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Oct 27, 2017
No I get that Hollywood has plenty of issues.

But Fox News nutjobs like Ingraham, Hannity and Carlson have been using examples like this to try and negate ALL of the good that comes out of Hollywood stars. Their charity work, public outreach etc etc. All of it.

If a star uses their celebrity to speak out against racism, police brutality, or guns then you will hear one of them using an example like this to say "Why should we listen to you people then?" even if the person involved is squeaky clean and not related to the example in any way. And now they have yet ANOTHER example to add to the list and that is just gonna make their moronic followers think that its all true.

That's a good point, I was thinking more along the lines of political opinions like when the avengers told us to go vote for Hillary Clinton.

But maybe it's my faulty perspective but I didnt even register those issues as political left/right - to me those are just straight up issues that are destroying this country that affect both sides. Maybe it's been a while since I've seen Fox News but it's hard to believe that police brutality is a left vs right issue at this point. It's fucking obvious it's happening

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
Pretty crazy that people are surprised by this.

Your favorites are on this list. Many of them. Buckle up, because he's not going to be the last one.


Jan 8, 2018
Is anyone else considering selling/trashing all their blu-rays/DVDs with Morgan Freeman in them? Or is it just me?

Earlier today I snapped my Se7en disc in half. I might sell the Batman Nolan trilogy on ebay later.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Is anyone else considering selling/trashing all their blu-rays/DVDs with Morgan Freeman in them? Or is it just me?

Earlier today I snapped my Se7en disc in half. I might sell the Batman Nolan trilogy on ebay later.


It fucking sucks but I'm not going to deny myself great films because certain people turned out to be horrible human beings.

Still, this one hurts.


Oct 28, 2017
Is anyone else considering selling/trashing all their blu-rays/DVDs with Morgan Freeman in them? Or is it just me?

Earlier today I snapped my Se7en disc in half. I might sell the Batman Nolan trilogy on ebay later.

I got some bad news for you. The people that make all of your favorite art are human beings. Almost every last one of them at some point has done something shitty to someone else, to varying degrees. That doesn't ever make the behavior ok, and some of it isn't as bad as others.

But if you were going to trash every bit of media that had the involvement of someone that did something to someone that you would find offensive, then you'd have to eliminate 99% of your collection.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (permanent): history of trolling, dismissing sexual assault allegations from 16 women, account in junior phase
More bullshit allegations
Dec 18, 2017
So glad they've finally called out this creep. Here's hoping his privilege doesn't protect him from serious repercussions.

And Shawshank is overrated.


Oct 26, 2017
You can't take my Shawshank Redemption away! You can't!

That said, I wasn't blindsided by these allegations, I kinda felt like he already had some swirling speculation around him about something but I can't remember specifics.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Hugh Jackman, Keanu, and Hanks are going to be the few renaming good people in Hollywood.
At some point in their careers I guarantee one of them turned a blind eye to sexual harassment or even sexism, I don't think you can get to be an A-list actor without coming across that considering it's ingrained in the whole culture


Nov 11, 2017
I think at this point, casting directors need to start implementing some sort of psychology test before actors get parts in movies/TV shows/etc so we can leave all the scumbags out of Hollywood.


Oct 28, 2017
So basically every famous dude is an asshole

Probably most non-famous dudes, too. Probably a lot of the dudes on ERA. Many of them are probably in this very thread *right now!*

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking another look at our celebrities and public personalities to see vast signs of abuse and attempt to correct course, but it won't mean shit if we don't turn that same eye on ourselves. Dudes on ERA, have you never made a derogatory or unwanted sexual comment about a woman?

Hell, I was at an open house yesterday with my long-term partner and answered questions directed at her *for her.* I did it mostly out of nervousness (finding housing is tough right now) and almost immediately recognized what I was doing, but the important thing is that I did it *as a reaction.*

As much as we me try and change the world right now, a lot of us are still influenced by the bad habits we learned previously or grew up with. We might not be able to fix everything, but with some self-awareness, we can hopefully breed this shit out of the next generation.
Oct 25, 2017
Gordita Beach
You should assume everyone is on some level a piece of shit.

Besides, Morgan Freeman has given no reason for people to assume he's cool just because of the characters he's played

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
So basically every famous dude is an asshole

I wouldn't go this far. Is there alot of them? Of course.

But I wouldn't go as far as saying that all of them are or even the majority of them are. The number that you would have to get to for it to be an actual majority is just not realistically feasible given the current climate. The number of accusations would be positively staggering if it were an actual majority.

Then again I am being literal.
Oct 25, 2017
I remain baffled by those of you who think this is just a Hollywood issue. Look around you.

I wouldn't go this far. Is there alot of them? Of course.

But I wouldn't go as far as saying that all of them are or even the majority of them are. The number that you would have to get to for it to be an actual majority is just not realistically feasible given the current climate. The number of accusations would be positively staggering if it were an actual majority.

Then again I am being literal.
So just about every woman has a story, but it's less than the majority of men. That math is questionable.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This is not a Hollywood problem. It's a people problem. When you say "whats wrong with Hollywood", you're talking about it like Hollywood is some isolated case. This goes on everywhere and all the time. We should look at the toxic foundations of society, not try to make a smokescreen surrounding the celebrities who get caught.

I disagree to some extent, I think its hyper inflated in Hollywood due to the culture of power imbalance and ego created by the cult of celebrity. If you had hundreds or thousands of the opposite sex throwing their undergarments at you, praising you, looking up to you. you may come into a new relationship with a person with a warped perspective that "EVERYONE" wants what you have and your "praise" is highly regarded and sought after. As I said, a warped perspective not based in the real world outside Hollywood.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
So just about every woman has a story, but it's less than the majority of men. That math is questionable.

Like I said I was being literal. There are plenty of scumbags in Hollywood. I am just saying that its not "all" or "most" of them like some people are acting like or implying. There are plenty of people in the business with no history of accusations or even a hint of such conduct. And generalizations like that just cast a shadow over good people who have never done anything wrong. The focus should be on those accused. Not the ones who happen to work in the same business as them.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Now my favorite is a baddie.....

Any of the James Bond actors bad guys? Might aswell ruin my childhood now rather than later.

How is Bruce Willis? I am named after that guy plz tell me he cool.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
What's wrong with that?

It's stupid? Anyone who says "Well, where's white history month?" in response to Black History Month is stupid.

He acts like systemic racism isn't white people being racist to black people but an issue for both races perpetrated by both sides. Anyone who does the "both sides" shit when talking about racism is stupid.


Oct 27, 2017
So just about every woman has a story, but it's less than the majority of men. That math is questionable.

One asshole can be an asshole to ten different wonen. The majority of men can still be not as much of an asshole. At least I hope so.

And on topic; this sucks. First and foremost for the harrassed women, and second; Morgan Freeman? Fuck.


Oct 29, 2017
That's fucking heartbreaking and maddening. Never heard about those earlier allegations, but it would've prepped me up from the shock. Not even a he said she said sitation either, it's MULTIPLE allegations :(

Get these fuckers out of Hollywood


Oct 26, 2017
At this point Hollywood should just have a whitelist.

"8 female staffers have come forward with allegations that Tom Hanks is actually a really decent dude"
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