
Oct 27, 2017
Watching this myself when he was taking about gender I was like "he has no idea what gender is" then he continued to prove I was right.

He made some good points in the routine but the end was just yikes


Oct 25, 2017
So he essentially ends the bit by asking the trans community (you know, that powerful group that has never suffered with bigotry and oppression) to stop punching down on his community?

What an absolute cunt of a person he is.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
"Will you stop punching down on my community?"

Dafuq? What do you mean down!?
Dumb ass nigga thinks people like daBaby and Boosie are victims of the LGBTQ+'s crusade

Saying this shit when people from all over shat on D. Wade's daughter for coming out and the constant shitstorm homophobes cast upon Lil Nas. Shit is so egregious.


Nov 9, 2018
"Will you stop punching down on my community?"

Dafuq? What do you mean down!?
It almost feels like he thinks there are no black LGBTQ people, so they are all white and thus punching down.
I think he was referring to Stand Up Comics, as he said this after talking about how he felt like Daphne was a part of his tribe/ community because she was a true comedian and how just speaking up on his behalf got her dragged through twitter (presumably by the LGBTQ+ community according to his stand up) the days leading up to her suicide.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so absurd how people like Chapelle and Linehan make their entire career about hate. This isn't just like one part of their deal anymore, it's their entire persona. Just shut the fuck up?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Months): Harmful Commentary Around Non-Binary; Prior Ban for Dismissing Concerns Around Transphobia
At least he's upfront and honest about it but what a view. Hard disagree from me, if someone has gone through the sex change process, I mean yeah it might not be the same but that shouldn't mean they can't be recognised as the opposite gender. I personally only get confused when people claim they are neither male or female, which is a whole different thing entriely. Like, how can you claim to not be either?

Does he actually mention mention DaBaby when talking about punching down on his people? That would be ultra-yikes, Kevin Hart I could sort of understand but there was no excusing DaBaby at all.
Oct 28, 2017
Incredibly disappointing and will further arm the people who advocate against his views.

And no, starting a trust fund doesn't absolve of horrible views. Dave of all people should know how it feels when rich people use money to shield their discrimination.

The Big Short

Oct 29, 2017
terfs seems to specifically think that the magical bullet to all of this, the one part us trans people have somehow completely missed that will change our perspective entirely, is that a pee-pee is not actually the same as a vagina.


Oct 25, 2017
I think he has the same problem a lot of people have and he said it pretty explicitly in the special. He conflated gender identity with biology when he said gender is a fact and that everybody passes through the legs of a woman when they're born. I think part of the problem is that most people don't actually think about their gender identity because their biological sex and gender identity match. That consistency is taken for granted and I think it's very hard to imagine what it might feel like if those two things disagreed. So they default back to what's familiar or obvious to them which is biological sex. I also think this subject hints at some very uncomfortable underlying ideas that revolve around the fact that your mind and your body can be disconnected from each other, and that at a very deep level we really have no control over both.


Oct 27, 2017
It was a pretty bad show though and through; even the audience that presumably paid a buttload of money to see him live didn't really have his back. On his previous shows, he'd hit on the LGTBQ community for a couple minutes and move on, but he spends the entire hour and 12 minutes of this last show lashing out at people he mistakenly believes have wronged him in some way. It was really uncomfortable.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Like his good friend Kanye: don't tell these peeps what not do to, they gonna double and triple down on whatever society deservedly tells them is wrong.

What exactly is it you're trying to say here? Because even though you use the world "deservedly," you make it seem like these two are somehow being forced to double down because they are being criticized. It's on them, not the people pointing out their shit


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
At least he's upfront and honest about it but what a view. Hard disagree from me, if someone has gone through the sex change process, I mean yeah it might not be the same but that shouldn't mean they can't be recognised as the opposite gender. I personally only get confused when people claim they are neither male or female, which is a whole different thing entriely. Like, how can you claim to not be either?

What's there to be confused about? If gender is a social construct, rather than a genetic one, then we identify with the social markers that differentiate us between male and female.

In much the same way you don't need bottom surgery to be considered a trans woman, because they use female social markers in how they present themselves, to be neither, or non-binary to use the correct term, is to not feel comfortable sitting within either box. Ergo we don't fit in with the binary, and that's why we go by non-binary.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's super disappointing. He's still funny as fuck but it's impossible to ignore the awful bigotry. The ironic part is him whining about people misrepresenting his views by only reading about them on a surface level but he then does that exact same thing by misrepresenting JK Rowlings comments and sanitising them.

What exactly is it you're trying to say here? Because even though you use the world "deservedly," you make it seem like these two are somehow being forced to double down because they are being criticized. It's on them, not the people pointing out their shit

Not sure why you're trying to start beef with that poster. It's completely obvious they're framing that in a negative way. Some people react terribly to criticism by doubling down rather than reflecting and improving. That's clearly what they're saying.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Where's the jokes though Dave? He says he's gonna stop telling them about us but all he's been doing is taking his microphone and his audience and ranting about us. A particularly vile one in this case. To the extent that it's damn, did you catch feelings over some trans woman or something? That's usually how it goes when it comes to this whole "lol I can tell, you know. I can definitely tell. Trust me guys, I can tell" obsession on being able to tell the difference between us and our cis sisters. Like um, sir? How you gonna know what a trans girl's pussy tastes like?

Brr. These cis men and their hangups.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Look at it this way. They rarely just come out and admit it. When people tell you who they are, believe em.


Oct 25, 2017
Idk i just figured a lot has changed in the world and they would see it wasn't a good idea but yeah money is money I guess.
I'm willing to bet Dave has something in his contract about editorial control, considering the fuss he brought up about his shows being aired without his permission before.


Oct 28, 2017
Not surprising in the least. What I don't get is people being surprised at Netflix too. Their entire marketing schtick is shock value with little regard for anything else. They don't care.
Dec 30, 2020
Hey Dave. Thanks for siding with the group attacking, tormenting, and torturing a marginalized group. They were really lacking so having you there makes up the numbers.

Emo Philips is a better comedian.


Oct 25, 2017
really sad and uncomfortable to sit through. especially when he tried to rally crowd support behind dababy and rowling. most of the crowd wasn't having it but still felt bad because I know he will influence a ton of people on this subject through this special. so fuck netflix on that point. it's pretty fucked up.

i understand his arguments, his beef with white people/etc, but it doesn't really hold up to any scrutiny. dude is just straight-up bigoted and wrong. if he were consistent in his belief, he'd be fighting on behalf of the black trans community/minorities who are lgbtq+ who have to deal with double the bullshit. but that's where it breaks down and where his bullshit obviously reveals itself. terfs can get fucked

dave put out a funny show almost 20 years ago and that doesn't make him the god comedian or incapable of being wrong. you don't have to cape for him on this point.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Does Netflix have no editorial control?
You would think they would take one look at this, dismiss it as incoherent, irrelevant ramblings and edit it out of the show.

You would think they'd take one look at this and say, "Um, this is going to hurt us with our LGBT+ audience."

I guess Netflix just doesn't give a fuck.


Nov 11, 2017
I just.... This planet. Fucking a. Can't for the life of me grasp why anybody cares what other people do. Someone else's identity or gender or anything of the sort has nothing to do with me, there is no possible way it could ever negatively Impact me or anybody else. . why you'd step up and be such a piece of shit about it .. why you'd make it the cause of your life. It's just so fucking depressing when the answer is .. just accept and support people. That's it.


Oct 25, 2017
What exactly is it you're trying to say here? Because even though you use the world "deservedly," you make it seem like these two are somehow being forced to double down because they are being criticized. It's on them, not the people pointing out their shit
I agree with you. I am not shifting blame, just sayin they are using this faux contrarian stance as a excuse to bullshit us.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Yeah, tripling down. Dudes determined to die on that hill, and history will not judge him kindly.

I read it yesterday morning and facepalmed myself. I can't even say he's getting educated wrong because it feels like you gotta search out TERF content in the states since it's usually just plain on 'trans people are evil' here without the misnomer unless you get into the weeds of the debate. Where's this imaginary horde of trans persons claiming they are genetically women or men; it's the same 'black supremacy' racist strawman argument remixed and its sad he fell for the okey doke.
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Nov 9, 2017
Has-been comedians are the fucking worst. I love a lot of what Chappelle's done, but goddamn, enough is enough.

The world's moved on, Dave. We know better now. The old insights are no longer insightful, the old jokes aren't funny anymore. Comedians that keep clinging to that old shit and start kicking downwards out of convenience, laziness or some misguided fucking idea of timeless excellence need to fucking die out, in the professional sense. Take that last breath, Dave. Move the fuck on.
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Oct 26, 2017
Considering all men are biological women at some point in the womb, does that make him a woman too?


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I agree with you. I am not shifting blame, just sayin they are using this faux contrarian stance as a excuse to bullshit us.

Yup. They are in the 'Loud and Wrong' old man at the barbershop phase on their career except it's 20 years too early for both, and they both should know fucking better. At least the old head generally never left the neighborhood and is ignorant on a wide variety of things


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I just don't get why he's obsessed with these jokes?

The trans community is amongst the most marginalized in the world. It's like the dude is stuck in the 90s here.

Has-been comedians are the fucking worst. I love a lot of what Chappelle's done, but goddamn, enough is enough.

He's still good. But his obsession with making mean spirited trans jokes is baffling.

It's like he heard the criticism and started pouting like a toddler about being criticized, so he doubled down.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
It wasnt obvious enough before? Now it is. Stop supporting this vile piece of shit.

I just don't get why he's obsessed with these jokes?

The trans community is amongst the most marginalized in the world. It's like the dude is stuck in the 90s here.

Because some comedians can only punch down, or they only want to when it comes to certain groups they are biased against.
Nov 4, 2017
When people tell you who they are, believe em.
The world needs more of Maya Angelou's wisdom. Preach.

20 years ago, I'd have said Dave Chappelle was the funniest person on the planet. But these new Netflix specials just keep getting worse. I couldn't even get through 20 minutes of Sticks & Stones. I'll give this one a wide berth. I hear enough opinions of rich, out-of-touch dudes already.
Oct 25, 2017
Im always scared about getting flabby and sick in my old age like Dave. I hope i'm one of those cool old people that's always "with it" and keeps up with modern advancements


Apr 23, 2018
I just don't get why he's obsessed with these jokes?

The trans community is amongst the most marginalized in the world. It's like the dude is stuck in the 90s here.
When you become a terf it consumes you until there isnt anything else left.

It's not that hes obsessed, he just cant think of anything else anymore.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
It wasnt obvious enough before? Now it is. Stop supporting this vile piece of shit.

Because some comedians can only punch down, or they only want to when it comes to certain groups they are biased against.
He does punch up. His last special was basically that, but for trans community he's basically a bully. I really don't get the obsession he has here. Gotta be pride. He couldn't take the initial criticism.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
Grew up on stand-up comedy and the quote unquote 'edgy' ones were always my favourites. I can recite entire Bill Hicks routines from memory, even today.

It's embarrassing to see a performance style that, as a teenager/young adult, I really thought had a purpose and a societal function, beyond being funny, get reduced before my eyes to little more than bigotry and grandstanding as I go into my thirties. So many of them (the ones still alive, that is) are just nasty fucking TERFs these days.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Damn who could have seen this totally shocking plot twist coming.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
why is he so dumb about this stuff? EVEN IF he doesnt mean any ill will, its still just.. stupid. completely stupid "humor". even if i was insensitive and bigoted enough to laugh at trans jokes, i still wouldnt laugh at any of his.

i thought he was smarter and more nuanced than this. its obviously a subject matter he's clueless about and will never learn, so he should just know not to speak on it. just shut the fuck up already, joke about race or money or something else you are clever about. ANYTHING else, please for the love of all that is good..

ugh. at this point its futile i guess. why does Netflix keep platforming him exactly..? ohh yeah, big piles of money.