
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I just realized that this Blackout mode will help the longevity of the PC population, especially with streamers constantly streaming it on PC.

200IQ move from Activision right there


Dec 31, 2017
United Kingdom
It.. actually runs well.

I've noticed in the waiting zone that shooting someone takes 0.5-1 second to register the hit marker. Not sure if that's just me. Don't think it's like that during the match. Haven't been able to test it because the TTK can be super fast.

I'd be interested to see how it runs with 100 players to be honest. 80 feels good, not running around endlessly, can usually hear gunshots near you most of the time. Vehicles are dope too.


Dec 31, 2017
United Kingdom
Yeah I'm now on the fence of getting this on PC and not PS4.
Hell, might even get it on both just to play with my different friend groups.


Oct 27, 2017
I was watching a stream and wondered why they don't do some kind of radial menu for the loot bags? Seems like it would be a lot faster than scrolling back and forth. Could just pop it up and quickly see all the items


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I can't comment on the vehicle controls as I haven't played it, but watching footage it's nice you can freely move around some of the vehicles while a squad mate is driving it.

Seeing this mode kinda makes me want to see CoD attempt a Conquest-like mode with vehicles and everything.


Oct 26, 2017
not the prettiest game.......but damn does it run well......something I can't say for PUBG(not like PUBG is a looker even on my X anyways)....still

Gunfights are way more likely too, you actually have confidence shooting your gun and attempting to take down another player........this is my go to BR game if I don't feel like doing the fortnite build a thon style.


Oct 28, 2017
I watched IGN play it for about ten minutes and they kept saying "This is so fun." and not a damn thing happened during that time...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I watched IGN play it for about ten minutes and they kept saying "This is so fun." and not a damn thing happened during that time...
Just being able to play a Battle Royale game with the COD gameplay @ 60 fps is something really great in my opinion. I understand the hype.


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
It.. actually runs well.

I'm more impressed by how this is running then the normal multiplayer. Well done Treyarch.

not the prettiest game.......but damn does it run well......something I can't say for PUBG

There are some serious limits to geometry variety, textures, LOD as stuff grows more distant, etc, but yeah. Getting ~60fps performance right as a first step is pretty impressive, especially with the weird performance during the standard multiplayer beta. Though I haven't gotten into any explosive showdowns just yet, to see if that tanks the frame rate... gonna need to squad up soon and see what I can pull off.


Nov 9, 2017
PUBG Clone? That is my first impression at least

Thank God. That's all I wanted. A stable, 60fps PUBG on console.

I've watched a couple of streams and that's what it looks like so far.

Right now, I'm thinking PUBG is dead to me and my friends when this comes out. And there is no way in hell they are not going to go all in on this mode after it's a raging success. Tons of maps and upgrades coming, no doubt. I might just have to preorder the Deluxe Edition for my Xbox One X.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Seems to perform really well on the base PS4. Looks like probably dynamic resolution because the res and the framerate really drop when you're moving fast in a vehicle (it went very soft/blurry when I was blasting along in a boat) but the framerate stays smooth enough. Easily smooth enough. Good times!

First impressions are that it's definitely cribbing more from PUBG than it is Fortnite. Still obviously controls and plays like COD though. Parachute/wingsuit drop is REALLY fast. That took me by surprise! Feels fairly small in scope compared to PUBG at first glance. Gonna play some more.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of Battle Royales but I do enjoy watching them on Twitch from time to time and I got to say I'm pretty impressed. The idea of building a map out of classic Call of Duty maps was a genius idea, and the addition of slightly goofy things like Zombies and the weapons from that, wingsuits, and a variety of vehicles keeps things fun. Wonder if the helicopters will become an issue.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of Battle Royales but I do enjoy watching them on Twitch from time to time and I got to say I'm pretty impressed. The idea of building a map out of classic Call of Duty maps was a genius idea, and the addition of slightly goofy things like Zombies and the weapons from that, wingsuits, and a variety of vehicles keeps things fun. Wonder if the helicopters will become an issue.

Helicopters seem good for covering terrain, but susceptible to gunfire and seem to just stall and begin to crash when the zone is very small.


Oct 31, 2017
I wonder how much this will split the player base

Multiplayer with a bunch of modes


Battle Royale with 80+players, very player heavy

And the season pass dividing even further

I still need people on my multi... Lol


Oct 25, 2017
Only played 3 matches so not sure how I feel yet about this. It was ok.

I liked a few things immediately. Sliding, punching, breaking through glass, and zombies. Fortnite take note.

Didn't like a couple things immediately as well. Was I having to hold the square button to pick stuff up? Yuck. A tap should suffice. And the graphics style isn't my cup of tea but that is what it is.

Will be playing more when I have time. I'm just glad there's a BR game besides Fortnite for me to maybe give a damn about. I think in the end I'll just prefer Fortnite because 3rd person and the art style, but this could be a pretty good one to play too.
Nov 18, 2017
You can TK in vehicles. I learnt pretty quickly.

This works ok but is nowhere near as exciting as the trailer made out. And it does feel thrown together.

It runs well. But it's not f2p, it's a full price AAA game so my next question is: what longevity will there be with levelling / unlocks and season passes etc?


Oct 25, 2017
Really enjoying it on PS4 so far, I liked the multiplayer beta well enough - wasn't the greatest thing or really that different from previous COD games, but didn't make me want to quit playing either - but really enjoyed the few games of blackout I played on PS4. Will definitely be the go to multiplayer game I think for me and some friends, we all like fortnite (PC) and pubg (PC) enough but not everyone has a PC and the building aspects of fortnite put it a little bit out of reach for most of us in terms of skill ceiling, I always feel like I lose because I'm not good at building and I don't really wanna "practice" building in the game so it becomes a catch 22 of not wanting to play to improve, whereas I feel like I will constantly improve playing more BO4.

It did crash a few times and had a lot of lobby disconnect errors and I'm not really sure this is worth $60 but its sort of the first time Activision is messing with this so it gets a bit of a pass I think that way, more games that try to do multiplayer only $60-100 games are gonna have a tough time in the future. The UI feels better than xbox PUBG although it still feels pretty cumbersome changing attachments and stuff.

Felt a lot better playing this than the battlefield V beta


Oct 25, 2017
I just played it and I can confirm, the game runs extremely smooth and it looks quite nice for what it's doing.
Played it on Pro.

I don't have any uncompressed png screenshots as I'd have to format my flashdrive if I wanted to transfer image to it from PS4 but take these jpg instead just to get a general idea.





Nov 2, 2017
I wonder how much this will split the player base

Multiplayer with a bunch of modes


Battle Royale with 80+players, very player heavy

And the season pass dividing even further

I still need people on my multi... Lol
If anything it will increase the playerbase. Way more people will buy this, and people will play a few games of MP after raging in BR or vice versa.


Oct 28, 2017
I just played it and I can confirm, the game runs extremely smooth and it looks quite nice for what it's doing.
Played it on Pro.

I don't have any uncompressed png screenshots as I'd have to format my flashdrive if I wanted to transfer image to it from PS4 but take these jpg instead just to get a general idea.




This doesnt look that bad


Oct 27, 2017
I just played it and I can confirm, the game runs extremely smooth and it looks quite nice for what it's doing.
Played it on Pro.

I don't have any uncompressed png screenshots as I'd have to format my flashdrive if I wanted to transfer image to it from PS4 but take these jpg instead just to get a general idea.



I feel it's 1080p on pro though. Isn't it ? Hope final is higher. I preordered on Xbox one X anyway. Just got a PS4 code to try it earlier.


Mar 1, 2018
Just watched a stream, someone was being shot in a helicopter and it was slightly on fire. They went to land it in the water to put the fire out and as soon as they touched the water it exploded's COD...what I've seen looks hella disappointing. This is light years away from the sandbox that is PUBG.

How is that the case? I haven't had the chance to play it yet but from what I've seen and know of the mode, it excels at being a proper sandbox far better than PUBG. More ways to move around the map, more ways to engage other players and more ways to modify your character and abilities. All while being more polished.


Oct 30, 2017
Must say I'm impressed.
Did not expect anything and all of a sudden I play a smooth military BR on PS4.
Everything feels right so far - gunplay, movement, performance.

Really cool they pulled that off without any major problems.
Only things that happened was a few disconnects and one crash.

Best was #6 just before I had to quit.
Will be exciting to see how it will fare on PC as I have most of my regulars there.

This could be huge if they don't mess it up somehow.


Oct 25, 2017
Thing is all of those top streamers play on PC and as such they are struggling with the controller a lot.
I'd say Lirik is basically the only one who's playing decently right now.

Funny thing is that I was watching Shroud, read your post and swapped to Lirik and then realized they're in the same squad lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Tried to redeem a code for Xbox to play with friends but since I already redeemed one for ps4 they won't give me another. Anybody else run into this problem?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel it's 1080p on pro though. Isn't it ? Hope final is higher. I preordered on Xbox one X anyway. Just got a PS4 code to try it earlier.
Well I'm pretty sure I saw some checkerboarding artifacts. You can probably see then in the images I posted (one of the trees in I think the 2nd image). So I'd assume it's rendering at higher than 1080P. I can't confirm as my TV itself is 1080P but aliasing was pretty rare so I'm expecting some sort of downsampling.


Oct 28, 2017
Tried to redeem a code for Xbox to play with friends but since I already redeemed one for ps4 they won't give me another. Anybody else run into this problem?

I was able to redeem a PS4 code after I had already redeemed an Xbox code. I just had to log in w/ my PSN info instead of my Xbox Live. So try that.