Jul 26, 2018
Well.. it kinda happened. Not with family though. with a friend.

He said...

-This is a fraud
-COVID numbers are BS
-Trump is highly likeable
-Both Hillary and Obama even praised Trump so much too
-Rappers even love Trump

I thought he was smarter than this.... lol


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
My uncle is a diehard republican but not exactly a trumper, he just votes for the republicans no matter who is running. I just don't bring politics up around him, he has been too good to me to start some shit over it.
Oct 30, 2017
This stuff is really mind blowing. I have anxiety and panic disorders and even I have a hard time understanding what makes a person so utterly paranoid and delusional, and I once jumped out of bed in the middle of the night thinking I was dying because I rest my laptop on my chest for hours on end and the radiation must have been killing me.

(I don't have attacks like that anymore, thankfully)

My first thought was "I see a doctor when I find myself like this."


Oct 25, 2017
PoC here and thank god nobody in my fam is a Trump supporter/I cut of any friends who were on that shit because fuck them.

I feel for you folks, I really do. Sounds like a nightmare.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A guy I work with has been on this kick for a bit. He was also trying to tell me how Lady Gaga was part of some Satanic cult that foretold the recent events in Armenia in some music video so... yeah.
Holy hell - one of my coworkers recently did this speech, too. Except the Satanic cult part. My coworker is Aremenian, so I wasn't sure if she'd "discovered" this on her own or this was tied to some conspiracy theory. Guess I have my answer.


Oct 27, 2017
my cousin's been having a very normal one since election day

she's always like this, but now it's really kicked into overdrive

one of the funniest/worst things i've read in some time


Oct 29, 2017
If we were going to rig the electron with software changing votes, why would we not give ourselves the Senate lol
I mean it's a pointless ask to people who claim there's a deep state cabal of Democrats led by Obama who want Trump to fail but can't explain why they'd not just eliminate Trump with their all-powerful arm let alone why they'd even allow a situation where Trump would have or gain power to begin with.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
I mean it's a pointless ask to people who claim there's a deep state cabal of Democrats led by Obama who want Trump to fail but can't explain why they'd not just eliminate Trump with their all-powerful arm let alone why they'd even allow a situation where Trump would have or gain power to begin with.
For some reason these hopelessly brainwashed morons (sorry, there's no better word) .. they cant seem to grasp that trump was epically horrible at his job.

I honestly feel that the books will show that he is the worst that has EVER sat in that chair.


Oct 25, 2017
My brother posted some lame crap about how he'd like to congratulate Joe Biden, Joe Biden's husband, on his victory, but he can't because no one can find him because he's hiding in his basement, etc., etc. I was slightly drunk at the time and called him out on it when I otherwise would have just let it slide. It ended up with me calling him a racist and him saying "Oh I get it now, orange man bad, dementia man good. Thanks for keeping me in line."

My aunt keeps sharing shit asking for people to pray for our country.

Relatively tame compared to what some of you have been dealing with lol.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
our dad sent a text to our mom (they're divorced) before coming to our last get together in OBX that just said "NO POLITICS" lmao.


Oct 26, 2017
One of the small things that I constantly see/hear is how they'll start their comment "you think Biden, who couldn't get 10 people to come to a rally, could ..."

Something obviously not even true but the love to say it. And bragging about crowds in a pandemic...


Aug 6, 2018
I mean it's a pointless ask to people who claim there's a deep state cabal of Democrats led by Obama who want Trump to fail but can't explain why they'd not just eliminate Trump with their all-powerful arm let alone why they'd even allow a situation where Trump would have or gain power to begin with.

Anytime you paint them into a corner with facts they fall back on their Deep State!!! rhetoric.

Never do they consider that this Deep State seems far more appealing to me. If the Deep state is some kind of shadow government made up of Obama alumni and the antithesis to it is a bunch of circus freaks like Trump, Guiliani, Hannity, Kenneth Copeland etc then give it to me Deep State Daddies.


Mar 11, 2019
Half of them vanished. The other half are screaming the usual hoax nonsense and getting mad when people are unfollowing them on social media.

Kinda ironically how they say the left is when given a minor criticism

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
Anytime you paint them into a corner with facts they fall back on their Deep State!!! rhetoric.

Never do they consider that this Deep State seems far more appealing to me. If the Deep state is some kind of shadow government made up of Obama alumni and the antithesis to it is a bunch of circus freaks like Trump, Guiliani, Hannity, Kenneth Copeland etc then give it to me Deep State Daddies.
Republicans, terrified: "A hyper-competent, secret society of Democrats are working to turn the US into socialist state, where people will present as whatever gender they feel like, black people will be free to live in any neighborhood they want, and every city will be a haven for immigrants!"

Me, wistfully: "If only..."


Dec 10, 2018
It's kinda funny reading these stories knowing half these people probably had no connection to Trump prior to 2016. How many of them were kissing his ass, praising him, defending him and attacking their relatives over him. It's like some sort of strange hypnosis for imbeciles


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
I just dont understand how these people can type complete sentences and .. think .. that ... Biden (???) is a ... pedophile??? And not Trump????

Its like a completely different fucking universe


Jun 13, 2019
Some of them are deep end insane; I just don't talk to them about it. One of them I love dearly, and who raised me better than that so we just do not bring up politics, the other has essentially joined a cult and I try to stay away from them as much as possible.

Somewhat surprised that my mom is *almost* there, she can't quite shake all the Facebook bullshit, but she at least hates Fox News (and CNN/MSNBC, but hey it's better than nothing). She voted for Biden and NC Republicans, split ticket 🤷🏻‍♂️

My fiancé's dad comes from rural NC and is a Navy vet, dyed in the wool Republican...but I'm almost certain he didn't vote, or went 3rd party. He's been critical as hell of Republicans for being shit heels on health care, but is not enthused about Biden being pres. He and my mom both think people not wearing masks are idiots and stupid. So there's hope, even if they aren't liberal, they at least have brains.

My sister in Europe is further left than I am haha. I'm grateful she helped me see the light years ago and got me away from Fox News/Alex Jones conspiracy bullshit.

I was more centrist/moderate around 2015/2016: three events changed my life and made me completely turn away from conservatism wholesale. One of them was Donald Trump becoming president. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect with other family members, they went full on MAGA.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
"Biden is not my president!"

- My mom

"Biden should be killed and they should acquit the person who does it"

-My uncle

I just dissociate around them now.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I just dont understand how these people can type complete sentences and .. think .. that ... Biden (???) is a ... pedophile??? And not Trump????

Its like a completely different fucking universe

Biden is a pedo comes from the videos where he sniffs girls hair and touches them in questionable ways. It is awkward to watch but supposedly they are a touchy family.

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
Are you willing to share more details? What did she do? Sounds like a good story.
Its not that exciting, they requested and submitted mail ballots for an address that is not their primary residence and they no longer own, in state that is a little more competitive than the state they actually live in.

They are not done counting the votes in the precinct she turned her vote into, either, so its entirely possible it just genuinely hasn't been counted yet, or they may have correctly busted her for attempted voter fraud.

Either way, the internet bitching is pretty fucking hilarious.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
I deleted my Facebook account over half a decade ago, so I only interact with my conservative family members at holiday get togethers which ain't happening this year, so no clue


Oct 26, 2017
Its not that exciting, they requested and submitted mail ballots for an address that is not their primary residence and they no longer own, in state that is a little more competitive than the state they actually live in.

They are not done counting the votes in the precinct she turned her vote into, either, so its entirely possible it just genuinely hasn't been counted yet, or they may have correctly busted her for attempted voter fraud.

Either way, the internet bitching is pretty fucking hilarious.

Ah, so she was claiming a vacation rental as her primary residence. Ok. Did she vote in the state she lives in, too?

Oh wait, they don't even own it anymore? That sounds like she's fucked.

Curious if they'll contact her about it.


Sometimes, it's not a fart
Nov 3, 2017
I hope so. I removed them from Facebook years ago. Got a text from my uncle a few months saying I needed to vote for Trump for some crazy religious reasons and I just never responded.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I'm very thankful that my immediate family are all liberal. As for conservative family members outside of that? Oh they're raging, but I made sure to block/unfriend most of them.


Dec 23, 2018
I just dont understand how these people can type complete sentences and .. think .. that ... Biden (???) is a ... pedophile??? And not Trump????

Its like a completely different fucking universe

A number of people have theorized that hardcore Trumpism has more in common with a religion than with a political movement, in which case facts don't enter into the conversation.