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Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017



Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Quarantined in the apartment with my wife, both of us lounging around like slobs, doing nothing playing Animal Crossing all day, has honestly been the happiest I've been in a while. I just came off a depressive episode recently that came close to lasting an entire month, and then a literal global pandemic hit, and it's just been a lot, and I needed this dumb, sweet little game.
This put a big old smile on my face. Video games can be good sometimes.
Is anyone picking up Children of the Atom next month? I'm mainly interested bc of the writer

Quickly realizing how obsessed I am with the X-Men :|
Definitely willing to give it a try. Excited for some new blood. It's been sorely missing.
Finished Gotham City Sirens. I must say, I'm disappointed. The book started great with Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy teaming up to survive because "hey people want us dead/in prison and we need to lay low." Paul Dini and Guillem March create a bright, kinetic energy for the book with good chemistry and a light tone with some dark humor. Basically If Batman the Animated Series had an Adult Swim cartoon by Paul Dini. Selina and Harley deciding to go around the neighborhood finding a lost dog only to find out the reason the neighborhood has had so many dogs go missing is because Harley's hyenas have been going out and eating them was hilarious. You also have some good recurring characters in Nygma and the Carpenter as well as some solid antagonists with Gaggy, Dr Aesop, and some future set up for Hush. The random doctor who set up Ivy was fine. The part that was fun was how petty the villains attacking the girls were, but also personal. It all was very seedy, and I dug that. Sort of like New 52 Secret Six, the emphasis was on having personal growth, but like pre-Flashpoint Secret Six it's about pre-established supervillains in the world, so their reputation precedes them and they must do so while navigating the world with that baggage in tow. I compare it to Gail Simone's Secret Six because of it being a supervillain team book, though the similarities really end their because the book is very unique.

Once Dini leaves, however, so does March. When that happens the whole book changes and it's for the worse I'm afraid. While the book is not necessarily bad, it becomes something it certainly wasn't before. It becomes dark, serious, and brutal. Tony Bedard finishes up Dini's arc with Ivy at STAR Labs (at least her initial one), where he left in the middle having her being ambushed and trapped by a worker she fired. This arc is extremely out there and I found it hard to believe it matched with the rest Of the book, however perhaps if Dini had written it, then it would've turned out better. Basically STAR is using a plant alien from another planet to mutate plants to regrow regions of destroyed rainforest, but it doesn't work. Ivy becomes possessed because the alien wants to take over Earth and he takes over her body. The book then has a short arc with Maggie Kyle becoming an exorcist to kill Selina.

Bedard leaves the book and Calloway takes over and the book takes its much darker turn. Whereas it felt in hindsight that Bedard might've been finishing Dini's outline, Calloway does his own thing. Zatanna contracted by Talia to erase Selina's memories, which she has a moral crisis over. Harley then invades Arkham to kill Joker and instead gets back with Joker in the final arc. She kills and manipulates to do it, they then brutally murder a lot of guards (or Joker does and Harley watches). Catwoman goes to Devil's Square for a crossover featuring her sister, Michael Lane, and Azrael and fails her test. Then joins up with Bruce as Batman to go back to Arkham and shut down the riot, putting away Quinn and Ivy along with everyone else.

The whole book ends messy as hell, as Harley and Ivy break out to kill Catwoman as part of Penguin's plan (I guess? It's dumb) and it's revealed that Selina was in on this "plan but not really a plan" that was created by Dick as Batman to keep Harley and Ivy but mostly Ivy in check. That the true purpose of the Sirens. Ivy destroys a shit ton of cars and buildings, Harley and Selina decide to fight Batman to buy her time to run away.

So while Sirens' first half is certainly pure joy, filled with lots of personality.The concept of three of the most notorious supervillain best friends navigating Gotham's seedy underworld together as they bond and find new paths in life since their old ones will end up getting them sure killed or in prison, neither of which they want, it's a joy. A book of growth, change, and reform. Ivy's developing humanity, Harley's independence, and Selina's strength. Plus we have Nygma's own arc happening as well that would've been cool to see more of. When Bedard and Calloway step in, the book loses the charm and sex appeal and becomes dark and morally serious. The characters are no longer friends or personal. Ivy and Selina hate each other, but both love Harley who loves them, but the book deepens that until they all hate each other to the point of actual murder. It's hard to read.

That said, it's one of the most unique books from the Big Two and I'd love to see it tried again, but certainly with the love and charm Dini was shooting for and not the latter half.
Thanks for the write up dude. It was never at the top of my list but I don't think I'll be changing that anytime soon now.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
I was super interested in Children of the Atom until we found out it was a bunch of normals. If the feedback is good then maybe ill check it out though.


Oct 28, 2017
That book completely sold me on Carpenter as a villain. I think she even got a one-shot issue.
She's so sassy I love it.

I got stung by bees a second time before recovering from the first time, and that unlocked the "teary-eyed crybaby" title on my passport, which is perfect for me.
A fridge just dropped from a tree, so i placed it in my house and opened it hoping to store my fruit but instead it asked me if i wanted to change clothes

what is this game
These made me laugh a lot.
Cacodemon demon from Doom Eternal, ya perverted jabroni.
He's not a pervert. It looks like that.
Thanks for the write up dude. It was never at the top of my list but I don't think I'll be changing that anytime soon now.
Made me said because I've heard so much praise and excitement for years now that I had to give it a shot when it was on sale. Such a fantastic concept and truly a unique experience of a book. The Dini issues (along with the one Lobdell-written Nygma issue) are really something very special, which is just the first volume.

But then it fails and it's such a bummer


Oct 28, 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy #3 is really interesting

Everyone sounds like Groot from Groot's persoective and handling that big dramatic scene like that was interesting.

This shit with Moondragon though. What's that about?
We had the pleasantry of the AC leaf and now we have that thing.

We can't have nice things

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yea, kind of enjoying Doom 64 more than Eternal right now. Some of the levels in 64 are really creative and the way lighting is used is awesome.
Doom Eternal is just exhausting and irritating more often than fun so far. (Though slowly warming up to it as I get more unlocks.)

But Doomguy has a pet rabbit, so there is your Animal Crossing crossover.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Leaving my Animal Crossing gate open while I work today, if anyone needs some peaches!



Jun 29, 2018
I was super interested in Children of the Atom until we found out it was a bunch of normals. If the feedback is good then maybe ill check it out though.
That's one of the reasons I am interested in it. How will human teens respond to Krakoa? Will they want to be mutants, and what lengths will they go to achieve that? How do teenage respond on social media, especially after mutant's declaration of superiority? It has the potential to be the most interesting of the X-books so far for me as I'm a sucker for world-building like this. If it's anything like what Morrison did it'll be fantastic


Jun 29, 2018
Guardians of the Galaxy #3 is really interesting

Everyone sounds like Groot from Groot's persoective and handling that big dramatic scene like that was interesting.

This shit with Moondragon though. What's that about?
I think everything you need to know is in that page. 616 Moondragon was basically replaced with a perfect version of her from another dimension, and it was barely touched on when the OG returned


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like some of the indie publishers are delaying books, or even closing down, for up to a month. None of the big 3 yet though. Luckily comics creators already work from home lol. Its the publishing, printing, and selling that are going to be affected. Digital is still fine until they start delaying releases altogether :(

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
I was super interested in Children of the Atom until we found out it was a bunch of normals. If the feedback is good then maybe ill check it out though.
I'm in the same position. I don't think I care about flat scans in a post Krakoa world, but it could be good depending on how its done.

I played Animal Crossing all night until my Switch died and woke up this morning to my new house and Blathers moving in. I love this game so much. It feels like every few minutes there is countless things to do, more so then any other AC. It even has me wanting to get the online now which I swore I wouldn't do. Like aimless I'm recently coming out of a depressive episode and even if it's still there, AC is a tremendous help and just makes me feel good playing it.

I also watched Frozen 2 last night and damn what a fantastic movie. I had legit goosebumps when Elsa sings Into the Unknown. Kristoff's song was super fun as well and then hearing Panic at the Disco and Weezer cover them during the credits filled my old emo heart with joy.


Oct 28, 2017
I think everything you need to know is in that page. 616 Moondragon was basically replaced with a perfect version of her from another dimension, and it was barely touched on when the OG returned
But like, where was the original in the first place? The only run I've read is Abnett and Lanning's and I don't remember what happened to Moondragon at the end of that run. I thought she survived.


Oct 26, 2017
Looks like some of the indie publishers are delaying books, or even closing down, for up to a month. None of the big 3 yet though. Luckily comics creators already work from home lol. Its the publishing, printing, and selling that are going to be affected. Digital is still fine until they start delaying releases altogether :(
We know the mentioned people will do that, Image has returnable books and urging the big 2 to do the same, Marvel offered discounts but everyone is like "Ummmm we might close down anyways?", DC said nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be safe to assume most LCS's will close as more and more states order shut downs or all non-essential stores.

I guess we'll to see if the Big 2 try to just roll with mostly digital only for a while or just delay everything. I'd be fine with delays, not like I don't have a million other things to read.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
I just want to read Empyre. It sucks that LCSs have to close though. If Marvel/DC/Image do decide to delay books, I hope it doesnt shift the entire schedule by a few weeks. Just release all the delayed books throughout the month when stores open up again, with all the books that were already going to come out that month. (Not sure if I explained that right) It would cause like twice as many books to come out each week for a month.

Although it would make it so people have extra time to work on books, like Capullo on Death Metal.


Oct 25, 2017
Marvel gonna have to find a new strategy since they won't be able to release endless #1s and 1000 variant covers to inflate sales anymore.

Deleted member 64377

user requested account closure
Mar 8, 2020
Porl I've seen pics of people with bug cages outside too. Maybe that's new to this one since you can put furniture down outdoors in this one, rather than just dropping an inventory icon onto the ground.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Yea the comic market is (and should) totally change after this is over. Its pretty telling that comic shops are having to close their doors completely just from missing one week worth of sales. There has to be a better way.

On a more positive note, Newsarama is throwing down the gaunlet and telling Marvel and DC that now is the time to do another crossover!!!



Jun 29, 2018
Yea the comic market is (and should) totally change after this is over. Its pretty telling that comic shops are having to close their doors completely just from missing one week worth of sales. There has to be a better way.

On a more positive note, Newsarama is throwing down the gaunlet and telling Marvel and DC that now is the time to do another crossover!!!

It's not just sales, no tournaments and board game hosting too, which is arguably a larger part of their income as the margins are so thin for comic sales


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Yay, Nick Fury is coming back in these Infinite Destiny Annuals!

Each annual will also contain a chapter of "Super-Spy vs. Super-Spy," a story following Nick Fury as the Agent of Nothing and Phil Coulson as the Agent of Mephisto — two brothers-in-arms who will face off and reunite for the first time since Coulson's death.


Nov 6, 2017
Porl I've seen pics of people with bug cages outside too. Maybe that's new to this one since you can put furniture down outdoors in this one, rather than just dropping an inventory icon onto the ground.
Damn, I swear i tried to put some in the ground but they just flew away, i swear it happened but i guess i misclicked or something?

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
my comic store is closed until further notice:

this is going to hit shops really hard. my local one is HUGE too. it's easily one of the best in the US for reference.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I've had Astro City on my wishlist for a while and I'd like to get it sometime. What is it? Is it an ongoing? A bunch of vignettes and one-offs?

It's Kurt Busiek so I know it'll be good but I want to know what I'm getting into.
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