
Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017



Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

I don't get this, can someone please explain?
Taken from the youtube comments:
I see a lot of confusion in the comments. For those who don't get it, the deck name is "It Flies, You Dies." His deck is meant to kill the opponent with flying creatures. The woman laughs because in order for the name to rhyme, he had to make it sound silly. The big man then says right now, he's only half way there (the game hasn't started yet, so his opponent isn't dead yet. Right now the deck just flies). The center man replies "Well, that depends on who the You is [in It Flies You Dies] is referring to." This doesn't really make any sense as a joke. No one really gets what he was even trying to say. Hence the uncomfortable silence.
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Oct 25, 2017

I don't get this, can someone please explain?

I don't understand anything about the subject or game or rules but I do recognize the sound of a person's soul exiting their body after a self-inflicted social suicide. It sounds like a 400 yard carpet roll of bubble wrap being popped in a universe where air is made of humiliation.

father and son together at Porn Convention:

Hmm. I'm gonna go ahead and say the Finbar Saunders, shoulder crabs, sex addict Stepmom enthusiast's Shyamalan twist: — "I'm a sex therapist - <scratches self suggestively> heh I know, slippery, right?" — is the buried lede here.

Wait - am I supporting BLM because I secretly know they're all - hang on there's a lot here - secretly antifa whose real mission is the extermination of white people? I want to reply to his tweet so bad because I have a lot of questions- but what if he's a sonybot and he's only reverse-supporting PS5 games and then I look like an idiot because he's already not supporting our game because our game won't have Tempest Engine audio (or whatever those guys are arguing about- blast processing, mode-7, SID chip etc) ? Which also doesn't matter because he's not supporting PS5 anyway, even though Xbots won't have Uncharted or Knack 3, which he also won't have?

Also does anyone actually believe he will stop gaming?
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