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Nov 13, 2017
The world is literally over if we get Biden and then consequentially 4 more years of Trump. People don't understand how huge climate change as an issue is gonna be and how America shape the rest of the world policies.
Oct 28, 2017
What the fuck is gonna happen to the Democrat party if Biden is the nom and he loses to Trump. It's at a breaking point.

If Biden loses, the party is basically going to break in half because it would have be a second instance of a weak moderate candidate getting beaten despite claims of "electability" and "being qualified for the job". There's no way the further left isn't going to try and burn the party to the ground in such an instance.

Honestly I think that prevents a clearer path forward than if Bernie is the nom and he loses to Trump.

If Bernie is the nom and loses, there's going to be a whole lot of litigating. I think its going to be exceedingly clear why Biden loses if he does, the man has shown a lot of problems and the guy has barely been in the primary spotlight. At the very least if there's a fracture, its probably going to be quick and relatively clean.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
The south bending over for Biden, much like it curtsied to Hillary in 16, depressing but unsurprising.


Oct 28, 2017
What the fuck is gonna happen to the Democrat party if Biden is the nom and he loses to Trump. It's at a breaking point.
Nah, were already seeing whats going to happen. They'll triple down on the same moderate schtick and claim it was russia or bernie bros and keep on keeping on about electability and what have you.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
The south bending over for Biden, much like it curtsied to Hillary in 16, depressing but unsurprising.
It went to Hillary in 16 because Bernie didn't even attempt to campaign there + didn't have the infrastructure.

It going to Biden in 2020 is much different.
May 26, 2018
What the fuck is gonna happen to the Democrat party if Biden is the nom and he loses to Trump. It's at a breaking point.

The downwards spiraling national environment probably prevents the dems from holding power in the United States for about two decades. That's my guess. And by then the US might not even have the same damn name anymore.
May 26, 2018
Dates on that poll kinda make it worthless. My opinion is no matter how good or bad a poll is for your preferred candidate, it's probably best to ignore it at this moment, just way too many moving parts in the last couple of days

Yeah. Everyone's been waiting for some kind of consensus, for power to coalesce behind something.

They just got it. Polls are out the window now. No one knows wtf is going to happen, except that it'll look better for Biden.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I actually agree with this. If Bernie is the nom and loses, there's going to be a whole lot of litigating. I think its going to be exceedingly clear why Biden loses if he does, the man has shown a lot of problems and the guy has barely been in the primary spotlight.

It's been exceedingly clear why Hillary lost in 2016 but Democrats are just going to go shoot themselves in the foot again. Nothing will change if Biden loses, there won't be some great awakening among Boomers, their eyes suddenly opened to understanding that their terrible political preferences are terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, you are saying something that you know is untrue. He did not say that. He said "when we talk about South Carolina, and when we talk about other places, we are winning working-class people." Now, look, if he meant to say he won the working class population in South Carolina and wasn't meaning to refer to winning "when we talk about other places," then that's obviously not true. With the way he worded it, he clearly could have been meant the working class vote in "other places." But yeah, he obviously didn't win the working class vote in South Carolina and he's wrong to imply that if that's what he really meant. But for you to distort and misrepresent that comment in such an egregious way to make it seem like he said "black people in South Carolina aren't real working class Americans" is outrageous. I can't believe we're even having this conversation: your whole point is such a bad-faith misrepresentation that I don't even think you really believe it. This is just a cheap talking point.
I'm going to be honest. I have no clue what he meant. There's no universe in which he won the "working class vote" of South Carolina, so why even bring up that state? You already said yourself that he didn't win the working class vote in South Carolina. Why would he say he did then? What demographics could he have possibly seen that would make him include South Carolina in a list of places where he was winning working class people? The fact that it took you an entire paragraph to try to explain away his statement is telling. I'm not misrepresenting anything. That's literally a quote from him. And I'm not sure why you think it's so clear. The author of the tweet had the same impression of the quote that I did, as well as several other people in Poli-ERA. For such a clear statement, it sure is confusing.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
From the responses here? Blame Bernie Bros again apparently.

No it isn't. It isn't over until the fat lady sings. Give up now and it will be over.
its over lol. I knew it was done after biden won SC the way he did and its been overer every moment ever since. if bernard pulls a miracle tomorrow then we'll see but its not going to happen


coconut gun

Nov 1, 2017
User Banned (July 22nd): Repeatedly violating the Primary OT Staff Post
Lmao at you having to resort to personal attacks everytime you reply to me because you aren't capable of relying on your actual arguments. The President doesn't write law. He's not a dictator. He can't just will his agenda into existence. That's literally not how things work. Is this your first election? Serious question.

goo goo ga ga the president has absolutely no political and cultural influence on a country or the policies enacted

think your diapers getting full dude, might wanna call mommy over to change it


Oct 25, 2017
its over lol. I knew it was done after biden won SC the way he did and its been overer every moment ever since. if bernard pulls a miracle tomorrow then we'll see but its not going to happen

It's not. Don't take every poll with 100% positive that that is how it will be tomorrow. Malicious cynicism never is beneficial to anyone.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Blame Bernie and his supporters again, run Pete in 2024, and then lose to Mitt Romney?
There is no way in hell the GOP is returning to Mitt Romney types. They've had great success with a right wing populist, and their next cantidate will be another right wing populist, but probably much much smarter and a crypto fascist.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to be honest. I have no clue what he meant
OK cool. Because you were just pretending that you did.
There's no universe in which he won the "working class vote" of South Carolina, so why even bring up that state? You already said yourself that he didn't win the working class vote in South Carolina. Why would he say he did then?
Sometimes people have the wrong figures and accidentally say something that's not true? I don't know. But for you to rush to the interpretation of "wow, he misspoke about South Carolina voters, that must mean he thinks black South Carolinians aren't working class!" is in such bad faith that it makes it very very difficult to engage with anything else you're saying or take it seriously.

The fact that it took you an entire paragraph to try to explain away his statement is telling.
The fact that it took you an entire paragraph to try and justify your ridiculous misinterpretation of his words is telling.


Oct 27, 2017
goo goo ga ga the president has absolutely no political and cultural influence on a country or the policies enacted

think your diapers getting full dude, might wanna call mommy over to change it
take it to DM or something... this is getting embarassing.

i think it's time for bed and hope for the best tomorrow. should be a doozy.


Oct 25, 2017
its over lol. I knew it was done after biden won SC the way he did and its been overer every moment ever since. if bernard pulls a miracle tomorrow then we'll see but its not going to happen


Repeat after me.

Bernie won IA, NH, NV.

Biden came in fourth in IA, fifth in NH, and a very distant second in NV.

Biden has no ground game. Bernie has tons of ground game.

Say this to yourself throughout the entirety of tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2017
Whoever wins the primary probably has the best chance in the general. I don't really understand the argument in the other direction. If that's Bernie it's Bernie, if it's Biden it's Biden. People in a primary aren't being Jedi mind tricked to vote of the candidate they vote for.


Oct 25, 2017
Repeat after me.

Bernie won IA, NH, NV.

Biden came in fourth in IA, fifth in NH, and a very distant second in NV.

Biden has no ground game. Bernie has tons of ground game.

Say this to yourself throughout the entirety of tomorrow.
The polls show this doesn't matter. It's like being up two characters and then Biden makes a level 3 X factor comeback.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think just any right wing populist is going to work. Trump's got a showman's charisma and ran as a moderate. He's also an established "billionaire" with decades of mindshare. You can't just pull someone like that out of the ether. Anyone who doesn't do it right is gonna turn people off, which I think is promising for the next crop of progressives.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018

I would if I wasn't working tomorrow. Just feel powerless. Doesn't help that California results will take forever to be tallied meaning Sanders potentially loses narrative momentum if it takes too long.

Anyway. Gonna go to sleep and hope for the best. Gonna be a long day.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Ironically, if Biden wins, the biggest reason will be Mayor Pete. He took what should've been two clear early victories for Bernie and muddied the waters.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think just any right wing populist is going to work. Trump's got a charisma and ran as a moderate. He's also an established "billionaire" with decades of mindshare. You can't just pull someone like that out of the ether. Anyone who doesn't do it right is gonna turn people off.
DeSantis shows a blueprint of how to do this in Florida.


Nov 18, 2017
Well first, if you think the Hunter Biden thing is bad, you haven't seen anything yet. Trump and the entire GOP have literally been pushing for Bernie to be the nominee (and reciting the "rigged" narrative) for the however many months. I'm going to guess they're not doing it because they want to reach across the aisle and vote for him.

Second, (and this one is really getting out of hand) - not everything is a conspiracy. Dropping out and endorsing is literally how politics works. They didn't have a path to become President and want to be a part of Biden's administration. Very similar to what Sanders' surrogate Marianne Williamson did.
They're pushing for Bernie because of the socialist label. The same label they use for every Democrat. It's watered down. Them preferring Bernie isn't a sign of any future result. Hillary wanted Trump. Clearly didn't work out. Trump can't use his outsider image against Bernie. Bernie has the best record on unions, trade (which Trump admitted privately was the reason he didn't want Bernie as Hillary's VP pick), and doesn't take any money from corporate donors. So yes, Trump has indicated he wants Bernie, yet he's also spent that entire time talking about how the establishment is trying to screw him over. Literally communicating to his dumb base that Bernie has integrity.

This is the type of narrative Bernie can use against Trump

It's not even just Hunter Biden.

1. Biden voted for NAFTA, which doesn't bode well for the midwest.
2. Biden doesn't turn out the youth. The reliable vote is the older voters. They're going to vote blue no matter who. If Bernie is the nominee the older vote is the reliable vote. The youth vote is simply an addition that Biden will miss out on.
3. Biden is terrible in debate
4. Biden can't use the social security attack against Trump because he has advocated for the same thing multiple times.
Lmao at you having to resort to personal attacks everytime you reply to me because you aren't capable of relying on your actual arguments. The President doesn't write law. He's not a dictator. He can't just will his agenda into existence. That's literally not how things work. Is this your first election? Serious question.
This doesn't change the fact that Bernie will fight the hardest to enact positive change. Bernie is the only one willing to campaign in whichever state whichever Dem doesn't help enact said positive change. You're relying on Biden to simply work things out without applying political pressure from the masses.

Foreign policy? This is the one area that doesn't have congressional approval, and thus the one influence you don't need them. Bernie is without a doubt better than Biden here. Maybe you don't think it's possible for the president to enact change here. I would disagree, but at the very least you should admit that Bernie is the more likely president to show restrain when wielding this destructive power on brown people.


Oct 28, 2017
Whoever wins the primary probably has the best chance in the general. I don't really understand the argument in the other direction.
And equally, I don't understand this argument at all. Someone wins the smaller democratic selectorate. Why does being picked by most Democrats automatically make that person the best to win the general election? They're two different electorates.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC
I would if I wasn't working tomorrow. Just feel powerless. Doesn't help that California results will take forever to be tallied meaning Sanders potentially loses narrative momentum if it takes too long.

Anyway. Gonna go to sleep and hope for the best. Gonna be a long day.
TEXAS is huge and Bernie is looking really good there, Beto be damned


Feb 6, 2020
i wonder who our third party run is gonna be this time around. hopefully its someone good.
Whoever wins the primary probably has the best chance in the general. I don't really understand the argument in the other direction. If that's Bernie it's Bernie, if it's Biden it's Biden. People in a primary aren't being Jedi mind tricked to vote of the candidate they vote for.
hillary overwhelmingly won the primary then ate shit in the general. biden is v2 of that but with more senility.


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck is gonna happen to the Democrat party if Biden is the nom and he loses to Trump. It's at a breaking point.
In 4 years the left will try again with AOC and we'll be told she's too extreme. The party will form around their preferred candidate and presto! Another 4 more years of fash


Oct 25, 2017
OK cool. Because you were just pretending that you did.

Sometimes people have the wrong figures and accidentally say something that's not true? I don't know. But for you to rush to the interpretation of "wow, he misspoke about South Carolina voters, that must mean he thinks black South Carolinians aren't working class!" is in such bad faith that it makes it very very difficult to engage with anything else you're saying or take it seriously.

The fact that it took you an entire paragraph to try and justify your ridiculous misinterpretation of his words is telling.
I mean, that last line doesn't work because you claimed his statement was so clear that it was impossible to be misinterpreted. It's not like this is the first time Sanders has done something like this. He weighed in on Mississippi politics by saying that the Mississippi Democratic party did bad because only 10% of white people voted for Obama and 90% of white people there weren't racist. I don't know why he went out of his way to single out the demographic least likely to vote for Obama in Mississippi while I'm sure some absurd number like 90+% of black voters there voted for him. I don't personally know how seriously he takes the black vote, but his constant "my way or the highway" attitude doesn't do him any favors, especially considering the black vote is one demographic he needs more support from.


Oct 25, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta
There is no way in hell the GOP is returning to Mitt Romney types. They've had great success with a right wing populist, and their next cantidate will be another right wing populist, but probably much much smarter and a crypto fascist.
A lot of people in the GOP know that trump is going to damage the party long term in the eyes of millennials and if they do not shift soon they might struggle to hold power in a decade or two from now
Oct 28, 2017
In 4 years the left will try again with AOC and we'll be told she's too extreme. The party will form around their preferred candidate and presto! Another 4 more years of fash

I think at that point the further left would just prefer to see the Democratic Party burn to the ground as it moves to seek a new base in the suburbs as it constantly moans about losing the working class to racism and only racism.

(Yes racism is a major reason. But its a reason that makes sense to them while the Democrats continue to give technocratic answers to their questions that are impossible to decipher)


Oct 27, 2017
And equally, I don't understand this argument at all. Someone wins the smaller democratic selectorate. Why does being picked by most Democrats automatically make that person the best to win the general election? They're two different electorates.

In a highly partisan era, getting more voters of your party to show up and vote for you means a lot to me. I don't see how the person who got less is better positioned in the general.

i wonder who our third party run is gonna be this time around. hopefully its someone good.

hillary overwhelmingly won the primary then ate shit in the general. biden is v2 of that but with more senility.

And if democratic voters (god forbid, hopefully this does not happen) still prefer that to a Bernie led progressivism then shouldn't we perform some self reflection.
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