
Oct 25, 2017
Not exactly sure what is wrong with what he is saying, if he honestly felt he was pushing an agenda instead of a game. It would help if he backed it up with data/articles/events/reviews instead of self reflection, if gamergaters hated it I had no idea.

I don't remember much about playing it other than I thought the game was o.k. but I had no interest in playing more than just trying it out.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The game wasn't woke, it lacked a distinct identity. I played the game for a good 20 hours and even I had to google the cast to reemember what any of them looked like. They weren't notably diverse, they looked like stock Unreal Engine tech demo characters.

The guy invested in Hadestown, which is very successful and I bet pisses some people off for being "too woke." but nobody cared enough about Lawbreakers to even wring out a bunch of 15 minute rants.
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Oct 27, 2017
As someone who liked Lawbreakers I can tell you exactly why it failed. It lack character, which turns out to be really important for your character shooter. Every single character was either a human in mech armor or a robot. If you look at Overwatch or even Battleborn you can see how unique and different everyone was.

So, you're saying good gameplay is not enough? Character design and art direction are important? If you settle for generic design your game won't stand out in a crowded field?

No. I refuse to believe it. It was all because Cliffy was too good for this earth and was punished for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Cliffy B has always struck me as someone that I would disagree with while he was wearing a shit-eating grin. Like him saying shit like this. But the thread title and initial reaction of him being a Trumper seems just as stupid. He's way off base and not accepting certain responsibilities, but don't see how that "reveals" him as an asshole. He's always had this type of mindset.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when Cliff Blezinski campaigned for the death of the second-hand retail market in games? When he was actively supporting the repressive DRM policies the Xbox One was set to launch with?

Yeah, that guy has always been a tremendous tool. Him trying to hand wave away his failures in the game industry with a face-saving, progressive narrative isn't particularly surprising.
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Oct 31, 2017
Reading the first 5-6 paragraphs, it doesn't look like a professional writer wrote this but some angry 12 year old instead. After reading Cliffy's quote, don't see that being the reason the game didn't work out though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
LawBreakers had gender neutral bathrooms?

Yeah, well I mean... I can see why alt-rights would want to slaughter a game that was so incredibly woke.
Clearly one of the stand-out causes of its failure.


Jan 6, 2018
Sure he might be wrong, but "absolute fucking idiot" seems far too harsh (unless I'm missing something that justifies this).


Oct 25, 2017
Yikes indeed. I think accepting failure for your hard work is really difficult, but cheapening what you've done with "too woke" rationale? Nah.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a dumb argument considering it was no more inclusive than Overwatch, and look at the difference in popularity.


Nov 7, 2017
Yeah that's the phrase I'd use to describe Lawbreakers. Too woke.

Like this trailer, too woke, what with it's remix of Norman Greenbaum's 1969 WOKE classic Spirit in the Sky, and a dude using the F-U-C-K word while killing people and eating apples. I really wanted to play this game but I'm just not into WOKE culture, y'know, so I skipped it.

This is hilarious. "Spirit in the Sky plays while they all fight, but this version has a rap in it. Kids still like rap, right?"

He's not wrong, over generalization at best.
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Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
I don't want to hate on Cliffy. He's a talented dude. I just really wish he wouldn't keep going on about Lawbreakers. He should just realise he made a good game that nobody asked for and just take the L.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I feel like I'm definitely watching Cliffy B go through the spiral down to radicalization.

Except he fell from a much more prominent place and should know goddamn better, but whatever.

Dude put together something he had immense faith in and no on cared, dude probably feels highly isolated after said failure (likely even more harshly than most people would take failure considering his previous visibility in the industry), and now he seems to be drinking that Kool-Aid along the lines of: "I'm a failure but I refuse to acknowledge it and this shitty subculture of other failures seems to be welcoming me but also shouting all this toxic shit but whatever I just wanna belong again."

Well Cliff, sayonara dude. Have fun in your little self-defeating boys club.


Oct 26, 2017
I heard the game itself was decent. Sometimes things fail regardless of quality. It's harsh, but nothing to be done.

I don't recall any talk back about contentious issues with this title? Just a game that didn't break through to a bigger audience.


Oct 28, 2017
disappointing to see some very prominent game industry people who seem from the outside like decent, tolerant folks liking his deranged tweets


Jan 15, 2020
I don't get the asshole part? Maybe I don't understand it because I am not a native English speaker, but I read the initial post that Cliff doesn't complain about things like "gender neutral bathrooms", but rather advocates for such things? I mean that has nothing to do with why Lawbreakers failed, but he isn't a supporter of right wing politics, right?


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Lawbreakers was a neat game with some interesting, fresh elements...and really bad marketing. They presented it as some kind of Overwatch for adults, with edgy, try hard art design, so lots of people just saw an Overwatch-clone (without having played it) and went on. And there was of course Bleszinski with his arrogant"no bullshit" price of $30-talk.
Him now saying this game failed because it was "too woke" is hilarious, delusional and sad at the same time.

I don't get the asshole part? Maybe I don't understand it because I am not a native English speaker, but I read the initial post that Cliff doesn't complain about things like "gender neutral bathrooms", but rather advocates for such things? I mean that has nothing to do with why Lawbreakers failed, but he isn't a supporter of right wing politics, right?
I´m not a native English speaker either, but as far as I understand, Bleszinski is twisting the game`s failure into some kind of "people hated the game because I did the right thing"-narrative. He basically says, the game failed because he put his political views in it...which is hilarious because no one complained about the game being political or pushing certain views.
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Oct 27, 2017
This isn't surprising. Let's not forget he also lied about paying employees large amounts of severance in order to look good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My wife and I saw Hadestown and really enjoyed it. Didn't know he co-produced it... that's all I got lol


Oct 28, 2017
Dude comes across as an idiot with a serious lack of self-awareness. Enough to be the only one to not realise that Lawbreakers was doomed to fail from the very beginning.


Oct 26, 2017
I´m not a native English speaker either, but as far as I understand, Bleszinski is twisting the game`s failure into some kind of "people hated the game because I did the right thing"-narrative. He basically says, the game failed because he put his political views in it...which is hilarious because no one complained about the game being political or pushing certain views.

Bolded is false. Go back and read his mentions during when the game came out or check Youtube comments for the game or the infamous Crowbcat video. The game was hounded for months by the shitty parts of the internet because of Cliffy's tweets about having gender neutral bathrooms among other things. That's obviously not the reason for the game's failure but there definitely was a contingent of people who were pissed off at that and I was there to witness it. The problem is most people who just saw this game and it's failure from afar have no idea any of this even occurred so to them it's like some random excuse out of nowhere.


Jan 13, 2018
Cliff, for all his talent, has always been a completely full of himself arrogant manchil, but tripling down on his stupidity seems like a new point even for him.



Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Bolded is false. Go back and read his mentions during when the game came out or check Youtube comments for the game or the infamous Crowbcat video. The game was hounded for months by the shitty parts of the internet because of Cliffy's tweets about having gender neutral bathrooms among other things. That's obviously not the reason for the game's failure but there definitely was a contingent of people who were pissed off at that and I was there to witness it. The problem is most people who just saw this game and it's failure from afar have no idea any of this even occurred so to them it's like some random excuse out of nowhere.
Ok, I must have missed that then. Thanks for clarification.


Oct 25, 2017
So on a scale of 0 to LawBreakers, where then did their other failed game, Radical Heights, land on the Woke Scale™️?

Must've been off the charts because that thing flopped faster than LB did.

Deleted member 37739

User requested account closure
Jan 8, 2018
I don't honestly remember Lawbreakers being the target of that kind of criticism though? I mean, I'm sure there's a handful of YouTube comments out there, but this isn't anything like the backlash Battlefield V saw.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 10, 2019
Wanted to say this to all the "That's not what Cliff said" posts, but didn't know how to simply word it.

But yeah to repeat: He's giving GG'ers too much perceived power. One that they will turn around and stoke their own base with "See! We told you!"
Yup, agreed.