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Jun 13, 2018
Sitting here earlier today, I was thinking about different candidates positions and I realized of the major candidates from a week ago, I probably knew the least about Biden's supposed positions. That comes in part because he almost never talks about them, focusing a lot more on continuing the legacy of the Obama years instead of what he'll actually do. I decided I should at least know though if he's our guy so I went looking. On just a few of the major issues:

Child Care: Biden is for universal free Pre-K for kids who are 3-4.

Education: Biden is for two free years of community college or technical schooling. He also supports doubling the maximum value of Pell Grants and a student loan forgiveness program which will make it so you don't have to pay anything back on student loans if you are making under 25,000 a year. He also proposes a cap on the maximum amount annually at 5% of your income over 25,000 a year with full forgiveness after 20 years. So if you make 50,000 a year, only 5% of 25,000 is your maximum yearly contribution. That's 1,250 a year. He is also for using federal funds to even out the funding for all schools so that those in higher property tax areas don't receive more resources.

Environment: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050 . He plans to do this by focusing on wind and solar energy.

Guns: He supports universal background checks, a gun buyback program, and an assault weapon ban.

Immigration: Supports DACA and DAGA path to citizenship. Wants to end workplace raids. Plans to increase worker VISAs. Restore the asylum system and end family separation. End for profit detention centers.

Reparations: Is open to it and has promised to have a committee to look into how this could be applied.

Minimum Wage: Supports a $15.00 an hour minimum wage

Family Leave: Supports 12 weeks of paid family leave

Sick Leave: Supports universal paid sick leave, though details on how much are scarce

Iran: Will rejoin the Iran Nuclear deal

Israel/Palestine: Will support a two state solution

Criminal Justice Reform: Believes nobody should be jailed for drug use alone, wants users to be sent for treatment if anything. Eliminate mandatory minimums. Eliminate the death penalty. Eliminate cash bail. A full end to private prisons. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison. Supports full restoration of voting rights upon release.

Marijuana: Complete decriminalization and wants to release and expunge the record of anyone in jail for it now. True legalization to be left to the states.

Internet Access: Wants to invest 20 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Statehood: Is for making both Washington DC and Puerto Rico States.

LGBTQ Issues: Supports Gay marriage, the Equality Act, and Transgender military service

Health Care: Ensure a public option is created which covers primary care without co-payments. Make sure those who would qualify for medicaid if their state would only expand coverage are offered premium free coverage on the public option. Plans to offer premium tax credits which will significantly lower costs for those who have insurance they would keep. Make in-network/out of network determined solely by location and not the doctor you see to avoid surprise billing. Repeal the law stopping medicare from negotiating drug prices. Allow consumers to import drugs from out of the country, stopping the current issue where often drugs are far more expensive in the US. Protect abortion rights. Restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

Some will argue that many of these are half measures compared to what Bernie wants to do. They're right on many of them. They are measures though. Every single one of them if far more than the Republicans want and we will get under Trump. Even better, these are mostly pretty safe positions to take in the Democratic Party today, thanks in part to Bernie's pushing the party left in recent years. If we can win the senate, these are all actually pretty achievable. And if Biden got half of this done, he'd have far and away the most successful presidency of my lifetime. Bernie first got into the race in 2016 to try to push the party left. He didn't think he could win, he was just trying to get some concessions. That's what winning looked like at the time. Look at that list and tell me he didn't win. Now if you actually care about Bernie's revolution, let's go out in November and get it done. Then once this is the new normal, we can work to push that new normal to the left. The next time someone tells you there's no difference between Trump and Biden, go ahead and show them this.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
Yeeeaaaaaahhh, it's kinda ironic.

Just in case this wasn't rhetorical, it was during the 2016 convention where Obama was trying to extend an olive branch to Bernie supporters. Also, the visual was when Obama was basically telling Sanders to ease off the attack ads on Hillary when he was mathematically eliminated.
ohh yeah i thought they literally shamelessly took it out of context of him not even talking about bernie lol. i mean the add is slimey as shit but im way past caring


OT: probably posted already but here

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This isn't hard. If you're not happy about Biden, and I certainly am not, wouldn't it make sense to vote and ensure he doesn't win the nomination? It didn't happen last night. Voters who sat out 2016 went overwhelmingly to Biden. The voteshare of the 18-29 demographic was down compared to 2016. If you're going to whine you sure as hell better vote and make your voice heard when it actually matters too. That didn't happen.

Not sure why you're being so argumentative about it.
Because you are centering this valid criticism of young voters in certain states around a fucking Twitter hashtag which has nothing to do with said young voters in certain (mainly southern) states.

If all you had said was "young voters didnt turn out for Bernie hard enough in the South" er...yeah absolutely you are right. I only responded to you because it has nothing to do with some Twitter hashtag, lol. People are still going to express their displeasure at a potential Joe Biden nomination after voting against him (or prior to doing so because most states haven't had a primary yet) because they don't like him.

soul creator

Oct 27, 2017

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses

Exit polls for Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia found young voters aren't showing up at the polls as much as 2016.


This actually helps with the question I had earlier, thanks for the link:

Exit polls for several states Biden won, including Massachusetts, Texas and several southern states that helped catapult the former vice president into front-runner status, found that while more young voters went to the polls this election cycle, they did not show up at the rate they did in 2016...

In Virginia, for example, more than 1.3 million voters cast ballots compared to the roughly 800,000 four years ago. But exit polls on Super Tuesday showed that the share of young voters as a percentage of the entire electorate declined in the Old Dominion, diminishing their influence as a voting bloc.

So more young people did vote...the problem is that since everyone else increased too, their percentage of the overall total was lower. So it seems like it's more accurate to say that young people didn't suddenly become lazier than's just that everyone else got even more active.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This was a recurring theme across almost every state that voted on Super Tuesday. Happened in places like Minnesota, Massachusetts and Texas too.
Yes but the people doing Twitter hashtags based on politics are likely the same young people engaged enough to vote in primaries. Most young people who don't vote in primaries also don't tweet hashtags about Joe Biden...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses

Exit polls for Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia found young voters aren't showing up at the polls as much as 2016.

It's fucking infuriating that a candidate bending over backwards to get the youth vote, promising people everything up to complete student loan forgiveness, still couldn't bring young people to the polls.
Oct 27, 2017
This actually helps with the question I had earlier, thanks for the link:

So more young people did vote...the problem is that since everyone else increased too, their percentage of the overall total was lower. So it seems like it's more accurate to say that young people didn't suddenly become lazier than's just that everyone else got even more active.
This seems to be the case, yeah.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This actually helps with the question I had earlier, thanks for the link:

So more young people did vote...the problem is that since everyone else increased too, their percentage of the overall total was lower. So it seems like it's more accurate to say that young people didn't suddenly become lazier than's just that everyone else got even more active.
Dec 31, 2017
Sitting here earlier today, I was thinking about different candidates positions and I realized of the major candidates from a week ago, I probably knew the least about Biden's supposed positions. That comes in part because he almost never talks about them, focusing a lot more on continuing the legacy of the Obama years instead of what he'll actually do. I decided I should at least know though if he's our guy so I went looking. On just a few of the major issues:

Child Care: Biden is for universal free Pre-K for kids who are 3-4.

Education: Biden is for two free years of community college or technical schooling. He also supports doubling the maximum value of Pell Grants and a student loan forgiveness program which will make it so you don't have to pay anything back on student loans if you are making under 25,000 a year. He also proposes a cap on the maximum amount annually at 5% of your income over 25,000 a year with full forgiveness after 20 years. So if you make 50,000 a year, only 5% of 25,000 is your maximum yearly contribution. That's 1,250 a year. He is also for using federal funds to even out the funding for all schools so that those in higher property tax areas don't receive more resources.

Environment: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050 . He plans to do this by focusing on wind and solar energy.

Guns: He supports universal background checks, a gun buyback program, and an assault weapon ban.

Immigration: Supports DACA and DAGA path to citizenship. Wants to end workplace raids. Plans to increase worker VISAs. Restore the asylum system and end family separation. End for profit detention centers.

Reparations: Is open to it and has promised to have a committee to look into how this could be applied.

Minimum Wage: Supports a $15.00 an hour minimum wage

Family Leave: Supports 12 weeks of paid family leave

Sick Leave: Supports universal paid sick leave, though details on how much are scarce

Iran: Will rejoin the Iran Nuclear deal

Israel/Palestine: Will support a two state solution

Criminal Justice Reform: Believes nobody should be jailed for drug use alone, wants users to be sent for treatment if anything. Eliminate mandatory minimums. Eliminate the death penalty. Eliminate cash bail. A full end to private prisons. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison. Supports full restoration of voting rights upon release.

Marijuana: Complete decriminalization and wants to release and expunge the record of anyone in jail for it now. True legalization to be left to the states.

Internet Access: Wants to invest 20 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Health Care: Ensure a public option is created which covers primary care without co-payments. Make sure those who would qualify for medicaid if their state would only expand coverage are offered premium free coverage on the public option. Plans to offer premium tax credits which will significantly lower costs for those who have insurance they would keep. Make in-network/out of network determined solely by location and not the doctor you see to avoid surprise billing. Repeal the law stopping medicare from negotiating drug prices. Allow consumers to import drugs from out of the country, stopping the current issue where often drugs are far more expensive in the US. Protect abortion rights. Restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

Some will argue that many of these are half measures compared to what Bernie wants to do. They're right on many of them. They are measures though. Every single one of them if far more than the Republicans want and we will get under Trump. Even better, these are mostly pretty safe positions to take in the Democratic Party today, thanks in part to Bernie's pushing the party left in recent years. If we can win the senate, these are all actually pretty achievable. And if Biden got half of this done, he'd have far and away the most successful presidency of my lifetime. Bernie first got into the race in 2016 to try to push the party left. He didn't think he could win, he was just trying to get some concessions. That's what winning looked like at the time. Look at that list and tell me he didn't win. Now if you actually care about Bernie's revolution, let's go out in November and get it done. Then once this is the new normal, we can work to push that new normal to the left. The next time someone tells you there's no difference between Trump and Biden, go ahead and show them this.

This is a very good post and reminder that Bernie has had a tangible effect on the political discourse in this country along with other progressives. Yes some of those policies are half measures, but compared to what the Republicans offer, they are heavenly. To those supporters who are dissuaded after ST, I understand that emotions are high, but don't lose sight of the big picture. And remember, Bernie may still be able to further influence the platform even if he doesn't win the nomination. I myself think Biden is an average candidate, but even then, he is FAR FAR better than another Trump term. Don't sit out.


Dec 30, 2018
With Sanders and Warren off the ticket, any obligation I had in voting in the GE is effectively gone.

Good luck Biden and the D's; you'll need it.

What a shame, but I guess you feel comfortable enough with the possible repercussions of four more years of Trump/GOP to give up any obligation you had in voting in the GE.

Sitting out would be a shame for any democrat. Biden is not Trump, not even close.
Nov 21, 2017
Why is everyone in here so salty about everything? We are effectively down to a tied two man race with plenty of states left.

If Warren drops out and endorses Bernie, as is being reported, we can have an honest to goodness real race here in an uncluttered field with a clear choice. 'Safe and moderate' Joe. Or 'Outsider and Progressive' Bernie.

If Bernie can't beat Biden, then Bernie doesn't deserve the nomination. Also, I think some of you acting like Biden has this sown up need to realize he is going to be under increased scrutiny. His gaffes will be highly visible. He will have more time at the debates which may actually not be a good thing. Everything he says and does for the foreseeable future will be under a microscope. This primary is far from over.


Oct 25, 2017
See, the race that made me basically give up on American politics as a voter wasn't even this primary. Its the current House contest going on in Texas, where a house 'democrat' who is a Republican and literally goes out and stumps for GOP politicians in Texas is running against a democratic progressive challenger, and you have folks like Nancy fucking Pelosi supporting the fucking Republican in D-clothing.

The fact that so much of the establishment democratic system is putting money towards ensuring this asshole keeps his seat, a politician who takes tons of special interest money and then votes with/for Trump over 75% of the time in the last nearly 4 years, then you have the heads of the democratic party going out and endorsing this clown, made me realize that the fight over national politics simply doesn't matter. This is barely about left & right; its about rich versus everyone else. And they will divide us along race, class, and politics to ensure they keep theirs. And Americans are simply too fucking stupid to ever fight back.

Seeing the weight of the democratic establishment used in all manners against Bernie & Warren, and then seeing the American people refuse to take stock of the situation they are actually in, made me realize there is simply no end to this. The best thing to do is to make as much money as possible while you're young.
The reason Cuellar gets support is the same reason "The Squad" gets support. It's not about Pelosi's personal politics, it's about incumbency and assuring sitting members that leadership will not attack and undermine you in an intra-party power conflict. (This is something we saw actively happen with UK Labour the past two years and it was an internal nightmare for them.)

Ro Khanna has a story about meetring Pelosi, hoping to get an endorsement for his primary challenge of a sitting Rep. Pelosi informed him she couldn't endorse against a member of her caucuse and that there was nothing she could do to help him. She also then told him, before they left, something along the lines of "power is taken, not earned." Pelosi's position on primary challengers is a reflection of her leadership position, not a reflection of her personal preferences. It's very unlikely she's a fan of guys like Lipinski and Cuellar representing hard blue districts given her personal politics.
Oct 27, 2017
Crazy how easily Democrats are manipulated by Republicans. We are so weak-willed that we'll just sit around and jack off on our own self pity while Trump strolls into term 2. Democrats are pathetic.

These people will end up doing pathetic, performative crying / fake, cynical anger for social media kudos when Trump's massively tilted Supreme Court eliminates abortion and gay marriage. They might even go out once and march with strongly worded cardboard placards and chant nasally somewhere within a thousand miles of the nasty people, especially if they think there might be TV cameras.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
Think its possible for them to campaign together?
seems like they know its the only way sanders has a shot in hell moving forward. if you gave sanders even half of warren's support on super tuesday it would have made a huge difference. it'll matter in washington, michigan and new york

TBH, shameless angles like that are something he should have done months ago.
look idk. if you asked me literally 3 days ago i would have said fuck that lets lose with class but i agree with you now tbh. more of this shit bernard


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
These people will end up doing pathetic, performative crying / fake, cynical anger for social media kudos when Trump's massively tilted Supreme Court eliminates abortion and gay marriage. They might even go out once and march with strongly worded cardboard placards and chant nasally somewhere within a thousand miles of the nasty people, especially if they think there might be TV cameras.

Make a few "I'm tired" threads while never voting for local representatives.


Feb 28, 2018
The reason Cuellar gets support is the same reason "The Squad" gets support. It's not about Pelosi's personal politics, it's about incumbency and assuring sitting members that leadership will not attack and undermine you in an intra-party power conflict. (This is something we saw actively happen with UK Labour the past two years and it was an internal nightmare for them.)

Ro Khanna has a story about meetring Pelosi, hoping to get an endorsement for his primary challenge of a sitting Rep. Pelosi informed him she couldn't endorse against a member of her caucuse and that there was nothing she could do to help him. She also then told him, before they left, something along the lines of "power is taken, not earned." Pelosi's position on primary challengers is a reflection of her leadership position, not a reflection of her personal preferences. It's very unlikely she's a fan of guys like Lipinski and Cuellar representing hard blue districts given her personal politics.
This doesn't really make any sense? If you have shitty members in your caucus, throw them out and replace them with decent people! It's simple enough that the sitting members understand that being shitty and voting with the opposing party will get you in the crosshairs of the leadership.

Also equating Cuellar to "The Squad" is really bad no matter what analogy you're trying to make.


Nov 2, 2017
ohh yeah i thought they literally shamelessly took it out of context of him not even talking about bernie lol. i mean the add is slimey as shit but im way past caring


OT: probably posted already but here

Imagine if they done it just one day earlier.
Texas, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota. Four states that probably go to Bernie + even more crushing victory in California. So fucking frustrating. It could've been so easy.


Oct 25, 2017
Sitting here earlier today, I was thinking about different candidates positions and I realized of the major candidates from a week ago, I probably knew the least about Biden's supposed positions. That comes in part because he almost never talks about them, focusing a lot more on continuing the legacy of the Obama years instead of what he'll actually do. I decided I should at least know though if he's our guy so I went looking. On just a few of the major issues:

Child Care: Biden is for universal free Pre-K for kids who are 3-4.

Education: Biden is for two free years of community college or technical schooling. He also supports doubling the maximum value of Pell Grants and a student loan forgiveness program which will make it so you don't have to pay anything back on student loans if you are making under 25,000 a year. He also proposes a cap on the maximum amount annually at 5% of your income over 25,000 a year with full forgiveness after 20 years. So if you make 50,000 a year, only 5% of 25,000 is your maximum yearly contribution. That's 1,250 a year. He is also for using federal funds to even out the funding for all schools so that those in higher property tax areas don't receive more resources.

Environment: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050 . He plans to do this by focusing on wind and solar energy.

Guns: He supports universal background checks, a gun buyback program, and an assault weapon ban.

Immigration: Supports DACA and DAGA path to citizenship. Wants to end workplace raids. Plans to increase worker VISAs. Restore the asylum system and end family separation. End for profit detention centers.

Reparations: Is open to it and has promised to have a committee to look into how this could be applied.

Minimum Wage: Supports a $15.00 an hour minimum wage

Family Leave: Supports 12 weeks of paid family leave

Sick Leave: Supports universal paid sick leave, though details on how much are scarce

Iran: Will rejoin the Iran Nuclear deal

Israel/Palestine: Will support a two state solution

Criminal Justice Reform: Believes nobody should be jailed for drug use alone, wants users to be sent for treatment if anything. Eliminate mandatory minimums. Eliminate the death penalty. Eliminate cash bail. A full end to private prisons. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison. Supports full restoration of voting rights upon release.

Marijuana: Complete decriminalization and wants to release and expunge the record of anyone in jail for it now. True legalization to be left to the states.

Internet Access: Wants to invest 20 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Health Care: Ensure a public option is created which covers primary care without co-payments. Make sure those who would qualify for medicaid if their state would only expand coverage are offered premium free coverage on the public option. Plans to offer premium tax credits which will significantly lower costs for those who have insurance they would keep. Make in-network/out of network determined solely by location and not the doctor you see to avoid surprise billing. Repeal the law stopping medicare from negotiating drug prices. Allow consumers to import drugs from out of the country, stopping the current issue where often drugs are far more expensive in the US. Protect abortion rights. Restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

Some will argue that many of these are half measures compared to what Bernie wants to do. They're right on many of them. They are measures though. Every single one of them if far more than the Republicans want and we will get under Trump. Even better, these are mostly pretty safe positions to take in the Democratic Party today, thanks in part to Bernie's pushing the party left in recent years. If we can win the senate, these are all actually pretty achievable. And if Biden got half of this done, he'd have far and away the most successful presidency of my lifetime. Bernie first got into the race in 2016 to try to push the party left. He didn't think he could win, he was just trying to get some concessions. That's what winning looked like at the time. Look at that list and tell me he didn't win. Now if you actually care about Bernie's revolution, let's go out in November and get it done. Then once this is the new normal, we can work to push that new normal to the left. The next time someone tells you there's no difference between Trump and Biden, go ahead and show them this.

Good post...yeah, the position I've had for a while is that if someone like Biden can actually get into office while winning back the Senate, that would better than a Bernie getting in but not having the Senate or even losing the house. Now of course whether any of those things are going to happen(or is even possible, in the case of winning back the Senate) is very much up for debate, but the turnout Biden saw yesterday convinced me he's got as good a shot as any.

Like it was not long ago at all that ending private prisons was considered a radical position. I am so glad to see some stuff like that becoming mainstream. And yeah, Bernie, and others, deserve a lot of credit for helping to push some of these ideas toward the mainstream.


Oct 25, 2017
So more young people did vote...the problem is that since everyone else increased too, their percentage of the overall total was lower. So it seems like it's more accurate to say that young people didn't suddenly become lazier than's just that everyone else got even more active.
This was exactly what happened in the 2017 UK election as well. Youth vote went up by record numbers, but got erased by other groups going up even more. The combo of that and 2016's Dem primary were massive datapoints saying "this thesis doesn't actually work" prior to 2020.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is everyone in here so salty about everything? We are effectively down to a tied two man race with plenty of states left.

If Warren drops out and endorses Bernie, as is being reported, we can have an honest to goodness real race here in an uncluttered field with a clear choice. 'Safe and moderate' Joe. Or 'Outsider and Progressive' Bernie.

If Bernie can't beat Biden, then Bernie doesn't deserve the nomination. Also, I think some of you acting like Biden has this sown up need to realize he is going to be under increased scrutiny. His gaffes will be highly visible. He will have more time at the debates which may actually not be a good thing. Everything he says and does for the foreseeable future will be under a microscope. This primary is far from over.

you're saying somebody veering off my ideological mindset 1:1 can lose??

*throws beer bottles at monitor, kicks dog

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
My dream ticket for the past 5 years was Warren and Bernie in what ever order. I just hope they are on good terms. It probably wouldn't change the outcome though, but it would help him with Women voters maybe. Biden's gig of trying not to be on tv is going to be up now though. He isn't that polished anymore. But Bernie says the same time lines all the time and yells. So f it.


Oct 25, 2017
Sitting here earlier today, I was thinking about different candidates positions and I realized of the major candidates from a week ago, I probably knew the least about Biden's supposed positions. That comes in part because he almost never talks about them, focusing a lot more on continuing the legacy of the Obama years instead of what he'll actually do. I decided I should at least know though if he's our guy so I went looking. On just a few of the major issues:

Child Care: Biden is for universal free Pre-K for kids who are 3-4.

Education: Biden is for two free years of community college or technical schooling. He also supports doubling the maximum value of Pell Grants and a student loan forgiveness program which will make it so you don't have to pay anything back on student loans if you are making under 25,000 a year. He also proposes a cap on the maximum amount annually at 5% of your income over 25,000 a year with full forgiveness after 20 years. So if you make 50,000 a year, only 5% of 25,000 is your maximum yearly contribution. That's 1,250 a year. He is also for using federal funds to even out the funding for all schools so that those in higher property tax areas don't receive more resources.

Environment: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050 . He plans to do this by focusing on wind and solar energy.

Guns: He supports universal background checks, a gun buyback program, and an assault weapon ban.

Immigration: Supports DACA and DAGA path to citizenship. Wants to end workplace raids. Plans to increase worker VISAs. Restore the asylum system and end family separation. End for profit detention centers.

Reparations: Is open to it and has promised to have a committee to look into how this could be applied.

Minimum Wage: Supports a $15.00 an hour minimum wage

Family Leave: Supports 12 weeks of paid family leave

Sick Leave: Supports universal paid sick leave, though details on how much are scarce

Iran: Will rejoin the Iran Nuclear deal

Israel/Palestine: Will support a two state solution

Criminal Justice Reform: Believes nobody should be jailed for drug use alone, wants users to be sent for treatment if anything. Eliminate mandatory minimums. Eliminate the death penalty. Eliminate cash bail. A full end to private prisons. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison. Supports full restoration of voting rights upon release.

Marijuana: Complete decriminalization and wants to release and expunge the record of anyone in jail for it now. True legalization to be left to the states.

Internet Access: Wants to invest 20 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Statehood: Is for making both Washington DC and Puerto Rico States.

LGBTQ Issues: Supports Gay marriage, the Equality Act, and Transgender military service

Health Care: Ensure a public option is created which covers primary care without co-payments. Make sure those who would qualify for medicaid if their state would only expand coverage are offered premium free coverage on the public option. Plans to offer premium tax credits which will significantly lower costs for those who have insurance they would keep. Make in-network/out of network determined solely by location and not the doctor you see to avoid surprise billing. Repeal the law stopping medicare from negotiating drug prices. Allow consumers to import drugs from out of the country, stopping the current issue where often drugs are far more expensive in the US. Protect abortion rights. Restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

Some will argue that many of these are half measures compared to what Bernie wants to do. They're right on many of them. They are measures though. Every single one of them if far more than the Republicans want and we will get under Trump. Even better, these are mostly pretty safe positions to take in the Democratic Party today, thanks in part to Bernie's pushing the party left in recent years. If we can win the senate, these are all actually pretty achievable. And if Biden got half of this done, he'd have far and away the most successful presidency of my lifetime. Bernie first got into the race in 2016 to try to push the party left. He didn't think he could win, he was just trying to get some concessions. That's what winning looked like at the time. Look at that list and tell me he didn't win. Now if you actually care about Bernie's revolution, let's go out in November and get it done. Then once this is the new normal, we can work to push that new normal to the left. The next time someone tells you there's no difference between Trump and Biden, go ahead and show them this.

Excellent post that will unfortunately be ignored by those who need to read it.

I voted for Bernie, but thinking that Biden and Trump as "equally as bad" is just personal justification for refusing to participate. If Biden can even pass some of these policies, his presidency will be a huge success.
Oct 25, 2017
Cool and good that we're still parrotting the "Bernie Bros were mean to Warren" rhetoric when said supporters may have been triggered to defend their own candidate wrt a catalyst started by the Warren camp.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking infuriating that a candidate bending over backwards to get the youth vote, promising people everything up to complete student loan forgiveness, still couldn't bring young people to the polls.
I'm not a young person, but for once can we stop just always blaming young people who are worrying about if they can even find a job out of college, being able to pick a class fast enough before it fills up to finish in time, if they'll be able to afford rent this month, if they'll be able to move out of their parents' house one day, what they're going to do about insurance when they age out, etc etc etc?

Instead let's blame the older people who should know better and should want to make a better world for the people who will inherit it?


Oct 26, 2017
Good post...yeah, the position I've had for a while is that if someone like Biden can actually get into office while winning back the Senate, that would better than a Bernie getting in but not having the Senate or even losing the house.

This is something I don't understand that keeps getting said. For what reasons do you think one gets house while one loses it? I can't seem to find any answer other than people just making it up.


Oct 25, 2017
This doesn't really make any sense? If you have shitty members in your caucus, throw them out and replace them with decent people! It's simple enough that the sitting members understand that being shitty and voting with the opposing party will get you in the crosshairs of the leadership.

Also equating Cuellar to "The Squad" is really bad no matter what analogy you're trying to make.
It makes perfect sense if you don't want everyone scared of being in leadership's bad graces, leading to massive amounts of drama and infighting in the wake of that insecurity. Pelosi's caucus contains the leftmost 2/3ds of reps and controls the caucus. They don't want the other 1/3 believing that leadership has it out for them. Other Reps/Senators like AOC/Warren endorse primary challenges all the time! If Pelosi weren't in leadership, she'd be free to do the same thing others are.

I'm equating him to the Squad as they're both likely to face primary challenges for very different reasons. That's the common thread between them.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking infuriating that a candidate bending over backwards to get the youth vote, promising people everything up to complete student loan forgiveness, still couldn't bring young people to the polls.

Young people don't vote.

This has been shown again and again and again and again and again.
Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking infuriating that a candidate bending over backwards to get the youth vote, promising people everything up to complete student loan forgiveness, still couldn't bring young people to the polls.
Too many kids are taught by their parents that their vote doesn't matter and all politicians are corrupt and you have to jump through so many hoops to vote that many don't even bother. Not to mention work culture doesn't give much time for them to try. Then there stuff like California when people were waiting hours in a line to vote. That doesn't excuse them for not showing up, but explains why many don't go.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not a young person, but for once can we stop just always blaming young people who are worrying about if they can even find a job out of college, being able to pick a class fast enough before it fills up to finish in time, if they'll be able to afford rent this month, if they'll be able to move out of their parents' house one day, what they're going to do about insurance when they age out, etc etc etc?

Instead let's blame the older people who should know better and should want to make a better world for the people who will inherit it?
I'm 26. You think I'm not aware of that shit?

This was an opportunity to fix a lot of that shit. Or at least send a message that we fucking matter when policy comes to the table.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is everyone in here so salty about everything? We are effectively down to a tied two man race with plenty of states left.

If Warren drops out and endorses Bernie, as is being reported, we can have an honest to goodness real race here in an uncluttered field with a clear choice. 'Safe and moderate' Joe. Or 'Outsider and Progressive' Bernie.

If Bernie can't beat Biden, then Bernie doesn't deserve the nomination. Also, I think some of you acting like Biden has this sown up need to realize he is going to be under increased scrutiny. His gaffes will be highly visible. He will have more time at the debates which may actually not be a good thing. Everything he says and does for the foreseeable future will be under a microscope. This primary is far from over.

biden was the presumptive front runner until a couple of weeks ago. He has been receiving that level of scrutiny all along

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Oct 27, 2017
These people will end up doing pathetic, performative crying / fake, cynical anger for social media kudos when Trump's massively tilted Supreme Court eliminates abortion and gay marriage. They might even go out once and march with strongly worded cardboard placards and chant nasally somewhere within a thousand miles of the nasty people, especially if they think there might be TV cameras.
This is, frankly, an insultingly stupid comment. You really think the people who go out into the streets and actually protest against shit are the ones who don't vote?
Oct 27, 2017
Nah, of the states voting next week Bernie really is only competitive in Washington, but he's also looking at a near landslide there.

Politico says a recent Detroit news poll taken before super Tuesday had Biden up 7 points. And that Biden was the preferred candidate of by 20% for absentee ballots. Will be interesting to see if Biden gets the same bounce from Super Tuesday as he did from SC.

‘Biden can finish Bernie off in Michigan’

The next big state on the primary calendar is looking dicey for Sanders.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
Sanders himself acknowledged the youth vote turnout wasn't what he wanted.... Why are we shifting to but the near 40 year olds.

A downward trend as age progresses exactly... the near 40 year olds are the weakest part of his base, his driving bread and butter support comes from the Youth vote.
Jesus you're being disingenuous. I brought up a generational gap in support of Biden vs Bernie. You then tried to make it about young voter turnout, which I pointed out is not necessary to establish that gap, as older millennials are approaching 40, you say that 40 year olds are Bernie's weakest spot, and now you're clarifying that what you actually mean is anyone over 40 compared to anyone under 40?

Come on. Be reasonable. I'm not moving any goal posts and you're not refuting what I've actually said. If you don't actually have any factual information indicating that 40 year olds are Bernie's weakest demographic then just so say. Spreading baseless misinformation is not okay.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking infuriating that a candidate bending over backwards to get the youth vote, promising people everything up to complete student loan forgiveness, still couldn't bring young people to the polls.
It is, but at the same time he's also bending over backwards to tell them the whole thing is rigged anyway, so.....


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Politico says a recent Detroit news poll taken before super Tuesday had Biden up 7 points. And that Biden was the preferred candidate of by 20% for absentee ballots. Will be interesting to see if Biden gets the same bounce from Super Tuesday as he did from SC.

‘Biden can finish Bernie off in Michigan’

The next big state on the primary calendar is looking dicey for Sanders.

This is exactly what I've been saying. The Michigan win was huge for Bernie in 2016 and allowed him to keep going long after. If he loses big in Michigan It's game over.


Feb 28, 2018
It makes perfect sense if you don't want everyone scared of being in leadership's bad graces, leading to massive amounts of drama and infighting in the wake of that insecurity. Pelosi's caucus contains the leftmost 2/3ds of reps and controls the caucus. They don't want the other 1/3 believing that leadership has it out for them. Other Reps/Senators like AOC/Warren endorse primary challenges all the time! If Pelosi weren't in leadership, she'd be free to do the same thing others are.

I'm equating him to the Squad as they're both likely to face primary challenges for very different reasons. That's the common thread between them.
But it also sends the message to shitty would-be candidates that you can be as vile as you want in a reasonably blue district without facing repercussions (on the contrary, you could even get the continued support of leadership!)

Enforcing a bare minimum standard of at least not voting with Trump 75% of the time or else you won't get public support from the leadership shouldn't cause any infighting whatsoever. That's an ultra low bar.
May 29, 2019
I'm ready for Biden and Warren to put aside differences, offer her VP, lock up the "progressive-yet-sexist" vote, and get Trump, Pence, and co., the fuck out of there.
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