
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't like it. They want to turn the series into an RPG franchise but only go halfway. Also they really need to move away from 'clear the map of these icons' structure. 95% of those icons were also small camps without any interesting in them. They've been outdone by other modern open world games and I thought it felt like a very dated game. They tried to mimic the Witcher two entries ago but the series would be a lot better suited to follow the BotW route instead.


Oct 28, 2017
Odyssey >>>> rdr 2.
Its flawed but still great game. Im around 95h in, second dlc pack. Even when i get bored i leave it day or two than i jump back in and i have fun. Its really gamey. More fun than rdr 2 imo since they came out same year.

And better than origins to me.


Jan 4, 2018
Kassandra is great but I ended up bouncing off the game once it became clear how bloated it is.
Yep, as soon as I had left the tutorial island things slowed down for me pretty quickly.
The script is identical and there are no differences in quests. Some quests fit Kassandra better, others fit Alexios better.
The only difference is the delivery. Kassandra is much more sarcastic while Alexios is much goofier.

Kassandra definitely gives the better first impression and one might think that Alexios is straight up poorly acted but after a couple of I started really liking him. He's certainly got a very unique voice and delivery... not like anything else I heard in a videogame lol.

He's actually far more popular with the players according to ubisoft IIRC so people just picking Kassandra is kind of an era-thing.
i played as Alexios after starting out as kassandra. I just felt the script sounded better with alexios delivery. He's such an smug asshole and I love it.


Nov 20, 2019
Only assassins creed game I've enjoyed due to the fact it a lot more RPG style. Pretty much hated every other AC game like the originals and black flag.


Mar 21, 2018
There really is no consensus on this game. Personally I preferred Origins. Mostly because it actually has great world building. It really is an excellent open world. You can easily navigate the world just by using your surroundings thanks to smart placement of landmarks etc. Odyssey is copy paste everywhere and way to big for it's own good.

I spent almost 90 hours in Origins and dropped Odyssey after 15.

Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
Odyssey is a good game but as others have said it's too long. Long games aren't bad, but the problem with this game being long is that every location looks pretty much the same and you do the same stuff. Combat is ok, but there isnt much enemy variety and you use the same tactics for all them except for some of the special monsters/beasts.

Also, if you played Origins, then you may get tired of Odyssey because Egypt and Greece look fairly similar.


Oct 25, 2017
I dropped it after a few hours. The side-content is boring, it's pretty much just go to this mark on the map, kill a few dudes, and you're done, but you're pretty much forced to do them if you don't want to be underleveled.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic, but it's definitely bloated. You gotta be picky about the quests you take on, else you burn out before you see the credits roll.


Oct 28, 2017
Kassandra is a good character.

The story is good.

Fuck the resource management aspect.

It's a good game if you just play the main story/cult story/beast/lore sidequests, but don't focus too much on grinding everything else, and there is a big grind for some stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the best games of generation for me and played it more than 100 hours. I'm not an AC fan though.
Played as Kassandra and I think she was a good character. Don't know about the other one, but his voice acting was so bad in my opinion!


Oct 25, 2017
There's so much to like about it. Kassandra is one of my all time favorite lead characters, and the sense of exploration is amazing, at least for a while. I also think it's one of the better loot games around with a steady flow of new weapons and armor to play with. There are some great outfits to look out for if you're into dress up like I am.

The problem is there is way too god damn much of it. I'm at the 80 hour mark and think I still have another 20-30 hours left.

Odyssey could have easily been a 5/5 were it half as long and twice as focused. I think if you even to mainline it, you're looking at 40-50 hours.

Though I had a great time, and would easily place it on my favorite games this generation, I think it killed all interest I used to have in the open world genre.


Oct 27, 2017
AC Odyssey is a wonderful game. I found AC1 a chore to get through, only got about a 1/4 through AC2 and barely touched the series since then. But Odyssey is such an amazing game which is damn long if you like the gameplay loop.

I decided to play as the Female as I usual play as the Male in games and it is MUCH better this way. I only managed to get 15 mins in with the Male char until I restarted and played as the Female.


Nov 7, 2017
I put probably around 70+ hours into it but never finished it. I did enjoy it whilst playing but it dragged on too much and never have had the urge to go back and finish it


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
You can play either or, if you play Alexious you won't be dissapointed that's for sure.

Though I thought the Kassandra voice actress was horrible. It wasn't until I watched alternative scenes that I realized what the true problem was.
Oct 28, 2017
Arguably the best game of this generation. Feels very fluid in both combat and exploration with stunning graphics. Kassandra rules, and I enjoyed the side quests. Maybe a little on the easy side.

Reminded me a lot of Witcher 3 and BotW.

My first Assassin's Creed


Oct 25, 2017
Though I thought the Kassandra voice actress was horrible. It wasn't until I watched alternative scenes that I realized what the true problem was.


Oct 31, 2017
It isn't a fantastic game and the story is kinda what ever, that said Kassandra is amazing and it's was my game of the year. There was nothing better to get home from work and just be in that world, sailing, hunting down mercanaries, exploring dungeons, doing missions and my god it was a good looking game.

I spent around 70 hours in to it and did everything there was to do, haven't touched any of the DLC though.


Oct 26, 2017
I've said this many times, it's in my top 10 games of all time, sank 250 hours into it and thoroughly loved it even playing as Alexios. The overwhelming sentiment here is that Kassandra is a much much much character and game experience.


Oct 26, 2017
Odyssey is a good game but as others have said it's too long. Long games aren't bad, but the problem with this game being long is that every location looks pretty much the same and you do the same stuff. Combat is ok, but there isnt much enemy variety and you use the same tactics for all them except for some of the special monsters/beasts.

Also, if you played Origins, then you may get tired of Odyssey because Egypt and Greece look fairly similar.

huh that's odd. I gained such a ridiculous desire of wanderlust to go to Greece because it looked so varried and beautiful in this game. I'd tell you to check my steam screenshot uploads for proof, but it's filled with spoilers.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I finished the game and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, but have not played any of the DLC. I would definitely play as Kassandra, she is one of the best protagonists this gen.


Oct 25, 2017
Brilliant game with TONS of content. It can get a little repetitive at times but that's pretty common of RPG's where you do too much side content.


Oct 28, 2017
But they did. You don't have to clear the map to get the platinum anymore. Just visit every region.

I get the feeling most of the people complaining about bloat don't realize that.

They definitely did not. They might have removed it for plat requirements but who cares. The only points of interest are still pulled from a pool of 6 or so activities in which you do the same thing over and over again. They hide it better sure, but the essence is still there.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the ultimate edition worth it on PC?

Are the Kronos costumes etc available in game somehow? I remember in Origins you could eventually get every costume or weapon using in game money via the crates.


Oct 29, 2017
Is the ultimate edition worth it on PC?

Are the Kronos costumes etc available in game somehow? I remember in Origins you could eventually get every costume or weapon using in game money via the crates.
imo just get the gold edition. The extra fluff you get isnt worth the extra money. There's a special mineral that you can collect in the game and its a seperate currency for a specific shop that sells rng chance to get some of the paid content IIRC. But the game has shit tons of weapons and armour as is


Oct 29, 2017
Currently playing it. It's so beautiful, but so big and long it's absurd. It's fat. Imagine your favourite fast-food chain, but you're taking the day off just to eat the main course.


Oct 25, 2017
Stops being an issue before mid game. The skill tree is deceptively deep and once you unlock a certain couple of abilities you dominate the battlefield. Around level 20-25. The skill tree and progression makes Origins look like a kid's toy.
You just need to focus on a damage type on Odyssey as well and you can take stuff out really well.



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You really don't need the XP booster since enemies scale to your level as well. Just make sure you play on hard because hard gives you more exp and is not much harder than normal and easy.


Oct 25, 2017
It's one of those games where, for the first few hours, I was constantly surprised by cool little touches and mechnics, and then a couple of hours more realized how much padding and repetition there was and just slowly found less and less desire to hit play.

I can imagine it working very well for you if it really manages to get its hooks in, though.
Dec 2, 2017
They definitely did not. They might have removed it for plat requirements but who cares. The only points of interest are still pulled from a pool of 6 or so activities in which you do the same thing over and over again. They hide it better sure, but the essence is still there.

First off, I want to know what these games are that have you doing doing totally different stuff for 80-100 hours. Because I've never heard of any of them.

Second, if you think there's six activities you seriously need to think again.

But I have no idea how anyone can actually have played through this game and not realize it has a ton of variety. I feel like people are playing 20 hours, looking at the map and then never actually finding out what's there. The quests have all kinds of unique activities.

Like if I listed out all the crazy things it had me doing, or the cool surprises, I could come up with tons.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think you'll find consensus here. I find Origins and Odyssey tepid, repetitive and janky with joyless busywork missions (though kassandra is a great character in Odyssey), but others...

It's one of the best games of all-time.

... swear by it. So I'd just give it a go yourself if you're interested.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Is a great game. But i'm a bit bias because I love the AC franchise.
I really recomend it.

Btw I only played on the PS4, so no idea how is the PC port.