What mode are you going to play first?

  • Campaign

    Votes: 1,203 62.2%
  • Special Ops

    Votes: 31 1.6%
  • Multiplayer

    Votes: 699 36.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Something miraculous happened last night. Spawns flipped for me on Picadilly. It was such a surprise that I was actually disoriented for a second.

Playing in domination lastnight on this map, we had A side (which means we were destined to lose) the other team did a good job of keeping us in our spawn but pushed too hard and flipped things, we took C and then B, won 200-199. We were all laughing because they HAD the win but fucked up and flipped the spawns, giving us the advantage once we took C.

But yeah, that map is so damn unbalanced. A good team should never lose if they have C side.


Oct 27, 2017
Working on Officer challenges last night I discovered that Thermite is really fun. Seems surprisingly easy to stick people with it and you just watch them flail around and burn to death, not knowing what to do.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I miss Black Ops. Yes, number 1.


First COD where I really got addicted. While the graphics, the style, the presentation and so on were absolutely not on par with the Modern Warfare games, even with its issues it felt like a more balanced, more coherent experience. I think BO2 is the superior game, but BO1 was absolutely amazing for the times, no doubt. I'd absolutely play a remaster of that, too.


Oct 28, 2017
First COD where I really got addicted. While the graphics, the style, the presentation and so on were absolutely not on par with the Modern Warfare games, even with its issues it felt like a more balanced, more coherent experience. I think BO2 is the superior game, but BO1 was absolutely amazing for the times, no doubt. I'd absolutely play a remaster of that, too.
blackbird ks is the best. no1 can camp :]


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I take it you didn't like the past CODs? If so, I understand why you like this. Longtime COD players (COD4 onwards), like me? Yeah, we hate it. This promotes camping and super slow movement and that's it. It heavily punishes those who move hence why you see matches end via time limit instead of score (which is insane to see in TDM matches). Attachments, footsteps, sprint speed, ADS time, etc. all promote a slower playstyle. I'm fine with the devs wanting to keep camping stuff in to help less experienced players, but not at the expense of those who want to run 'n' gun.

Man, I have been playing Call of Duty and talking about issues that need to be fixed about it on the net for a very long time, and this is easily the most noise I have ever heard about very specific issues in the game, in particular the map design and the OP weapons (725, claymore and M4). Even the akimbo shotguns of MW2 didn't kick up as much of a stink as this. Infinity Ward will have to act quickly. Those issues alone deserve their own patch at this point, it would be well received at least.

There's noise because it's shit. This is the shittiest COD game I've ever played. It's like the devs don't know their own fanbase. If I wanted to play something slower, I'd play Siege. If I wanted large scale warfare that's not half baked, I'd play Battlefield.

This reminds me of Homefront multiplayer.

I've said it before, if anyone from Infinity Ward posts or visits here, I will pay actual real money to watch them play. Heck, have them do it and donate the earnings to charity. Only caveat is they need to play in random matches and not be in a squad. I really, really want to see them do well and how they deal with the shit spawns, shit maps, shit weapon balance, and overall camping.

Mind, I still have a positive K/D and I'm pissed. Imagine those who go 2.5 K/D in past CODs who go negative here.
Actually, I've been playing since WaW (didn't own a PS3 when CoD4 released). My favorite 3 CoDs have been BO2, MW2, and BO1, in that order. This generation of CoD just didn't really hit with me like the last gen's. Like I mentioned earlier, with the exception of Ghosts and BO4, I enjoyed them enough despite my issues with them to keep playing through the year, but none of them ever made me go "Ya, they really got it this time" like the three that I mentioned. Ghosts maps I felt were literally Swiss cheese, and I was not a fan of the TTK, so I dropped it after prestiging twice and went back to BO2. BO4 I was tired of the specialist abilities, and wasn't a fan of the reworked lethals/removal of tacticals, and even that mode that removed specialist abilities wasn't enough to keep me interested, so I dropped it after first prestige.

AW I liked, despite some of the weapon variants being pretty broken (probably helped that I got lucky and rolled the Obsidian Steed BAL in the first week of play), BO3 was fun until specialists started to wear on me after a few weeks, IW I actually skipped until mid-year because the beta reminded me too much of Ghosts, and combined with two other things that really grated on me (BO3-style specialists and AW-style weapon variants) I just didn't want to bother. I did end up enjoying it when I did get it though, but it's my least played CoD by virtue of picking it up so late in the cycle, and my shooter gap that year was filled with Titanfall 2. WWII I found mostly inoffensive. I didn't think it was bad, but I didn't think it was outstanding either.

Assuming they make changes to increase game speed, people are just going to go from bitching about shotguns and the M4, to bitching about everyone running around with the flavor-of-the-month SMG, because that's how this always goes.

As an aside, I've somehow managed to maintain the same k/d for the last decade (0.8-0.9, I never said I was stellar at the game), all through different feeling games, including this one. Really, the only change that I made to my playstyle is that I don't go barreling around corners anymore, and that's netting me the same results kill-wise I was getting back in BO1 when I was running around with the AK-74u.


Oct 26, 2017
Houston, TX
One more spec ops left. So done with that mode. It is nice to get randoms who roll medic and play smart. Still, that mode just seems like such an afterthought. It reminds me of a mod from Arma 3. Not something I'd expect in a AAA title.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
Am I nuts are does this game seem to strongly resist flipping spawns? At least in TDM there are times where it's plainly obvious one team has been pinned in a corner of the map and the game will just keep respawning them there no matter what. Like at some point for the pure mercy of the situation I think they should flip the spawn.


Oct 29, 2017
BFV is so much more fun right now and I still have The Outer Worlds sitting on my shelf.
I think I was in the same ballpark right now. Then I had a ultra-fun S&D match yester day with friends on voice and people on the server who actively worked together, fake planting/defusing, fake and/or block nades on objective, covering each other, flash and go in fast and brutal. It felt almost like back in the day with CoD 4 and Clanbase and ESL era. Not 100% because communication wasn't that on point and there's no Pro mod that balance out all the incompetence of IW like in CoD4. Still, it was fun.

Right now I only play S&D, and HQ inbetween. TDM and Domination is a clusterfuck with these horrible map designs, OP guns and some gadgets. Ground War feels so outdated with non-destructable environment we're used to since Bad Company and especially when BF1/V is still a thing. Played it once or twice in beta and never want to touch that abomination of game mode again; the game is simply not designed for that mode.

But anyone struggling with joy right now I'd recommend to team up with at least one or two friends and play S&D and HQ, and maybe Domination.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Am I nuts are does this game seem to strongly resist flipping spawns? At least in TDM there are times where it's plainly obvious one team has been pinned in a corner of the map and the game will just keep respawning them there no matter what. Like at some point for the pure mercy of the situation I think they should flip the spawn.

yep I notice this often on Piccadilly and st Petrograd. Sometimes it seems like You could go the entire game and not get a spawn flip.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I think the people who are arguing "play slow and tactical, you could do this in every CoD lul" are fucking insane, and the fact that virtually every single TDM and KC match, even on the smallest maps, are ending on timeouts proves them wrong. If that's the kind of game you want to play that's totally valid, and I have no problem with it being viable here. But most timed modes ending in timeouts every single match kind of directly shows how much slower this game plays compared to all of the others and it's a valid complaint from people who are expecting a much faster paced game from CoD like it has been, you know the past 10 years or whatever. Crazy!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My friend and I could only stomach half a match of KC. It was so low scoring, we would kill a camper and go for their dog tags just to get murdered by another camper watching that camper camp.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry guys but I think Ground War shouldve been delayed and packaged with the BR mode

in its place shouldve been 4-5 more 6v6 maps. Poor man's battlefield and i appreciate the effort but its too much resources spread too thin. And BF releases just two maps and blows everything out of the water

I think the game can be fixed but IW too stubborn to change ghost and scorestreaks. is pointman significantly useful?

softer footsteps, nerfs to claymores and better counterplay, spawn tweaking and trap tweaking, and red dots on minimap

im convinced those are enough in addition to consistent map content.

i trust they can do it, but the lack of maps is especially dire when 3 of them suck
Oct 25, 2017
The game forgetting my selected challenge today is driving me up the damn wall.
legitimately about to drop this game until some actual fixes happen.


Jan 29, 2019
I want to see an option for scorestreaks that is more efficient than killing, but exclusively progresses from playing objectives. Like stealing a point gets you 5 kills of progress or something beefy. No perk required.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
So I'm basically new to CoD and have some questions:

1. Why is the stopping power so low on stuff? I don't see much reason to use all but one of the pistols, or to use the SMGs as anything but a backup weapon, simply because you can light someone up and not get a kill. Nobody would use a weapon to defend themselves that couldn't kill after a few shots, or at least severely disable.
That being said, I rarely use semi auto mode on the assault rifles as well just because I might as well use automatic, since a few well placed single shots wont do the trick in time (that time being when someone just gets behind cover and wolverine-heals themselves).
Is there any reason to use non-sniper/shotgun semi auto stuff? Are pistols worth it at all?
They seemed to be realistic in their design except for stopping power, despite the fact that the firerates, effective range, and accuracy of weapons were all engineered with their respective stopping power in mind.
So the AK47 will have a ton of recoil, like it would, as it fires a large round with a high fire rate, but it doesn't get much benefit to make up for that like it does in real life. It's just odd is all, and Im not sure how to evaluate weapons in this game.

2. I don't mind it as much as I thought I would when I was an outsider looking it, but it seems some of the best options are ones that don't really involve fighting folks at all. The vitol plane, the auto turret, claymores, trip mines, and the remote control stuff, for example. Is this normal for the series?

3. Is it also normal to be spawned a few steps from an enemy sightline or was that just bad luck?

4. Are headshots not 1 shot?

That being said, Im having a lot of fun with the game, and just finally got the AK, the gun I wanted the entire time, and I love it. Wish its bullets were stronger. It feels like 3 shots to the upper body isnt a kill at times.


Oct 25, 2017
Assuming they make changes to increase game speed, people are just going to go from bitching about shotguns and the M4, to bitching about everyone running around with the flavor-of-the-month SMG, because that's how this always goes.

Nah, the next thing is apparently complaining about shields and, of all things, I've even seen complaints about knives.

Most of the complaints I see come from TDM/KC players, which is silly to me. The objective modes play really well, and I guess I don't mind campers that much because in Headquarters and SnD the enemy team is fully expected to be camping, with run and gun/flanking maneuvers being only for surprise, not the norm. I'm trying not to complain too much about the detractors but I'm just so tired of it. You're getting a 725/M4/claymore nerf, it's been a week, chill.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I nuts are does this game seem to strongly resist flipping spawns? At least in TDM there are times where it's plainly obvious one team has been pinned in a corner of the map and the game will just keep respawning them there no matter what. Like at some point for the pure mercy of the situation I think they should flip the spawn.

Spawn flipping is low key the biggest issue with the maps. Because spawns don't flip you're stuck in a corner and also campers are more effective in camping since they know that the spawns didn't flip.

Piccadilly is the biggest culprit but it can happen on many of the maps, even the "better" ones like Gun Runner.

Fixing that makes the game at least 50% better
Oct 25, 2017
Apologies for the question (I've tried searching through the mobile site, but it only brings up a ton of other threads.):
Is anyone else playing on 1X still experiencing crashes and/or shutdowns?
Never got them last week, and figured with the 1.06 update they had been patched out, but I got my first shutdown last night, and wasn't sure if it was absolutely the game, or perhaps the Elite 2 controller I started using for the first time last night.
Also is there an easy way to search posts in just this thread on mobile?
(I'm assuming there is, but I'm probably just missing it.)
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.


Oct 25, 2017
Treyarch used to have studio livestreams for every update where occasionally Vonderhaar and the boys would play public matches. It was pretty fun to watch them play.
IW should do the same thing, but I don't see that happening.

LOL! Not going to happen. Can you imagine the devs doing this and getting spammed with claymores, and them camping in one corner for the duration of the livestream? I honestly want a petition for this to happen and I will pay $100 to see it; IW can give the money to charity.

Any takers? If so, let's get this ball rolling and see what IW has to say.

I would give them the time to review how Battlefield V improved visibility in patches, as when it comes to the multiplayer I think most of their design is poorly implemented second-hand ideas.

It's like the MP design director just wanted to throw away years of shooter evolution.

We got that with WWII and it was the best damn COD this generation.

RIP Sledgehammer Games.

It got good when Condrey was fired from his post and I seem to remember that some devs didn't directly say it, but hinted that it was Condrey who was stubbornly holding on to his gameplay ideas.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the next thing is apparently complaining about shields and, of all things, I've even seen complaints about knives.

Most of the complaints I see come from TDM/KC players, which is silly to me. The objective modes play really well, and I guess I don't mind campers that much because in Headquarters and SnD the enemy team is fully expected to be camping, with run and gun/flanking maneuvers being only for surprise, not the norm. I'm trying not to complain too much about the detractors but I'm just so tired of it. You're getting a 725/M4/claymore nerf, it's been a week, chill.

I don't really care for HQ/SnD (I gave up on HQ because almost every match was going to timeout), but I play mostly Domination and the problem with camping there is on most maps the team that gets B can hold it easily because there's just SO MANY fucking sightlines. Like let's just take Grazna as an example; there's approximately 20 ways you can get shot crossing the street, getting into the middle cluster of buildings at B, then while you're trying to take B, both at ground level and vertically. Smoke grenades will get you to a point, but anytime I see someone smoking a point I'm just chucking gas and molotovs on it and killing them.

I think ultimately the slower game speed is what aggravates me more than anything. You're spending a full 15-25 seconds to run to get into possible combat or objective play only to get killed instantly by someone camping in a corner. And while that's always been a thing, it's much more significant in this CoD with all of the other factors in play. Increasing base player movement speed is an absolute must I think to keep a lot of people on board with this entry; the downtime between respawning and combat is just way too long compared to past entries, and it makes it all the more frustrating when you get oneshot by a camper. I'm curious to see what they do.

Also I guess it's people watching streamers and youtubers, but I'm actually seeing way less M4/725 action (still a lot of 725 action though) and way more riot shields and knifing. Knifing is annoying as hell but not broken, but they gotta do something about riot shields, if you don't have a grenade or explosive on hand you're fucked most of the time if the riot shield player is competent, and even if you have a grenade half the time they switch to a 725 and oneshot me as soon as they see me start to switch off my gun.


Oct 26, 2017
Most of the complaints I see come from TDM/KC players, which is silly to me.

Based on... What? Some of y'all are real good at coming up with reasons (or excuses) why others aren't having a good time. They're playing wrong game modes, they're using the wrong weapons, they're playing the wrong way, they just want more Black Ops, usually based on pretty much nothing.

You're just gonna have to suck it up and deal with the fact that maybe others genuinely aren't enjoying the game, and are voicing their frustrations because the experience could be so much better, with some smaller and bigger tweaks and fixes.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the next thing is apparently complaining about shields and, of all things, I've even seen complaints about knives.

Most of the complaints I see come from TDM/KC players, which is silly to me. The objective modes play really well, and I guess I don't mind campers that much because in Headquarters and SnD the enemy team is fully expected to be camping, with run and gun/flanking maneuvers being only for surprise, not the norm. I'm trying not to complain too much about the detractors but I'm just so tired of it. You're getting a 725/M4/claymore nerf, it's been a week, chill.
Haven't heard anyone talk about knives yet, but I've definitely had friends complaining about the shield. I don't seem to have issues taking down shield players, and I've definitely run across people that know how to counter it when I've played with it. I think it's mainly people panicking when they run across a shield and have to think quickly on how to use the environment against them.

On your other point, what's wild is that I play TDM and KC almost exclusively and I don't really relate to the complaints other players are having. You're right about objective modes. I've fucking loathed Dom in every CoD prior to this one. I don't see myself playing it super frequently, but I do put it into my playlist filter now after giving this iteration a shot.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the next thing is apparently complaining about shields and, of all things, I've even seen complaints about knives.

Most of the complaints I see come from TDM/KC players, which is silly to me. The objective modes play really well, and I guess I don't mind campers that much because in Headquarters and SnD the enemy team is fully expected to be camping, with run and gun/flanking maneuvers being only for surprise, not the norm. I'm trying not to complain too much about the detractors but I'm just so tired of it. You're getting a 725/M4/claymore nerf, it's been a week, chill.
imagine thinking objective games modes are better without score streaks. sure


Nov 3, 2018
Based on... What? Some of y'all are real good at coming up with reasons (or excuses) why others aren't having a good time. They're playing wrong game modes, they're using the wrong weapons, they're playing the wrong way, they just want more Black Ops, usually based on pretty much nothing.

You're just gonna have to suck it up and deal with the fact that maybe others genuinely aren't enjoying the game, and are voicing their frustrations because the experience could be so much better, with some smaller and bigger tweaks and fixes.

Now thats a great post.


Oct 25, 2017
Based on... What? Some of y'all are real good at coming up with reasons (or excuses) why others aren't having a good time. They're playing wrong game modes, they're using the wrong weapons, they're playing the wrong way, they just want more Black Ops, usually based on pretty much nothing.

It's based on the fact that TDM has never been particularly balanced and the videos I see people upload to complain. People who run blind through doors without spotter, take long-range weapons indoors and get shotgunned, people who don't use tac equipment on campers or anticipate their spots. It feels like they want reaction time and aim to decide everything, but that's not what the devs are going for this time.

Haven't heard anyone talk about knives yet, but I've definitely had friends complaining about the shield. I don't seem to have issues taking down shield players, and I've definitely run across people that know how to counter it when I've played with it. I think it's mainly people panicking when they run across a shield and have to think quickly on how to use the environment against them.

Yeah I thought they were annoying at first, but now? Instant molotovs, done. If they're good it turns into a kind of cat and mouse game with them trying to bait the explosive, but most of them aren't good.

imagine thinking objective games modes are better without score streaks. sure

Imagine thinking scorestreaks aren't in the game?

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Nothing feels better than murking some [MAGA] shitheads while sporting a [impch] tag myself. I'm doing my part.