
Oct 27, 2017
So how is the progression on this?
I love me some Diablo etc. but always for the loot not so much for the "action".
Art style at least looks great on DS Genesis.
Jan 3, 2019
I'm gonna be real with you, ERA. I follow announcements and I'm here a lot of time (possibly too much) but I had no idea this game existed.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow really good reviews. I think they are better than 3. Shane this game has no hype


Oct 27, 2017
never played a Darksiders but this one caught my eye. if it weren't the holiday season i'd be on it in a heartbeat


Oct 28, 2017
i actually really like the Darksiders franchise... i say, knowing full well i only played the first game and never got around to the second or third. still, there's a lot i like about the universe theyve built, and i love the foray into this little side-game sort of entry in the series. i might actually jump in on this one.

full disclosure, though: i 100% wish it wasnt a game starring War and Strife and instead they went full on side-story and had an angel and a demon as the main protags or something.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Polygon (no score):
Sure, I had some fun, but I was eventually bored by the constant combat and puzzles that felt like chores meant to break up the real action of the game. An updated view of the action makes Darksiders Genesis look fresh, but after looking under that new paint job I found a game that feels tired, despite a few bright spots. (B):
What Airship Syndicate have done is show the world that the Darksiders IP is more than a one-trick pony, and for those who've not been tempted by the core franchise entries up until this point, there is now a very different sample of the IP with which to taste. Everything Genesis does, it does quite well, and over the ~15-20 hour playtime (depending on how thorough you are) you'll find it quite hard to identify moments of weakness. For existing and prospective fans alike, there's much to love about Darksiders Genesis.

Shacknews (9/10):
We'll come out and say it: Darksiders Genesis feels a lot like some of our favorite parts of the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games mixed with Darksiders tone and puzzle-solving. It unfortunately brings some issues in those games along, such as enemy repetition and glitchy environments, but these are light problems among the genuinely enjoyable and accessible gameplay, continuously expanding arsenal of the playable characters, and the gorgeous visuals and music throughout.

If anything, the similar vibes to Marvel Ultimate Alliance and the built-in aspect of the Four Horsemen make us want Death and Fury in the mix from the get-go with the option to utilize the powers of all of them as we see fit, or shared in a four-player co-op fracas. That said, for its first approach to this style of gameplay, Darksiders: Genesis does a genuinely good job of delivering what makes those games good while keeping its own unique flair about it.

Bazimag (9/10, review in farsi):
Maybe Darksiders Genesis looks like a small game with a limited budget at the first look, but developers have used this budget as best as possible to create a title that unlike Darksiders III, feels like a Darksiders game and is faithful to the roots of this series.

Softpedia (8.5/10):
There are many things that I wish Airship Syndicate would have done differently, but Darksiders: Genesis is definitely a title worth picking up. It's no Darksiders 4 and lacks the polish of any of the previous Darksiders games, but it's got the flavor, the pace and the combat mechanics that made the franchise popular among gamers.

There's a compelling story underneath all the hacking and slashing, with interesting characters and extremely well-done level design. The puzzles are very clever, something that I would expect from a Darksiders game, and there's simply a lot of content to enjoy throughout a nearly 15-hour playthrough.

Game Revolution (4/5):
Minor faults aside, Darksiders Genesis masterfully shrinks down the long-running franchise into a top-down action game that's just plain fun to play. Outside of losing a few navigational skills, the game still features all the colorful characters and intense combat you'd expect. It's also a hell of a value, clocking in around the same length as its predecessors even if you're rushing to the finish line. Not merely a spin-off, Genesis stands side by side with its numbered brethren, providing a worthy entry in the franchise. Looking forward, whether we get a Strife-focused 3D game or the much-anticipated four horsemen sequel, Genesis makes it easy to be eager for either path.

IGN Italia (8/10, review in italian):
Darksiders Genesis is a convincing spin-off, which manages to have its own personality by easily avoiding the comparison with Diablo or Torchlight and maintaining the typical climate of the series. Menare demons give great satisfaction, and the budget price seems really appropriate given the contents of the package offered by THQ Nordic. This is the classic example of a total greater than the sum of the parts since, for 30 euros, one turns a blind eye on some smudges to concentrate on the fun.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
This looks pretty great. I'll keep my eye on ongoing reviews and impressions!


Oct 27, 2017
So is there any word on k/m controls?

ACG's review mentioned the devs suggest using a controller but I'm pretty attached to k/m for gaming.
You can and it works but for me it was no where near as solid as with the controller. But anyone accustomed to these games should be able to do it fine.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Totally forgot this came out.

I'm acting like I was going to play this when I haven't even played the previous ones smh.


Jun 3, 2019
Seems like a pretty good game, with my most trusted sources giving it 8s and 9s... will definitely play it when it hits consoles.


Oct 24, 2018
This IP just really doesnt know what it wants to be. It went from a Zelda esque adventure, to an MMO like loot collecting game to a Dark Souls combat thing. And now this. The funn thing is that this actually looks fun to play unlike the last two games.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Rock Paper Shotgun have their review out.

No score or "Bestest Best" badge, but they like it. They say it's a solid mid-budget game where the gameplay, art style and level design largely overshadow some of its annoyances. There's also this passage I fully agree with:

[...] Fun was Had in the making of this thing, and by people who were really into what they were doing. It's a mid-budget game, sure, but for all its occasional frustrations, there is not a whiff of half-assery. It's a full-arsed, thumb-numbing, limb-lopping murder party.
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