Who's Going to Win South Carolina?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 585 39.2%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 853 57.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 24 1.6%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 7 0.5%

    Votes: 16 1.1%
  • Tom Steyer

    Votes: 6 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
uh, the results have come in and the race is 1) very very close and 2) folks like nate cohn have spotted numerous inconsistencies in the data so it's probably a good idea to double check everything has been entered correctly! If someone ended up winning by 5% at the end the little errors here and there probably wouldn't have been significant enough to bother with a recanvass.

love that "hey recount that shit to make sure you've done it right" is immediately interpreted as the big bad DNC rigging the race against bernie. brain worms.

The whole process has been abnormal with irregularities abound way before. Again, why now? The timing is atrocious.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
Well for starters it's very helpful to know the results of the first count so you can compare them to the second. Also this count is the one that the candidates are going to be running on till NH, so it's only fair that it actually finish.
And when during the count they see many inconsistencies from precincts? Nobody has ever started calling for recounts when reporting is well into the 90% reporting range, inconsistencies are seen, and it's a close race? That's never been a thing?


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Ok, so my question is.

If you know the results are fucked and you need a recount, why spend a great deal of effort gathering the last 3% of votes (via CNN tally) when you can just restart the process from scratch when you already know the delegate count is a virtual tie and the problematic results of some areas cover the scope of the potential spread of first place?

All I'm asking is for literally anyone involved with these results to have some sense of optics here?

Calling for a recount now when two candidates are in a tie after one of those candidates was already allowed to declare himself a victor is just going to further enrage people upset at the system. We have waited long enough for the full results for all this fuckery.

Give us the remaining 3% and then do a recount so at least we have something to go off of, rather than Pete claiming victory with 0% of the official results in and the media allowing him to get away with it.

The DNC should have stepped in for a recount 24hr+ ago if anything. Statistical errors have been reported since the very start, this isn't some new thing that Tom Perez just found out.


Oct 30, 2017
So, I'm a little confused but maybe I'm out of the loop.

Outside of Pete being a snake and declaring victory, I haven't really seen any media coverage declaring Pete some outright victor and parading him around. I've mainly seen coverage of Pete/Sanders splitting the 1st spot in an essential tie.


please stop talking, this is literally a headline from slate


Oct 26, 2017
Yes it is.
I'll take the liberty of quoting myself:

Vote. For. The. Rod.
Sure. If the rod wins legitimately, then the rod gets the vote. If we show up to the convention and someone (I am talking about Bernie, but it could be anyone) has a large lead but not enough to get the nomination so we go to a brokered convention and some shady shit happens - and then all of the sudden the rod comes out of nowhere to get the nom? Then no, fuck the rod. I'll vote for everything else down-ballot. But fuck the rod.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
And when during the count they see many inconsistencies from precincts? Nobody has ever started calling for recounts when reporting is well into the 90% reporting range, inconsistencies are seen, and it's a close race? That's never been a thing?

I don't know what you're saying here. I'm answering why it's helpful to finish the first count before doing a recount rather than just stopping at 97%.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017

please stop talking, this is literally a headline from slate
And most of the coverage has been that's it's a close race and while Pete is in the delegate lead, Bernie is essentially tied. Especially when you're talking about a caucus that will account for all of 1% of the total delegate count in the end. And further, Pete has not benefited and Bernie is still getting a bit of a bump after this in polling.


Aug 1, 2018
The DNC has been in direct control of this for 48h. They didn't call for a recount, even when a questionable organization that developed a caucusing app that had ties to Pete's campaign was discovered, which happened when Pete was in the lead no less! They didn't call for a recount when several discrepancies between the precincts and the totals on delegate counts were being pointed out.

No, they called for a recount when the final results were finally coming in and Bernie finally took a lead.

Nothing about this process is business as usual, even for a caucus. And none of these issues are happening with any of the other candidates on the ballot - just Bernie. And multiple DNC, both publicly and privately, have straight up said they are gonna do what they can to get someone else nominated.

Its funny - on this board, even people with minor ties to Trump are labelled as corrupt (and they are). But when we point out how BS keeps happening with one candidate, we think corruption isn't a part of it cause why? Cause its the democratic party? Get real - there is just as much corporate interest in getting a moderate elected as keeping Trump in power. I fully expect this to get worse as this primary goes on and Bernie starts gaining momentum.

Just to clarify, this didn't just happen to Bernie. In fact, the coin flip "rigging" video that has been going around lost Amy delegates.


Oct 26, 2017
Whatever your leanings you have to admit big Dems like Perez are just absolutely god awful at managing optics and perception. And its a kind of problem that entire wing of the party suffers from terminally.

Like, shit when I went to bed last night I had already written off Iowa mentally and now this clownshow. If Perez was working in the media this would be a perfectly sensible move to boost cable ratings because Americans love political theatre and its the only non-sports TV they watch now but he doesn't. He's just some party bigwig.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 week): Ignoring staff post with regards to sniping and hostility
Glad to see so many people reading the same literature in such a short timespan

Ever wondered why "-gate" is always appended to the end of a word related to a scandal? It's fine to be ignorant, but to be ignorant and condescending is unacceptable, I'm afraid.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
All I'm asking is for literally anyone involved with these results to have some sense of optics here?

Calling for a recount now when two candidates are in a tie after one of those candidates was already allowed to declare himself a victor is just going to further enrage people upset at the system. We have waited long enough for the full results for all this fuckery.

Give us the remaining 3% and then do a recount so at least we have something to go off of, rather than Pete claiming victory with 0% of the official results in and the media allowing him to get away with it.

The DNC should have stepped in for a recount 24hr+ ago if anything. Statistical errors have been reported since the very start, this isn't some new thing that Tom Perez just found out.

I'm guessing the decision was made when it become clear the outcome would be tainted from the errors and not just part of a MoE where the official outcome wouldn't change. It explains why the decision is so late into the tally.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what you're saying here. I'm answering why it's helpful to finish the first count before doing a recount rather than just stopping at 97%.
I'm saying that this has not been the first time where people have started calling for recounts when the reporting is close but not done. Especially is glaring issues have been discovered during the initial count. In those type of situations, recounts have openly been called for or suggested prior to 100% reporting.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Glad to see so many people reading the same literature in such a short timespan

It's a fucking ancient term. I've been using it for longer than the Chapos have been a thing I assure you. It's just so rare you see a level of incompetence with this many eyes on the result, and there's no better word for it than that. Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

Hell, I don't think the IDP or DNC are out there strategizing "let's get really stupid so people don't think Sanders can win". I just think they've spent so long listening to the kickback class that they don't actually care much about what the people want (i.e., not being mired in poverty). If you're not listening to the people in a Democracy why should anyone give you benefit of the doubt?


Mar 17, 2018
4 points in a poll that probably has a 3-4 point MOE is *not* good news for Bernie, especially coming off the caucus, where even a tiny Pete boost can easily put him over the top there. He's still the favorite to win there, but if these numbers are accurate then Bernie might not pull off the delegate sweep that people think he has coming.
It's one poll that shows Bernie leading and up 6 percent since the last one which had him in 3rd. I'm not sure how this isn't good news for Bernie.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm saying that this has not been the first time where people have started calling for recounts when the reporting is close but not done. Especially is glaring issues have been discovered during the initial count. In those type of situations, recounts have openly been called for or suggested prior to 100% reporting.

Okay. I'm not arguing against any of that.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
User banned (1 week): Ignoring staff post with regards to sniping and hostility

Ever wondered why "-gate" is always appended to the end of a word related to a scandal? It's fine to be ignorant, but to be ignorant and condescending is unacceptable, I'm afraid.

It's cool to be cute with little snipes, but being a condescending shit stain also isn't acceptable. So how about you cut the shit?
Whatever your leanings you have to admit big Dems like Perez are just absolutely god awful at managing optics and perception. And its a kind of problem that entire wing of the party suffers from terminally.

Yep, calling for it now is just dumb esepcally if he tried to get it privately going:

If this was Toms plan then he horrible misfired as most people want to move past Iowa (even those Iowa dmes who have been working hard)

Again just let the vote happen enough has gone on that trying for a recount is doing no one any favors as you are just going back to fuck the chicken.

Again I can't imagine how angry and tired the ID are.


Oct 29, 2017
why is everyone all of a sudden using the word "caucus" so much, I thought they were called primaries

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
I don't expect everyone here to support the same candidate but didn't expect DNC stans in ERA. But then again people here praise Pelosi for ripping up a paper.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
why is everyone all of a sudden using the word "caucus" so much, I thought they were called primaries


But, if serious, a caucus is a different way of voting. Basically people go to a gym, stand in corners for their guy. If below 15%, their guy loses and they get to pick another guy. It's so dumb. Not just voting.


Oct 25, 2017
like i'm just saying "everyone in iowa is so deranged in their hatred of bernie that they're setting themselves on fire in a very public way to stop him in a way that doesn't actually stop him" is pretty dumb if you think about it for more than a minute, but "tom perez throws everyone in iowa under the bus and demands a recount as soon as it looks like bernie's winning" is something that can be viewed as a concrete step to actually harm his campaign*

*unless we live in the comedy timeline where perez follows it up with "biden and buttigieg are getting too many delegates", which would be incredibly unlikely but you never know in this bitch of a timeline
Oct 25, 2017
I don't expect everyone here to support the same candidate but didn't expect DNC stans in ERA. But then again people here praise Pelosi for ripping up a paper.

I doubt anyone thinks the DNC hasn't looked unbelievably incompetent its more a fear of anyone using this to cry rigged and staying home in November

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I don't expect everyone here to support the same candidate but didn't expect DNC stans in ERA. But then again people here praise Pelosi for ripping up a paper.
She could have done more had people put their energy to voting over the years versus hand-wringing over 1% of delegates in a close caucus that was marred by state level incompetence where clear inconsistencies were found among at least 100 precincts that would have always necessitated a recount.


Feb 28, 2018
Everyone should be scared of the DNC tomfoolery - these idiots could cost the Dems the election.


Oct 29, 2017
Iowa is a caucus. That's what allows it to go before New Hampshire since NH is a primary.

But, if serious, a caucus is a different way of voting. Basically people go to a gym, stand in corners for their guy. If below 15%, their guy loses and they get to pick another guy. It's so dumb. Not just voting.

I appreciate the sincere responses, sorry it was a joke about the incredulity at the use of the word "ratfuck"

wasn't Bernie supposed to be livestreaming at 1?

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
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