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Oct 25, 2017
So I guess they're finally getting money from me for a Switch game. Unless they strip out pointer aiming. You can have motion aiming on the Switch and I expect that. I'm not buying a lesser port.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
The cheapest prices we've seen games launch by card size are $29.99 (8GB) and $39.99 (16GB). The latter was actually Capcom's first too (RE Rev Collection).

I don't think we've actually seen a packaged Switch game launch at $19.99 yet though? I'm not sure the 2GB or 4GB cards scale low enough for that? I can't remember any physical 3DS or Vita games launching that cheap either tbh?

For whatever reason. The gamestop exclusive of Has Been Heroes was $19.99 at launch if I recall correctly.
Only one I've seen thus far that wasn't a mark down.


Oct 27, 2017
Portable REmake? This is very interesting.

As for Resident Evil 4, I am spoiled by the Wii pointer controls, and will play it no other way.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn , these three games are on every platform lol

Not sure if I will buy again...already have 3 versions lmao


Oct 26, 2017
I wish I would be as confident in getting more MH on there as you. MHW sold phenomenal numbers and they can't even support that with updates adequately. I don't see any team working on a MH game for Switch anytime soon.
I can see AA7.
Couldn't care less about what Japan can stream tbh.

All I'm saying is wake me up when they do something that's not a PS2/GC port outside of Megaman. Which isn't a bad game, but nothing to write home about either, imo.
Capcom already said officially Switch will get more MH to investors so that much isn't in doubt. The smart money's on a Gen 5 game from the Freedom/Generations team but there could certainly be more ports (Stories HD, Frontier Z, etc) but the implication everyone took was something more mainline. The XX director also said MHUG was only the first Switch MH so it's not too hard to read the tea leaves there.

Plenty of titles will miss the Switch, but they do more than Capcom. I never claimed those titles would be able to release on Switch, just like I'm perfectly fine with MHW, DMC5 and REmake2 being not on Switch.
Securing a title like Octopath requires two parties. If you think NIntendo didn't try to secure anything from Capcom who didn't want to because they didn't give a fuck I don't know what to tell you. And the fact they are too cheap for 2GBcarts for their Megaman collection tells me they don't give a fuck indeed.
Remasters of current gen versions that came 9 months later than the other versions because Capcom didn't even have enough faith in Switch to sell a $20 port on it (physical edition only in japan because again, Capcom is being cheap as fuck). I see you use plural in new good titles like Mega Man 11. what other titles are you talking about?

What I'm saying is that they did relatively high production value titles on 3DS while also developing for back then high end consoles no problem, and now they stopped doing that.
I never acted like SE is going to publish KH3 on Switch nor did I act like I want Capcom to publish MHW on Switch.
Stop putting words in my mouth.
I think part of the problem is you're lampshading Capcom's 3DS support pretty strongly there. The reality is their high level 3DS support was limited entirely to two already handheld focused series (MH, AA) or else games that were announced prelaunch (SSFIV, RER, Mercs 3D). The reality is 3DS didn't sustain the sort of Capcom support you're implying, it actually stopped after the first year functionally and 3DS even lost the heavy legacy port support previous handhelds enjoyed from Capcom, which Switch thankfully appears to have brought back. And half of those "high" production games were lower production than MM11 is even tbh, basically everything but MH and maybe RER1.

The only possible exception to this is maybe EXTroopers but that was (1) pretty obviously built off MML3's corpse, another prelaunch commitment that got fucked after Inafune's exit, (2) limited to Japan only for some reason and (3) given a day 1 HD remaster on PS3 courtesy of Hexadrive. Speaking of which it'd be great if Capcom ported the remaster to current consoles and Steam and localized it this time.


Oct 27, 2017
For whatever reason. The gamestop exclusive of Has Been Heroes was $19.99 at launch if I recall correctly.
Only one I've seen thus far that wasn't a mark down.

Yep, Has Been Heroes launched at $19.99, and that was a title that releases within the first month or two of the systems release. Hopefully card prices will drop at some point?

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
First off - Bethesda support isnt the norm but an exception...and even then plenty of their big titles are and will miss the Switch, unless you expect to be able to play Fallout 76 on it. Same for Ubi, SE, Bamco and all other big publishers.

Octopath happened because Nintendo secured the title before the Switch even launched, it wasnt a response to the Switch being successful. You talk about some PS2 ports, when these games are Remasters based on the Current-Gen version....while also ignoring new good titles like Mega Man 11.

The currently announced Capcom games that arent on Switch are AAA ones developed for PS4-type hardware - stop acting as if SE isnt just about to sell you a DS/iOS port with TWEWY for 50 bucks and that they are going to release KH3 on Switch lol.
Did you quote me by accident? :0


Oct 26, 2017
For whatever reason. The gamestop exclusive of Has Been Heroes was $19.99 at launch if I recall correctly.
Only one I've seen thus far that wasn't a mark down.
Oh yeah. That uses a 2GB card too, but NOA's pretty tight with GS so I wouldn't rule out them getting a royalty deal. That was early on too when Nintendo was more eager to sign content before the platform really blew up. They also disributed USF2 for Capcom USA then but I doubt you see another deal like that now for Capcom.

Deleted member 30569

User requested account closure
Nov 3, 2017
I generally don't care much about portability, but playing a decent version of RE4 on the go will be awesome.

But that Capcom post in the OP.

"Fan favorite..."
"... Resident Evil 0..."

Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah. That uses a 2GB card too, but NOA's pretty tight with GS so I wouldn't rule out them getting a royalty deal. That was early on too when Nintendo was more eager to sign content before the platform really blew up. They also disributed USF2 for Capcom USA then but I doubt you see another deal like that now for Capcom.
Has Been Heroes was through the Gamestop publishing deal, I thought


Oct 27, 2017
... Isn't it easier just buying it once on PC and that's it? I mean it doesn't even need an expensive one to run and you will play it on all future hardware you will have.


Oct 25, 2017
Where are my copies of CV, RE5 and RE6 Capcom?

Those better be in a 40$ triple pack


Oct 27, 2017
I approve. Handheld mode will be great for these. Playing in bed, in the dark, hiding under the covers.

The only question is WHICH Re4 are we getting on Switch?


Oct 27, 2017
Was just rewatching videos about RE4 lately... Regenerators biting you dick off in portable


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Capcom continues to deliver the ports I need from them. They won me back with bringing Generations Ultimate to the west and now this! Mmmmmm goood.


Oct 27, 2017
I was just wondering when these would finally come to Switch. In particular RE4, if it's 60 fps, HD, and gyro included, I'm down day one.

Pancakes R Us

Oct 27, 2017
I hope these have appropriate pricing. None of this full price BS please.

Also, I heard there's a version of RE4 in the works for Nokia 3310.


Nov 25, 2017
I hope these have appropriate pricing. None of this full price BS please.

Also, I heard there's a version of RE4 in the works for Nokia 3310.
Capcom is pretty good with pricing ports. Biggest thing though is cart size.

0 is 13 GB
Remake is 20 GB
4 is 15 GB

This is for PC
We'll likely get some compression on Switch, but I don't expect 32GB cards to be used at all, unless they break even completely. I could see at least one game being a required download. But if they fit it in a 32GB card, I can see them possibly slapping a switch tax.
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