
The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Epileptic PSA: There are reports that animations and flashing lights in this game can cause seizures. Read this article for more information

Why is there controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077?

CD Projekt Red has a history of transphobia. This is well documented at this point and not a matter of debate. Due to this context there is particular concern about transphobic or insensitive content in Cyberpunk 2077 itself, such as the decision to tie gender to voice in the character creator, and trans fetishization in illustrations in the game—and these are just examples from prerelease footage. Additionally, there have been concerns about racist imagery and stereotyping. This article goes into depth about some of these issues.

What incidents of transphobia have occurred surrounding the game and the company, and why are they hurtful?

This list will be updated over time as more examples come to light, especially as the game releases and more content is uncovered. If you wish to have something added to this list, please send me a DM and get my attention.

Why is ResetEra allowing an official thread for this game?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether there should even be an official thread for Cyberpunk 2077, and many points of view were considered for this decision. Ultimately, a thread like this can serve as a platform for minority concerns to be aired and discussed respectfully, and given appropriate attention. We've also heard from minority members, including some trans members, who have asked for a space where they can talk about the game without needing to worry about trolling and bigoted posting. We expect all posters in the thread to extend the consideration and empathy to give them that space. We will be moderating as strictly as necessary to make sure they do.

What can I do to help fight transphobia?

Transphobia exists in many aspects of our lives. From casual discrimination such as the continuous misuse of a person's preferred pronouns, to more serious ramifications such as housing being denied, legal rights being taken away, and being discriminated in the legal system. Every trans person either has experienced transphobia in their lives, or will experience transphobia at some point.

Moreover, transphobia is a systematic issue that is present in every level of our society. Politicians fight to take away our rights. Celebrities use coded language and religious justifications, if not outright hostility, in order to continue to deny our existence. Media continues to portray us as the butt of a joke, or acts like we're something to be fascinated by, rather than treated with respect.

Actions speak louder than words: Become active in your local politics, donate to transgender causes, stand up for these issues wherever they arise, and if you know transgender people in your life be there for them and support them.

Here are some pro-trans organizations around the world where you can make a donation and show your support
  • For those of you in the US, The Trevor Project is one of the leading LGBT organizations. They are dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for people who are in need of support, love, and care.
  • For those of you in the UK, Mermaids is dedicated to the support of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse children, young adults, and their families. They have been around since 1995, and have been one of the most vocal voices speaking out against transphobia in the UK, including showing the dangers that transphobia imposes upon our youth.
  • If you would like to donate to CDPR's native country of Poland, you can find the Trans-Fuzja Foundation website here. The Trans-Fuzja Foundation has been around since 2008, and is dedicated to the support of transgender people in Poland in many aspects of life and society, including politics.
We are your friends. We are your family members. We're your coworkers. We're the people you meet on the street. We're the essential workers who keep society running in a pandemic. We're everywhere. We're not some sort of freak or joke, and we're not going away.

I want to give major thanks to Uzzy for lending her talent, time, and effort in putting together graphics and material for this official thread. Without her, this would not have been possible on such short notice. I would also like to give a shout out and thanks to Kyuuji for allowing me to use images and links from her own thread for this posts.
Oct 25, 2017

absolutely amazing and thorough breakdown of the games dlss

theres one section where 360p native dlss to 1080p looks like fucking native 1080p wtf


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't disagree with most of the criticism of this game, but boy am I still enjoying the hell out of it. I love the gigs, and the immersive sim aspects of the missions. Having a general objective and being able to scout out my approach has been so fun and satisfying.
This is my main takeaway with this game. I understand and get all the criticism... but I still love this game and can't stop playing it.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, CDPR did go on about how this was going to be some kind of R* esque experience when it was just another CDPR game
Did they though? Like I see this repeated but never any receipts. Tried to find something confirming this myself, but found this instead.

You could play Cyberpunk 2077 like it's GTA, but you wouldn't want to

You can run around the world of Cyberpunk 2077 senselessly murdering everyone, but you'll soon realise there are better things to do in the game.

You can run around the world of Cyberpunk 2077 senselessly murdering everyone, but you'll soon realise there are better things to do in the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red often avoided comparisons to GTA, despite the games' shared similarities. On the surface, both games let you explore a vast open world, hotwire cars, and wreak havoc anywhere you go.

But CDPR likes to think Cyberpunk 2077 has more interesting underlining systems that players will, eventually, like to engage with. Speaking to PC Games N, level designer Max Pears said the game won't stop you from from playing it like a GTA.

"If you want to go out on a rampage and have no remorse, then you have got the option, and that's fine with us," he said. "However, once you start to play the missions and see the amount of options you have, I think that will make players stop and think a little bit before doing something reckless."

In fact, Pears says that CD Projekt actually saw testers sometimes get into "GTA mode," before they realise there's more to the game than just mucking about its open world causing carnage.

"We've seen a lot of people default to that 'GTA mode' and then after a little bit they realise how many things are different and adjust how they play."
And personally yeah, I haven't had much reason to stop and goof around when I actually have so many handcrafted missions and tasks to do instead. I don't need to make my own fun in this game, the writers and devs have made it compelling already. Of course it would be cool to have reasons continue playing after finishing the missions too. And I'd love to take my friends and partners for a night out, GTA4 style. Though I don't think Roman calling you to go bowling is something people remember fondly.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Did they though? Like I see this repeated but never any receipts. Tried to find something confirming this myself, but found this instead.

You could play Cyberpunk 2077 like it's GTA, but you wouldn't want to

You can run around the world of Cyberpunk 2077 senselessly murdering everyone, but you'll soon realise there are better things to do in the game.

Over a thousand Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs will have unique daily routines

CD Projekt RED amps up its divergent real-time AI systems for Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Has A 'Wanted' System and Corrupt Police

CD Projekt RED reveals that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a 'wanted' system with corrupt police as well as 'powerful' NPCs who can come after the player character.

Again, dont have to stick so close to the GTA comparisons. CDPR promised several sandbox features that didnt make it in the game or did it in the most basic, half assed way.


Oct 28, 2017
Lol I had no idea she was a tygre claw. The hell why they always trying to kill me then.

Yeah, it's not great in that respect.

Jackie -> Ex Valentino's, you even have drinks with some generic valentino's at his ofrenda but they're still more than keen to shoot you up. His dad was also a Valentino's member.

Maelstrom members are still plentiful in the world despite killing Royce and/or Brick, who are both Maelstrom leaders

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's not great in that respect.

Jackie -> Ex Valentino's, you even have drinks with some generic valentino's at his ofrenda but they're still more than keen to shoot you up. His dad was also a Valentino's member.

Maelstrom members are still plentiful in the world despite killing Royce and/or Brick, who are both Maelstrom leaders

Yeah it feels like they were thinking about doing a saints row esque gang alliance thing and then scrapped it somewhere along the line.

maelstroms I actually left alone and so didn't get the kircher scene which is annoying as I was just trying to not be hostile which is my usual stance for rpgs, and I don't think I've seen any maelstroms just out and about since, maybe that's part of completing the quest that way though


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA] team Panam...that is all!

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Nearly froze in terror when I called Judy out of the blue to see what would happen, and she actually answered and asked 'what's up?'.


Oct 27, 2017
On base PS4 , I'm now almost 30 hours in. Haven't had a crash in a while and surprised that it managed to keep me interested in the missions. Some of the side missions have been interesting but a lot of it feels meh. The Sinnerman one felt like the most interesting one at first and I got excited but then
it just ended? I tried to make the choices that don't make him doubt to see where it goes but the producer got kinda pissed and told me to fuck off
Also, a lot of the timed choices are way faster than they need to be it makes no sense. The other one with the politician glitched or something and now I can't seem to finish it? The remaining ones are cyberpsychos, fights and Delamain. I did 4 of the Delamains
The "sinister" one at the dump and the Portal easter egg were fun I guess but I dunno if I wanna bother with the others, are they worth it?

Still, ignoring how janky and ugly the game looks on console the world still feels shallow and empty, it lacks character like many said it's just a shaky backdrop. The writing is a complete mixed bag, and life paths were bullshit. I think Street Kid is the only one that maybe works and Corpo just makes no sense.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

Over a thousand Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs will have unique daily routines

CD Projekt RED amps up its divergent real-time AI systems for Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Has A 'Wanted' System and Corrupt Police

CD Projekt RED reveals that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a 'wanted' system with corrupt police as well as 'powerful' NPCs who can come after the player character.

Again, dont have to stick so close to the GTA comparisons. CDPR promised several sandbox features that didnt make it in the game or did it in the most basic, half assed way.

I found that a lot of the night city wire stuff is really pushing it a bit too. They show a ton of curated content the player can't actively engage with.

Just in this trailer it seems like the player can do a bunch of activities from slamming shots, to doing drugs, to eating food, or seeing a stripper. Every single one of those are from missions I recognized while playing. They even split that early Jackie montage across this video in different ways, but you can't go out and dance with people. A trailer like this seems designed solely to let the player's imagination run wild, when it's going to end up disappointing them relative to the reality of things.


Nov 7, 2017
I think I reached my limits. As much as I love the game when it works. The numerous bugs glitches and crashes worsen as the game progresses. So I'll just shelve it for now and revisit it next year.


Oct 25, 2017
I finished the game last night.

I completed all of the major side questlines except for the boxing one, because the hand to hand combat is god awful, and the CyberPsycho side quest because I didn't feel like seeking them out without directions.

What I liked:

The world, story, characters, and writing were all really strong for me. I was hooked pretty much the whole way through and never once did it feel like a chore to do everything I did. People who just plowed through the main story are doing themselves a massive disservice because the different character focused side stories, and even the smaller gigs and fixer jobs do a wonderful job at helping to flesh out the world of night city. It made it feel like a real place. I really like that most of the branching storylines have their own arcs with satisfying endings (depending on your choices), and those stories help inform and influence the main story and its ending.
I got the Panam ending, which after looking at the other endings, is the best one! Also, Judy's arc was my favorite, so bittersweet!

The side content really is the bread and butter of this game.

What I didn't like:

The When it comes to gameplay, the only thing I can honestly say was fucking atrocious was the hand to hand combat. I tried a couple of the boxing side quests, and just gave up after the second one. It's not enjoyable. Clunky as all hell.

It's been well documented, but the bugs are straight up inexcusable. When I first set foot into night city, the street was missing. Spawning my car was a roll of the dice the entire way through. It would either spawn with multiple copies, or spawn....and drive away! There were times dialog wouldn't load for nearly a minute, there were a few times I would vault over cover, only to get launched back two city blocks like I'm superman, and random bits of trash would just explode out of the blue. This fucking game is being held together with duct tape and shoestrings, and it's a goddamn shame. CDPR deserves to be taken to task for this.

On The Trans Issue:

As much as I can praise the writing and characters and different storylines, everything documented and called out on CDPR's part as far as trans representation is shameful. There's only one trans character in the game as far as I could find, and I liked this character a lot, and their story was pretty good, but that doesn't address or confront the trans fetishization issue presented in the game's ads and billboards.

I remember when this thread first popped up, my initial thought was "Well isn't that a good thing? More representation!", not seeing or thinking about the point of view of how a trans person would see this. It's actually thanks to that thread, and the one pointing out CDPR's transphobic nature that I came to a better understanding about different issues Trans people face. Even a guy like me, who considers himself progressive, wasn't perfect on this.

What's also disappointing is what could have been if CDPR were better on this. They could have written a kick ass questline exposing the corporate machine of fetishized ads against trans people, really lay it out, but they didn't. It was relegated to "It's a cyberpunk world, so it is bad." Fucking really??

I hold CDPR to a high standard as storytellers, and they really missed the mark on this. I really feel for our trans members who wanted more from this game in terms of representation and didn't get it. I think moving forward, game companies should reach out to trans organizations or something to avoid this sort of thing from happening again. The question is, will they?

In Conclusion:

This is my favorite WRPG this generation....when it works.

Moving forward, I don't know how, but CDPR needs to radically change the way they approach game development. It's clear they bit off more than they could chew and the game suffers for it. And that's not getting into all the features that we were promised when the game was announced vs what we got. Their focus should be on fixing the game, then reflecting on this whole cycle. This is a great studio with not so great project management.

But the things that work in this game REALLY work. I guess my main takeaway is that people should just wait for CDPR to fix this mess, and hope they do better next time.

One more thing:

PANAM >>>>>>>>>> JUDY

Shifty Capone

Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I really feel like one of the few who is absolutely enamored with this game. I love it. There have been a few minor glitches, but overall I love it. Night City is truly a wonder. Some of the side gigs have been fantastic.

I get some of the hate, but it seems so many went in expecting this not to basically be the witcher in 2077


Oct 28, 2017
So I've been thinking about all the issues I have with this game that aren't just bugs;

  • Police AI (being able to spawn right next to you and cant get in cars or even give chase)
  • Vehicles/NPCs having no minimum spawn/despawn distance
  • Lack of pedestrian AI (only cower and don't run, no contextual responses) and no driver AI
  • Rain effect looks like a screen filter
  • Changing radio station shows no information (Station name, song playing)
  • Consumables are everywhere but not particularly useful, they just become clutter
  • Cars to buy are side quests but don't have pictures, meaning you have to trawl through your text messages to find out which one is which
  • Asides from being crass the adverts in the game are everywhere with not enough variety, you see the same ones over and over. They don't even function as adverts, I don't know what most of them are trying to sell.
  • There's a mix of fake (not intractable) and locked doors, but you can't open either. Even if you have the perks that say you can open locked doors. Why not make them all fake?
  • Stalls everywhere that you can't buy things from
  • The game has vinyl records of Johnny Silverhand's band to buy(and even a side quest involving you tracking down a bootleg) but then you can't listen to any of them.
  • Arcade cabinets everywhere but you can't play them.
  • No side game equivalent of Gwent. Not Gwent with a Cyberpunk deck (although that would have been fine) but some side game to keep you occupied for hours like Gwent.
  • That sleeping position in your apartment.
  • There's a taxi service in a side quest but no taxi service you can use in the game.
  • You're forced to look like a ridiculous rejected extra from The Fifth Element if you want decent armour stats, Pretty sure Assassins creed games have let you equip one item for stats and another for visual? Surely that should be considered here.
  • Some of the perks basically break the game
  • No stealing consequences. I know it was the same in Witcher 3 but emptying someone's safe out right in front of them without them batting an eyelid is pretty silly.
  • Lot's of features seem to have basically no tutorial or explanation
  • Money system seems pretty broke. I've not finished the game yet but I don't know how you'd get some decent biotech upgrades and more than one of the dozens of cars without exploiting the bugs.
  • Common issue in open world games but having your route on the minimap causes you to just watch that while driving more than the main screen, but it's too zoomed in so you end up missing turns all the time. Would be better if it was more like Watch Dog's
  • Silencers and stealth with bullet sponge enemies doesn't work until you get higher level guns.
  • Life path prologues are way too short.
  • Possibly the only open world game with bikes I've played where you can't pull wheelies.
  • Haven't seen a single fire engine or ambulance/hospital in Night City yet?
  • You can't change your height in the character customization so you have to be kinda short.
  • Data sticks are EVERYWHERE. I don't mind that there's a lot because they don't take up inventory and you don't have to read them but there's lots repeated all over the place, in places where they look out of place.
  • Too many dildos
  • There's prostitutes in the game on the street, If you partake in their services it just cuts to a cutscene that plays out in a room and then drops you back out on the street with the prostitute stood in the exact same place. I don't imagine many people would do it more than once to see what it's like but it's really jarringly done.
  • You can't sit down (or eat and drink) anywhere unless it's part of a mission.
  • NPC/car count isn't too bad on Series X but it still sometimes feels really bare in parts.
  • Why have (on Xbox) X to get in a vehicle and B to get out. Just have them both be X. I keep getting out the car when I want to use the handbrake.
  • Duck and skip dialogue are the same button, so if you start a conversation while ducked you have to remain that way for the whole conversation (someone mentioned a hold to toggle option but I can't see it)
  • Because the character models aren't made to work in third person (see the youtube video of the third person mod) the shadows are messed up and there's no character reflections unless you interact with the mirror (where you can't move). How's that supposed to work with their upcoming multiplayer mode?
  • There child NPCs in the open world, which is actually a surprising inclusion. But they're all the exact same height and age, there's no variety to them at all.
Yet I can't stop playing it and I'm having a blast. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed such a flawed game so much.


Dec 22, 2017
Orlando, FL
My Life Path finally came in handy!

I picked the Street Kid life path and like most others, I hadn't seen it come in to play all that much other than offering additional conversation flair. I also noticed a lack of emergent events in the world.

That all changed just now, when I went into a burger restaurant in the Arroyo area randomly and started ordering a drink from the bartender.

A gang came in to hold the place up and it gave me some dialogue options, that I figured would lead to a shootout, but one that had to do with the street kid life path, questioning why they were holding up a place on rival turf.

They then got spooked thinking they saw a member of 6th Street outside and left.

It was pretty cool and overall unexpected!

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
My Life Path finally came in handy!

I picked the Street Kid life path and like most others, I hadn't seen it come in to play all that much other than offering additional conversation flair. I also noticed a lack of emergent events in the world.

That all changed just now, when I went into a burger restaurant in the Arroyo area randomly and started ordering a drink from the bartender.

A gang came in to hold the place up and it gave me some dialogue options, that I figured would lead to a shootout, but one that had to do with the street kid life path, questioning why they were holding up a place on rival turf.

They then got spooked thinking they saw a member of 6th Street outside and left.

It was pretty cool and overall unexpected!

That is cool. I just paid them off like a chump.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My first run is done at around 48 hours. I finished all the side jobs I had except for the cyberpsychos and "The Gig", the latter of which is still glitched out even on 1.04 and can't be completed in my save file. Game thoughts:
  • The atmosphere was definitely the highlight of CP2077. The music was great too. My 1080ti could run the game decently at 1440p on high, but none of the fancy RTX stuff obviously. It still looked good most of the time; my major graphical complaint is that the inconsistent quality of the assets could be jarring (for example, the pizza inside that one cafe looked horrendous).

  • The glitches and other bugs were annoying at times, but only broke my game a couple times and were solved by reloading the save. That said, this game obviously needed another year in the oven to iron out the numerous technical issues. Shareholder pressure wins again, I suppose.

  • There wasn't much depth to interacting with the city or it's citizens. Others have brought this up but I have to mention it because this was disappointing for me too. I expected more from an 'RPG'.

  • The combat was ok enough, but I understand the complaints. Most encounters by the mid to end game were easily solvable because you have many options by that time... I usually ended up stealthing around, marking enemies, and then sniping them through walls or a roof. Also, crafting makes weapons very broken. My upgraded Overwatch sniper rifle could hit north of 100k damage on critical headshots by the end, and I also made a pistol that did ~20k on headshots. Hacking to disable movement/weapons/optics covered just about everything else that could come up. So the 12 Cool / 12 Int / 18 Technical build worked out well enough. Melee combat felt pretty jank, though 90% of my experience with that is those boxing fights just spamming strong attacks with gorilla arms and dodging while waiting for stamina to recover.

Story Thoughts:
  • V's conflict with Johnny Silverhand didn't help me sympathize much with his position. My V mostly told him to fuck off, because let's be real, he spends the majority of the game acting like a self-destructive terrorist with a death wish, tells you he's a changed man at the 11th hour when you're sitting in some wasteland where his empty shell of a corpse was dumped, and then immediately after tries to convince you to let him use your body for another Arasaka suicide run with Rogue & Co. Well fuck that, so I decided to go along with Panam's help.

  • The Nomad ending worked out pretty well, all things considered. My streetkid V hooked up with Judy, so it was nice to see both get some closure by getting the hell of out of Night City for good and enjoying their lives. Even if how long V's life will continue is up in the air, I still think it was a better decision than giving Johnny that body and going with Alt.

  • I wish the main mission and story was longer, because those missions were by far the most interesting parts of the story and lore. There were some neat side missions that fleshed out the characters and story, but it seemed to me like there wasn't enough content dedicated to V's biochip problem. Maybe the free DLC next near can add some more meat and potatoes to the story and characters.


Oct 25, 2017
I really feel like one of the few who is absolutely enamored with this game. I love it. There have been a few minor glitches, but overall I love it. Night City is truly a wonder. Some of the side gigs have been fantastic.

I get some of the hate, but it seems so many went in expecting this not to basically be the witcher in 2077

I am also freakin loving it. Another poster called it Dead Island 2077 and I totally agree. I liked dead Island, and I like cyberpunk too. It's a freakin blast.

But also the back lash is understandable and totally of CDPR's own making. It turns out the marketing wasn't just toxic transphobic trash but it was also hella misleading about the gameplay as well.

I think if this game came out with absolutely none of the marketing campaign the reception would be totally different and the sales would be a fraction of what they are.


Oct 26, 2017
So I've been thinking about all the issues I have with this game that aren't just bugs;

  • Police AI (being able to spawn right next to you and cant get in cars or even give chase)
  • Vehicles/NPCs having no minimum spawn/despawn distance
  • Lack of pedestrian AI (only cower and don't run, no contextual responses) and no driver AI
  • Rain effect looks like a screen filter
  • Changing radio station shows no information (Station name, song playing)
  • Consumables are everywhere but not particularly useful, they just become clutter
  • Cars to buy are side quests but don't have pictures, meaning you have to trawl through your text messages to find out which one is which
  • Asides from being crass the adverts in the game are everywhere with not enough variety, you see the same ones over and over. They don't even function as adverts, I don't know what most of them are trying to sell.
  • There's a mix of fake (not intractable) and locked doors, but you can't open either. Even if you have the perks that say you can open locked doors. Why not make them all fake?
  • Stalls everywhere that you can't buy things from
  • The game has vinyl records of Johnny Silverhand's band to buy(and even a side quest involving you tracking down a bootleg) but then you can't listen to any of them.
  • Arcade cabinets everywhere but you can't play them.
  • No side game equivalent of Gwent. Not Gwent with a Cyberpunk deck (although that would have been fine) but some side game to keep you occupied for hours like Gwent.
  • That sleeping position in your apartment.
  • There's a taxi service in a side quest but no taxi service you can use in the game.
  • You're forced to look like a ridiculous rejected extra from The Fifth Element if you want decent armour stats, Pretty sure Assassins creed games have let you equip one item for stats and another for visual? Surely that should be considered here.
  • Some of the perks basically break the game
  • No stealing consequences. I know it was the same in Witcher 3 but emptying someone's safe out right in front of them without them batting an eyelid is pretty silly.
  • Lot's of features seem to have basically no tutorial or explanation
  • Money system seems pretty broke. I've not finished the game yet but I don't know how you'd get some decent biotech upgrades and more than one of the dozens of cars without exploiting the bugs.
  • Common issue in open world games but having your route on the minimap causes you to just watch that while driving more than the main screen, but it's too zoomed in so you end up missing turns all the time. Would be better if it was more like Watch Dog's
  • Silencers and stealth with bullet sponge enemies doesn't work until you get higher level guns.
  • Life path prologues are way too short.
  • Possibly the only open world game with bikes I've played where you can't pull wheelies.
  • Haven't seen a single fire engine or ambulance/hospital in Night City yet?
  • You can't change your height in the character customization so you have to be kinda short.
  • Data sticks are EVERYWHERE. I don't mind that there's a lot because they don't take up inventory and you don't have to read them but there's lots repeated all over the place, in places where they look out of place.
  • Too many dildos
  • There's prostitutes in the game on the street, If you partake in their services it just cuts to a cutscene that plays out in a room and then drops you back out on the street with the prostitute stood in the exact same place. I don't imagine many people would do it more than once to see what it's like but it's really jarringly done.
  • You can't sit down (or eat and drink) anywhere unless it's part of a mission.
  • NPC/car count isn't too bad on Series X but it still sometimes feels really bare in parts.
  • Why have (on Xbox) X to get in a vehicle and B to get out. Just have them both be X. I keep getting out the car when I want to use the handbrake.
  • Duck and skip dialogue are the same button, so if you start a conversation while ducked you have to remain that way for the whole conversation (someone mentioned a hold to toggle option but I can't see it)
  • Because the character models aren't made to work in third person (see the youtube video of the third person mod) the shadows are messed up and there's no character reflections unless you interact with the mirror (where you can't move). How's that supposed to work with their upcoming multiplayer mode?
  • There child NPCs in the open world, which is actually a surprising inclusion. But they're all the exact same height and age, there's no variety to them at all.
Yet I can't stop playing it and I'm having a blast. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed such a flawed game so much.

No augmented gps guide is one of the things I hate most. I can't believe they didn't implement a breadcrumb system that has been around since like Fable.


Oct 27, 2017
How mod friendly is this game? While there's a lot that's lacking, and a hell of a lot of bugs, I can easily imagine it becoming something truly incredible if it's anywhere near as mod friendly as Bethesda's games.


Jul 10, 2018
So I've been thinking about all the issues I have with this game that aren't just bugs;

  • Police AI (being able to spawn right next to you and cant get in cars or even give chase)
  • Vehicles/NPCs having no minimum spawn/despawn distance
  • Lack of pedestrian AI (only cower and don't run, no contextual responses) and no driver AI
  • Rain effect looks like a screen filter
  • Changing radio station shows no information (Station name, song playing)
  • Consumables are everywhere but not particularly useful, they just become clutter
  • Cars to buy are side quests but don't have pictures, meaning you have to trawl through your text messages to find out which one is which
  • Asides from being crass the adverts in the game are everywhere with not enough variety, you see the same ones over and over. They don't even function as adverts, I don't know what most of them are trying to sell.
  • There's a mix of fake (not intractable) and locked doors, but you can't open either. Even if you have the perks that say you can open locked doors. Why not make them all fake?
  • Stalls everywhere that you can't buy things from
  • The game has vinyl records of Johnny Silverhand's band to buy(and even a side quest involving you tracking down a bootleg) but then you can't listen to any of them.
  • Arcade cabinets everywhere but you can't play them.
  • No side game equivalent of Gwent. Not Gwent with a Cyberpunk deck (although that would have been fine) but some side game to keep you occupied for hours like Gwent.
  • That sleeping position in your apartment.
  • There's a taxi service in a side quest but no taxi service you can use in the game.
  • You're forced to look like a ridiculous rejected extra from The Fifth Element if you want decent armour stats, Pretty sure Assassins creed games have let you equip one item for stats and another for visual? Surely that should be considered here.
  • Some of the perks basically break the game
  • No stealing consequences. I know it was the same in Witcher 3 but emptying someone's safe out right in front of them without them batting an eyelid is pretty silly.
  • Lot's of features seem to have basically no tutorial or explanation
  • Money system seems pretty broke. I've not finished the game yet but I don't know how you'd get some decent biotech upgrades and more than one of the dozens of cars without exploiting the bugs.
  • Common issue in open world games but having your route on the minimap causes you to just watch that while driving more than the main screen, but it's too zoomed in so you end up missing turns all the time. Would be better if it was more like Watch Dog's
  • Silencers and stealth with bullet sponge enemies doesn't work until you get higher level guns.
  • Life path prologues are way too short.
  • Possibly the only open world game with bikes I've played where you can't pull wheelies.
  • Haven't seen a single fire engine or ambulance/hospital in Night City yet?
  • You can't change your height in the character customization so you have to be kinda short.
  • Data sticks are EVERYWHERE. I don't mind that there's a lot because they don't take up inventory and you don't have to read them but there's lots repeated all over the place, in places where they look out of place.
  • Too many dildos
  • There's prostitutes in the game on the street, If you partake in their services it just cuts to a cutscene that plays out in a room and then drops you back out on the street with the prostitute stood in the exact same place. I don't imagine many people would do it more than once to see what it's like but it's really jarringly done.
  • You can't sit down (or eat and drink) anywhere unless it's part of a mission.
  • NPC/car count isn't too bad on Series X but it still sometimes feels really bare in parts.
  • Why have (on Xbox) X to get in a vehicle and B to get out. Just have them both be X. I keep getting out the car when I want to use the handbrake.
  • Duck and skip dialogue are the same button, so if you start a conversation while ducked you have to remain that way for the whole conversation (someone mentioned a hold to toggle option but I can't see it)
  • Because the character models aren't made to work in third person (see the youtube video of the third person mod) the shadows are messed up and there's no character reflections unless you interact with the mirror (where you can't move). How's that supposed to work with their upcoming multiplayer mode?
  • There child NPCs in the open world, which is actually a surprising inclusion. But they're all the exact same height and age, there's no variety to them at all.
Yet I can't stop playing it and I'm having a blast. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed such a flawed game so much.
I've never seen a game getting nitpicked this much.


Oct 25, 2017
How mod friendly is this game? While there's a lot that's lacking, and a hell of a lot of bugs, I can easily imagine it becoming something truly incredible if it's anywhere near as mod friendly as Bethesda's games.

It won't be as mod friendly as Bethesda. However the mod scene for The Witcher 3 was quite robust so I expect that will be the same thing here eventually once the release they release the modkit. But that probably won't happen until well after they have everything patched to a relatively stable state. IIRC the modkit for TW3 wasn't released until 3-4 months after release.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
No augmented gps guide is one of the things I hate most. I can't believe they didn't implement a breadcrumb system that has been around since like Fable.
Yeh that one's dumbfounding when you have eye replacements. If it was going to be in any game I'd expect it in this. It would make driving to a marker much more enjoyable.


Nov 10, 2019
So powerpyx basically confirmed my suspicion that your choices in main story does not matter and the most complex mission in the game is the maelstrom raid (2018 demo mission).


Oct 25, 2017
I've never seen a game getting nitpicked this much.
Many of those are valid points. Take lifepaths, for example. I thought there was gonna be more to it besides the 15 minute prologue and some dialogue for choices. Then we get a montage, where we meet all these new characters. I was hoping we would get to meet these characters and build a relationship with them, taking the lifepath we chose in consideration. But then we all end up in the same exact place after the montage. The trailer made it seem so much more


Oct 27, 2017
Northern California
Apparently the Space Oddity quest is just supposed to show up in your journal once you complete the Playing for Time story mission? I'm a few story missions past that and I don't have Space Oddity. I've even gone to the area where the quest is supposed to take place and nothing has popped up.


Oct 25, 2017
I really feel like one of the few who is absolutely enamored with this game. I love it. There have been a few minor glitches, but overall I love it. Night City is truly a wonder. Some of the side gigs have been fantastic.

I get some of the hate, but it seems so many went in expecting this not to basically be the witcher in 2077

What platform?


Oct 27, 2017
I am also freakin loving it. Another poster called it Dead Island 2077 and I totally agree. I liked dead Island, and I like cyberpunk too. It's a freakin blast.

But also the back lash is understandable and totally of CDPR's own making. It turns out the marketing wasn't just toxic transphobic trash but it was also hella misleading about the gameplay as well.

I think if this game came out with absolutely none of the marketing campaign the reception would be totally different and the sales would be a fraction of what they are.

What platform are you guys playing it on?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
So I've been thinking about all the issues I have with this game that aren't just bugs;

  • Police AI (being able to spawn right next to you and cant get in cars or even give chase)
  • Vehicles/NPCs having no minimum spawn/despawn distance
  • Lack of pedestrian AI (only cower and don't run, no contextual responses) and no driver AI
  • Rain effect looks like a screen filter
  • Changing radio station shows no information (Station name, song playing)
  • Consumables are everywhere but not particularly useful, they just become clutter
  • Cars to buy are side quests but don't have pictures, meaning you have to trawl through your text messages to find out which one is which
  • Asides from being crass the adverts in the game are everywhere with not enough variety, you see the same ones over and over. They don't even function as adverts, I don't know what most of them are trying to sell.
  • There's a mix of fake (not intractable) and locked doors, but you can't open either. Even if you have the perks that say you can open locked doors. Why not make them all fake?
  • Stalls everywhere that you can't buy things from
  • The game has vinyl records of Johnny Silverhand's band to buy(and even a side quest involving you tracking down a bootleg) but then you can't listen to any of them.
  • Arcade cabinets everywhere but you can't play them.
  • No side game equivalent of Gwent. Not Gwent with a Cyberpunk deck (although that would have been fine) but some side game to keep you occupied for hours like Gwent.
  • That sleeping position in your apartment.
  • There's a taxi service in a side quest but no taxi service you can use in the game.
  • You're forced to look like a ridiculous rejected extra from The Fifth Element if you want decent armour stats, Pretty sure Assassins creed games have let you equip one item for stats and another for visual? Surely that should be considered here.
  • Some of the perks basically break the game
  • No stealing consequences. I know it was the same in Witcher 3 but emptying someone's safe out right in front of them without them batting an eyelid is pretty silly.
  • Lot's of features seem to have basically no tutorial or explanation
  • Money system seems pretty broke. I've not finished the game yet but I don't know how you'd get some decent biotech upgrades and more than one of the dozens of cars without exploiting the bugs.
  • Common issue in open world games but having your route on the minimap causes you to just watch that while driving more than the main screen, but it's too zoomed in so you end up missing turns all the time. Would be better if it was more like Watch Dog's
  • Silencers and stealth with bullet sponge enemies doesn't work until you get higher level guns.
  • Life path prologues are way too short.
  • Possibly the only open world game with bikes I've played where you can't pull wheelies.
  • Haven't seen a single fire engine or ambulance/hospital in Night City yet?
  • You can't change your height in the character customization so you have to be kinda short.
  • Data sticks are EVERYWHERE. I don't mind that there's a lot because they don't take up inventory and you don't have to read them but there's lots repeated all over the place, in places where they look out of place.
  • Too many dildos
  • There's prostitutes in the game on the street, If you partake in their services it just cuts to a cutscene that plays out in a room and then drops you back out on the street with the prostitute stood in the exact same place. I don't imagine many people would do it more than once to see what it's like but it's really jarringly done.
  • You can't sit down (or eat and drink) anywhere unless it's part of a mission.
  • NPC/car count isn't too bad on Series X but it still sometimes feels really bare in parts.
  • Why have (on Xbox) X to get in a vehicle and B to get out. Just have them both be X. I keep getting out the car when I want to use the handbrake.
  • Duck and skip dialogue are the same button, so if you start a conversation while ducked you have to remain that way for the whole conversation (someone mentioned a hold to toggle option but I can't see it)
  • Because the character models aren't made to work in third person (see the youtube video of the third person mod) the shadows are messed up and there's no character reflections unless you interact with the mirror (where you can't move). How's that supposed to work with their upcoming multiplayer mode?
  • There child NPCs in the open world, which is actually a surprising inclusion. But they're all the exact same height and age, there's no variety to them at all.
Yet I can't stop playing it and I'm having a blast. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed such a flawed game so much.
Its a whooooole lot of nitpicks but all together it really does get annoying that there is so much that "feels" missing. Im about 10 hours in but can you not customize your character after the very start? I just want to change my nail color, man! I feel like we are gonna be seeing some substantial updates in the coming months adding in shit that should have been in from the start.