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Oct 25, 2017
I think Singh's best hope right now is to actually negotiate a coalition with the Liberals that way he can claim having moved the NDP into their best position of power. Otherwise, he probably is going to be forced to step down.


Oct 25, 2017
My riding went 50% lib, yay. The major areas of ontario doing their part it seems, even the 905. The areas even more north of that is just a sea of blue as it always is though

I don't think NDP can afford another leadership election anytime soon much less another election.

Jagmeet found his voice but too late into the cycle. They should keep him, he will do better next time if he comes out swinging from the start


Nov 3, 2017
Voted liberal... but fuck you guys are toxic.

People aren't voting conservative because they are Nazi racists. They want their jobs.


Oct 30, 2017
I was being kinda sarcastic with the Conservatives backing electoral reform considering how it would be easy to spin outrage from losing the popular vote.


Oct 28, 2017
So wait.....are we applauding FPTP in this instance because it benefited us here?

Feels a bit strange when there's also desire for electoral reform too and lots of flak given to Trudeau for dropping it...


Oct 25, 2017
My riding went 50% lib, yay. The major areas of ontario doing their part it seems, even the 905. The areas even more north of that is just a sea of blue as it always is though

Jagmeet found his voice but too late into the cycle. They should keep him, he will do better next time if he comes out swinging from the start
Being in parliament (assuming he keeps his seat, it was close) will also help. he was out for most of the last 4 years. It's one thing Mulcair, for all his failures, he was able to bringanger to the floor of parliament


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck Trudeau for killing Ralph.

Nah, that's bullshit. We're all just stuck trying to be little Alberta. It was only a matter of time. Ralph barely won his seat last election so with Sask and Alberta going even more stupid crazy, it was a matter of time. Just hoped that people in this riding weren't gonna fall into that stupid Con shit. Alas, this city and riding are dumb as bricks.

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
I see saskatoon and regina both went solid blue though. God I hate this fucking province sometimes. And by sometimes I mean most of the time.

At least Bernier lost his seat lmao.

Time to have a celebratory drink. In the words of Canadian folk hero Chris Jericho:

Now to enjoy all that salt on my Facebook feed. We did it everyone!!


Oct 27, 2017
I am (probably naively) hopeful about the future of alberta down the road. My fellow students are significantly more left than our province votes. Not to say that there aren't super conservative kids, of course there are, but I feel like the ratio isn't as bad in my generation.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Green at 4 is fucking wild to think about. Still not enough to actually matter but making that slow creep towards official party status.
wait, where is the fourth seat? I see it at the top of the page, but on the map I can only find May's seat, Nanaimo, and Fredericton


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
So wait.....are we applauding FPTP in this instance because it benefited us here?

Feels a bit strange when there's also desire for electoral reform too and lots of flak given to Trudeau for dropping it...

I mean theoretically, if we were using PR right now, the Liberals + NDP + Green would still be enough to form government, and even if the Conservatives won the popular vote they would just get voted down on the first confidence motion and then the Lib/NDP/Green alliance would take over. The BQ would no longer be a concern, although the People's Party would arguably have won a seat or two.

wait, where is the fourth seat? I see it at the top of the page, but on the map I can only find May's seat, Nanaimo, and Fredericton

Yeah I'm trying to find it too. it's definitely not in Eastern Canada.


Oct 27, 2017
Congrats to Alberta for ensuring they have no representation in the cabinet.
Was just saying this. Lmao this fucking province is so god damn stupid. Poor Sohi. He seemed like a good MP. Tim Uppal back from the dead with a vengeance.

Mike Lake shit all over red and orange in my riding. Fucking conservative group think. Have to laugh at the PPC at least.


Oct 25, 2017
what's with all this talk about "west" representation

is Alberta considered the west for some reason

(ignorant American watching CBC's coverage here)


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
So wait.....are we applauding FPTP in this instance because it benefited us here?

Feels a bit strange when there's also desire for electoral reform too and lots of flak given to Trudeau for dropping it...
FPTP is terrible, but the Conservatives have also never been proponents of electoral reform, so I think people are reveling in that.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine how different this election would have gone down if Bernier had been elected as leader of the CPC. I have to say, I really fucking glad I joined that shit party three years ago to make sure he lost that election.


Nov 7, 2017
Voted Conservative but saw this coming. Four more years of Trudeau isn't a bad thing, but I think Scheer would be a better leader. Hopefully he drags our dollar out of the dirt.
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, that's bullshit. We're all just stuck trying to be little Alberta. It was only a matter of time. Ralph barely won his seat last election so with Sask and Alberta going even more stupid crazy, it was a matter of time. Just hoped that people in this riding weren't gonna fall into that stupid Con shit. Alas, this city and riding are dumb as bricks.
He won by over 10,000 votes last election.

I don't disagree with much else that you've said, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad my riding learned its lesson from Ford and stayed Red at least with a decent NDP turn out


Oct 25, 2017
hahah, well I won't hold it against you.

If you weren't aware, goodale's held that riding since 1993, including 2011 when the Liberals were reduced to a mere 34 seats nationally.
The ads saying to send Trudeau a message and vote out Goodale started early. They were really pushing to get Goodale out. Still can't believe the Sask Party made a fuss when the Feds tried to give us more infrastructure project money for pools.
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