
Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I would be shocked if they do anything but lie low and hope things calm down. Start the marketing campaign late and hope for the best next summer


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not trying to be argumentative but why is it WBs responsibility to do anything? The article says we are owed an explanation by WB…but why? I see folks saying that WB could have stopped their spiral a long time ago, but I don't see how and why it's the companies responsibility to make Ezra act right. I am happy to learn, and perhaps I just don't know enough about the situation, but folks here be treating WB like the bad guy when they are just a corporate entity that's trying to put out movies.


alt account
Oct 23, 2021

"no choice"? I literally described multiple choices they have.

Where is this apology stuff you keep claiming?

So you're saying if they put out a PR while changing nothing about their plans to release the movie as is, people would be satisfied? I doubt that very much.
Saying they were investigating the situation at very least would be better than nothing. Saying that Ezra is out and they are recasting the character would be the ideal, yes. Their inaction clearly isn't a bad look, just look at the online reaction to that.

As for the apologetic part of your post, I've pointed out on my previous post. WB is a big corporation that is enabling a child abuser to keep putting kids and other people in danger, and this is clearly not just one accusation on the last two months. That's simply not something any studio or employer cannot take seriously, even more so if they are in the business of selling superhero power fantasies that are aimed to kids.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not trying to be argumentative but why is it WBs responsibility to do anything? The article says we are owed an explanation by WB…but why? I see folks saying that WB could have stopped their spiral a long time ago, but I don't see how and why it's the companies responsibility to make Ezra act right. I am happy to learn, and perhaps I just don't know enough about the situation, but folks here be treating WB like the bad guy when they are just a corporate entity that's trying to put out movies.
I agree. Law enforcement is the one that needs to act right now. Any comments from WB would probably just enflame the situation.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
This is an unprecedented situation for a blockbuster of this type. I'd argue that "managing costs" with something so damning would be a disaster to Warner Bros. Discovery even worse than reshooting the whole thing from scratch, what regardless of what they claim in the leaks, I doubt it would be necessary.

I think what people aren't seeing is that just going ahead with this would be a PR disaster that would likely turn WB into a studio pariah, and Zaslav might be cheap, but I don't think he is cheap and dumb. Rework what it can be salvaged, take the loss and save their reputation that it's already not that great it's the only option they have to save face, which is more important than this film's loss at this point.
Indeed. And if they do release it and a young fan of the movie ends up suffering some of the stuff Ezra is accused of doing to other kids, the liability alone would likely dwarf any money they'd recoup by dropping this on HBO Max.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems to be a really fucked up pattern forming that they were intentionally targeting non-binary kids, too.
Oct 27, 2017
Does anybody actually think it would be a good idea for WB to publicly denounce Ezra's actions and cut all ties with them when we don't know what mental state their in at the moment? Not sure I feel comfortable giving them even more reason to act up if they feel they have nothing to lose. They're clearly a danger to themselves and others.


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
Indeed. And if they do release it and a young fan of the movie ends up suffering some of the stuff Ezra is accused of doing to other kids, the liability alone would likely dwarf any money they'd recoup by dropping this on HBO Max.
I've seen some shit tracking this online. And yeah, there is evidence that Miller preys on their own fans, that will happily defend them. They are literally running a sex cult joint in a farm that it's targeting kids and young adults, it's Charles Manson-esque type of shit and I'm kinda stunned how much people seem to not wrap their heads about that.

The first thing you have to do to take down someone like them is take away their power to impress kids. They have money and can get parents impressed by offering their kids horses and shit, but cast them away out of Hollywood by disavowing them at least raises a big red flag to other parents. The situation is clearly out of control and demands swift and proper response by their employers, even more so after the fact that one of their accusers with enough clout to reach out to WB tried to get them to sort this privately but ended up being unsucessful.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems to be a really fucked up pattern forming that they were intentionally targeting non-binary kids, too.
I would imagine they would be more vulnerable and easier for them to groom, so yeah, fucked up. "Nobody will understand you like I do, not your friends or your parents". Throw in the fact that Ezra is a frakin superhero on the big screen, these kids stand little chance.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
just get eric stoltz and reshoot ezra's scenes. why is this so hard.


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
Seems to be a really fucked up pattern forming that they were intentionally targeting non-binary kids, too.
I would imagine they would be more vulnerable and easier for them to groom, so yeah, fucked up. "Nobody will understand you like I do, not your friends or your parents". Throw in the fact that Ezra is a frakin superhero on the big screen, these kids stand little chance.
There are three accusations, the three accusations involve non-binary people, yes.

The first one is a 19-year-old that came forward while the Hawaii tirades were blowing up and it's called Mia Solange, which claims that they were a former partner of them that was abused by Miller, also they claim that they would ironically misgender them and calling them with she/her pronouns. The second one is Gibson / Tokata that their parents accuse them of grooming since they were 12-year-old. The third one is obviously unnamed because they were then 11-year-old and now a 1k-year-old kid that they have started grooming by offering them horses, claiming they were an illuminated being and that their mother couldn't have no control of them and that they would be lucky to be guided by them which came forward with the Daily Beast article that was published yesterday.

All of them AFAB, all of them a lot younger than Miller, if not underage. The last kid had their name doxxed online by an Ezra Miller cohort, lackey and band partner that lives with them on Twitter yesterday, which tells you a whole fucking lot about these people.
Indiewire: Warner Bros. and DC Should Ditch Ezra Miller as ‘The Flash’ — Here’s Why


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
Yet another article by a mainstream media source with the opinion that Warner Bros. should drop Ezra Miller and just recast them for the Flash role. It's very well written and researched, including an VFX artist interview:

A not-funny thing happened on their way to becoming a superhero: Ezra Miller is now a toxic asset. There's the ongoing run-ins with the law; videos of them attacking fans; and this week's protective order from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Court involving Tokata Iron Eyes, who is now 18 but has been close to Miller since she was 12. When Miller flew her to the "Fantastic Beasts" set in 2017 when she was 14, her parents say the actor tried to sleep with her. They are trying to get their daughter away from their influence, stating: "Ezra uses violence, intimidation, threat of violence, fear, paranoia, delusions, and drugs to hold sway over a young adolescent Tokata."

Remember when Warners had to replace Depp with Mads Mikkelsen on "Fantastic Beasts"? Those were the good old days. Today, the studio must contend with an unrepentant and potentially criminal movie star, one that has a protective order filed against them but the court has been unable to serve because their location is unknown. So far they're sticking with their 2023 release date: They figure time is on their side.

In June 2020, when then-26-year-old "West Side Story" star Ansel Elgort got hit with an underage sexual harassment accusation (she was 17 he was 20), Disney and Steven Spielberg simply cited the pandemic in pushing back the release date. The hope was the story would lose its potency and it did. Disney focused its publicity campaign on Elgort's Latina costars, and Ariana DeBose won the Oscar. Similarly, with the luxury of an ensemble, Disney shifted focus from Armie Hammer in "Death on the Nile."

However, neither of those movies could have been titled "Tony" or "Simon Doyle." Warners has "The Flash," which stars Miller as The Flash in two different roles: in one the character is 18, the other is the speedster at age 28. It also take place in a multiverse, with multiple versions of superheroes (which is why both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck are playing Batman).

Back in our universe, Miller's Instagram account was deactivated this week and another parent was granted a temporary harassment prevention order against the actor June 15. A mother in Greenfield, Massachusetts chargedthat the actor confronted her and her 11-year-old nonbinary child while Miller wore a bulletproof vest and flashed a gun. According to The Daily Beast, Miller (who also identifies as nonbinary) told the mother of her child: "They're an elevated being, and they would be lucky to have someone like meguide them."

Elgort's transgressions dated back to 2014; between the time passed and deprecating his promotion in "West Side Story," Elgort went on to Michael Mann's "Tokyo Vice," which HBO Max picked up for a second season earlier this week. Likewise, Armie Hammer's accusations were more recent, with claims of cannibal kink and violent rape. He dropped out/was dropped from multiple projects, including Paramount+ miniseries "The Offer," Starz miniseries "Gaslit," and a Broadway play, and his career has yet to recover.

However, neither of these actors is an analog for Miller. Depp isn't, either. No one is. Hollywood has never had to deal with a star of a nearly $200 million franchise — one who's received upbeat buzz in early previews and is meant to be a long-term asset — who's also engaging in ongoing, real-time criminal behavior and can't be located by anyone because they're currently dodging the law. (It's worth noting that neither Elgort nor Hammer ever faced criminal charges.)

In the analog era, Warner Bros. would dump the movie and do its best to hide the leading man from publicity. Today, the studio has several expensive options if it wants to replace Miller.

When Paul Walker unexpectedly died in 2013 in the midst of shooting "Furious 7," the filmmakers rewrote the ensemble piece and added a poignant farewell, using the late actor's two brothers to create 350 shots that allowed his character to remain on screen.

It cost $10 million for Ridley Scott to remove Kevin Spacey from the 2018 release "All the Money in the World." The director rebuilt sets, re-edited, and re-shot the supporting role with Christopher Plummer.

Similarly, Zack Snyder removed comedian Chris D'Elia from "Army of the Dead" in 2020 after multiple women accused him of pursuing them as teenagers, replacing him with Tig Notaro. (He denies the allegations.)

"The Flash" boasts some 2500 VFX shots and digital replacement has become easier than ever, but it's one thing to replace faces; live-action close-ups are another matter.

"There is much that can be done with using multiple types of techniques," wrote one VFX master in an email. "But with LED wall technology, [they] can be erased in many cases and the new actor replace [them] and it would look pretty authentic without rebuilding sets or re-staging the sequences. That works in some or perhaps many cases. Full-on face replacement, but using their body, would work for other scenes. Once [they are] in the suit I imagine it would be hard to tell the difference. The full CG Flash of course is simple. The last version is wholesale replacing and re-filming in the set practically. Things are easier than ever with deep fake face and voice alteration getting so realistic."

Even more than how much Warners wants to spend, it comes down to the new leadership. Warners' executives held an emergency meeting about the fate of "The Flash" in April, but that was just before the creation of Warner Bros. Discovery and the installment of David Zaslav — not to mention new studio chiefs Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy, who take over for Toby Emmerich after the July 4th holiday.

Zaslav will not only weigh the ROI for keeping or replacing Miller, but also how much he's willing to add to his bottom line. (He's promised $3 billion in post-merger savings over the next two years.) He could decide it's a lost cause and decline to throw good money after bad, which might mean a smaller marketing spend and an HBO Max debut — but that's an ignominious start for a new, would-be theatrical franchise.

At this writing, we are 53 weeks away from the release date for "The Flash." By my math, a year and a week is nowhere near enough time to make "The Flash" a franchise-shaping smash and Ezra Miller the full-throttle movie star that Warners desperately wants. Miller — wherever they may be — does not appear to be headed toward an apology or rehab or any other willing and enthusiastic desire to put this chapter behind them.

Warners would not respond to requests for comment for this story.

Warner Bros. and DC Should Ditch Ezra Miller as ‘The Flash’ — Here’s Why

A not-funny thing happened on his way to becoming a superhero: Ezra Miller is now a toxic asset.
Feb 16, 2022
WB's handling about this whole situation and Miller in general have been all kinds of shitty, but I personally find it hard to care about the fate of the movie when the situation's still unresolved. They still should at least put out a statement distancing themselves from Miller, even if they hadn't decided what to do with the movie itself.

Meanwhile, I'm far more concerned about Tokata/Gibson's wellbeing and others around Miller. The reports don't paint a pretty picture, and I'm afraid we're waiting for the other shoe to drop if the authorities can't put a stop to this.


Oct 27, 2017
Deadline says Ezra isn't apart of WB's plans going forward, but they're still deciding what to do with this movie.

In Zaslav's plan to make DC an explosively successful division like Marvel under his newly structured studio, with its own new boss, the non-binary identifying Miller, we hear, is simply not a part of those plans going forward in the future universe regardless if there are more allegations or not.

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash’ Franchise Launch

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash” Franchise Launch.
Feb 16, 2022
Deadline says Ezra isn't apart of WB's plans going forward, but they're still deciding what to do with this movie.

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash’ Franchise Launch

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash” Franchise Launch.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's really doubting the fact that Miller will not be back for any future projects anyway, but it's good to hear that there's finally some rumblings about what WB's doing, that they're talking about this. They still need to address the matter head-on, though. Release a damn statement or something.


Oct 27, 2017
Photoshop Erza's face like how Henry Cavill's beard was photoshopped in Justice League, but this time even more estensively. Basically make Flash be a complete CGI character with different face, and remove their name from credits.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Cut as many scenes that involve showing Barry Allen's face up close without mask on. Mix in more blurry shots to obscure their face, and as I said, use more CGI to tweak their face so there are little resemblance to Erza.
It's been said repeatedly that this is unfeasible due to both cost and Miller being in over 90% of the movie due to playing multiple characters. They'd have to actually reshoot the movie in its entirety.


Dec 3, 2018
Bite the bullet WB :/

Snyder-cut the Batman scenes into a series of shorts that you can recycle onto HBO max and move on

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And here we go again, this time an NBC Reporter talking with the 12-year-old non-binary kid's parent that Ezra Miller was trying to groom by offering them horses to ride at their sex cult ring farm disguised as pseudo-progressive witchcraft coven at their Vermont farm, beyond new information about Gibson's / Tokata's grooming by their parents and other witnesses:

Jesus Christ.
Oct 25, 2017
Shooting already wrapped on a $200 million project. Anyone expecting these massive unfeeling corporations to forgo a big payday because of this is setting themselves up for a serious wake-up call.
Disney damn near wrapped Solo before they reshot the whole thing and its biggest problem was that the writers and producer thought it kinda sucked. And that was a literal "no one asked for this" spin-off, not the foundation of a reboot to their most critical film property with a cult-leading kidnapper and child groomer starring front and center.


Jun 21, 2019
Disney damn near wrapped Solo before they reshot the whole thing and its biggest problem was that the writers and producer thought it kinda sucked. And that was a literal "no one asked for this" spin-off, not the foundation of a reboot to their most critical film property with a cult-leading kidnapper and child groomer starring front and center.

True, but shooting on The Flash wrapped in October 2021. Up to now that's 8 months of post-production so the movie may actually be completely finished, beyond various smaller tweaks particularly to the special effects that I'm sure they're still working on. It's not uncommon for that to be the case and various marketing forces dictate that a movie should be released much later than after it's done.

None of this is me saying they should release the film. Just that it would be truly surprising if they scrapped it.
Feb 16, 2022

The source of that was Deadline, already posted here:
Deadline says Ezra isn't apart of WB's plans going forward, but they're still deciding what to do with this movie.

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash’ Franchise Launch

Zaslav’s First Movie Crisis: What To Do With Ezra Miller, The Erratic Star Of Warner Bros’ $200M ‘Flash” Franchise Launch.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I really, really, really hope they replace Ezra for The Flash. Otherwise, there is no chance in hell I'll enjoy it at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Ezra is done and WB should just either scrap the movie or release it elsewhere with little to no marketing.
At the same time, does WB have an obligation to even address what's going on here? I just don't feel like they even need to address what's going on here other than just discuss amongst themselves that they won't get Ezra on projects anymore after this.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Disney damn near wrapped Solo before they reshot the whole thing and its biggest problem was that the writers and producer thought it kinda sucked. And that was a literal "no one asked for this" spin-off, not the foundation of a reboot to their most critical film property with a cult-leading kidnapper and child groomer starring front and center.

Not the same thing at all.

70% of Solo was reshot and Howard came in during filming. There was about a month of filming left and then another month or so was added for reshoots. Paul Bettany was brought in to replace an actor who was not able to return for those reshoots.

The Flash has completely finished filming. It finished eight months ago. WB would not be doing reshoots -- they would be creating and filming a brand new movie from scratch.

They would be recasting the main actor of the film, setting a multi-month filming schedule, redoing contracts and perhaps changing the story of the film itself. What happens if Michael Keaton isn't available?

"Reshooting" The Flash would be a tremendously more difficult and expensive task than what happened with Solo.
Feb 16, 2022
Sure they can. It would involve a lot of reshoots, but they can.
They can't. The other actors and crew members would have their schedules all lined up. They won't be contractually obligated to even sign back on. So even if they were to wait years and refilm an entire new movie, there's no way to make sure they could get everyone back, and at that point it means trashing the current movie entirely. No reshoots.


Jan 6, 2021
I still don't understand why the studio just can't edit Ezra Miller (They / Them) out of the movie? My favorite edit of the Phantom Menace deleted Jar Jar out of the movie. I think Kevin Spacey was deleted from a movie recently that people thought would be impossible but it actually worked. Apologies if this was already explained
Feb 16, 2022
I still don't understand why the studio just can't edit Ezra Miller (They / Them) out of the movie? My favorite edit of the Phantom Menace deleted Jar Jar out of the movie. I think Kevin Spacey was deleted from a movie recently that people thought would be impossible but it actually worked. Apologies if this was already explained
They're the main character of the movie, playing two roles(maybe even more). They're in nearly every scene of the movie.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
anything can happen in a year. I think WB will just stay silent on this until the usual marketing cycle is supposed to start for it

like maybe ezra just goes to jail and everyone is okay with that? its only a big deal right now because ezra's out and about without any consequences
that sounds like a bold gamble. This strategy is betting that Ezra won't get into yet more trouble AND that the current trouble he's in sees a favorable ending with Tokata returned back home and presumably Ezra getting some counseling.

The safer gamble -- imo -- remains to recast and reshoot with a big name as Flash. Someone who could drive $800m BO instead of the $400-$500m Ezra would do in even the best case. They gain positive PR, they put the role on an actor they can trust with the franchise, and they ensure a bigger pay day for their troubles.

I see far more reward than risk by recasting now. But again: it'd be essential that they can bring in an exceptional actor that the fanbase would be really happy with. I imagine most are VERY indifferent to Ezra Miller. Upgrades are available.

Yes. And I'm saying that's what they should do. Scrap it, save anything that can be saved, and redo the whole movie.
yep, this is the play. The longer they wait, the more painful this likely becomes for them.

And as has been explained numerous times: that is not feasible. It is not realistic.
it is both feasible and realistic. The only question is whether the brass has the stomach required to bet on the franchise lasting a decade with the same actor and to find their own equivalent of a Chris Hemsworth for the role. The potential bank they could make off a Flash franchise that *doesn't* have to recast the role in the middle of the progression of the DCEU means NOW is the best time to make this move. And with the right actor, it's likely to mean they make more than they would make simply trying to release a movie with a lead that the public has soured on. If the movie can make $300m with Ezra at the helm and $800m with a bigger, safer do the fuckin reshoot.

Every day they wait is them actively fucking up.
Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand why the studio just can't edit Ezra Miller (They / Them) out of the movie? My favorite edit of the Phantom Menace deleted Jar Jar out of the movie. I think Kevin Spacey was deleted from a movie recently that people thought would be impossible but it actually worked. Apologies if this was already explained
How are they going to edit the main character out of his own movie? Ezra isn't playing some side character in the film. They're the lead.

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
I think the best case scenario that's still likely here is dumping it on HBO Max with as little advertising as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
it is both feasible and realistic.

No, it's not.

You and others saying this do not understand what this would take. You are describing filming a brand new movie. This would be another 5-moth shoot that would require casting a new lead actor and making sure the other actors are available during that same time frame.

And when does this shoot happen? Keaton is directing and starring in a movie set to start filming in late August. So do you wait for him to be available? What if he has another movie lined up after that? Do you write him out, which would drastically change the film itself? What about Affleck's role?

I'll quote IDontBeatGames' post from this very page, in which he quoted sources in a Variety article that understand this situation far better than anyone saying "they can just reshoot."