Nov 11, 2017
Gamers are straight up pathetic, if a games broken or buggy don't buy it/get a refund. Instead people rather sit in their gamerchairs harassing and threatening hard working developers. Straight up losers.


Oct 25, 2017
The statements don't really refute any of the criticisms leveled at the anti-prescription messaging the game carries though. People "misinterpreted" your message, but whose fault is that?

I do not condone the attacking of the creators online though, two wrongs do not make a right.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
What point are you trying to make?

I feel like he's the same as he's always been, it's just that the community around him has grown out of the kind of content he provides. Watching his videos now, it just makes your eyes roll.
Nah, I feel like there was a definite swing in 2014/15 where his content started singing into, as they put it, hyperbole. It always felt more measured before that


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I genuinely feel really bad about the treatment the developers are getting.

The majority of which will probably be coming from those who haven't bought, or played the game.

A sad state of affairs.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Maybe don't take a publishing deal from Gearbox then?

Randy still says A:CM is a good game, know what you're getting into.

Increasing the price with other publishers and most people wouldn't have given it a second thought.
That says more about the blind hate and ignorance of "most people" than anything else. Gearbox are a highly respected FPS developer who made an incredible FPS series -- Brothers in Arms -- as well as very well regarded Half-Life expansions. I've always found it telling that most of the people with vicious hate boner for Gearbox can't name any videogame they developed before Borderlands. They seem to think Gearbox basically "got lucky with Borderlands" and their true colours were revealed with Colonial Marines or some such nonsense. Randy is a bit of a dick. But that doesn't mean Gearbox are a bad developer, or a bad publisher.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gamers are straight up pathetic, if a games broken or buggy don't buy it/get a refund. Instead people rather sit in their gamerchairs harassing and threatening hard working developers. Straight up losers.
It's gotten really bad, and it's going to keep getting worse.

Like fuck, the first post is textbook victim blaming.

Edit: He was even warned for it, missed that.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
I think the difference there is that the purpose of the drugs is specifically more to forget traumatic cultural events rather than for hedonism.

Also the treatment of Native American people is messy in brave new world but that's a whole other tangent.

To be fair I read BNW sophomore year and at this point don't remember many details except for that I thought it was capital B Basic :P
Oct 30, 2017
I'm looking forward to upcoming patches. I've been digging the games story, but the technical faults are making it difficult to play. But I think they'll get it sorted.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure I've never made a judgment on the game besides it's buggy. Which has been illustrated as such. Getting defensive for valid reasons, about unfair criticism makes sense. But your response was to me so I'm not really sure why you're assuming I don't like it (I haven't played the game) or I think it's overpriced (I don't own the game and haven't seen much footage about it besides the bugs).

I appreciate the perspective.
Sorry I wasn't directing that to you specifically


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Unironically using social justice warrior and doing a both sides bit in the same rant is honestly not a very good look.
There's a good chance that people who identify as a social justice warrior are also participating in the harassment, this type of shit isn't just limited to the right. Being on the left doesn't mean you can't be an absolute cunt of a person.


Combat Designer
Oct 27, 2017
The statements don't really refute any of the criticisms leveled at the anti-prescription messaging the game carries though. People "misinterpreted" your message, but whose fault is that?

I do not condone the attacking of the creators online though, two wrongs do not make a right.

Misinterpretation is a weird thing. Once something is out in the wild I think it's totally fair game to have different interpretations that wasn't the author's intent. It happens literally all the time. Could be because that was also intended. But sometimes it could be because people just take things in differently. Or it could be because the writers didn't guide people in the direction they wanted as good as they should have.

I think it's better if an intended message is explained or clarified than just saying someone took in the information wrong. The statement is weird for a few other reasons too.


Oct 27, 2017
The ND said people on prescription medication don't "value sadness." I don't see how Jim is the one who's misunderstanding something.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a good chance that people who identify as a social justice warrior are also participating in the harassment, this type of shit isn't just limited to the right. Being on the left doesn't mean you can't be an absolute cunt of a person.

I didn't say someone on the left couldn't be a terrible person though.

But the word usage is telling, especially when you pit it against the alt-right in an equivalent fashion.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Unironically using social justice warrior and doing a both sides bit in the same rant is honestly not a very good look.
The phrase that was actually used was "social justice advocate", which is positively innocuous. I'd argue that there's a clear difference between using the phrases "social justice advocate" and "social justice warrior" to describe somebody with. Seems like the former was chosen to avoid forwarding the negative connotations that the latter would naturally suggest. There's nothing wrong with claiming you've been targeted by people you'd consider to be advocates of social justice over a misunderstanding if that's actually the case. Demeaning them as 'social justice warriors' with a negative tone would be a different story entirely.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
I didnt see a problem with Jim's video aside from the build up at the start of the video.

Took 3 years for this game to come out, had an early access build and was published by Gearbox. Microsoft also bought the studio because of their confidence in them.

They failed to deliver a working product, especially at the price.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Interesting choice of words.

Read on:
I don't care why someone is an asshole online. Most think they're righteous, whether that's a social justice warrior or an alt-right instigator.
It's entirely intentional.

The weird thing is that I thought this would offer an explanation about what they meant with the "prescription drug culture", yet they offered everything but that. I mean:
The world would be a far better place if instead of getting angry we just asked "hey, what's up with that" and genuinely listened to the answer.
OK, so what is the answer? So odd to imply "you misinterpreted us" and then offer zero explanation.

Of course, the harassment is shitty and inexcusable. At this point I expect gamers to harass developers for any and every minor slight, real or imagined.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
But they used social justice warrior.
Ah, I missed that bit. Well, they used the phrase 'social justice advocate' first, and in a world where plenty of us are willing to self-apply the SJW label, I'm just not seeing the same level of ill-intent behind the usage of that phrase here as you might, given the context.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jim Sterling is terrible. I don't know how a toxic person like that has a voice. No, forget it, I know exactly why.. it's because gamers are like that too. Ugh.


Oct 25, 2017
The ND said people on prescription medication don't "value sadness." I don't see how Jim is the one who's misunderstanding something.
No he didn't, at least quote the correct line: "As a culture, we no longer value sadness." He says culture in general, it's never directed solely at people on prescription medication.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Jim knows his videos will illicit these types of reactions. It's how he makes a living and it's why I stopped watching his videos. His rant was misguided and irresponsible. He should have at least spoken with them before making the claims he did. And while other reviewers noted the technical issues, none of them were so negative or hatefull about it. Toxic behavior breeds more toxic behavior.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
"We Happy Few is inspired by, among other things, prescription drug culture — the idea that no one should have to be sad if they can pop a pill and fix it… As a culture, we no longer value sadness."


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Do you have a link? I haven't seen the comment. I could add it to OP too.
This is the quote I believe:
"Sure! We Happy Few is inspired by, among other things, prescription drug culture — the idea that no one should have to be sad if they can pop a pill and fix it. It's also about Happy Facebook culture: no one shares their bad news because it would bring everyone down. As a culture, we no longer value sadness."


Oct 28, 2017
Are we assuming the Montreal-based developer whose husband/wife narrative team created a complex and interesting narrative from multiple perspectives is seriously attempting to cater to Gamergaters by saying "social justice?" I think the issue is that their game has been attacked by gamers of all types--some upset at the buggy release, some upset at a narrative that was misrepresented by Jim.

Honestly it's worth reading all their responses. They seem like a pretty level headed team, and the fact that they're actually out here responding to criticism instead of digging their heads in the sand says a lot.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Considering the SJW term has negative connotations attached only by an extremist group, and the developer's clear value statement on that group as "instigators" I don't think there's really anything to read in to here. To any decent person, fighting for equality and fair treatment for all is a positive.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how they state that "Retail Games Are $60" as if this is some forced rule or something. Honestly, a lot of their answers here aren't really doing them any favors, and this is from someone who hasn't really followed news about the game or anything but it just seems like a bad look from where I'm at.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
I missed an opportunity to make the title bugs, drugs, and automobiles or something


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with his first point...

The whole "angry" Youtuber shtick is fucking terrible.

There's ways to be critical without sounding like an asshole in all your videos...

That kind of gimmick can be funny from time to time but basing your whole public persona around this is really dumb and makes the whole industry look bad and juvenile.
Oct 25, 2017
Jim knows his videos will illicit these types of reactions. It's how he makes a living and it's why I stopped watching his videos. His rant was misguided and irresponsible. He should have at least spoken with them before making the claims he did.
No it wasn't. He interpreted a statement they made in a different way then it was intended and responded to that statement from a place of personal experience with depression and mental health issues. The reaction by his fanbase is obviously unacceptable but he did nothing wrong in this instance.


Oct 27, 2017
Unironically using social justice warrior and doing a both sides bit in the same rant is honestly not a very good look.
Yeah, thats kind of raising a red flag for me.

I take anti-depressants, I haven't played the game myself so I wouldn't know but it would make me disappointed if the game had a sort of "its unnatural" message to it since I'm holding off on buying it but do think it looks interesting.

It often feels like that sentiment comes from people who have never really had to deal with it. Like we're not as strong as them.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
"We have dealt with these issues in a humane, kind and interesting way"

I think having anti-depressant analogues result in a dystopian society is dehumanising people that use antidepressants, but go off.

It could be seen that way, but it's fiction. I don't have a problem with people exploring weird potential outcomes of things we know aren't a problem.

Terminator, Bioshock, We Happy Few, and basically most cyberpunk media take relatively mundane or everyday ideas and expand upon them to show how, if over used, unchecked, and abused, can lead to a messed up future.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
The ND said people on prescription medication don't "value sadness." I don't see how Jim is the one who's misunderstanding something.

Western society has a problem where you aren't allowed to be sad. How no one saw that as the "value sadness" quote is perplexing to me. The OT on this forum has discussed it more than a few times. We hide our sadness to not be a burden and that's unhealthy.

People who are getting pissy over the "social justice" choice of words are pathetic fuckwits.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Three things:
  • I will never understand why people think harassing others is acceptable behavior
  • He actually used "social justice advocates" unironically, which, what the hell man
  • I'm very interested in learning more about the relationship between Gearbox and Compulsion


Oct 25, 2017
Not understanding the hate for Jim here about this topic. *shrug*

He has legitimate concerns over the publicly shared statement from the writer stating how the game seeks to question the value of prescription drugs. Anti depressants save lives. Statement like these are dangerous and misunderstand what clinical depression is.
"We Happy Few is inspired by, among other things, prescription drug culture — the idea that no one should have to be sad if they can pop a pill and fix it… As a culture, we no longer value sadness."

Also, the game objectively does have a lot of issues, both from a gameplay and a technical perspective and a lot of reviewers agree.

Is the issue that he's being over the top / exaggerating? It's hard to stand out if everything you do is exactly like every other YouTuber and that's become his brand.

Jim has repeatedly rejected hate and harassment online. Is he not allowed to dislike things out of fear of what stupid Internet trolls will do if he does?


Oct 25, 2017

I haven't watched Jim's video yet. What did he say that caused people to freak out about anti depressants?
This quote from the narrative director: "Sure! We Happy Few is inspired by, among other things, prescription drug culture — the idea that no one should have to be sad if they can pop a pill and fix it. It's also about Happy Facebook culture: no one shares their bad news because it would bring everyone down. As a culture, we no longer value sadness."

Jim's rant is a bit too long and all over the place to summarise: timestamped at 13:17

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Was there another part of the quote where they make an analogy about social media? I vaguely remember something like that but I don't know if it was the same piece. Something about masks I think.


Oct 27, 2017
Not understanding the hate for Jim here about this topic. *shrug*

He has legitimate concerns over the writers beliefs dismissing the value of prescription drugs and the game has a lot of issues, and a lot of reviewers.

Is the issue that he's being over the top / exaggerating? It's hard to stand out if everything you do is exactly like every other YouTuber and that's become his brand.

Jim has repeatedly rejected hate and harassment online. Is he not allowed to dislike things out of fear of what stupid Internet trolls will do if he does?
Yeah, fuck the people who are harrassing devs over this but I don't see how thats Jim's fault.

Every time anyone has a criticism these days, theres always that one nutty supporter in the back thats like "Yeah, lets kill em!". Not going to give Sterling grief over that since he more than likely believes those people are just as annoying as everybody else does.


Oct 25, 2017
Not understanding the hate for Jim here about this topic. *shrug*

He has legitimate concerns over the publicly shared beliefs of the writer discussing how the game hopes to downplay the value of prescription drugs. Anti depressants save lives. Statement like these are dangerous and misunderstand what clinical depression is.
"We Happy Few is inspired by, among other things, prescription drug culture — the idea that no one should have to be sad if they can pop a pill and fix it… As a culture, we no longer value sadness."

Also, the game objective does have a lot of issues, both from a gameplay and a technical perspective and a lot of reviewers agree.

Is the issue that he's being over the top / exaggerating? It's hard to stand out if everything you do is exactly like every other YouTuber and that's become his brand.

Jim has repeatedly rejected hate and harassment online. Is he not allowed to dislike things out of fear of what stupid Internet trolls will do if he does?
Except that leaves out the middle of the quote: "It's also about Happy Facebook culture: no one shares their bad news because it would bring everyone down. As a culture, we no longer value sadness."