
Mar 4, 2019
So its not uncommon to see characters in media who are dumb for comic relief but sometimes these characters are so stupid that it's actually infuriating? For me, I can think of Peter Griffin


Like at his dumbest he becomes so insufferable and such an unlikeable jerkass, it's unbearable sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
Perter Griffith is barely likeable. I think that's part of the gag, that he's an unlikeable and annoying person, right down to his voice.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say pisses me off, but the gang from Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
It's more I question, as a curiosity, on how they function in the real world.
For example: paying rent, bar never makes money or they are not there.
Charlie lives in filth.
The more mundane stuff like that, not the actual wackiness of the adventures.
I guess I'm comparing the unrealistic fiction to reality.
Nov 17, 2017

Knuckles in Sonic Boom. I go between loving him because he's by far the funniest character on the show and hating how absolutely brainless they made him. I know this is a different version of the character from the main canon but it annoys me that Knuckles being gullible and easily tricked because he lived alone on an island for years translated over time into "he's dumb. He punches things hard." The transition happened in the main games and when Boom came out they took that and cranked it up to eleven.
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say pisses me off, but the gang from Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
It's more I question, as a curiosity, on how they function in the real world.
For example: paying rent, bar never makes money or they are not there.
Charlie lives in filth.
The more mundane stuff like that, not the actual wackiness of the adventures.
I guess I'm comparing the unrealistic fiction to reality.

They really don't function in the real world though, that's the humor really. It's like Seinfeld cranked up. Besides the McPoyles they're completely dysfunctional in society and really only live off of luck and Frank.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Every single character in Alien Covenant. Especially the Captain who watched evil Fassbender droid teach the alien how to breath, lead him to a basement full of eggs, and then damn near puts his face in one of em.


Oct 25, 2017
Liz Keen from Blacklist. Every single decision she makes is to the detriment of herself and to everyone around her. Her husband is just as stupid and they deserve each other. Oh and she should make up her goddamn mind about her daddy issues because I got sick of it real fast.


Oct 25, 2017
Liz Keen from Blacklist. Every single decision she makes is to the detriment of herself and to everyone around her. Her husband is just as stupid and they deserve each other. Oh and she should make up her goddamn mind about her daddy issues because I got sick of it real fast.

My fiancee is on season 5 and I swear everytime I pay attention shes either furious at Red or happy with him. Like she has flip flopped between the two so much I can't take her seriously.


Oct 27, 2017
I just watched a scene in Fear the Walking Dead where the group needed to drink ethenol in order to not die. They find a truck filled with it, but accidentally shoot it. While they watch it slowly drain out they decide the only choice is to die, rather than just fill the jug they brought.
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL

He's so god damn dumb, and he's not supposed to be. He's the only character in the franchise consistently getting himself in situations and never redeeming himself.

It still pisses me off seeing that scene of him somehow tangled up in the wiring of the Falcon when he had no reason to be.


Oct 27, 2017

John Goodman's character being so dumb he ruins everything, and Jeff Bridges' character for not kicking his ass to the curb.

In theory I should have loved this movie, in actuality it drove me nuts because of the stupidity from both characters.



May 18, 2018
Every single character in the last season of Game of Thrones.
Every single character in GOT after the showrunners ran out book material from season 6 onwards. The characters only made it last season because of plot armor and bad writing. Littlefinger was sooo stupid in season 7, it was just sad to see.


Oct 27, 2017
Danny Rand/Iron Fist

Apart from that one episode of Luke Cage where he was written properly and was actually cool for five minutes.


Nov 12, 2017
There's a lot to be said about the quality dips and rises throughout Dexter, but the entire cast of characters being written as mind-boggingly stupid in the final season was on another level.

I spent way too long looking for that gif of Dexter spying on Oliver Saxon and being easily spotted.