
Oct 27, 2017
There it is. Surprising that they announce it now just before the games launch on twitter, but happy that more people could play it
Would it be better to announce it after the launch and have PC gamers go sour because they just bought it on console even though they would much rather play it on PC?

This is good PR. Everybody is happy. :)
(except maybe fanboys who just wanted another exclusive to brag about)

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
If Sony still owns the IP, I don't see why they wouldn't allow Kojima to keep using Decima.

If the next Kojima productions game is made without Sony why will he use the Decima Engine? SF 5 the game was known to go to PC day one. The situation is very different, last week Conan O Brien video had the only on Playstation logo and Kojima announce two weeks before the game PS4 release, the PC version. This is very strange.

The communication by Sony was confusing about the game and exclusivity like they wanted full exclusivty at a moment.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
This makes sense. It seems like all of the PS exclusive games that have arrived on PC are all IP Sony owns but from developers they do not own. So we're still a long ways off from ever seeing a post PS1 Naughty Dog game get a PC port.

Basically Sony is doing those devs a solid by letting them release the game on another platform while also whetting their beak a little. That also probably explains why all of those games have done EGS deals because of that profit split works for them better which is also why I feel pretty confident in saying that this game will also have EGS timed exclusivity.
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
If the next Kojima productions game is made without Sony why will he use the Decima Engine? SF 5 the game was known to go to PC day one. The situation is very different, last week Conan O Brien video had the only on Playstation logo and Kojima announce two weeks before the game PS4 release, the PC version. This is very strange.

The communication by Sony was confusing about the game and exclusivity like they wanted full exclusivty at a moment.

Well, it depends on what the next game is. If it's Death Stranding 2, and Sony still owns the IP, then Sony would have to be involved at least in some way.

Again, keep in mind, we don't really know who owns the IP anymore - Sony holds the trademark information right now, but if that's all changed, then moving forward things could be very different.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like there's a real chance for Decima to become a licensable engine, eventually. I don't really have any proof, it's just that this opportunity to show their tech in its full glory might be just part of a bigger plan (positive tinfoil hat theory!).
Its a sound theory! Look how much money Unreal and Unity rake in. If Sony has an engine they can license, they can enter that business as well. Why not?


Oct 26, 2017
The default position is that the IP owner gets a cut off all sales, this is normal and logical. If you wish to argue against the norm then you can feel free to provide evidence.

Why what cut are Sony getting of these sales?

I am just saying that we don't know what Sony and Kojima Productions negotiated. Not sure why others are trying to pretend we do know what they have negotiated.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Great news! The more the merrier!

I can't imagine waiting a year though. This is an event you want to experience firsthand together with everyone else discovering it.


Oct 31, 2017
Its a sound theory! Look how much money Unreal and Unity rake in. If Sony has an engine they can license, they can enter that business as well. Why not?
Because to compete against Epic and Unity, Sony would have to make a pretty huge investment into creating a sales and support team to actually get devs on board. Note that not even EA and Ubisoft have opened their engines despite AnvilNext and Frostbite being used by way more than just two studios.

You'd also have Sony presumably selling an engine with Xbox support which would be pretty funny


Jan 27, 2018
Ill probs still get it on PS4 if the reviews are good, it's going to be interesting to see the reaction, it's a very unique experience isn't it.


Oct 28, 2017
Thank god, im so upset bloodborne is stuck on PS4. I love playing it on ps4 but it needs the much need resolution and image quality of grade a pc can give.


Oct 25, 2017
My point is that Sony seems categorically awful at maintaining their Japanese IP, instead signing one-and-done contracts with third parties who immediately bail on them to make multiplatform games.

I would prefer Sony was able to treat their Japanese franchises the same way they do their Western ones, where we don't have to immediately assume that every Japanese exclusive is doomed to be a one-and-done game that can never be improved upon.
I am unsure why more people getting to have experiences with amazing games is a negative now because it is not a Sony exclusive anymore. There already is a precedence for this with Fromsoft and how they managed to grow to where they are with DeS laying the building blocks.

What is it about Sony that makes them so integral to this equation of putting out good games. I thought them helping devs out and getting their games made regardless immediate or future of exclusivity is a good thing.
Oct 28, 2017
There are plenty of games I have no issue waiting for a PC version, this is not one of them. This is a Day 1 game in my mind, feels like that's going to be a non-trivial part of the overall experience


Oct 28, 2017
Lol wow. Sony fucked up in a sense. They paid money and gave Koji an engine for it to be then given to PC development.

But not shocking because when Kojima went free agent, everyone wanted to sign him up. The initial reveal mentioned pc and well here we are.

I knew Sony was gonna bend over backward to get Kojima on board.

They haven't "fucked up"
The engine itself was already exploring a PC dev way back for one of the older Killzone games. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony intend to build up the decima engine as a licences engine working cross platform between PS and PC, gathering more partners to work on such projects.

In the end the larger scale AAA games in future could end up with such costs, that it makes sense for such games to also be on PC, for larger player populations and revenue.

this also isn't far off something Shawn Laden suggested a while back, of more select titles also going to PC in future


Jul 21, 2018
Great news! The more the merrier!

I can't imagine waiting a year though. This is an event you want to experience firsthand together with everyone else discovering it.
Yeah this what I've been thinking about that's why I'm double dipping , it is going to suck having to be extra careful talking about the game though cause people are waiting :/

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
Well, it depends on what the next game is. If it's Death Stranding 2, and Sony still owns the IP, then Sony would have to be involved at least in some way.

Again, keep in mind, we don't really know who owns the IP anymore - Sony holds the trademark information right now, but if that's all changed, then moving forward things could be very different.

If he does Death Stranding 2 and Sony want to continue? Maybe it will work like this maybe not. I have a doubt now. I think if he makes a muliplatform game on a new franchise, Sony will let him use a fork of the Decima engine but the situation is strange.

I am unsure why more people getting to have experiences with amazing games is a negative now because it is not a Sony exclusive anymore. There already is a precedence for this with Fromsoft and how they managed to grow to where they are with DeS laying the building blocks.

What is it about Sony that makes them so integral to this equation of putting out good games. I thought them helping devs out and getting their games made regardless immediate or future of exclusivity is a good thing.

This is a great things The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite game this generation and it is multiplatform.
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May 31, 2019
First party games are a good thing. They provide differentiation between increasingly homogeneous platforms and allow the console manufacturers to deliver experiences tailor made for their machines.

Third party exclusives are a slightly different can of worms, but in my case I'm specifically talking about first-party titles, which at this point in time are literally the only reason one would buy ANY particular console. If the content isn't there, why bother?

I'd agree that first party games allow the developers to focus on delivering a quality experience since there are fewer platforms to develop for and thus creates greater focus for the team; however, in this situation, it's a port being developed by a separate studio after the game comes out on PS4 first (releasing at least 6 months later), which shouldn't affect the quality of the PS4 version at all.

Exclusives are definitely a primary reason to buy a console at this point so late in the cycle (especially for people that already own the other platform), but it's not the only factor. Cost and social influence (which one do my friends have?) play significant roles as well.

I'm just not seeing how this is a negative decision for anyone except maybe Sony. People on PS4 get it first with no reduction in quality and people with PCs eventually get a potentially worse or better version of the game depending on port quality.

As someone who owns a PS4 Pro but was hoping it would come to PC so I could play it in 3440x1440 (hopefully), I'm super excited for this news!


Oct 29, 2017
All things considered, it is getting kind of frustrating how Sony keeps setting up developers to succeed without them.

Like, I get it, business is business, but as someone who feels really unserved by Sony's ACTUAL first party offerings this gen it would be really nice if they could treat their Japanese exclusives with the same level of importance as their Western ones and actually KEEP some as exclusives or franchises for a change instead of setting the developers up to run away to multiplatform after one game.

Wait, so you want these developers to be eternally bound to Sony and not be able to thrive without them?



Nov 12, 2017
I'll wait for the superior version on PC. Will probably be able to get a cheap eBay download code for 5 dollars when it releases.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't planning to buy the game at launch anyways. I'm happy to wait. I just hope I enjoy the game more than MGS 5.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
A consumer friendly announcement.

Most devs / publishers would have waited until the PS4 version came out desperate for that double dip.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
Looool so many people doubted the poster that created a particular thread. The poster has been vindicated.

Anyway the signs were there and glad it's proven to be right.

Deleted member 18742

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Are you seriously doing the "both sides" thing?

Imagine thinking there is some sort of moral high ground on who is in the right in this whole situation L M A O. It's fucking ports for a video game.

We have people here magically turning from haters into lovers of the game because it's coming to platform of choice. And on the right, we have people seriously complaining about the ability for more people to enjoy a game as a bad thing.