
Oct 25, 2017
Mostly silence. My dad did repost one of those billboard memes that said basically "I'll never believe someone who couldn't get 20 people to show up to his rallies won that many votes." I chuckled to myself and scrolled on.

BUT I have noticed something very peculiar among the Trump-supporting white women in our larger friends circle: they are all now calling for civility and for still being friends with people of different political affiliations and are lamenting that their children are hearing nasty talk about the candidates at school and it's basically bullying and blah blah blah. One of them a week ago posted a photo of their Halloween display showing Gravestones labeled as BIDEN, HARRIS, and PELOSI. Two others loved to post Qanon bullshit.

They're clearly scared that tables are about to be turned but it's hard to feel much sympathy because WHERE WAS THIS BOTH SIDES ARE GOOD BULLYING IS BAD RHETORIC ANYWHERE DURING THE LAST FOUR YEARS?! Jebus fuck it's infuriating.
Republicans are a cancer on humanity and people should look up how we try to treat cancer right now. Doing exactly that improved my life quality a lot.
Oct 27, 2017
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.
unfortunately, depending on what happens in Georgia in January, several of those may yet be true. (sorry but fuck that 12% so can't be racists shite)


Jun 14, 2018
Have a couple of MAGA family members in Texas and have not talked to them for awhile. They are vile so whatevers.


Oct 25, 2017
X, Y, Z
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.
Sadly, that second to last point is probably very true.
Maybe it's b/c of whom I follow on Twitter, but I definitely see a lot of folks mentioning that the work is not done, and that there's more to do after Biden is elected. In particular, a lot of folks pushing back against the narrative that we need to give the right (esp Trump voters) any kind of grace, understanding that the GOP in its entirety has been complicit in Trump's corruption, and reiterating that McConnell (and the Senate as whole) is still a big target.

Edit: To be more on topic, my immediate family is thankfully not Trumpy otherwise, and I haven't been on FB for over a decade at this point.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.
Sorry to say it but your parents are assholes, espcially about the black vote as you can make the case for him being racist since he lost over the 85% of black votes
Oct 29, 2017
Apparently my grandparents aren't doing super well. Grandpa thinks all the mail in votes are bullshit, and my dad basically told him to shut up and golf yesterday. I was not there.

He didn't golf well. My dad golfed great.

COINCIDENCE? Probably but eh :P

My trump loving cowworkers were a bit less loud on Friday. Less red hats, too. Now and then they like huddle and whisper and I hope they don't try to kidnap Evers :\


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
PLEASE post more of his takes. I haven't had a good laugh like that in ages. That shit is beyond the norm.

He's been on it in messenger last few days lol.



Oct 28, 2017
I cut my family off but they are not the type to vote. If they did, they would have voted for Trump because they have racism and homophobia in common.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
He's been on it in messenger last few days lol.


If Special Forces really seized anything here in Frankfurt this would probably be big news here in Germany considering the US holds no authority here so something like this could be seen as an attack from a NATO ally, do ppl in your country really believe this nonsense?


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
If Special Forces really seized anything here in Frankfurt this would probably be big news here in Germany considering the US holds no authority here so something like this could be seen as an attack from a NATO ally, do ppl in your country really believe this nonsense?

He does at the very least lol. But id like to think no normal people think that.


Oct 27, 2017
If Special Forces really seized anything here in Frankfurt this would probably be big news here in Germany considering the US holds no authority here so something like this could be seen as an attack from a NATO ally, do ppl in your country really believe this nonsense?
most people don't

but the number that do is way too high for my liking


Oct 28, 2017
one person I know of is rambling about the country being doomed since its gonna get run by a pedophile. And also terrified because they say Biden is gonna force us all to get mandatory COVID vaccines

A guy I work with has been on this kick for a bit. He was also trying to tell me how Lady Gaga was part of some Satanic cult that foretold the recent events in Armenia in some music video so... yeah.


Oct 26, 2017
All of my family is pretty right-leaning except for me, but we're all on the same page regarding Trump, thank god. At least a couple of my family members voted Democrat for the first time in their lives this election.


Oct 26, 2017
Prayers for Trump Facebook posts, memes with a I voted sticker on a gravestone, and a few posts asking how you can vote for Biden if you're a Christian. That last part in a very passive aggressive way that feigns curiosity when they are really just hoping they can get a "gotcha" over on someone. Overall though? Mostly silence.

Edit: Oh yeah, my favorite change. My uncle absolutely hates Trump and is always posting anti-Trump stuff. His posts used to get lots of laugh reacts and arguments from Trumpers in the comments. Since the election? His posts are mostly ignored beyond a few likes from myself and other like-minded family members. He's definitely my favorite uncle and some of the condescending shit other family members and his lifelong friends would post really pissed me off sometimes. He dealt with them way better than I would have.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
my cousin's been having a very normal one since election day

she's always like this, but now it's really kicked into overdrive

Deleted member 9479

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
One little humorous peep this weekend. "Let's be clear... there is no president elect until the vote is certified. Let's allow the process to play out. We'll see come December."

which is super bullshit, as it doesn't work like that and this isn't a title granted by any vote certifying body. It's purely short hand an unofficial.

what he is really saying is "Trump could flip the electors". And fuck off with that cuz.
Oct 27, 2017
I posted earlier in the thread but my family has been mostly quiet about it. Father in law was saying hes not worried so much since the senate didnt flip(yet) so the economy didn't take a hit. Pretty sure hes more concerned with money over everything else. Mother in law just says he cheated/stole the election :P

Parents and one of my bros haven't talked much about it, just said somethings "fishy" and how they know people that got 2 or 3 ballots mailed to them.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
My mother has stopped talking to me since I called her out on her horseshit two weeks ago but she's sure as shit still posting total fucking MAGA garbage on her Facebook.

I ain't even mad.


Nov 18, 2017
i don't know. probably. i overheard my mom saying "we're all going to be slaves" and my dad was watching newsmax


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Thanks parler for taking all the bullshit from my feed and putting it into a bigot echo chamber.


Dec 15, 2018
my cousin's been having a very normal one since election day

she's always like this, but now it's really kicked into overdrive
The one thing that kills me about conspiracy theories like this is that you both have to believe that these people are capable of hiding such massive information from the public in their attempt to undermine humanity, but that they also put in obvious dogwhistles and code words for the lulz?


Oct 25, 2017
A cousin whose friend request I refused to accept is posting TruNews stuff about the alleged server in Germany.


Dec 23, 2017
I have one acquaintance that still thinks voter fraud happened and that the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders and now the election against Trump. Also thinks that Flynn got a raw deal (from the democrats) and that block blockchain is the solution to voter fraud


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He's been on it in messenger last few days lol.


People thinking that all the votes are sitting in one place now like some cryptocurrency just resting on a single server like in a digital wallet somewhere to be hacked will never not be hilarious. The votes are simply official counts from different states.

It's like saying the dimensions to a house have been stolen from a blueprint. The dimensions are just the dimensions. Re-measured just to be sure - yep, same dimensions.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
The one thing that kills me about conspiracy theories like this is that you both have to believe that these people are capable of hiding such massive information from the public in their attempt to undermine humanity, but that they also put in obvious dogwhistles and code words for the lulz?
The evil cabals and Illuminati and Lizard People really love leaving clues and puzzles for random people to solve.

ARGs are a must for any conspiracy, apparently.
Oct 28, 2017
My dad was extremely butthurt for days afterwards, made only worse by the neighbors in his liberal neighborhood lighting off fireworks for a day or two afterwards. He would sarcastically quip "Must be all those conservatives rioting because they didn't get their way. Oh wait, only liberals do that." But then the Proud Boy DC march happened and he lost his only talking point lol.

He's made offhand comments about moving with my mom to Idaho or Montana (he lives in western WA). I doubt they go through with it but the barely contained meltdown is funny from a distance.


Sep 16, 2020
My dad used to be our family's (including extended family) token conservative and he's one of the mythical "never Trump" people. He's pretty disgusted with conservatives and has cut ties with a lot of his friends and former coworkers. He voted for Beto in the 2018 midterms and Biden in the general, and I doubt he'll ever vote for a Republican again; the well is totally poisoned for him.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"I don't want to be emotionless" screams the person whose entire belief system revolves around an utter lack of human empathy
Oct 28, 2017
my cousin's been having a very normal one since election day

she's always like this, but now it's really kicked into overdrive
This stuff is really mind blowing. I have anxiety and panic disorders and even I have a hard time understanding what makes a person so utterly paranoid and delusional, and I once jumped out of bed in the middle of the night thinking I was dying because I rest my laptop on my chest for hours on end and the radiation must have been killing me.

(I don't have attacks like that anymore, thankfully)
Aug 8, 2019
Nobody in my immediate family are Trump supporters, but a friend's dad has started a "fraud commission" with his work buddies. I eagerly await the results of their findings...

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
My aunt attempted to vote in a state she doesn't live in and is getting more and more hysterical online that her vote hasn't been counted.

Its really funny because she is drawing attention to attempted fraud, but I also feel a little bad for her because the brain worms must be pretty intense to be in that spot.