Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Wouldn't the story and the response be "she shouldn't have refused them service" then?

Seems like she was fucked in one way or another as a manager no matter what she did once this asshole tried to make her into Chipotle Charlene.

The manager basically got in hot water when she deviated from policy which is usually to just let em bounce and then calls the cops

Just for liability/PR reasons


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with you that such people exists and that's a problem, doesn't make the opposite not a problem though.

Yeah, I mean it turns me on as well when a woman loses her job because of a media outcry despite a lack of information in this case - makes me really look like I care about social justice in the world.
If we're talking about media outcry, then fine, if we're talking about people participating on this forum giving the benefit of the doubt to the Black person, then you lost me.

Your stance seems to be that as long as somebody might lose their job no matter what, you're not going to believe a victim without hard evidence. In this case you happened to be right, but more often than not, racism or other situations like this are real and you would be wrong. But I bet your remain silent and only chime in when it turns out you are right.
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Concern trolling, derailing thread. Long history of infractions.
What is the opposite?

Presuming that black people are discriminated against in America?

More like defending thives and media outcry because they are black and we can't accept to be wrong because it would hirt the greater case or something like that.


Nov 11, 2017
Considering the amount of times the cops are called on black people living their lives, including trying to get into where they literally live without being harassed or shot, I feel perfectly fine "wiping the egg off my face." Much like you were fine counting your chickens before they hatched.


1 egg wipe vs 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads. Thats a pefectly fine ratio. Its nice to see people so excited about the outcome of this.


Metal Face DOOM
Oct 25, 2017
You know exactly why that happened.
Yup, anything to validate their thinking of racism is dead and people of color are just lying about their experiences. Confirmation bias at it's best. Ignore the 1000000000000 articles, stories, evidence, etc, but believe the one time it's bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
So it turned out these guys actually had stolen from this place before? Damn dude. I feel bad for the manager who lost her job then in this case.


Oct 27, 2017
It kind of sucks she gets fired. I doubt it's in their policy. They just don't want the media backlash


Oct 25, 2017
The manager basically got in hot water when she deviated from policy which is usually to just let em bounce and then calls the cops

Just for liability/PR reasons
Why'd you want people calling the cops for such trivial shit? Like this is the remit of being a manager. Dealing with problem assholes. She did so in a really calm way and actually gave them a chance.

Feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The assertion that she did anything worth losing her job over is mental.


Oct 27, 2017
One big takeaway from this is how companies will literally throw their enployees under the bus to protect their brand. Even though she was actively working to prevent theft.

And screw those dudes actively trying to make low-wage workers lose their jobs or worse by mobilizing Twitter.
I spent a good chunk of my 20s working in the restaurant industry. So, I am always going to consider the shit that other restaurant workers have to put up with. The beginning of this thread shows how many posters have never had to deal with shitty customers in the kitchen when they immediately throw the staff under the bus.


Oct 25, 2017
The manager basically got in hot water when she deviated from policy which is usually to just let em bounce and then calls the cops

Just for liability/PR reasons

I don't think that a lot of people realize that companies have policies over this kind of stuff. Unless you're working in a private spot, you don't get to change the policy as you see fit. You don't get to refuse their orders because cutting and chopping hurts your wrists. You make the food, take it to the register and handle from there. This doesn't make anything that happened any less wrong though, but folks gotta stop acting ninja is talking crazy when he's not far off.
Oct 25, 2017
If we're talking about media outcry, then fine, if we're talking about people participating on this forum giving the benefit of the doubt to the Black person, then you lost me.

Your stance seems to be that as long as somebody might lose their job no matter what, you're not going to believe a victim without hard evidence. In this case you happened to be right, but more often than not, racism or other situations like this are real and you would be wrong. But I bet your remain silent and only chime in when it turns out you are right.

You mean the last similiar thread I posted was about that black dude who was blocked from entering his own apartment by a woman. And I wasn't doing the things you are claiming. So you better posts some quotes before moving from one strawman to another one.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
It's peculiar to me that this story turned the way that it did. Because as someone who's worked in food service, in a management role, my first thoughts reading about this was even with it being true that these dipshits were actual thieves of that Chipotle, the manager still handled it wrong.

In most establishments it's encouraged to handle rowdy situations as quickly, calmly, and with as little unnecessary action as possible. And yes, to call the cops at any signs of pushback. In this case, after multiple instances of these guys stealing, I'm going to assume that this Chipotle has cameras, which means the affirmation of video evidence would hold some weight. So instead of coming up with some overly dramatic and on-the-fly policy change that can easily be spun out of your control (and was, as was saw), what this manager should have done was calmly state, "excuse me, but we have multiple instances of you stealing from our restaurant on camera. I'm going to have to politely ask you to leave." And that's it. You do not engage further than that, and you definitely do not let your staff pile on and react.

These boys still want to film her and give her a nickname? Good luck with that, because they'd still have to film you calmly telling them (and then the cops), "I have video footage of these men stealing from our store."


Oct 25, 2017
Asking them to leave woukd have deescalated the situation faster.

Why are you so sure? You tell them to get out, that they're not being served, dudes turn on the camera phones and pull the same shit. She's certainly not going to make the situation better by telling them they're not being served because they're thieves or some shit.

Manager was in a tough spot, I don't fault her if these dude were finessing the fuck out of the store.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
More like defending thives and media outcry because they are black and we can't accept to be wrong because it would hirt the greater case or something like that.
Once the tweets came out, everyone in this thread flipped. No one here is defending them anymore. If you're concerned about those that are, sign onto Twitter and have some conversations with people who have gotten the update but are still blindly defending the boys.

It still hurts black people though, because racists are just going to use this incident as proof that their skepticism of systemic racism is correct.

If you're upset that black people are understandable concerned about the optics of this, despite still admonishing those boys as assholes, then all I can say is that that sentiment is also mired in an apathy that does fuck all for us at the end of the day.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still not entirely convinced there wasn't a bit of racism in her actions, but I also think she only had sucky choices based on what she thought.

1. Deny service to black people without reason, looking racist
2. Ask them to pay first, looking racist
3. Serve them food thinking that they'll try to dine and dash

In hindsight, with a camera on you, #3 is the best PR course of action but that's not usually how people think.
Personally, nothing about the way she acted stuck out as "racism". When someone is being racist they typically seem very offensive. This lady was mostly keeping to herself. A racist would've went on a tirade as soon as they claimed racism. Just my thoughts.

It still sucks that people are still going after the manager for some reason. Oh, no, she deviated ever so slightly from company policy in a rare situation!


Oct 25, 2017
You mean the last similiar thread I posted was about that black dude who was blocked from entering his own apartment by a woman. And I wasn't doing the things you are claiming. So you better posts some quotes before moving from one strawman to another one.
And what were you posting in that thread? I'm assuming you posted " this woman could lose her job so I'm not going to believe this man until we have all the facts" and after "well I was wrong".


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. I'm just saying incidents like this muddy the waters in some way.
It doesn't though. Only racists don't see black people as individuals so this incident can't muddy the waters for you if you're not a racist.
What these people did have no baring on any future incidents of racism black people experince.


Oct 28, 2017
Why'd you want people calling the cops for such trivial shit? Like this is the remit of being a manager. Dealing with problem assholes. She did so in a really calm way and actually gave them a chance.

Feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The assertion that she did anything worth losing her job overnight is mental.

I'm surprised about the lack of empathy for the manager and employees. It's easy as a bystander to say "buh buh buh she should've just followed the policy and she'd still have a job", as if that accurately depicts the position she was placed in in a notoriously difficult industry.


Oct 25, 2017
Internet making memes out of people too quick to call the cops on black kids but ya'll convinced that the cops needed to be called over some stolen chipotle rather than the manager just refusing service. Can't win.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
More like defending thives and media outcry because they are black and we can't accept to be wrong because it would hirt the greater case or something like that.
So that's the issue then, we just can never accept a black person is wrong because doing so would hurt "the cause"?
So it turned out these guys actually had stolen from this place before? Damn dude. I feel bad for the manager who lost her job then in this case.
We don't know that.


Oct 25, 2017
and this is a major problem in America?

It is when you can come on to one of the instances where someone made something up and cast doubt on all other claims. I'm all for knowing the facts and I typically do, but in this case, it seems like some folks just wanted a chance to chastise others even though everyone thinks the guys are shitty for what they did.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
This case just shows that some people are completely incapable of looking at this case as an individual case of thieves who happen to be black and still trying to discussit as an example of racism.
Individuals do not live divorced from the social and cultural forces that govern their lives.



Oct 25, 2017
Personally, nothing about the way she acted stuck out as "racism". When someone is being racist they typically seem very offensive. This lady was mostly keeping to herself. A racist would've went on a tirade as soon as they claimed racism. Just my thoughts.

It still sucks that people are still going after the manager for some reason. Oh, no, she deviated ever so slightly from company policy in a rare situation!
This is true. Someone that is being racist in public would have no qualms letting the whole world know about it...


Oct 27, 2017
So what kind of shitty investigation did Chipotle do that they couldn't catch that this dude was lying
Oct 25, 2017
And what were you posting in that thread? I'm assuming you posted " this woman could lose her job so I'm not going to believe this man until we have all the facts" and after "well I was wrong".

Yeah, not seeing red instantly means that I don't believe black people. Like I said on one of my earlier posts there is a line between outcry and not dismissing someone's claim but waiting for more information to make an own picture of the situation.

New Fang

Oct 27, 2017
It's peculiar to me that this story turned the way that it did. Because as someone who's worked in food service, in a management role, my first thoughts reading about this was even with it being true that these dipshits were actual thieves of that Chipotle, the manager still handled it wrong.

In most establishments it's encouraged to handle rowdy situations as quickly, calmly, and with as little unnecessary action as possible. And yes, to call the cops at any signs of pushback. In this case, after multiple instances of these guys stealing, I'm going to assume that this Chipotle has cameras, which means the affirmation of video evidence would hold some weight. So instead of coming up with some overly dramatic and on-the-fly policy change that can easily be spun out of your control (and was, as was saw), what this manager should have done was calmly state, "excuse me, but we have multiple instances of you stealing from our restaurant on camera. I'm going to have to politely ask you to leave." And that's it. You do not engage further than that, and you definitely do not let your staff pile on and react.

These boys still want to film her and give her a nickname? Good luck with that, because they'd still have to film you calmly telling them (and then the cops), "I have video footage of these men stealing from our store."
The problem is they didn't technically steal.

They likely get the food up to the register and then fall back on a story about why they can't pay. Then the manager either has to throw out that already made food, or just let them take it without paying. So she had let them take it before without paying, but this time she chose to say they had to pay before she would bother making it.

Calling the cops to say "these people took food without paying because I let them do it" isn't going to get you very far.


Oct 25, 2017
It is when you can come on to one of the instances where someone made something up and cast doubt on all other claims. I'm all for knowing the facts and I typically do, but in this case, it seems like some folks just wanted a chance to chastise others even though everyone thinks the guys are shitty for what they did.
it is a shame that one man crying wolf discredits hundreds of years and millions of people suffering, but that's just the way the world is.


Oct 26, 2017
So my takeaway is that she cant call the police, she can't not serve them, she can't ask them to leave, she can't give them a chance to rpove they will pay.

What a shitty situation to be in.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
"Did you ask them to pay up front, even though that's not how we operate?"


Honestly. That's likely exactly what happened.

I feel for the manager because these dudes were, in fact, thieves. But that was a dumb way to react. Especially since Chipotle is corporate, not a mom-and-pop that probably doesn't have every policy nailed down in writing.