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    Votes: 3,859 73.9%
  • Did nothing for me

    Votes: 611 11.7%
  • Eh, it's alright

    Votes: 750 14.4%

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Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck!





Add these to the main OP maybe?

Art. Just Art.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Oh my god. This sounds incredible.

Journey between life and death

Begin your quest to save civilisation in a broken world rife with supernatural dangers.

Face unique challenges

Arm yourself and take aim at a variety of objectives in your mission to reunite a broken nation, while balancing under the weight of your cargo as you travel. Protect your supplies from wild bandits, and stay safe from the terrifying Beached Things… or face failing those who depend on you.

Explore the world

The Decima Engine renders a hyper-realistic landscape utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Unpassable obstacles block your path and force you to find different routes, while supernatural elements alter the physical state of your surroundings.

Death is not the end

There is no traditional 'game over' state in Death Stranding. Lose your life during combat and you'll find yourself in an upside-down realm, searching for a way back to the living. Choose your combat methods carefully, as killing your foe is almost never the solution – and every death carries a consequence.

Assist other players

Help other travellers without ever crossing paths via asynchronous online gameplay. Send supplies, share safe houses and walk in the footsteps of fellow couriers to reunite civilisation.


Oct 26, 2017
This looks so good. The gameplay finally starts to make sense and the vibe is pure unfiltered KOJIMA.


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
This has just got me more hyped. Firstly when has a Kojima trailer ever made sense? But why would you also want everything spelled out? Give me something to think about and talk about. Speculation is part of the fun leading up to big games/movies/TV shows.
Its like some people just want to be shown everything so they can get behind their keyboards and rip it to shreds and point out everything they see as being bad. Then argue with those that are excited.

Anyway, so what I gather is there are now a bunch of villages/towns/cities that are separated from each other due to these BT's? Sam works for Bridges and is tasked with building connections between the towns?
There is a terrorist run city Edgenaught(?) City that these Homo-Demons come from that don't want to be connected so go around destroying other villages and creating craters?
UCA sounds like another group trying to do something. I guess they are the guys attacking same in yellow.
Bridge Babies are used to connect to the "other side" and allow Sam to see the BT's which seems to be something the others don't have. Maybe thats why they attacked Sam so they could get his baby?
It mentions "Those bound to Hades" which must be how Mads fits in. He has made a connection to the other side and cannot break it. Must be due to teh babies since he seemed normal at the start of the trailer while conversing with/singing to the baby.
When in the WW2 style setting the enemies seem to have hit counters?

Anyway just a few things I picked up from trailer and I'm sure many have figured out the same or have their own take. I want to hear it


Oct 27, 2017
Is it just me or does this game look bad? I was excited but gameplay looks very clunky. IMO needs more polishing. The cut scenes look good though. I'm not getting this day one anymore.


Dec 4, 2018
Man, I remember before the Killzone 2 trailer dropped - how much hate Guerilla would receive around the internet, how many people saying they should get shut down for making a dud.

Now they're giving Kojima the engine to produce a game that looks like this for us? What a time.


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
Oh my god. This sounds incredible.

Journey between life and death

Begin your quest to save civilisation in a broken world rife with supernatural dangers.

Face unique challenges

Arm yourself and take aim at a variety of objectives in your mission to reunite a broken nation, while balancing under the weight of your cargo as you travel. Protect your supplies from wild bandits, and stay safe from the terrifying Beached Things… or face failing those who depend on you.

Explore the world

The Decima Engine renders a hyper-realistic landscape utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Unpassable obstacles block your path and force you to find different routes, while supernatural elements alter the physical state of your surroundings.

Death is not the end

There is no traditional 'game over' state in Death Stranding. Lose your life during combat and you'll find yourself in an upside-down realm, searching for a way back to the living. Choose your combat methods carefully, as killing your foe is almost never the solution – and every death carries a consequence.

Assist other players

Help other travellers without ever crossing paths via asynchronous online gameplay. Send supplies, share safe houses and walk in the footsteps of fellow couriers to reunite civilisation.
Damn this just keeps sounding better!!!

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
This gave a lot of its story structure away but nothing about why it's so "groundbreaking". Am I missing something?

Or is that why Mads says "You'll know everything soon." at the end of the trailer
Yeah, everything. The only people that know about the games are the devs working on it, and even then there are reports of them being surprised on how it all comes together. The claims of breaking ground could just be marketing, but we'll see in the coming months.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
The online aspect doesn't sound like anything fundamentally new. In the end, what'll set it apart will come down to how the integration of its themes is handled in the final story and gameplay experience.

Unlike a handful of others.... *cough* MGSV *cough*


Oct 28, 2017
Looks awesome, btw i was looking some of the trailers for other first party games (Spider-Man, God Of War, Days Gone) and it says "Only on Playstation" or "Playstation 4 Exclusive" in all of them but not in this one so i guess the PC version is still coming.


Oct 28, 2017
Hard to completely judge from what's shown so far, but the gameplay segments are looking pretty awful. Hopefully they show more soon.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
People also seem to get equally irritated at said hype. There's nothing wrong with being excited about something you're interested in. Coming into a thread just to basically say you (not you specifically), "don't care" is as weird as arguing what "makes sense" in something purely fictional. If one truly doesn't care or is generally uninterested there's not much that can be said or done to change that.

That's true. There's always a subset of people that seem to relish in the fact that they aren't watching or into [popular thing], but want to scream in someone's ear about how uninteresting it is when...nobody really cares.

But still, I do think there can be issues down the line when it comes to a discussion forum when people get totally drunk on hype. It leads OTs to feel really insular to any negative opinions even if at that stage everyone's opinion on the finished product is fair game, but that all breeds from the years of leadup to a thing coming out, often leading people to be predisposed to like (or dislike) a thing and just lash out at the opposite view without really discussing anything.

Atleast this thread started peeling back more interesting things from the trailer. The melee combat from that showing didn't look very good to me but seeing enemies chip away at your haul and using their own stuff as a weapon seem interesting. If nothing else MGS5 had really good mechanics, so I hope this can pull that off as well.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate joke
Oh my god. This sounds incredible.

Journey between life and death

Begin your quest to save civilisation in a broken world rife with supernatural dangers.

Face unique challenges

Arm yourself and take aim at a variety of objectives in your mission to reunite a broken nation, while balancing under the weight of your cargo as you travel. Protect your supplies from wild bandits, and stay safe from the terrifying Beached Things… or face failing those who depend on you.

Explore the world

The Decima Engine renders a hyper-realistic landscape utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Unpassable obstacles block your path and force you to find different routes, while supernatural elements alter the physical state of your surroundings.

Death is not the end

There is no traditional 'game over' state in Death Stranding. Lose your life during combat and you'll find yourself in an upside-down realm, searching for a way back to the living. Choose your combat methods carefully, as killing your foe is almost never the solution – and every death carries a consequence.

Assist other players

Help other travellers without ever crossing paths via asynchronous online gameplay. Send supplies, share safe houses and walk in the footsteps of fellow couriers to reunite civilisation.

MOD EDIT: Inappropriate content removed
Last edited by a moderator:


Oct 30, 2017
Man, that was wild. Kojima & his team still got it after 35 years in the industry & that whole Konami exit shit show.

With just how formulaic & stale along with the bare minimum plots & characters has become in the AAA space, This shit is like a breath of fresh air. I love it.


Oct 25, 2017

Just chiming to say I love kojima's female designs this time around :) she looks great. As well as the other lady.

Plus! *Gasp* there's older ladies too as well.

Good job kojima.


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
I think the scope of the game will be much more limited than his past games.

This post makes no sense to me. Not sure how someone who played the MGS games can come to this conclusion after seeing this trailer. At the very least, it looks to be the same as MGSV in terms of scope, which I wouldn't consider a massive game to begin with.


Oct 28, 2017
Will walking sim or pretentious become the buzz word for Death Stranding threads like generic was in Days Gone ones and be used no matter what?

Unless someone has already used generic in here too. If they have that confirms it was always being used as part of a drinking game.


Apr 10, 2018
I hope there's more gameplay shown before release.

My hype grew immensely after watching that and I imagine I'll be there on day 1 anyways. But, I really want to see more gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
Where is the "gameplay is awful" coming from? It's similar to mgs5 unless you think ms5 combat is awful too


Nov 27, 2017
So instead of a current gen Silent Hill game we're getting this.... this whole story of Konami cancelling Silent Hills and then Kojima rises from the ashes to give us Death Stranding, it looks like this whole chain of events will go down as one of the most epic disappointments in video game history.


Apr 4, 2018
Man if Death Strandings graphics look so good with crappy 6 years old tablet CPU and midrange 2013 GPU imagine then what will PS5 be capable of of


Oct 27, 2017
I need this in my life like right now. I especially love his statement about wanting to connect people. And this via a single player game.
This will be something insane and something memorable.
Kojima was way ahead of times with the story of MGS and the age of information. And I believe this could be similar.


Oct 8, 2018
I am surprised at the "i need to see more gameplay" here, they basically shown the main mechanics.
Anyway you will get more gameplay once previews hit as sony always has some footage for that.

In any case, easy day one, super hyped