Coma Ecliptic

Oct 25, 2017
This looks very very good, I also agree that it doesn't yet blow me away in terms of other games coming out. Gameplay looks great, detail looks amazing, RDR2 and TLOU2 look equally as amazing. Looks like gunplay is shaping up nicely!

To the other subject that is in this thread, please don't watch any Quentin Tarantino movies or interact with any criminals.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know who to ask, so I'm asking out in the open. Hopefully that's not against the rules:

Can the mods just make a separate thread for the "language" discussion? If people wanna have that debate, cool. I can't stop them. But at least take it somewhere else so the rest of us can talk about the actual game. Thank you.

Again, if me asking openly like this is against the rules, my apologies.
I second this.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished watching the demo, skimming through the thread, and I see a discussion about the c-word... did they really say it that much? Honestly, I noticed it a total of 'just' three times ('a c**t in a convent', the guy talking about the corpo lady, and the Maelstrom gangoon using the plural).
Three times is quite a lot considering that the game takes place in LA and NOT the UK or Australia.

You'd think they'd put in a bit more effort towards representing the fact that the game takes place in America...
Saw a tweet recently that said people seem to want art that's basically just Sesame Street for adults and yeah, that person was not wrong.
You fuckin' kiddin' me with this shit? Who the hell wants Sesame Street for adults in this fuckin' thread? Goddammit, man...


Dec 7, 2017
Looks good. Two things that immediately jump out at my that I hope will be addressed as development progresses:
- Desperately needs model damage in combat. Combat looks very sterile, and personally, I won't get into the game unless the gunplay is good and all the cool weapons provide the appropriate feedback.
- It seems to take a long time to do anything. Not sure how much fun it will be sitting through long cutscenes for every mission.


Oct 25, 2017
Journalists were screaming next gen by this demo,so I expected next gen level of shit,but nothing is really out of this world.
Glad I'm not the only one. The number of NPCs is impressive but other than that the overall way the game looks is good. Not out of this world. Definitely doable on current consoles from the looks of it.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Can the mods just make a separate thread for the "language" discussion? If people wanna have that debate, cool. I can't stop them. But at least take it somewhere else so the rest of us can talk about the actual game. Thank you.
Just have the discussion, nobody is forcing you to agree with or respond to any posts you dislike or disagree with. Plenty f people have only commented on other aspects of the video.

People want to shut down any talk about sexism with quickness.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know who to ask, so I'm asking out in the open. Hopefully that's not against the rules:

Can the mods just make a separate thread for the "language" discussion? If people wanna have that debate, cool. I can't stop them. But at least take it somewhere else so the rest of us can talk about the actual game. Thank you.

Again, if me asking openly like this is against the rules, my apologies.
Yeah, it's kind of derailing the thread. I'm suprised it hasn't been done already.


Oct 27, 2017
Three times is quite a lot considering that the game takes place in LA and NOT the UK or Australia.

You'd think they'd put in a bit more effort towards representing the fact that the game takes place in America...

You fuckin' kiddin' me with this shit? Who the hell wants Sesame Street for adults in this fuckin' thread? Goddammit, man...

Calm the fuck down...


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The shootout at the beginning was unimpressive to me, but all the open world segments were wild. All the world design is really impressive and I love all of the little details I noticed. I'm not a fan of how edgy so much of the dialogue is, even if there were no issues with the gendered slurs it still wouldn't strike me as good. Very curious to see how it shapes up

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine that you're a woman, that's had a terrible day at work. Your boss, which sees himself as a womanizer, consistently says some gross sexist stuff when he thinks he's not being heard. And, you know, sometimes he's being heard. But he's been there for 35 years, so you have to close your eyes, sigh and keep doing your best at work because bills and crap.

Then you get back home, tired as hell and wanting to play some game as a form of escapism. You boot up Cyberpunk 2077, a nice looking title which stars a self-insert power fantasy character with whom you can wreck shit and everything. And then, you meet this dude, who calls you X or Y. And, you know, it normally wouldn't be a problem. But today, since you've had a bad day, it does.

Now I question. Does this character being sexist makes any sense? Is it an important part of its character? Is it necessary? If the answer is yes, then go ahead. But most of the time it isn't, and it's just something that's used to add some "flavor" to the character. If it had never existed, you'd never have noticed. So, if it's not necessary, it's not important and it can make people feel like crap, why wouldn't you just change it for something that's not gender-based?

I mean, TW3 toned down how much Geralt is hated and distrusted for being a mutant A LOT compared to the books. If they toned down the amount of irrational hate that people feel towards him in order to make that title more palatable, I don't see why they couldn't do the same here.

He's calling the two characters trying to kill him cunts out of an act of anger. It's life or death. This isn't someone serving you at a kiosk who says "hurry up you cunt" when you drop your wallet whilst trying to get your change out because they are agitated the queue is really long.

What's with all of these elaborate comparisons to real life combined with stripping all the context out of the scene?

Tex Murphy

Nov 2, 2017
You literally did not read my posts if you didn't get my argument.

Once again, I'm sick and tired of gendered insults like "pussy" and "cunt" being normalized, I'm sick of my entire gender being constantly insulted and read as "weaklings" and "cowards", and I don't care about any of the other harsh language being used in the game within this video, so it's not just a matter of fuckin' "pearl clutching" or whatever other stupid straw man you want to put up.

CDPR has earned the right to use whatever language they want. They are known for making quality games with detailed, realized worlds. Just like the real world, not everything is going to swing your way just for you. Some things may shock or offend you. I do not believe for one second that this game is coming from a source that hates women. So I don't think it's worth complaining about.
Oct 26, 2017
So does being a girls' blouse - it also means the being a woman is seen as cowardly in the UK too.
I mean yes girls' blouse does mean that, and does imply that. And yet those phrases are completely different.

Also if the circles you exist in are still saying "girls blouse", then dam you old. This is something Grandads used to say to their grandchildren, telling them to toughen up. But ya know most our grandparents were horribly racist and sexist. Not much we can do to change our history. All we can do is be better, and well this is the first time i've heard that phrase in over a decade.

Since when has belittling woman ever been about logic or common sense?
The word here has nothing to do with degrading women. As Lashley said above, the word bitch (female dog - aka logic) is used to degrade women.


Apr 6, 2018
Wow you dont know when to quit do you? You're not going to win this argument. Devs will continue to show games early and change shit. When downgrades or outright lies are caught, and they are caught, people will rightly complain (see: Mighty No 9, No Mans Sky).

You're making mountains over molehills.

It seems people are willing to toe this line because it's CDPR. I don't think they would be so lenient with other devs. No doubt if there's any downgrade or outright missing features in this game there'll be a tonne of people suppressing any complaining by referencing that letter.

Anyway, it is a molehill so whatever.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm highly skeptical they can maintain that quality of NPC interaction across the whole game. The high quality animation and body language applied to each character interacting with you and other NPCs in a dynamic context with the depth of choices promised

Expecting a Watch Dogs scenario where all the bits and pieces are there just of a lower quality than this reveal

Yeah, this is definitely a finely polished main quest. It's probably gonna be like in Witcher 3 - quite a few secondary quests of varying quality, and a ton of "question mark" locations where it's just "kill someone, open chest".

One thing I'm wondering is if the whole city is going to consistently be of the detail you see in the video. It's like GTA 5 level of detail turned to 11 - which just seems insane.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it. Def, looking forward to it.

My only complain is the Spanglish the big guy was speaking.
I get he speaks Spanish, but normally you don't need to mix both languages at the same time when you speak.
Of course unless you are forcing it for some reason.
I have always found it weird. It's better just to choose one and stick with that one.

My best friends are Mexican. Some things they refer to, they always refer to in Spanish even when they're speaking to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I have formally requested CDPR delay this game to 2020 in order for Ray Tracing capabilities on GPUs to have advanced enough for me to be satisfied with the graphics.

Sucks for you guys who would settle for less but you can play RDR2 to tide you over.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah if the game's supposed to be set in America having people use cunt as a normal insult is just wildly inaccurate. You'd think they would've done that much research.


Oct 26, 2017
Regarding the language stuff, I dont have a problem with the words you guys are discussing.

I do have a problem with the writing though. I would never ever said this was something out of the creators of TW3.

The side character dude is an walking stereotype.

This is legit GTA try hard kind of writing and I am not sure I like it.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I came here to say the video was awesome but I read these posts and wow...…


Oct 28, 2017
Three times is quite a lot considering that the game takes place in LA and NOT the UK or Australia.

You'd think they'd put in a bit more effort towards representing the fact that the game takes place in America...

You fuckin' kiddin' me with this shit? Who the hell wants Sesame Street for adults in this fuckin' thread? Goddammit, man...
What? Aren't they representing that fact quite well? It's supposed to be a harsh insult and use of the word. In the UK and Australia, it's not used quite derogatorily.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Regarding the language stuff, I dont have a problem with the words you guys are discussing.

I do have a problem with the writing though. I would never ever said this was something out of the creators of TW3.

The side character dude is an walking stereotype.

This is legit GTA try hard kind of writing and I am not sure I like it.
This is basically what people are saying. Like, the witcher was hilariously liberal with it's use of the word "arse" everywhere, but the writing quality and delivery were a lot better than what's in this demo. I mean....

"Pull some pants on your culo and get down here."

CDPR can and have had a lot better writing quality.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I have formally requested CDPR delay this game to 2020 in order for Ray Tracing capabilities on GPUs to have advanced enough for me to be satisfied with graphics.

Sucks for you guys who would settle for less but can play RDR2 to ride you over.
Denny old chap, they only added HDR into Witcher 3 years after the fact.

They have Witcher 4, and then whatever else, they're going to be writing a ray trace renderer for this engine regardless. Implementing it into Cyberpunk seems all but inevitable.


Aug 21, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing and shutting down concerns regarding sexism. Alt account.
Era is descending into the worst type of ultra-politically correct, don't dare offend anyone, ever culture. This isn't meaningful discourse and it's getting completely out of control.

If people are unable to grasp the specific context of language and themes in a futureal dystopic video game and feel the need to overanalyse and disproportionately relate everything back to modern society and gender-identity issues (which are of course very real and scary), every one is going to have a bad time.

It's a fucking video game, and a brilliant looking one at that. Move on.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the language stuff, I dont have a problem with the words you guys are discussing.

I do have a problem with the writing though. I would never ever said this was something out of the creators of TW3.

The side character dude is an walking stereotype.
I'm sick of that Hispanic seterotype. Not all of us Hispanic/Mexicans speak like that. It's just nitpicking though. Not really a big deal.


Nov 1, 2017
Wow. There goes my life when this game comes out.

Loved everything I saw....Except for the shitty "original", generic dude rock music highlighted that plays in V's apartment and at the end of the trailer. I'm sure we'll have options for it, but still just a weird thing to prop up in this video.
Hopefully we get more partners than just Jackie too.


Oct 25, 2017
You'd think they'd put in a bit more effort towards representing the fact that the game takes place in America...
The entire entertainment industry is built around the US.

It's the same reason why shows have to be completely remade to take place in the US. The reason why there'll never be a mainline GTA set outside the US.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester, UK
So it seems the problem here is that Americans have a different meaning for "that word" than Europeans. I wonder whether this could be something the devs could exclude from certain countries? For example change the insults to something different for Americans?

Either way this gameplay is immense. I was not expecting this today and it's now made me hype as fuck all the way into hopefully the near future.


Oct 30, 2017
It looks very good but it was obviously a case of 'I've seen something no one else has so am going to exaggerate the hell out of it' for those previews.

Some of them said the game was the second coming...

It looks very good.

I get the feeling the press saw something different to this. It's the only explanation I can come up with. Maybe that's why the video took so long to be shown publicly? They were re-recording the demo with console visuals and the press saw something closer to high end PC?

It at least gives us a more realistic idea of how it will look. Instead of having another Witcher 3/watchdogs situation.


Oct 25, 2017
Ignore list for you.
HAH. You're SO good at listening to women. You definitely proved that.
CDPR has earned the right to use whatever language they want. They are known for making quality games with detailed, realized worlds. Just like the real world, not everything is going to swing your way just for you. Some things may shock or offend you. I do not believe for one second that this game is coming from a source that hates women. So I don't think it's worth complaining about.
Yeah except it's a fucking VIDEO GAME. I do not want nor expect a 1:1 representation of reality in my video games, especially when I literally just want to relax and have fun and maybe, y'know, escape from every day problems in a VIDEO GAME.

Apparently I am not allowed to have this escape because realism or some shit. Ok. Whatever, man.


Oct 27, 2017
He's calling the two characters trying to kill him cunts out of an act of anger. It's life or death. This isn't someone serving you at a kiosk who says "hurry up you cunt" when you drop your wallet whilst trying to get your change out because they are agitated the queue is really long.

What's with all of these elaborate comparisons to real life combined with stripping all the context out of the scene?

You can still say something along the lines of "son of a bitch", "fucker" or something else that doesn't have that connotation, really. It has the same effect and removes that connotation.