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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that is awesome !
I hope Bend deliver on this, I want huge reveals like we got in Horizon

I'm hoping. I'm always disappointed when a game post apocalyptic and it's never explained how it became post apocalyptic in the first place. So knowing that it appears that Bend will actually tell us why is great. Adds to the suspense and whatnot in the game world.


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
also he kinda doesn't believe in the giant horde existence because it was not present in his playthrought even if the giant hordes are an official features of the game...

I also didn't find any of the giant hordes in the demo. Obviously they're still in there, I just think they were focused on showing the rest of the game as they've done demos focusing specifically on the horde in the past.


Oct 27, 2017
I also didn't find any of the giant hordes in the demo. Obviously they're still in there, I just think they were focused on showing the rest of the game as they've done demos focusing specifically on the horde in the past.
Yeah I did read some previews people did run into them in the cave shown in the broll.

Agreed. I enjoyed the three storylines in AC Odyssey so this setup is perfectly fine by me as long as every story has context to it and a conclusion.


Oct 27, 2017
Based on Skillup's preview, it sounds really promising. Was not expecting the dialogue and story stuff to be so solid. Hopefully, they can fine-tune the shooting mechanics before release.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
the guy from giantbomb doesn't even understand why camps use freaker ears as money, he mix shit up with the ears and the food deacon provide to camp and talk about cannibals lol (with a bad reaction from the other people on the podcast).
also he kinda doesn't believe in the giant horde existence because it was not present in his playthrought even if the giant hordes are an official features of the game...

it was painful to listen tbh and i'm ok with negative previews if the game doesn't click but this was something else...

Impressions are impressions, Dan doesn't like the game. I like GB when it comes to stupid nonsense but when it comes to actual information about games, they get shit wrong all the time. During the Nintendo Direct that had info about DQ11 on Switch, they didn't know that DQ11 had even been released!


Nov 10, 2018
I also didn't find any of the giant hordes in the demo. Obviously they're still in there, I just think they were focused on showing the rest of the game as they've done demos focusing specifically on the horde in the past.
i mean, it's an OFFICIAL feature and one of the biggest attraction of the game, how can you even doubt of his existence?? (not talking about you)


Nov 10, 2018
Impressions are impressions, Dan doesn't like the game. I like GB when it comes to stupid nonsense but when it comes to actual information about games, they get shit wrong all the time. During the Nintendo Direct that had info about DQ11 on Switch, they didn't know that DQ11 had even been released!
yeah and it doesn't look very good for a videogame talkshow or what is their business tbh...
i mean other journalist ask questions to bend devs and he talk shit out of his ass because he was too lazy to ask...doing misinformation is better for some people...

(sorry if i look too angry at GB crew and for my english, i usually doesn't care about previews or reviews but this was kinda bad)

Deleted member 10737

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Oct 27, 2017
his tone is pretty doubtful when he talk with the crew, but english is not my native language so maybe i'm wrong.
i think that's cuz it's such a big part of all the trailers so far, so he was feeling some kinda away about not encountering a big horde in his three hours with the game. definitely doesn't sound like he's saying they don't exist at all.


Oct 25, 2017
i think that's cuz it's such a big part of all the trailers so far, so he was feeling some kinda away about not encountering a big horde in his three hours with the game. definitely doesn't sound like he's saying they don't exist at all.

If I had to guess why they didn't feature it in the current demo is only because they already had a demo that solely focused on fighting a horde that was demoed over and over again and so they made this demo to focus on other stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
i think that's cuz it's such a big part of all the trailers so far, so he was feeling some kinda away about not encountering a big horde in his three hours with the game. definitely doesn't sound like he's saying they don't exist at all.
Other impressions said they ran into a horde, Dan just didn't.


Jul 4, 2018
I love the Giantbomb crew. The best gaming content/personalities as far as I'm concerned.
That said, don't take to heart their impressions/opinions of games. They will simply not like something because they truly didn't like it, they aren't doing it just to be contrarian.
Sometimes a game could click every single box for what they look for in a game and they'll barely touch it and write it off.
Also, they are pretty notorious for getting info about games wrong. A prompt could be flashing on screen on how to proceed and they can be stuck there for several minutes lol
Jan 20, 2019
I love the Giantbomb crew. The best gaming content/personalities as far as I'm concerned.
That said, don't take to heart their impressions/opinions of games. They will simply not like something because they truly didn't like it, they aren't doing it just to be contrarian.
Sometimes a game could click every single box for what they look for in a game and they'll barely touch it and write it off.
Also, they are pretty notorious for getting info about games wrong. A prompt could be flashing on screen on how to proceed and they can be stuck there for several minutes lol

Yah it seems they are good gamers but terrible reviewers.


Nov 8, 2017
I love the Giantbomb crew. The best gaming content/personalities as far as I'm concerned.
That said, don't take to heart their impressions/opinions of games. They will simply not like something because they truly didn't like it, they aren't doing it just to be contrarian.
Sometimes a game could click every single box for what they look for in a game and they'll barely touch it and write it off.
Also, they are pretty notorious for getting info about games wrong. A prompt could be flashing on screen on how to proceed and they can be stuck there for several minutes lol
Agreed, love all those guys, but they (more east than west) get a lot of info wrong all the time. Not saying that this is the case here (haven't played it), but it wouldn't surprise me either.


Dec 5, 2017
Attack that straw man, fam.
I mean isn't it a straw man to just say the games politics are blatantly right wing libertarian? Mistrust of authoritarian influences is not inherent only to right wing libertarianism.

Do we call George Orwell a right wing libertarian for 1984 because it's themes are focused around an authoritarian government? No. He was a self identified socialist.

Some of you apply concepts with way too broad of a brush.


Oct 27, 2017
The environment is intuitive, with day-night cycle and a dynamic ecosystem where the wildlife, may attack you, attack the human NPCs or even the freakers and vice versa.

For instance, during my playthrough, when I was about to terminate the lifespan of a cultist, a freaker jumped out of nowhere to killsteal, and just before I could react and pull the trigger, we got hit by a deer. Yes, a freaking deer with antlers and all.
In regards to the bike, it is one of the highlights of the game pretty much like it. Although Sam who has also tried the game believe that the pace of the ride can be faster, I think it is reasonable and it is responsive.

Like Deacon's well-being, you need to pay attention to the condition of your bike and fuel gauge. You will start with a low-end starter bike, but can eventually upgrade it into a heavyweight chopper beast!
Overall, the two hours stride in the freaker-besieged Oregon was a joyful experience. I was pleasantly surprised with the rich gameplay, potential of the game, and the story seems to have the probable capacity to match the caliber of the well-crafted world.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I mean isn't it a straw man to just say the games politics are blatantly right wing libertarian?

It would be if I said the game's politics were blatantly right wing libertarian, but I didn't, so, straw manning again.

What I said: I'm turned off by the libertarian bend of the story. What I never said: This game celebrates the virtues of libertarianism.

I'm just saying right-wing libertarianism is a theme in the story, and I'm saying that because the devs are saying it too. THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY A BAD THING, BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARILY A GOOD THING EITHER, WHICH IS WHY I AM MERELY, SIMPLY, ONLY UNSURE ABOUT THIS GAME. I'm interested in learning more about how the game handles these themes and subject matter before I invest time and money into it. That's it, that's all.


Dec 5, 2017
It would be if I said the game's politics were blatantly right wing libertarian, but I didn't, so, straw manning again.

What I said: I'm turned off by the libertarian bend of the story. What I never said: This game celebrates the virtues of libertarianism.

I'm just saying right-wing libertarianism is a theme in the story, and I'm saying that because the devs are saying it too. THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY A BAD THING, BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARILY A GOOD THING EITHER, WHICH IS WHY I AM MERELY, SIMPLY, ONLY UNSURE ABOUT THIS GAME. I'm interested in learning more about how the game handles these themes and subject matter before I invest time and money into it. That's it, that's all.
Hmm interesting. Alright. I'm curious where they said they were focusing on themes about libertarianism. Is there an interview where they talk about this?

I think I remember the director saying that the different camps embody different ideologies, but I don't think he ever specifically said anything about favoring libertarianism.

Does it bother you if something presents those ideas but doesn't make a specific value statement about it? Not trying to nail you down or anything, but legit trying to understand what specifically makes you feel it's questionable.
Unless you mean the whole independent survivalist themes? But isn't that just kind of inherent to the genre of post apocalyptic fiction?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Does it bother you if something presents those ideas but doesn't make a specific value statement about it? Not trying to nail you down or anything, but legit trying to understand what specifically makes you feel it's questionable.

I loved BioShock. BioShock was kinda "both sides got a point" with libertarianism. I can overlook that if the game is incredible.

But generally, I prefer my media to take a stance on its subject matter. To explore the truth of its scenario and come to a conclusion by the end. Maybe Days Gone does this and does this very well. I don't think anybody outside of the Bend studio knows at this point. I have doubts, however.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see firsthand how deep they go with all the stuff around the motorcycle. Can you leave the engine running while you explore? I'm already envisioning forgetting to shut off the bike only to come outside and realized I burned up valuable fuel, or worse, gave away my location to hostiles. And it would be so damn cool if the horde stuff was dynamic and not scripted.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see firsthand how deep they go with all the stuff around the motorcycle. Can you leave the engine running while you explore? I'm already envisioning forgetting to shut off the bike only to come outside and realized I burned up valuable fuel, or worse, gave away my location to hostiles. And it would be so damn cool if the horde stuff was dynamic and not scripted.

I was reading somewhere that if you leave your bike out, there's a chance other humans can come through and mess with it - taking away from the bike's overall health.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see firsthand how deep they go with all the stuff around the motorcycle. Can you leave the engine running while you explore? I'm already envisioning forgetting to shut off the bike only to come outside and realized I burned up valuable fuel, or worse, gave away my location to hostiles. And it would be so damn cool if the horde stuff was dynamic and not scripted.

It's completely dynamic. It has it's own in engine design to ensure it. Bend, I think, call it the "Freaker System." But I'm not exact on the name.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see firsthand how deep they go with all the stuff around the motorcycle. Can you leave the engine running while you explore? I'm already envisioning forgetting to shut off the bike only to come outside and realized I burned up valuable fuel, or worse, gave away my location to hostiles. And it would be so damn cool if the horde stuff was dynamic and not scripted.
Horde stuff is all dynamic they have their on migration patters and such, the game has 40 total hordes.

Not counting the ones that comes in 50 or less.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to see firsthand how deep they go with all the stuff around the motorcycle. Can you leave the engine running while you explore? I'm already envisioning forgetting to shut off the bike only to come outside and realized I burned up valuable fuel, or worse, gave away my location to hostiles. And it would be so damn cool if the horde stuff was dynamic and not scripted.

It's mostly unscripted with hordes searching for food and water as well heading to nests and caves to rest. They'll also react to wildlife and human NPCs like chasing herds of deer or being attracted to fire fights and other forms of commotion. Even different kinds of freakers will interact like attacking one another.


Oct 27, 2017
They are basically in the polishing phase now
GamesBeat: It was a relatively short. There's no explanation for what happens. You start in the middle of the pandemic or whatever it is. Why did you want to start that way?

Garvin: All we were really trying to do is establish that Deacon has two important relationships: his wife Sarah and his best friend Boozer. He had a very hard choice he had to make at the very beginning. That was the pivotal moment. We cut to that as quickly as we could. Then we come back to that later on. There will be a flashback sequence where you see more of what happened as the world was ending, and see how that affected Deacon's character.

We have a lot more background detail that we give about the end of the world, if you want it. It's all told in this storyline called World's End, where the player can explore. You can see stuff everywhere in the world. You see checkpoints at the refugee camp where he goes. The mass graves and all this. They all have micro-recorders, NERO intel, where you can get more information about how the world ended.

GamesBeat: You do have some loading screens. Is that a fact of life with the hardware in this age?

Garvin: This is something we're still working on. We're trying to get those loading screens down to as little as possible. We've been in development for six years. We have a lot of detail in the world. We've managed to avoid loading screens between regions. When you go from Copeland's camp to the mountain, there's no load screen there. But we still have load screens when you're going in and out of a cinematic. We're trying to make those as small as possible.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of God of War. I've seen the awesome technology they have for the seamless experience. We're going to get as close to that as we can.

GamesBeat: What do you have to do between now and launch?

Garvin: The team is working hard on continuing to make sure that we're hitting our target of 30 frames per second. We're working hard to make sure that everything works on a base PS4 as well as it does on a Pro. My job is basically done. All I can do is keep playing the game and doing press tours like this. When I'm in the studio I just play and play and play and cross my fingers. So far it's playing pretty well. It's turned out as good as I could possibly hope.


Oct 27, 2017
"When we started, we were like… 50 people on the team, and to do a triple-A title, story-driven, in an open world, that was a bit ambitious of us," Roth tells me. But Sony was confident in the developer after the success of PS Vita launch title Uncharted: Golden Abyss – its second-most recent title, which was followed by Vita card-game curio Uncharted: Fight for Fortune – and eventually the team was able to expand.

"We are at 133 or 136 people, or something like that," Roth says. "We hired talented people from the movie industry, and from other big studios, and that helped us very much. My team in animation, we were three at the start. Now we are ten. We have a real animation director, we have two leads, and it really does help."
The jump from Vita to PS4 is significant, too. "We always embrace new technology", Roth says. "When it was Uncharted, we pushed the Vita. With the PS4, we push the graphic capabilities. So we do HDR, even on regular PS4, and embrace better lighting effects with better contrast, which is very important to us."


Oct 27, 2017
Story trailer coming before launch
How do you go about getting that across to people? That story is such an integral part of the game?

John: Well, we're going to have a story trailer that comes out before launch!
Always useful!

John: You know, we've been deliberately focussing on the gameplay, the open world, the bike in all the trailers we've released recently. That's mostly because I hate spoilers, so I've been really reluctant to talk about story elements that I think could spoil the game, but I'm definitely willing to let players know that they're coming into a character driven narrative experience.
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