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Oct 25, 2017
There is super duper no fucking way anything even vaguely like this was said by Bernie. I'd sooner believe some 2-bit surrogate and future tv pundit would have said this before I'd believe Bernie or a prominent staffer said it. Fuck out of here.


Oct 25, 2017
This feels like it's going to be the Diss Warren memo thing all over again- not quite the story it was sold as, but many people with vested interests will sell it as fast and hard as they can while it's hot.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
So CNN is "fake news" when they report things you don't like to hear eh?

Thats only if you dont take CNN with suspicion already and only do so when its something you dont like. Corporate media deserves suspicion in all cases. Cause despite having plenty of good journos out there there, for every one there are two or 3 hacks trying to push a narrative of the elite.

It's funny how intersectionality became such a buzzword for the very people who can't comprehend what it means. The very people who spend most of their waking hours attacking these two for adhering to it.

Pretty much.

Criticizing hollow identity politics is right in line with intersectionalism because its essentially criticizing identity conservatism. If your on the side that destroys minorities like black and female republicans just as two examples, it doesnt matter if your a minority and so your not going to get points for that. Even though inclusion for progressive values is always good.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
So CNN is "fake news" when they report things you don't like to hear eh?
CNN, and the other 24 hour corporate news networks, throughout these last few years of madness has consistently run with stories with poor sources they had no business going with because they wanted to sell a story more than they wanted to actually get verified facts straight

how many times has this happened. How many self owns have these fucks inflected on themselves and given Ws for team Trump and his fake news rhetoric because yeah sometimes they really don't care

I'm still waiting to see those Russian oligarch co-sponsors on Trumps German bank loans

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is manufactured bullshit.
  • Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by millions and lost the presidency by a few hundred thousand votes.
  • Bernie wanted Warren to run in 2016.
  • They've been friends for decades.
The media is acting to protect its class interests.


Oct 27, 2017
I'mma go with the odds that a 78(77?) year old man is probably at least a little sexist. Its near impossible not to internalize some of the implicit/explicit sexism you see everyday just growing up in this country.

If Bernie talks in private like he does in public he probably cited one of the keys reasons Hillary lost was because the people suffering from economic anxiety also weren't ready for a female president so not to scare them in 2020. Trump has pushed the discourse well beyond any kind of standards so I doubt this will sink Bernie if true.


Oct 27, 2017
Or, y'know, it's a CNN-crafted lie. Which is more likely?

C'mon, I see how all you politically-obsessed posters talk about this stuff normally. Everything's 12D chess games, then you play dumb on topics like this.

CNN doesn't have to make anything up, their role is in elevating sources who have something to gain (DNC, Warren campaign, random campaign staffers, whatever) for certain stories. They aren't sitting there cooking up the story from nothing, they're just letting ratfuckers in the door.

Deleted member 43

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Oct 24, 2017
I'm not a huge Bernie fan, but it's very possible Bernie talking about the unfortunate inherent uphill fight a woman faces in the election vs. a man has been warped via a game of telephone into this.
Jun 20, 2019
You don't even have to believe anyone is lying to believe this story is bunk. It's anonymous second-hand attribution. There's plenty of space for motivated reasoning leading to misunderstanding intent. There's plenty of space for Sanders saying something like "Trump will try to use your gender against you" to transmute into "A woman can't be President" when the information is being passed by a game of Telephone in a politically charged environment.


Oct 27, 2017
the way some of you fall for corporate smear tactics would be almost funny if it weren't destroying our planet as we speak.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
CNN isn't "fake news" but they are certainly irresponsible at times. Sensationalism sells and gets more eyeballs on their network which advertisers pay more for

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
The smart political play by Warren is to let this fester awhile before responding.

Warren is smart.

As to whether he said it or not.....that's a tough one. If he did say it, I doubt it was in a, "woman are bad!" sort of way and more of a, "the US is sexist" sort of way. Plenty of black people didn't believe Obama could win until he did.
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Oct 25, 2017
C'mon, I see how all you politically-obsessed posters talk about this stuff normally. Everything's 12D chess games, then you play dumb on topics like this.

CNN doesn't have to make anything up, their role is in elevating sources who have something to gain (DNC, Warren campaign, random campaign staffers, whatever) for certain stories. They aren't sitting there cooking up the story from nothing, they're just letting ratfuckers in the door.

Right, which is a significant problem for every candidate, including Bernie, but not the one being bandied around in the thread.


Apr 12, 2019
Of course this is happening because he's the front runner, join the club of literally every single candidate who has been a front runner. This forum was full of anti-Pete shit when he started to poll ahead of Bernie.


Oct 26, 2017
CNN are really shook by Bernie surging in Iowa polls.

(you guys know me, I'm a Hillary-stan and even I see CNN railing against him for months)


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like Bernie but he's right, 2016 elections revealed that white women don't want to see a women president.


Jan 22, 2019
This is pretty convenient timing and is obvious that now that Bernie is in a good position so close to the primaries beginning, institutional forces will do absolutely anything they can to stop him from winning. Tons of anti-Bernie dems in high-up places know that if he wins Iowa, NH, and NV in a row, it's fucking done for them and this is where things are going to get outrageously nasty. They will do anything they can to stop it. A few hearsay pieces like this are beyond easy to leak to the media, they'll eat that shit up.

It all depends on how Warren responds. Her poll #s have fallen a lot lately, so she's being given the perfect life boat she could ask for if she decides to take this. The media has been so desperate to get them to fight specifically because they want the left of the party as divided as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
You should always be skeptical of a "sources say" article, especially when those sources aren't "high ranking" and no other source is collaborating with their own sources.

And I would honestly be more skeptical of Warren or Bernie articles because a lot in the media don't like them and don't have very good dirt to justify their dislike. I don't think they'd ever make anything up, but I do think they might trust some less trustworthy sources, and exaggerate things to make it look like something it's not.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean this reflects badly on Warren's team to if this was true for staying silent, so long if it happened verbatim as the "anonymous" sources described.

If anything this seems like a poor attempt to pit the progressive candidates against each other as we get closer to the primaries. I still haven't forgiven CNN for that Email coverage they pulled in the 2016 election.
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Oct 25, 2017
This is manufactured bullshit.
  • Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by millions and lost the presidency by a few hundred thousand votes.
  • Bernie wanted Warren to run in 2016.
  • They've been friends for decades.
The media is acting to protect its class interests.
  • Sanders said in the fucking 80s (on video), before Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million, that he believes a woman can be president
Oct 28, 2017
The smart political play by Warren is to let this fester for awhile before responding.

Warren is smart.

As to whether he said it or not.....that's a tough one. If he did say it, I doubt it was in a, "woman are bad!" sort of way and more of a, "the US is sexist" sort of way. Plenty of black people didn't believe Obama could win until he did.

This is exactly the problem with conventional political nonsense theory...The "smart political play" isn't hanging an ally out to dry to gain a couple of short term percentage points.

Smart people will see what Warren is doing here, just like smart people see what Warren did with her "2 cent vs 2 percent" tax messaging and they will rebel against it. Just because something focus rests well doesn't mean it's going to hit well nationally when it's supremely dishonest.


Apr 12, 2019
It's crazy to see the pattern of rising to the top of polls and then slowly going down again. Curious if Bernie's surge will make it all the way to the caucus. What a roller coaster


Oct 25, 2017
Is Warren's team the people that reported this to have happened? If they didn't report this, I'm not sure that progressives should get the knives out and turn against each other.

I'd wait to see if there's a reply to this during the week.
Oct 29, 2017


If he did say it...hes kinda not wrong historically speaking least so far.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
It's not like he hasn't complained about the focus on identity politics before (iirc), but this is a bit much to believe...yeah let's see what Warren says.

Edit for clarity
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
There's nothing else to say. The fact that one campaign denies something and the other won't officially comment isn't a reason to not run a story if you trust your sources.

What sources? Again, this is something that has zero credible evidence and goes against actual recorded video of Bernie expressing the opposite sentiments. It has been denied by Sanders and Warren's team has said nothing yet. The headline literally reads "Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in private 2018 meeting that a woman can't win", which is the alleged quote, which has nothing supporting it. No "alleged" or "possibly" or "may have" in the title, just outright saying it like fact. Don't be disingenuous, as you know how headlines work.

Deleted member 19003

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Oct 27, 2017
Hmm, I'm not a big Bernie fan at all (I'd prefer Warren), but I don't believe he would say such a thing to disparage Warren personally. It could have been a matter of fact statement about the status of how deeply sexist a nation this still is and thus a woman couldn't win in this climate. Article comes across as a hit piece by assuming the worst context of that conversation, but I'm curious what Warren says.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie doesn't think a woman can't be President and he wouldn't say shit like that. Get the fuck out of here.

Warren needs to repond directly like Sanders did or she'll lose a lot of credibility.
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