
Oct 27, 2017
Aww yeah, that's the good stuff.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Great idea for a thread.
I'm guessing Capcom has a good amount of wrestling fans.
Jan 15, 2018
I was sure someone in Darkstalkers had a suplex as well but I can only think of Morrigan and that's technically an izuna drop
Ryuichi Naruhodo
Oct 25, 2017

Capcom will never top this


Thanks and appreciate for your nice inputs

CyberNeon most of your gifs aren't working for me for some reason

Vast majority of them are uploaded at Imgbb , Do u have problems accessing that site ?

What the fuck is Shadow of Rome

There's another PS2 Capcom game that I missed out on????

It is PS2 Capcom game developed I guess by same team that made Dead Rising 1 , Capcom wanted to make a game developed internally but aimed at western markets , so Shadow of Rome was their first game in that direction , The game is split into three parts , stealth sections ( which are average at best ) , the Chariot races ( Which is good ) the Gladiators fights in the Arena ( Which are Super fun ) , I had lots and lots of fun times playing that game and couldnt get enought from the Arena fights which were varied in terms of modes , Enemies , Weapons and Melee Moves , sadly despite initially planning for a sequel for the game but the game poor sales led to cancelling the sequel , and then from that failure Dead Rising was created as the next game in that direction

This is good content
I never realized Capcom liked suplexes so much. Thanks for the insight. Will keep an eye on suplexes in MHW: Iceborne.
*Nods sagely* Yes. Yes.
Finally, some good fucking content
Incredible. Thank you.
Thank you for this thread. Nothing much more to add.
Thread of the month, at least. TOTY contender.
Fantastic thread,quality content indeed
I clapped in real life tbh
German suplex is the best suplex.

This is a thread I can get behind.
Feel good thread of the month
Great idea for a thread.
I'm guessing Capcom has a good amount of wrestling fans.
huge HUGE fan of this thread

Thanks for all the kind words


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It is PS2 Capcom game developed I guess by same team that made Dead Rising 1 , Capcom wanted to make a game developed internally but aimed at western markets , so Shadow of Rome was their first game in that direction , The game is split into three parts , stealth sections ( which are average at best ) , the Chariot races ( Which is good ) the Gladiators fights in the Arena ( Which are Super fun ) , I had lots and lots of fun times playing that game and couldnt get enought from the Arena fights which were varied in terms of modes , Enemies , Weapons and Melee Moves , sadly despite initially planning for a sequel for the game but the game poor sales led to cancelling the sequel , and then from that failure Dead Rising was created as the next game in that direction
It sounds interesting. I'll look into it. I feel like I'm continuously learning about more Capcom PS2 games as time passes.


Oct 27, 2017
There are varying levels of "good" and the gap between RE2 to RE4 is huge in-terms of their quality to me.
Going through 100% on three playthroughs's seems to be quite high on the "good" level if you'd ask me. RE4 can be miles better in your taste, sure, however, it isn't a "not good" RE game like you originally implied...

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Terrible quality, but Zangief's Atomic Suplex was always my favorite. Sad to see it not in SFV.

This is an OK video that has it prett smooth in the middle of the vid.


Oct 25, 2017
Came for Shadow of Rome, leaving incredibly pleased with the thorough work of the OP

Agrippa gets to suplex people into SPIKE PITS
"Are you not satisfied?!" as he would say in a totally not Gladiator way


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Shadow of Rome. How did that game even? I would love a sequel or a remake, but part of me doesn't think anything could ever recapture the insanity of the original.


Oct 25, 2017
Shadow of Rome. How did that game even? I would love a sequel or a remake, but part of me doesn't think anything could ever recapture the insanity of the original.
Dead Rising started development as Shadow of Rome 2. I really would've preferred that to Dead Rising.


Oct 25, 2017
came for dmcv's new suplex, stayed for all of the other gifs. Well done.


Nov 17, 2017
This is a damn good thread. I'm a huge suplex fan. Dragon, tiger, belly to belly, belly to back, exploder, t-bone. There's a suplex for everyone.