
Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Looking forward to building my hype squad and then watching them all get completely eradicated 5 rooms into the dungeon because of bad rolls


Oct 27, 2017
Start all new run.

You learn game pretty fast and learn what to do, when to do it etc. It just can take few dead end runs, even if you read wiki and watch a lot lets plays on before hand.

Failure in Darkest Dungeon is fine as you will learn from it, very much intended.

Eh, doesn't sound encouraging. I would hate to get 5 hours into the game and realize I need to start over. And then have it happen again.

Maybe it's not for me. In your description of play, it does sound more like a rogue-like game, which I'm not a fan of for that reason (starting over multiple times).


Jan 24, 2019
Eh, doesn't sound encouraging. I would hate to get 5 hours into the game and realize I need to start over. And then have it happen again.

Maybe it's not for me. In your description of play, it does sound more like a rogue-like game, which I'm not a fan of for that reason (starting over multiple times).

If you get it on PC, I strongly encourage using Radiant Mode (the game's easier difficulty setting) plus a mod that removes negative quirks.

You still have permadeath for your characters + managing stress however you will make slow yet solid progress with basically everything you do. Not 100% in the spirit of the game but I promise it is still awesome and tense (I just finished the game in June with these mods and a few others, it was amazing)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, doesn't sound encouraging. I would hate to get 5 hours into the game and realize I need to start over. And then have it happen again.

Maybe it's not for me. In your description of play, it does sound more like a rogue-like game, which I'm not a fan of for that reason (starting over multiple times).

It's a punishing game about loss, sacrifice and the struggle for redemption. If you aren't even slightly masochistic in your gaming habits, you won't have a good time with it.

Having said that, there is an easy mode, though I'm not sure entirely how it makes the game easier.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Apparently the game is switching sprites for 3d models, confirmed by one of the devs on reddit.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
You know, if it wasn't because these shitty EGS exclusives, I would forget that terrible launcher exists.

Oh well, going to wait the full release at a discounted price. They are already getting their money from Timmy, so no rush to buy the game.


Dec 3, 2018
I hope they stop making sweeping balance changes during the middle of my runs so I have to essentially start over.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a punishing game about loss, sacrifice and the struggle for redemption. If you aren't even slightly masochistic in your gaming habits, you won't have a good time with it.

Having said that, there is an easy mode, though I'm not sure entirely how it makes the game easier.

I don't have a problem with very difficult games, I guess I just need to understand 'why' I would need to start over. Just to be clear, are you saying if I lose party members (as it's permadeath), it's better to start over (and make sure to keep everyone alive), than to recruit a new character after already starting the dungeon?

From what I understand, characters die a LOT in this game, so it sounds like starting over would happen often, then.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's early access. You need achievements for early access? Mods?

Hades development in early access with EGS turned out perfectly splendid.
Hades isn't the same game or community as Darkest Dungeon, so I don't understand that comparison. Darkest Dungeon in Steam Early Access had a TON of community feedback from Steam Forums / etc. taken into account for the full game. Also, are you seriously advocating for less player choice in how people decide to play their games? Darkest Dungeon in particular has a sizable modding community too so that hits this title especially hard when early access has limited content.
Oct 25, 2017
They say they using the EGS timed exclusive for EA and feedback. So it is going to be like Hades, like almost no feedback? Where will this feedback be put? Hopefully not through discord, that is not a great way to try to imitate a forum lol.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a problem with very difficult games, I guess I just need to understand 'why' I would need to start over. Just to be clear, are you saying if I lose party members (as it's permadeath), it's better to start over (and make sure to keep everyone alive), than to recruit a new character after already starting the dungeon?

From what I understand, characters die a LOT in this game, so it sounds like starting over would happen often, then.
The general strategy, at least on higher difficulties, is to build multiple parties of characters and steadily expand your recruits so that you have a consistent pool of 'backup' units to replace those that you lose or need weeks off due to stress or treatment. There are also permanent infrastructure upgrades that can give you significant advantages even if you started from scratch. Aside from the modes that have time limits and unit death limits, there is no unwinnable scenario where you will be forced to start a new save file.

A lot of the challenge of Darkest Dungeon comes from risk/reward planning and risk mitigation -- there are some people who can't stand to lose a unit or withdraw from an expedition and thus wind up making poor decisions that lead to greater losses. The ever-present RNG factors also keep you from being entirely safe.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Red Hook knows how important mods are to the popularity of DD, so maybe they know EGS is about to add a similar feature?

Can't blame them for taking a money hat, but it would be a shame if DD2 took an immediate step backwards in such an important feature.


Mar 26, 2020
oooh i agree
make it forum wide tho
My main point on that is we've seen in the past people getting warnings or whatever for platform begging or port begging to Switch, Xbox etc., why not extend that rule to platform begging or whining in regards to PC platforms as well? Whining about the platform it is on doesn't help the thread at all and opens it up for unnecessary conversation. Don't like the platform its on? Don't play it and keep it to yourself.


Oct 26, 2017
I thought this one was going to be snowy themed. Did I make that up?

Hopefully there aren't too many returning classes. I want to see fresh, new takes on the functions that make up a party.

I don't have a problem with very difficult games, I guess I just need to understand 'why' I would need to start over. Just to be clear, are you saying if I lose party members (as it's permadeath), it's better to start over (and make sure to keep everyone alive), than to recruit a new character after already starting the dungeon?

From what I understand, characters die a LOT in this game, so it sounds like starting over would happen often, then.
Your only true party member is your base camp and the upgrades you make to it. Everyone is expendable. In fact, when you start out, it's cheaper to discard your diseased and disturbed party members for fresh recruits over spending the money to bandage them up. If this party I've been building up was able to venture far enough to upgrade my blacksmith a few times for future excursions, they've done their job. Yup, it's that kind of game.


Oct 27, 2017
The general strategy, at least on higher difficulties, is to build multiple parties of characters and steadily expand your recruits so that you have a consistent pool of 'backup' units to replace those that you lose or need weeks off due to stress or treatment. There are also permanent infrastructure upgrades that can give you significant advantages even if you started from scratch. Aside from the modes that have time limits and unit death limits, there is no unwinnable scenario where you will be forced to start a new save file.

A lot of the challenge of Darkest Dungeon comes from risk/reward planning and risk mitigation -- there are some people who can't stand to lose a unit or withdraw from an expedition and thus wind up making poor decisions that lead to greater losses. The ever-present RNG factors also keep you from being entirely safe.

Ok, thanks for the detailed info!

It does seem interesting will need to give it a shot. I assume with the 'multiple parties', you will want to make sure all of them are relatively equal level as your main one, so they are worthwhile when needing to switch them in. Sounds like a lot of building (grinding?) to make sure you have many strong recruits/parties. I'm ok with that.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
My main point on that is we've seen in the past people getting warnings or whatever for platform begging or port begging to Switch, Xbox etc., why not extend that rule to platform begging or whining in regards to PC platforms as well? Whining about the platform it is on doesn't help the thread at all and opens it up for unnecessary conversation. Don't like the platform its on? Don't play it and keep it to yourself.
It's less whining for whining's sake (platform war or whatever) and more to do with the huge disappointment in the decision to make it exclusive to EGS (for the time being at least) when they previously had tons of valuable feedback and information from the first game thanks to the ease of access of the community forums with steam and the entire mod scene and how everything is integrated.

This seems like a huge net negative for the game, especially in a early access phase where you'd want to iron things out and get feedback specifically which means you'd want to test the tools players have to them, like modding, before release.

You can keep trying to make it just about EGS vs Steam, it's not, I've purchased games on it before and its pretty much a dead storefront as compared to how integrated the Steam community is.

It's wildly disappointing and a huge puzzling decision because it will fracture the great community that's already in place IMO and far from "unnecessary conversation", its pretty damn relevant to the topic at hand.


Nov 14, 2017
I thought this one was going to be snowy themed. Did I make that up?

Hopefully there aren't too many returning classes. I want to see fresh, new takes on the functions that make up a party.

Last year's teaser made it seem like the sequel would be inspired by "At the Mountains of Madness". Seems like they went a different route, where the Estate's Evil is spreading throughout the land.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a problem with very difficult games, I guess I just need to understand 'why' I would need to start over. Just to be clear, are you saying if I lose party members (as it's permadeath), it's better to start over (and make sure to keep everyone alive), than to recruit a new character after already starting the dungeon?

From what I understand, characters die a LOT in this game, so it sounds like starting over would happen often, then.

Honestly, I've not had a complete "dead end" run myself, just ones where I'm so low on resources that struggling to get back will be less hassle than starting over. Maybe the poster was talking specifically about dungeon runs, which can go spectacularly badly with just one poor roll of the dice.

You'll have a real hard time keeping anyone alive, but that's a normal run. Unless you're playing on Darkest difficulty, meat—- sorry, adventurers are your only infinite resource.

Rule #1: Don't get attached to anyone.

Look, it's a really good game. It is difficult, it can get grindy towards the late game, and it can be frustrating as all fuck, but you won't find anything quite like it. If you can put up with that and give it the time it requires, you'll get a lot out of it.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Hades isn't the same game or community as Darkest Dungeon, so I don't understand that comparison. Darkest Dungeon in Steam Early Access had a TON of community feedback from Steam Forums / etc. taken into account for the full game. Also, are you seriously advocating for less player choice in how people decide to play their games? Darkest Dungeon in particular has a sizable modding community too so that hits this title especially hard when early access has limited content.

I am not "advocating" for that at all, kindly do not put words in my mouth.

Hades went to Switch and Steam once it hit full release. The comparison between Hades and DD2 is simply that both went into early access on EGS. Hades did well, and had a ton of community feedback over its course of development. There is no reason why DD2 won't be equally as successful.
Oct 25, 2017
Hades went to Switch and Steam once it hit full release. The comparison between Hades and DD2 is simply that both went into early access on EGS. Hades did well, and had a ton of community feedback over its course of development. There is no reason why DD2 won't be equally as successful.
Hades went to Steam during Early Access not after. Dec 2019.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, thanks for the detailed info!

It does seem interesting will need to give it a shot. I assume with the 'multiple parties', you will want to make sure all of them are relatively equal level as your main one, so they are worthwhile when needing to switch them in. Sounds like a lot of building (grinding?) to make sure you have many strong recruits/parties. I'm ok with that.
The Radiant mode reduces grinding significantly, and post-release changes to the game made it possible to eventually get higher level recruits after some upgrades. The original incarnation of DD before those options was grindy, I will admit. But that is part of the appeal for me so I didn't mind.

A party is 4 characters, but you can have up to 20 recruits (iirc) after upgrades. Lower resolve level (the unit's level) characters are at a horrendous disadvantage in expeditions above their difficulty level, so, for example, sometimes you may use a second lower level party on an easier mission while the primary party takes a week off for stress management or other treatments. Eventually that lower level party will level up and will become suitable to mix and match with the higher level units as needed. There's also a bunch of different unit classes and some are better suited for certain mission types, locations, bosses, etc. so there's nuance beyond "these are the four units in Party A I'm going to use all the time, this is Party B, etc.".
Oct 25, 2017
Also whining about platforms should be thread bannable too if you want to get into it, don't like the platform then don't use it, but actively choosing to not support a game you are likely going to play because you don't like X store doesn't help the developer make the game better.

"Just a launcher"
"Whining about PC platforms should be bannable just like port begging"

So which is it? Make up your mind. Being upset over exclusivity deals isn't bannable and isn't the same as port begging. Should we ban every Xbox fan for saying "Fuck Sony" in the Final Fantasy XVI thread too?


Oct 29, 2017
Or you could look at it like Hades and see that it is early access, meaning there is likely other platforms it is going to upon full release which could warrant AT THAT TIME the ability to have steam workshop after the developer has finished fine tuning their game.

Oh wait.

Also whining about platforms should be thread bannable too if you want to get into it, don't like the platform then don't use it, but actively choosing to not support a game you are likely going to play because you don't like X store doesn't help the developer make the game better.

Oh wait what? Do you or do you not realize that "it's just a launcher" is pure nonsense and tantamount to shitposting?

And you can sod off with your next point, too, because I highly doubt that the main incentive behind making the game (temporarily) exclusive to a launcher with fewer features, minimal community integration, and less opportunity for player feedback was "making it better."


Apr 18, 2018
Ideally this will be like Hades. Launches on Epic in EA and a year later, releases on Steam, still in EA in a much better state and a 1.0 release not far out. Win win.


Oct 28, 2017
User banned (1 week): Hostility and backseat moderation. Previous recent infractions for hostile meta-commentary.
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Oct 25, 2017
complaining about EGS at this point should be tantamount to shitposting and port begging. It's absolutely mind blowing that some of y'all can come into every EGS thread and say "nah, will wait for Steam" before bowing out and not get warned for drive-by's.

If mods start to put out warning for those posts then it's something few mods can do as full time job because that type posts are everywhere on ERA.


Mar 26, 2020
"Just a launcher"
"Whining about PC platforms should be bannable just like port begging"

So which is it? Make up your mind. Being upset over exclusivity deals isn't bannable and isn't the same as port begging. Should we ban every Xbox fan for saying "Fuck Sony" in the Final Fantasy XVI thread too?
You must not pay a lot of attention so I might need to spell it out for you, I was not the one whining about what platform it was on to begin with so you might need to go back and read. EGS is just a launcher, a storefront that Red Hook decided to go with for their Early Access game, which was VERY successful in making Hades into what it is today, a potential GOTY and one of my favorite games of this year. So no, your first two points there to try and attack me are not even related to me, I will buy it on EGS to support the developers, just like I bought Darkest Dungeon 1 on 3 separate platforms, PC, PS4, and Switch.

And yes, we should, because it provides no meaningful conversation other than people throwing their own shit at one another because they don't like X platform. Brings literally no benefit to the conversation whatsoever to just complain about a platform getting a certain game.


Oct 28, 2017
EGS certainly takes away any excitement. I'll happily continue failing at the original for now!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You must not pay a lot of attention so I might need to spell it out for you, I was not the one whining about what platform it was on to begin with so you might need to go back and read. EGS is just a launcher, a storefront that Red Hook decided to go with for their Early Access game, which was VERY successful in making Hades into what it is today, a potential GOTY and one of my favorite games of this year. So no, your first two points there to try and attack me are not even related to me, I will buy it on EGS to support the developers, just like I bought Darkest Dungeon 1 on 3 separate platforms, PC, PS4, and Switch.

And yes, we should, because it provides no meaningful conversation other than people throwing their own shit at one another because they don't like X platform. Brings literally no benefit to the conversation whatsoever to just complain about a platform getting a certain game.
You seem to willfully ignore everything that's been said in relation as to why nobody thinks EGS is a great thing for this game specifically and just decide to keep cluttering up the thread yourself by telling what should and shouldn't be moderated instead of engaging with the discussion that's completely valid to be had about their choice.

Hades (was also EA on Steam) is not even comparable to this situation as mentioned earlier as well, this is the sequel to a game that set expectation and built a huge community on a platform with a huge mod scene and they pretty much threw that away with this move, all of which have been elaborated multiple times but yet you do not wish to engage with, why? Is it not a valid discussion to be had? Should we just say "Okay" and move on then because anything else is unnecessary?


Oct 27, 2017
God I love the narrator's voice.

Another game to look forward to, though it sounds like I'll have to wait a little longer for a Steam release.
Oct 25, 2017
You must not pay a lot of attention so I might need to spell it out for you, I was not the one whining about what platform it was on to begin with so you might need to go back and read. EGS is just a launcher, a storefront that Red Hook decided to go with for their Early Access game, which was VERY successful in making Hades into what it is today, a potential GOTY and one of my favorite games of this year. So no, your first two points there to try and attack me are not even related to me, I will buy it on EGS to support the developers, just like I bought Darkest Dungeon 1 on 3 separate platforms, PC, PS4, and Switch.

And yes, we should, because it provides no meaningful conversation other than people throwing their own shit at one another because they don't like X platform. Brings literally no benefit to the conversation whatsoever to just complain about a platform getting a certain game.
Did you like. Understand what I said at all? I never said you were complaining about what platform it was releasing on. I was commenting on how you said we should ban "port begging to different platforms" referring to EGS/Steam/GOG when you just said a few posts prior EGS was just a launcher, not a platform. Maybe if you actually took a second to read before running to make a snarky condescending response you would have picked that up.

Also lets not pretend Hades would have been any worse if they didnt take an EGS exclusivity deal. Supergiant isn't some niche noname company. They're a successful critically acclaimed developer.


Mar 26, 2020
Did you like. Understand what I said at all? I never said you were complaining about what platform it was releasing on. I was commenting on how you said we should ban "port begging to different platforms" referring to EGS/Steam/GOG when you just said a few posts prior EGS was just a launcher, not a platform. Maybe if you actually took a second to read before running to make a snarky condescending response you would have picked that up.

Also lets not pretend Hades would have been any worse if they didnt take an EGS exclusivity deal. Supergiant isn't some niche noname company. They're a successful critically acclaimed developer.
You know damn well what I meant when I said EGS was just a launcher, so don't try and make some hot GOTCHA moment based off of word choice.
Oct 25, 2017
You know damn well what I meant when I said EGS was just a launcher, so don't try and make some hot GOTCHA moment based off of word choice.
So by its just another launcher it means "It works fine for me so that means anyone else having issues with it are invalid because only my opinion matters"

But I guess nothing says "I care about other peoples opinions" like "We should ban anyone who have the audacity to talk ill of exclusivity deals because it inconveniences me"
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Nov 7, 2017
Looks great...

All I think I learned from that trailer is that the game is going to have 3d models?

Waiting continues


Oct 27, 2017
still have yet to play the first one. Is it completely rogue like or is there progression?

Darkest Dungeon has some similarity with a Roguelite, but it's not, really. There is a lot of progression, and in fact it's a really grindy game.

The dungeons are randomly generated, and the characters themselves are pretty disposable. Your role in the game is more of an adventurer manager ... you hire, fire and train adventurers to send into the various dungeons. If the characters become too damaged to be useful, you fire them to make room for fresh blood.

It's a really great game, but it's not like Dead Cells, Rogue Legacy, or Hades if that's what you're looking for.