
Oct 25, 2017
Come on let's rip Gabriel's wings or something.

That said, angels better be abstract as fuck. Androgynous people with wings is played out.

I can't help feel it would look something along the same line as this:



Oct 25, 2017
Most of society still has this weird mental hangup that mythology and religion are different. Mythologies are just religions no one believes anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't god of war with Christianity just Dante's inferno?

I fucking loved that game. Granted I was 14 and loved how Gory and gruesome it was. Haven't played it since then but I would imagine it holds up pretty well! Mabey I'll give it a replay after I beat FF7


Aug 1, 2019
One of the panels near the end of God of War 2 makes reference to the three sages following the star to find baby Jesus (other panels make reference to other mythology events) so yeab
Jan 20, 2019
Why you think that? It's PS biggest IP with Uncharted and TLOU
I doubt that. God of War is one of PlayStation's most iconic franchises and it just got a huge reinvigoration.

Just like Halo or Zelda or Mario, I don't see God of War going away any time soon.

I just dont see it, i mean, it is possible that Atreus becomes the new god of war, i think kratos is going to die in this new trilogy.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like Jesus, being a pacifist in basically every way, would be more of a helper to Kratos or a guide. Especially the Kratos from the PS4 God of War.
Agreed, and this would actually be pretty interesting. Like Winston said in Ghostbusters, "I love Jesus's style." Jesus is neither an optimist or a pessimist, but he'll call you out on your BS while at the same time inspiring you to lead a life not focused on yourself or the material things.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Eh... I am not sure why some people here want a person that was a pacifist to be brutally muredered in a video game, regardless if you think he was ficticious or not.
Now the archangels, those could be great bosses


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I just dont see it, i mean, it is possible that Atreus becomes the new god of war, i think kratos is going to die in this new trilogy.

I think that's what's happening.

Eh... I am not sure why some people here want a person that was a pacifist to be brutally muredered in a video game, regardless if you think he was ficticious or not.
Now the archangels, those could be great bosses

A "fight" with Jesus would be nonsense but with the biblical God...


Dec 12, 2018
Was this in doubt? I always just assumed the God of War universe was essentially our universe. And when they cut from Greek to Norse myths I just assumed everything was fair game after that.

I don't think Cristian lore is gamey enough tho

Tell that to the Old Testament. Shit gets pretty metal.

Seriously though, if you really want to get technical about it, there's a whole pantheon of Canaanite gods that were basically absorbed in to what would become the Christian god. Not that I think they will, but there's a lot of rope for them to run with if they wanted to do Judaism / Christianity, even if you don't consider the pre-monotheistic stuff, there's angels and giants and dragons and plenty of heroes with blessed powers. Hell if you want to get really in to the Abrahamic religions there's a lot of mysticism in Islam, some of it inherited from earlier Arabic cultures.

I wouldn't expect to see Kratos throwing down with Jesus by any means, but he could wrestle some angels or throw down with Samson, he could meet Nimrod in the forest on a hunt or be helped along by a mysterious figure that turns out to be Cain, who tricks him in to killing the Archangels so that Eden is unguarded. Though the height of this mythology predates even the first games by a while, by the time of the Greek city states most of the other Canaanite gods would have been killed or forgotten, some of the mysticism would probably still be in tact by the time the most recent game is taking place, but I don't know an exact date there.

It might make sense if he returns to Greece at some point after the current cycle, maybe via Britain and Ireland or central Europe, encountering the gods of the Celts and the Gauls in their waning days, then running in to the Roman Empire in the early stages of Christianization? But even then it wouldn't make that much sense to have the more mystic elements showing up in Rome. Maybe if he returned to Greece from the other side, going through Russia, South East Asia, India and the Middle East. That could be pretty sick. Who knows, Kratos gonna Kratos I guess.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Don't really see the need to see Jesus fight.
Now Old Testament God, that's someone who deserves an ass kicking.

EDIT: Wait, I just had my mind blown. Old Testament God became New Testament God when he had Jesus (a Demigod, though the exact definition is " fully god AND fully human") which means he went through the same emotional changes as Kratos did when he has Ateus (a Demigod) O_o
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2018
God of War should go into the ones hinted at by 2018's game, aka Egyptian, Japanese and Celtic cultures. Buddhism is great too, so is Hinduism, though I'm sure outside of a "mythology" and not exactly a "religion" (i know the difference, its just clear that Christianity is practiced way more than Norse religions) , people may start getting offended so....


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Btw, why are all fictious despictions of metatron assholes? In both Supernatural and SMT they are the angels that i hated the most


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
It's kinda of baffling how many people want a game idea developed out of spite towards others rather than them actually thinking it'd be a cool/interesting concept for them to explore.


Oct 25, 2017
Technically Christianity existing in the God of War universe doesn't mean the Christian God is real in that universe

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
The Pharoah
King Herod
The four horsemen of the apocalypse
The archangels
The whore of Babylon
The anti christ
The Serpent/Satan
The false prophet

Those are just a few of the obvious surface level figures you can use from the Bible to make a game out of.

You go outside of it and you can bring in all the princes of hell and the seven deadly sins and a bunch of other crazy angel shit, go even further with Canaanite sources and we're really cookin.


Or else Pizza is gonna send out for you
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Why wouldn't it exist? I mean, we've seen Greek, we've seen Norse, and we've seen hints at others. They're all on earth, so why not?

Plus Kratos would probably have no beef with Jesus. Now, that Old Testament God? Yeah, Kratos wouldn't get along with him.
Cosmic Voyager
Oct 24, 2019
I just dont see it, i mean, it is possible that Atreus becomes the new god of war, i think kratos is going to die in this new trilogy.

Sure, that's possible. It's a flexible IP.

Kratos is also a god so he can basically stick around as long as they want him to (aging isn't an issue). Not to mention that "God of War" is a title that could apply to anyone, doesn't have to be Kratos forever. Whether that's a passing of the torch to Atreus, or a soft reboot with another protagonist entirely
Oct 27, 2017
The Pharoah
King Herod
The four horsemen of the apocalypse
The archangels
The whore of Babylon
The anti christ
The Serpent/Satan
The false prophet

Those are just a few of the obvious surface level figures you can use from the Bible to make a game out of.

You go outside of it and you can bring in all the princes of hell and the seven deadly sins and a bunch of other crazy angel shit, go even further with Canaanite sources and we're really cookin.
What, no Long haired Samson?

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus was a pacifist. I can't see anything gained out of watching Kratos beat the shit out of a guy who won't fight back. Now, if we're talking one of interpretations with the seven generals/princess of Hell and archangels, that could be dope

I seriously doubt Jesus would be an antagonist but, sure, I can see everyone from the Archangels to Lucifer and even YHWH going toe to toe with Kratos. Maybe we can get a God of War + Doom crossover and Kratos gets to fight Doomguy too.

It'd be the first time Kratos hears the boss music. 🤣

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
I dunno what's so shocking about this, or why some people think they would never incorporate it in game.

Darksiders and Castlevania are two violent series that feature Christianity pretty heavily. There's also Dante's Inferno.

I can't see an entry where you have to kill Jesus or the Christian god or anything like that. However they could take inspiration from things like the crusades, Dante's writings, heresy and the inquisition. There were also many martyrs that were violently killed early on, and many people thought the end times would come quickly. If they went somewhere like ancient Rome I could see it mashing together Roman and Christian mythology.