
Oct 27, 2017

Here's my baby. Say hello to Horatio.
Weltall Zero

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
the fluffy cat immediately got pregnant again, so my partner decided we should catch all the neighborhood strays (or ferals) in a humane trap and have them spayed/neutered. we planned to do the same with the mother as soon as we could.

however, a hurricane came to our town, and we decided the cat and kittens would be in real danger. So we put them all in the spare bedroom.

*standing ovation* Thank you for doing this, truly Bastet's work! Lots of love for your whole family and keep up the amazing work. <3


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
After being charged $120 for a 6-month supply of Jensen's Flea/Heartworm/Ear Mite treatment last time I decided to shop around a bit and see what I could find. The product I was using was Selamectin under the Revolution branding. Turns out there's a few generic Selamectin alternatives and I found one that's priced at $97.96 for a 12-month supply.


Edit: Ended up buying Selarid from Wal-Mart PetRx instead since petshed.com said it would take 8 to 10 weeks to ship to me.

Also bought a jug of water additive to help keep Jen's teeth clean. He has no major problems yet but I figure if I can prevent future ones that would be great. Just gotta figure out a way to store/dispense it. Thinking I'll just get a simple gallon jug and use that but the wife like's the idea of a pump mechanism.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How do you get over the loss of a pet? My cat has been missing for the last few days. In this area of the world, that likely means someone has snatched her.

She's been a major joy in my life for the last four years. Now it's 99% likely I'll never see her again. My place feels so empty without her. She was my first mammal pet and I can't imagine getting a new cat. It won't be the same. I'd feel like I'd be betraying her memory.
Out of nowhere, my cat returned home. For the last week, we've been calling her throughout the neighborhood, putting up posters, and checking illegal dog/cat sellers. Just last night, she popped back in through our window, a little thinner, but totally normal. This is totally weird for her, in the last 4 years I've had her, she's never been gone for a week. No idea where she was all this time.

I'm looking into getting a tracking device attached to her collar. Does anyone have any recommendations for a gps tracker for outdoor cats? One that works in Vietnam?


Oct 26, 2017
Out of nowhere, my cat returned home. For the last week, we've been calling her throughout the neighborhood, putting up posters, and checking illegal dog/cat sellers. Just last night, she popped back in through our window, a little thinner, but totally normal. This is totally weird for her, in the last 4 years I've had her, she's never been gone for a week. No idea where she was all this time.

I'm looking into getting a tracking device attached to her collar. Does anyone have any recommendations for a gps tracker for outdoor cats? One that works in Vietnam?

Brilliant news.
Oct 26, 2017
Out of nowhere, my cat returned home. For the last week, we've been calling her throughout the neighborhood, putting up posters, and checking illegal dog/cat sellers. Just last night, she popped back in through our window, a little thinner, but totally normal. This is totally weird for her, in the last 4 years I've had her, she's never been gone for a week. No idea where she was all this time.

I'm looking into getting a tracking device attached to her collar. Does anyone have any recommendations for a gps tracker for outdoor cats? One that works in Vietnam?
Wow. That's awesome. Glad you have her back!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This past week we also found this video. It's in Vietnamese, but it's basically this guy explaining his strategy for giving cats a bath, complete with ultra chill volunteer.



Oct 25, 2017
This past week we also found this video. It's in Vietnamese, but it's basically this guy explaining his strategy for giving cats a bath, complete with ultra chill volunteer.

My cat would be like nope.

Also this cat doesn't like cat toys. I went and bought him one and he was like what am I suppose to do with this. The other cat on the other hand loves it. He always have his taco one and somehow managed to find the llama after all these month lol


Oct 25, 2017
United States
My cat is on the small side but when she runs around my apartment it sounds like the galloping of a full-grown horse.

And I grew up on a horse farm, so I know from gallops.

Also, a goofy pic/video to enjoy:



Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA

The wife and I are in the first steps of buying a home and I'm so excited Jensen is going to have a bigger space to run around in. It even has a screened-in back patio so we'll likely be going full on catio and setting up some weatherproof cat towers out there.


Oct 25, 2017
Idk what my fiend is going to do once he moves from his current location. The cat was for his ex but she couldn't take her due to where she was going


He might just give her up to his parents

They've made it their chair

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Oct 25, 2017

Sonetimes my cats do things where I'm not sure if I should be in awe or freak out. In other news he climbed on top of the TV for the first time


Oct 26, 2017

Sonetimes my cats do things where I'm not sure if I should be in awe or freak out. In other news he climbed on top of the TV for the first time

On that subject, can cats scrape the screen? My cats are always going for the screen , especially when there's games being played. Can they scrape it? I haven't noticed anything yet


Oct 26, 2017
A friend has this pc monitor that has cat marks on the screen. Unsure what caused it but I'd still be wary of cats on tv

Ok, thanks. Guess I'll try to discourage them. Any tips on that front? Currently I just pick them up and put them outside the door. The door is only a foot from the TV and it has a catflap so they're back in seconds later. They do seem to know that I don't like it though as if I've already had to move them a few times they run away subsequent times as soon as I stand up.

Just keep doing that and they'll get the picture?


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Wife and I eventually want to get a second cat when we move in our house but I've worried he or she won't be as laid back and friendly as Jensen is. In the eighteen months he's been with us there's never been a single hiss or other bad cat behavior.

Another big hurdle is going to be finding another declawed cat. Jensen doesn't have any front claws so it'll be unfair to put him with another cat that does. I want them on equal grounds.
Weltall Zero

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Wife and I eventually want to get a second cat when we move in our house but I've worried he or she won't be as laid back and friendly as Jensen is. In the eighteen months he's been with us there's never been a single hiss or other bad cat behavior.

Another big hurdle is going to be finding another declawed cat. Jensen doesn't have any front claws so it'll be unfair to put him with another cat that does. I want them on equal grounds.

Aw, poor Jensen. :(

Get a "normal" cat; cat claws don't play a role in cat interaction. Even when actually fighting with claws out (obviously a situation that should not happen at all, if you manage introductions properly), claws don't normally penetrate their thick skin. Claws are mostly for climbing and holding small prey.

I would advice to get another male, do proper introductions, and they should bond in no time.


Oct 25, 2017
So I found out that "Pepper" the "stray" cat I have been feeding is not "stray" after all. It seems, according to 2 women walking by that he has a "home". Apparently others have seen him and a friend of theirs found the "owner". However, "Pepper" still comes to my house every morning hungry and spends most of the day hanging out in his hut or on my porch. He has been out in heavy rain and snow, cold and wet. Per day he eats more than double what my cats do and if I don't feed him he looks at his dish over and over again and meows at me. He is still very skinny but has put on a little weight. I don't understand why you get a cat and then let it outside all day and night to never see it? The "owners" see their cat less than I do.

My own cat Dusty has been keeping his weight stable the past few weeks. He is on Kidney diet dry now with some normal wet food once in a while so he doesn't get bored of one flavor of dry but overall he is doing good.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
It's only been a few weeks since we lost a cat, and honestly I didn't feel I would be ready to bring a new one home for a while.

But then, last week, someone found this little baby in a dumpster, 10 minutes away from our house.


We decided to bring him in, even if it felt a bit too soon.

He was dirty and bloated with parasites. He also has a limp in one of his legs, just like the cat we lost.

We took him to the vet urgently and a week later he's already running all over the house, getting fat and playing with one of the other cats.


So... yeah. Say hi to Shaun.


Oct 27, 2017
It's only been a few weeks since we lost a cat, and honestly I didn't feel I would be ready to bring a new one home for a while.

But then, last week, someone found this little baby in a dumpster, 10 minutes away from our house.


We decided to bring him in, even if it felt a bit too soon.

He was dirty and bloated with parasites. He also has a limp in one of his legs, just like the cat we lost.

We took him to the vet urgently and a week later he's already running all over the house, getting fat and playing with one of the other cats.


So... yeah. Say hi to Shaun.
You're an absolute saint. And he looks absolutely adorable! Thanks for giving him a loving home and a second chance <3

Thanks! My wife got him two years ago as a kitten, I believe he's a Siberian purebred.

As a kitten:

Wow, she's almost the spitting image of our Kiki, but negative:

And she sleeps the same too!
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Weltall Zero

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
So I found out that "Pepper" the "stray" cat I have been feeding is not "stray" after all. It seems, according to 2 women walking by that he has a "home". Apparently others have seen him and a friend of theirs found the "owner". However, "Pepper" still comes to my house every morning hungry and spends most of the day hanging out in his hut or on my porch. He has been out in heavy rain and snow, cold and wet. Per day he eats more than double what my cats do and if I don't feed him he looks at his dish over and over again and meows at me. He is still very skinny but has put on a little weight. I don't understand why you get a cat and then let it outside all day and night to never see it? The "owners" see their cat less than I do.

My own cat Dusty has been keeping his weight stable the past few weeks. He is on Kidney diet dry now with some normal wet food once in a while so he doesn't get bored of one flavor of dry but overall he is doing good.

Well, we ourse-
*lawyer taps shoulder, whispers in ear*
... as I was saying, we have definitely never been in similar situations of complete neglect by owners at some point. We most certainly did not talk to the owners to no avail, and we absolutely did not ended up just rehoming the cat to a much happier life.

It's only been a few weeks since we lost a cat, and honestly I didn't feel I would be ready to bring a new one home for a while.

But then, last week, someone found this little baby in a dumpster, 10 minutes away from our house.


We decided to bring him in, even if it felt a bit too soon.

He was dirty and bloated with parasites. He also has a limp in one of his legs, just like the cat we lost.

We took him to the vet urgently and a week later he's already running all over the house, getting fat and playing with one of the other cats.


So... yeah. Say hi to Shaun.

Oh my god the "before" and "after" pictures. No matter how many hundreds of such transformations I see, they're always so shocking. Amazing work and congratulations on the new family member! <3

And she sleeps the same too!

Ah yes, the horizontal shoryuken; an absolute classic. :)


Nov 3, 2017
I gave my newly adopted kitty some frozen veggies and he likes them. Just some carrots, broccoli and cauliflower- not too much.Basically what's left from my dinner. Lol


Oct 27, 2017
It's only been a few weeks since we lost a cat, and honestly I didn't feel I would be ready to bring a new one home for a while.

But then, last week, someone found this little baby in a dumpster, 10 minutes away from our house.


We decided to bring him in, even if it felt a bit too soon.

He was dirty and bloated with parasites. He also has a limp in one of his legs, just like the cat we lost.

We took him to the vet urgently and a week later he's already running all over the house, getting fat and playing with one of the other cats.


So... yeah. Say hi to Shaun.
Thank you for bringing the little one in and showing him love. <3


Oct 26, 2017
The oldest cat of my parents is probably not gonna with us for long anymore. He's really old. We don't know the exact age, but it's around 20 years.

In the last few years, naturally he became very passive and didn't do anything else but eating and sleeping. But in the last few weeks, his condition worsened. His fur looks terrible, and he basically sleeps in the litter box. He's sitting in the hallway right now, and he's got two pieces of litter stuck to his chin. This is so sad..
Weltall Zero

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
The oldest cat of my parents is probably not gonna with us for long anymore. He's really old. We don't know the exact age, but it's around 20 years.

In the last few years, naturally he became very passive and didn't do anything else but eating and sleeping. But in the last few weeks, his condition worsened. His fur looks terrible, and he basically sleeps in the litter box. He's sitting in the hallway right now, and he's got two pieces of litter stuck to his chin. This is so sad..

When cats get too old to clean themselves, you need to clean them yourself; cats want to be clean so being dirty is stressful to them, and may even cause them to die off. There's many ways to clean them, like specialized moist wipes, shampoos that don't need water, etc.


Oct 26, 2017
When cats get too old to clean themselves, you need to clean them yourself; cats want to be clean so being dirty is stressful to them, and may even cause them to die off. There's many ways to clean them, like specialized moist wipes, shampoos that don't need water, etc.

We have a brush we use to (try to) tidy up his fur. But what about the litter box behavior? Why is he staying there?


One Winged Slayer
Jun 17, 2019
Looking into getting a water fountain for my boy--I was wondering if I could ask for any recommendations?
Weltall Zero

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
We have a brush we use to (try to) tidy up his fur. But what about the litter box behavior? Why is he staying there?

A brush is not enough, you need to actually clean his fur with moist wipes or a shampoo.

Sleeping in the litter box is a behaviour we've seen but we're not sure why. It may be because they feel safer there, or they don't have enough stamina to get to and from (or in and out of) it between uses.

Looking into getting a water fountain for my boy--I was wondering if I could ask for any recommendations?

I asked my SO and she votes for this Catmate model we have right now, which is incredibly silent and pretty easy to clean, with large dishes at different heights so they can drink without their vibrissae touching the fountain.
Also check this article (the catmate is incidentally the second best pick).

5 Best Cat Water Fountains In 2022: Reviews & Top Picks - Pango Pets

Cats need fresh water everyday to maintain good health. Water is necessary for flushing out toxins from the body and for keeping it hydrated and healthy.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 17, 2019
A brush is not enough, you need to clean him.

Sleeping in the litter box may be because he doesn't have enough stamina to get to and from (or in and out of) it between uses?

I asked my SO and she votes for this Catmate model we have right now, which is incredibly silent and pretty easy to clean, with large vases at different heights so they can drink without their vibrisae touching the fountain.
Also check this article (the catmate is incidentally the second best pick).

5 Best Cat Water Fountains In 2022: Reviews & Top Picks - Pango Pets

Cats need fresh water everyday to maintain good health. Water is necessary for flushing out toxins from the body and for keeping it hydrated and healthy.

Looks real great--thanks Weltall Zero; will be placing an order today!