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Apr 18, 2019
Game Pass has incredible value and is king as far as a game services go. But we know MS is probably losing a lot of money on this investment phase and we need to wait some years before treating it as successful or even sustainable in the long run.

It will probably shows its true strength in unison with their streaming service.

I don't think MS is schooling anyone here right now. Or atleast the real lesson begins with Series X/PC/Streaming/Possibly Lockhart integration on next gen.
As a consumer I don't care, it's amazing value.
As for Microsoft, they have some benefit by keeping it around for as long as they have. It doesn't make sense to say it's not profitable for them, you don't work for Microsoft.
May 25, 2019
As people have pointed out, the author of the article misses the fact that you can download PS Now games - but this omission should be seen as partly Sony's fault. The marketing for PS Now originally billed as a streaming service, and them quietly adding game downloads has gone mostly unnoticed by every Playstation owner I know. When I bring it up, it's usually met with "Oh really? For no additional cost?"

Microsoft makes sure you know how Game Pass works, which titles will be there at launch, what games are joining every month, etc. It's a big focus of their overall XBox marketing message now. It's referenced constantly at XO, Gamescom, and E3; it's brought up in every Inside XBox; they tease new announcements on their Twitter account; do I need to go on?

Don't let the fact that the author didn't get it completely right obscure a potential much bigger issue here. Sony has a great service too - why aren't they proud of it?
Oct 27, 2017
That's correct. You don't need PS+ to play PS Now games online, even if you downloaded instead of streaming.

You will still need it for non-Now games so it doesn't entirely replace Plus.

Holy shit, really?! I recently did a trial of PSNow and I deliberately didn't download PUBG because I don't have PS+. It's probably not the game for me, but if I had known I could properly try it without the need for PS+ I would have definitely tried it! Sony's messaging on this service is so poor.

On topic - the source in the OP is nonsense and they couldn't even be bothered to spend one minute on Google to check their facts. Game Pass is great but they don't need to spread misinformation about the competition's service to try and make it look better.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Great. But currently, their first party output is nowhere near the same level of quality. This bullet point isn't worth as much as people seem to think.


Also it's like people didn't read the article.


"Xbox Content and Services revenue decreased 295 Million(11%). It says offset by growth but there are no numbers. All we know is revenue wise it's losing close to $300 Million.
Dec 8, 2018
With the increase of Forbes contributors and fanboy drivel articles without any research at its time we should stop having any "headline" as a thread. These are just embarrassing.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
For the entire games industry. The devaluing of games is a serious problem. How many times on this forum do you see people scoff at paying $20 for a great indie game because it's "too expensive".

Now imagine where things go when people get used to paying $10 a month for access to hundreds. If a concept like this becomes the norm you will be looking at a very different games industry than the one you have today.
Oct 25, 2017
For the entire games industry. The devaluing of games is a serious problem. How many times on this forum do you see people scoff at paying $20 for a great indie game because it's "too expensive".

Now imagine where things go when people get used to paying $10 a month for access to hundreds.
Maybe most of the games aren't worth the price they're asking
Oct 25, 2017
Oh yes there was tricks lol
There was. When Gears 5 came out, you could either buy it for $60 or get an extremely heavily advertised $2 deal for two months of Game Pass Ultimate and even get the game 5 days earlier.

Anyone who had Gold at that point (that's most people) and took the $2 deal had their remaining Gold converted to Ultimate as well, so even if they don't use the service they will still count as subscribers. Anyone who had more than 2 months of Gold remaining on Gears 5's release will still have had their Ultimate active in January which is when MS counted their "subscriber count doubled" numbers.

Dr Pears

Sep 9, 2018
Honestly no they aren't the same. Game pass offers the following that psnow doesn't either provide or consistently provide

1st party games day and date
Discounts on games that are in the service
Brand new games weekly
Free multiplayer( golds included)
Cross share service with gamepass pc

Honestly they aren't the same and shouldn't be compared as of right now
Correct me if i'm wrong, but you can play multiplayer games without additional PS Plus fee with PS Now yeah?

And PS Now has cross compatibility between PS4 and PC too yeah? You can play your game on PS4, save on the cloud, and continue where you left off on PC.

You can stream your games on PS Now, and as of now PS Now has around 800 games, and Gamepass around 400.

They are aboslutely comparable I would say, but the 1st Party games on Gamepass is a huge advantage right now, but something PS Now can easily follow suit, but again, why do that when the games sell gangbusters.


Oct 30, 2017
People still don't know that PS Now is basically gamepass with both a shit ton of downloadable PS4 games, and the ability to stream all available games. Currently using the free 7 day trial and it's fantastic.

But it ain't though. Day One 1st party releases is a massive draw for GP.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Game Pass has given me the opportunity to play games i otherwise may have missed. Right now I'm playing Plague Tale Innocence and loving it! I definitely would not have ever thought of buying it beforehand


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
For the entire games industry. The devaluing of games is a serious problem. How many times on this forum do you see people scoff at paying $20 for a great indie game because it's "too expensive".

Now imagine where things go when people get used to paying $10 a month for access to hundreds. If a concept like this becomes the norm you will be looking at a very different games industry than the one you have today.
Oh stop it, you act like they aren't getting paid by Microsoft to be on Gamepass.

Has the same thing happened to film?


May 12, 2018
The best thing of the generation in my opinion. I don't see myself with a console without a gamepass.


Oct 25, 2017
For the entire games industry. The devaluing of games is a serious problem. How many times on this forum do you see people scoff at paying $20 for a great indie game because it's "too expensive".

If indie developers did not benefit from Game Pass, they would not be signing deals for Game Pass. It really is that simple. More access to more games for everyone is a good thing.
Oct 25, 2017
Oh stop it, you act like they aren't getting paid by Microsoft to be on Gamepass.

Has the same thing happened to film?
In a way, yes. Streaming services have cut into home video sales really hard. Rentals are actually dead: you've already heard the Netflix jokes when someone talks about Blockbuster's death.


Oct 25, 2017
If MS wants to school the industry, they should post their numbers. Nobody wins at cards until either everyone else folds or everyone puts their cards on the table.
Nov 11, 2017
Correct me if i'm wrong, but you can play multiplayer games without additional PS Plus fee with PS Now yeah?

And PS Now has cross compatibility between PS4 and PC too yeah? You can play your game on PS4, save on the cloud, and continue where you left off on PC.

You can stream your games on PS Now, and as of now PS Now has around 800 games, and Gamepass around 400.

They are aboslutely comparable I would say, but the 1st Party games on Gamepass is a huge advantage right now, but something PS Now can easily follow suit, but again, why do that when the games sell gangbusters.
Well they're different services as of right now, pc game pass has pc games on the service, psnow on pc has playstation games on pc.


Oct 25, 2017
I love game pass and all but dear God this site is the worst. Their articles are super shitty.


Oct 25, 2017

"Xbox Content and Services revenue decreased 295 Million(11%). It says offset by growth but there are no numbers. All we know is revenue wise it's losing close to $300 Million.

You missed the part where majority of the loss came from revenue being down due to less money being spent on a third party title, which is being offset by the growth in subscriptions.


Nov 2, 2017
In a way, yes. Streaming services have cut into home video sales really hard. Rentals are actually dead: you've already heard the Netflix jokes when someone talks about Blockbuster's death.

Its devalued a form of distribution. Not content. Actors, actresses, writers, designers, directors, etc...aren't struggling for work.


Oct 27, 2017
In a way, yes. Streaming services have cut into home video sales really hard. Rentals are actually dead: you've already heard the Netflix jokes when someone talks about Blockbuster's death.

I mean, rental/used market definitely wasn't paying anyone at all if you're comparing that to a subscription service.

Netflix on the other hand has led to tons of new movie /shows and content to be created, because they're actually bringing creators money and funding.


Nov 2, 2017
#1 thing a subscription service can bring the industry is discovery. It's currently my favorite aspect of it. Finding different types of games when they're new enough that there's still conversation and community around them. That would get really interesting if Game Pass can crack the casual market. Right now it's really just the service of the hardcore gamer.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
You missed the part where majority of the loss came from revenue being down due to less money being spent on a third party title, which is being offset by the growth in subscriptions.

Those numbers in revenue lost don't lie, and until like Fisty said we get official numbers, Microsoft can say all they want about growth and all that jazz.

Numbers matter.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
They could have at least googled PSNow to verify their claims. It hasn't been an only-streaming service for quite some time. But who needs actual journalism these days.
So you don't actually want to comment on Game Pass? PS Now will continue to be an afterthought until Sony puts its games on the service day and date of new releases. This is why to me Game Paas is huge moving forward now that Microsoft has so many games in development now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
Microsoft is doing the lords work with gamepass. It's been awesome with my gaming PC getting Xbox exclusives on release.

Really looking forward to continuing that into next gen.


Oct 26, 2017
Ps Now really should have gotten more third party games before the recent trial. I was playing game pass at my cousins and its jaring how much better Game pass is. Even with ps now adding more features, the content isn't comparable..


Oct 25, 2017
Those numbers in revenue lost don't lie, and until like Fisty said we get official numbers, Microsoft can say all they want about growth and all that jazz.

Numbers matter.

Yes but the numbers aren't saying game pass is losing them money. That tweet says that services helped offset the loss caused by people not spending as much money on a third party title. The loss didn't come from game pass lol


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
lmao that article is terrible did anyone even read it? or did you just read the headline?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
There are different metrics of successful. A mobile game like Miitomo can be considered a flop because of how little money it made, but also can be a success if its main goal was to get people to sign up for Nintendo Accounts and provide market and customer behavior data to Nintendo.

GamePass can be considered a success since its the biggest thing the Xbox plattform has going for itself and its a very attractive service - - yet they dont share sub numbers or how much money people are spending there, so we will never have the full story or see how the sub engagement level evolve over times.

I have nothing against calling GamePass a success or people loving the service, but the moment you start calling out other services and call them successful - it gets a bit shaky. Sony provides PSNow sub numbers - we know where the service started and how it evolved.

Devs ?
What about devs ? Of course no devs that is on GamePass and getting paid is gonna badmouth the service - what about the other devs that were more critical about that kind of service ? Or the devs that arent invited to the GamePass party but at the same dont stand a chance of selling their games anywhere close of the intended price because of GamePass and how it affect the gamer spending behavior.

For all we know everything might be just as perfect as it seems - but personally i couldnt really evaluate the success of a subscription service compared to other services without knowing how many subscribers we are even talking about - and more importantly how much they are spending. How big is that GamePass business ?

All im gonna say - we would likely get less of these kind of articles if all relevant data on GamePass were public and would force people to have some more critical takes on that business and realize why only MS can or is willing to provide such a service at this point.

This just seems like a long winded post that boils down to Sony shares info and Microsoft doesn't.

I don't care if I'm the only person subscribed to gamepass it's fucking great. If Microsoft isn't making money that's their problem. Devs don't have to agree to be on the service.

PSnow is cool too but it's nowhere near as good as getting Microsoft first party exclusives on launch day


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
So you don't actually want to comment on Game Pass? PS Now will continue to be an afterthought until Sony puts its games on the service day and date of new releases. This is why to me Game Paas is huge moving forward now that Microsoft has so many games in development now.

I am a gamepass PC subscriber and I haven't given a shit about MS's first-party releases on the service. I didn't like Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5 was bad. The value add of those first party day one releases is nothing to me. I use the service for third party games alone

So we're left with promises for MS first party games of which I currently have zero interest in. They have a lot of games in development but their last few years of output don't give me a whole lot of confidence. Meanwhile there's multiple exclusive games on competing platforms that i've preordered and i'm dying to play. They aren't on a gamepass-like service but i'll gladly pay 60$ to play them.

Gamepass is a fine service and I enjoy using it, but the value of MS dropping it's first party titles on there barely registers.


Oct 27, 2017
This just seems like a long winded post that boils down to Sony shares info and Microsoft doesn't.

I don't care if I'm the only person subscribed to gamepass it's fucking great. If Microsoft isn't making money that's their problem. Devs don't have to agree to be on the service.

PSnow is cool too but it's nowhere near as good as getting Microsoft first party exclusives on launch day


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone saying Game Pass and PSNow "aren't the same service" need to stop that crap. They are the exact same *type* of service: a subscription service that offers a library of games to play. You can argue the value of either service all day, but to say they aren't the same type of service is ridiculous.

Honestly no they aren't the same. Game pass offers the following that psnow doesn't either provide or consistently provide

1st party games day and date
Discounts on games that are in the service
Brand new games weekly
Free multiplayer( golds included)
Cross share service with gamepass pc

Honestly they aren't the same and shouldn't be compared as of right now

What you're referring to is Game Pass Ultimate which includes Gold and Game Pass on PC for $15/month or $180/year (regular prices, no discounts). Additionally, you're not getting "free" multiplayer - the price of Gold is rolled straight into Game Pass ($120/year Game Pass + $60/year Gold = $180 UGP, you get no savings Edit: Actually, separately all three services would cost $240/year (Game Pass on PC is $60/year), so yeah there is a $60/year savings by getting GPU - my bad).

PSNow, $10/month with an available $60/year option (that's three times less the cost of UGP), offers free online multiplayer for any game in the service without the need of PS Plus, all PS4 and PS2 games available on the service can be downloaded and streamed on PS4, and everything on the service is available to play on PC via streaming without the need of something like Game Pass on PC.

They both have their perks, pros, and cons. To many, many people, the value added by Xbox putting their 1st party games on Xbox Game Pass is what brings its value above and beyond PSNow, with recent third party games being added faster than PSNow as a close second.
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