


Oct 25, 2017
How would I know anything about the game world without these long loading splash screens for items!?

I know you're being sarcastic, but there are some that surprisingly want this. They could do what Part II does. It has insanely fast loadtimes when you die, but it sends you to a hint screen and gives you an X prompt to return to the game.


Oct 29, 2017
I know you're being sarcastic, but there are some that surprisingly want this. They could do what Part II does. It has insanely fast loadtimes when you die, but it sends you to a hint screen and gives you an X prompt to return to the game.
It was 50/50, I actually do like the lore splash screens. Sure you can look at the items, but might as well read when you die so much lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmmm true but then you don't have anything to look forward too or if you missed anything. Also what about when you die and need that loading time to cool off.
Demon's didn't have item descriptions friend, It had artwork. I understand where you're coming from though. I'm feeling oddly nostalgic about something that is guaranteed to change for the future of gaming.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Demon's didn't have item descriptions friend, It had artwork. I understand where you're coming from though. I'm feeling oddly nostalgic about something that is guaranteed to change for the future of gaming.

I know I was speaking in general to the whole Fromsoft scene and I'm joking since no loads is one of the best thing of this coming gen.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I do think that their decision to keep parity with the smaller and creative animation details used during PS3 days (which was then used for soften the perception of actual load times) means that they most likely have done so.

After all, given the OG comparison results of 10.96s vs 0.86s, it shows how players have been taught to perceive what visually comprises of load times by developers over decades of game design.

Edit: An addendum- It should be noted that the 3.33GB/s is a simple 'Average'. The actual data transfer rate per unit time would vary owing to the nature of transition animations involved.
Thank you for the additional info. If you don't mind, can I add your suggested post underneath the OP?
How are people happy about this? This is not true to Miyazaki's vision.
I feel devastated, bereft of any hope after seeing how good this looks.

How dare they.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
im trying realllllly hard to limit myself to like miles on ps5 ($50 - though my basic bum prolly buying the $70 version) and cyberpunk (xsx) but boy that demons souls game is tight and idc much about souls games other than the three souls games i bought and bloodborne which i never really beat


Jan 4, 2018
people complain about everything!
Look I love all of From Software's games and am a diehard souls fan but Miyazaki is not some infallible messiah figure, he's just a dude that makes good games. A remake of Demon's Souls by another studio without the yellow pee-filter and with new art and tech behind it is going to be fantastic - even if they fucked up some font choices or whatever.
lol.. please look at the Souls series official artworks and tell me if they came out as intended in game.
I'm sure he's absolutely depressed over less boxy architecture and the lack of a piss filter and load screens.
If his vision was to have people sit in front of a 30 second loading screen after transitions/deaths, then I sure hope this guy will never confront us with his visions anymore.
Thank you for the additional info. If you don't mind, can I add your suggested post underneath the OP?

I feel devastated, bereft of any hope after seeing how good this looks.

How dare they.
I regret not putting a "/s" now lmao.