
Oct 29, 2017
What's the point of this "roadmap"? I've never seen a more pointless roadmap--it doesn't actually tell you anything. I guess the point was to remind the "gamers" that they're getting "free DLC" at some point and look like the good guys.

It's also kind of hard to get excited about the future DLC when I don't think the story was all that spectacular, something that they can't really fix with patches.

I hope they fix the technical issues for people on consoles but having made it through on PC I mostly left feeling ambivalent about the quality of the storytelling and plot.


Dec 23, 2019
This "we saw significant improvements on last gen". This game was not nearly ready to be released on console or PC! There is so much missing in this game besides the bugs and crashes. The original release date was way before any next Gen and 30x cards...lies lies lies... What has become of this studio..
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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
This seems like a statment that should have happen with the original refund statement, the one that pissed of Sony.


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who is playing the PC version, that version is bad as well. It still suffers from all the bugs that the consoles get but you have the option to overpower the game shitty performance with beefy hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
Keeps saying the PC version is fine etc. It like the other versions is still missing a shitload of what was promised.


Oct 26, 2017
I will suggest players to buy the PC version if they do not want to wait for next gen version on consoles. Much less issues


Oct 25, 2017
The entire game structure seems underbaked. Even if they fix all bugs and get all consoles versions at stable 30-60FPS there are issues that won't be fixed. Seems more like an Anthem situation


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
CDPR probably should have just put all of their attention toward releasing on PC first, and then focused on console ports later.

It had to be as clear as day that the PS4 and Xbox One just couldn't handle the game. Eventually you have to put standards above profits. Ultimately, they should've either abandoned the last-gen versions or been straight up clear about how the vanilla consoles were struggling.
Oct 27, 2017
Still feels like the bones of this game are nothing compared to what they showed. It's hollow in gameplay and world depth and in many ways shockingly shallow in general compared to all the promises. Patches aren't going to fix that.

Also they straight up lied here, there's no way they didn't see the game breaking apart at the seams on last gen consoles.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaithersburg MD
I originally planned to get this game at launch but held off when it was announced that the next Gen patch would not be at launch and the current gem versions were iffy. Now with the next Gen patch coming later this year and all of the bs around the launch, I really don't think I will come back for this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Every update we get just makes me delay the game even more in my head. Since they're not releasing the current gen version until late into the year and still focusing on DLC than I'm not touching it until at least 2022.

Edit: Wormhole
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May 27, 2020
No next gen update till late this year? Yeah, I won't be touching this game till it's in the bargain bin


Oct 25, 2017
So their testing didn't notice the once an hour crash on ps4 huh? That's fucking bullshit. And the fact that they STILL haven't fixed this makes me wonder if the even CAN fix it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
The more I think about it, the more the "not found in testing" part of the faq bothers me. Way to lie to us and throw QA under the bus at the same time.

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Really don't care for their excuses and/or more lies at this point.
Convinced my shareplay friend to get the refund, and I guess we might check out the game on PS5 somewhere down the line.


Nov 7, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
I'm loving it on my base PS4 now. Hoping they can make it even better with the soon to be released patches. Will get a PS5 sometime during the spring so will play a third playthrough on it when the next-gen upgrade is released.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally had a chance to actually watch the video message and yeah. For me, I just don't buy that they didn't know the state the last-gen console versions were in. And it also irked me that he mentions "despite the PC version reviewing well" like... even the best version of this game is plagued with issues.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Complete BS on so many levels. And ofc GaMeRs are lapping it up on Twitter and YT with an "AlL iS FoRgIvEn KiNg" attitude.

Like how can you even believe a lie this obvious:
Q: Didn't you test old-gen consoles to keep tabs on the experience?
A: We did. As it turned out, our testing did not show many of the issues you experienced while playing the game.
Fuck off.

How can anyone with an ounce of brain cells believe this shit.


Apr 16, 2019
I've gone back to replay rdr2 and honestly, even within the first hour you notice such a massive gap in quality between the two games.
AI, animations, attention to DETAIL, implementation of features, acitivies ect. Generation apart. Rdr2 feels like it was made with care.


Oct 30, 2017
CDPR probably should have just put all of their attention toward releasing on PC first, and then focused on console ports later.

It had to be as clear as day that the PS4 and Xbox One just couldn't handle the game. Eventually you have to put standards above profits. Ultimately, they should've either abandoned the last-gen versions or been straight up clear about how the vanilla consoles were struggling.
You mean release an okay PC version and an "omg how did they even do this?" console version like with the 360 Witcher 2 a year later?

That makes sense. Or, and this is why we don't get paid the big bucks, alienate a shitload of people through a PR campaign and release a broken game that tanks our stock value and makes our employees hate us?


Oct 26, 2017
Pfft, fuck off. You knew what you were doing, you just bought into your own "CDPR Magic" (to borrow a term from Bioware) bullshit that everything would magically work out even as you threw together and rushed out a game that was clearly a year or two from being ready and deliberately misled everyone from consumers to investors in regards to the sorry state the last gen versions were in. I mean fuck, even now they're throwing their QA department under the bus by saying many of the issues experienced with the last gen versions weren't encountered during testing. And they're still refusing to engage with the complaints of transphobia and racism in the game.

The reality is no amount of patches, free DLC or even expansions are gonna turn Cyberpunk into everything they promised. That would require them to pull a Realm Reborn by going back to the drawing board and re-designing large chunks of the game, which would take years and clearly they aren't willing to do. So the world will continue to have all the depth of a paddling pool, the AI will continue to be a laughing stock, mission and level design will continue to range between nothing special and trash, the map will continue to have shitty filler strewn across it, dialogue will continue to offer no variance, the tech tree will continue to be worthless and so on. All they'll do is upgrade the game from a 6/10 to a 7/10.
Oct 28, 2017
I've gone back to replay rdr2 and honestly, even within the first hour you notice such a massive gap in quality between the two games.
AI, animations, attention to DETAIL, implementation of features, acitivies ect. Generation apart. Rdr2 feels like it was made with care.

You may hate Red Dead Redemption 2 as a video game but Rockstar did and achieved what they wanted to do. There's nothing out there that simulates a fictional Western like that game.

There's a lot of games out there that I have no pleasure of playing again but I respect the dedication the developer had to achieve their vision. Even if it is at the detriment of the consumer.

Like the fact you can watch people at a table play a proper game of poker with appropriate reactions and behaviour is just attention to detail beyond any other game out there.


Oct 27, 2017
Throwing QA under the bus, the lowest paid staff probably not on full time contracts that have no comeback is just as shitty as everything they have done until now.

I worked in QA and there is zero chance their QA team didn't report thousands of issues up the chain, they are impossible to ignore.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
That roadmap is absolutely grim and tells me nothing.
I'm gonna play this eventually when the PS5 version hits and works but maaaaan it really sucks how this game tanked out the gate.

CDPR bungled this more than I ever thought possible.

Edit: Also Marcin is hilarious if he thinks we'll believe they didn't realise how bad the console versions were in testing lmao