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Oct 25, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Anyone want to chime in on Futures End for New52? All 3 volumes are on sale on comixology and vol 1 is $5 and is 17 issues. I like the writers.
It's pretty bad given the names on the cover. I gave it it's fair shake as it was coming out and eventually finished it up in trades. It never quite got good and was middling at best and just plain boring at worst.


Oct 25, 2017
The comic industry doesn't take care of its creators. I've been thinking about getting into comics for a couple years now. It's hard but I figured I love comics so much I figured it'd be worth it. At least until I saw something the other day that shook me. Sterling Gates, while he had an exclusive contract with DC Comics, still wasn't earning enough to be financially stable, and had a day job while he was working on Supergirl.

Gates was like "you don't do it to get rich" but if there's so little money in comics a guy who's got as many credits to his name as Messner-Loebs can wind up homeless then why shouldn't every creator sell out as soon as fucking possible?

That's why I don't begrudge Millar and Kirkman for getting that TV money.


Oct 25, 2017
Hickman Avengers

I read Avengers and while not as good as Fantastic four which is alright that's a classic

my problem is that it's not as standalone as in he had to deal with stuff outside his control which is comics obviously but there's stuff that makes it hard for newcomers or casual fans

like Superior Spiderman was happening, Spiderman is a dick that will catch you off guard

Iron man at the end is also inverted due to Axis so his personality and the character without referencing the event are acting like something caused Stark to change but you don't know why and he acts like a bigger dick than usual

There's stuff with fantastic four about them being in another galaxy or whatever that's fine but apparently his son died off screen and you only get one panel of that so the effect while rereading for me was just sudden and "what"

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I can really think of is that Shade, and possibly the rest of the YA line, is being rolled into Vertigo like Donnie suggested. I really, really hope it's not canned though. That book is easily my favorite each month...


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, y'all are giving credit to stuff not even Rich is reporting on right now, so, y'all are probably full of it,


Oct 25, 2017
Iron man at the end is also inverted due to Axis so his personality and the character without referencing the event are acting like something caused Stark to change but you don't know why and he acts like a bigger dick than usual

Superior I'm aware of, since I've considered reading that story. All I know about Axis is that it apparently was some terrible event, thanks for pointing out it had lasting effects. I hope those outside factors don't impact the story that much.


Oct 25, 2017
Superior I'm aware of, since I've considered reading that story. All I know about Axis is that it apparently was some terrible event, thanks for pointing out it had lasting effects. I hope those outside factors don't impact the story that much.
It doesn't it just weird reading if you had no idea I almost would rather Hickman just ignore it
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