
Oct 28, 2017
"Suka blyat" in case grandma tries to steal your after eights.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
One of my previous jobs gave out overtime (triple pay) on Xmas day and double pay on Boxing day. Best thing ever man. Nobody bothered you and no managers to hassle your ass. and best part?


Damn right. How can I sit and enjoy The Great Escape at home when I'm being nagged to peel potatoes and shit? Much rather come to work in pyjamas and return home to have a feast waiting for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Perhaps it's the bah humbug in me, but I think I'd enjoy Christmas a whole lot more if it wasnt for the giving or receiving of presents. Sure, I'd still get the kids some because Im not completely a heartless old cunt, but fuck me the task of buying people stuff when they dont tell you what they want is just intolerable.


Oct 25, 2017
Kids+Christmas=less drinking but the joy on their faces is so worth it. When you're looking up at the satellite to see Santa's sleigh is amazing - the awe they have is pretty amazing.

Although my geeky 7 year old worked out last year that it was physically impossible for Santa to deliver all his presents in one night due to basic physics. Told him it was magical but I'm pretty sure he thinks that's bollocks.


Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps it's the bah humbug in me, but I think I'd enjoy Christmas a whole lot more if it wasnt for the giving or receiving of presents. Sure, I'd still get the kids some because Im not completely a heartless old cunt, but fuck me the task of buying people stuff when they dont tell you what they want is just intolerable.

I usually try to argue that I don't want anything anyway, but no, Star Trek socks it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'd never not buy the kids in my life something for Christmas. Funnily enough they're the easiest to get stuff for. Thank fuck for Christmas lists. At least socks are useful :)


Oct 26, 2017
I'll be spending my second Xmas in my own home. Decorations going up this weekend. 4 Xmas do's next week including the first Era Xmas meet up. Star Wars and my birthday celebrations the week after. Much Xmas present buying and wrapping in the coming weeks. Xmas day will be Buck's Fizz and scrambled egg with smoked salmon for breakfast, open presents, prepare Xmas dinner with all the trimmings, in laws over for dinner. Boxing Day I'll be driving to Wales for a 2nd Xmas with my mum, brother and his family.


Oct 25, 2017
the wife and I are hosting for the first time, which is a bit stressful as we don't really have the room for 8 people, but I'm sure it'll be a nice day.

Got turkey and beef ordered from Costco, all the food planned out meticulously, presents bought already...

TBH I'm just desperately trying to claw back that lovely magical christmas feeling, as I've found it depressing as fuck the past few years. Hopefully this year is better.

If not I'm just going to drink a lot.

Last night the old boy said he was going to start doing some early shopping for Xmas prezzies. I had a sudden moment of genius and clipped the cat's pet tracker onto the back of his belt.



Oct 27, 2017
dunno if anyone else gets the BBC news flashes on their phones but they're beginning to really annoy me, the BBC just reports on normal media BS now rather than actual news. Is donald trumps twitter accounts really a "newsflash" worthy item?


Oct 27, 2017
dunno if anyone else gets the BBC news flashes on their phones but they're beginning to really annoy me, the BBC just reports on normal media BS now rather than actual news. Is donald trumps twitter accounts really a "newsflash" worthy item?
He is retweeting Britain first though, should be grounds for suspending his account.


Oct 27, 2017
I just think it getting more media attention is exactly what he wants, he's like piers morgan
Oct 27, 2017
dunno if anyone else gets the BBC news flashes on their phones but they're beginning to really annoy me, the BBC just reports on normal media BS now rather than actual news. Is donald trumps twitter accounts really a "newsflash" worthy item?

One could say the same thing about any news item about the royal family. BBC is garbage nowadays anyway. The writing on the website has been going downhill for years. So much clickbait and typos. And to think, BBC once prided itself on great journalism only for it to be edited and handled by suit buffoons.


Oct 26, 2017
news is all clicks and memes now. At this point anything he does is like, oh cool, move on.

Twitter used to be an amazing place, shame it became such a political correctness echo chamber of if you don't agree I block you to protect my own views.

Generally old media and news is pretty interesting, I mean they used to have complete control of what you heard.

Papers dictated your views and what to do as did news stations etc now with the internet and almost instant information on what is going on around the world from various different viewpoints and backgrounds it's really fucked the whole thing up for old media, so they've been really caught out, that's why "fake news" doesn't actually shock me as they're drilling for the views/clicks/rt's/ and attempting to protect their $$$ and assets.

Mr. Sam

Oct 26, 2017
I was gonna say, if he's anything like me: "Hmm, he seems to be spending a lot of time... in the living room. Interesting."


Oct 26, 2017
So who else had snow today? It snowed briefly in central London around lunchtime. Still snowing in Stevenage right now

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
the wife and I are hosting for the first time, which is a bit stressful as we don't really have the room for 8 people, but I'm sure it'll be a nice day.

Got turkey and beef ordered from Costco, all the food planned out meticulously, presents bought already...

TBH I'm just desperately trying to claw back that lovely magical christmas feeling, as I've found it depressing as fuck the past few years. Hopefully this year is better.

If not I'm just going to drink a lot.


I think it's because without presents and/or children, Christmas is a bit nothing. It's just cooking and grandparents otherwise. Now us old nerds have all the things we want and no-one to share it with (yet). It's all our fault for pushing kids back to our 30s.


Nov 2, 2017
had a massive carvery earlier and I feel like I'm going to burst

still room for hot fudge cake and ice cream tho, naturally


Oct 31, 2017
That's how Fridays are supposed to be spent. That's why you have a pub lunch and knock off work early for hair of the dog, fucking amateur.
Right here. When I worked in a call centre, working hungover actually got me better sales because I didn't give a shit which worked. Hungover work has it's advantages as long as you have easy access to a toilet.


Oct 25, 2017
That's what you get for going to Luigi's Party rather than Mario's. Everyone knows you only attend Mario Parties.


Oct 27, 2017
Driving Examiners are on strike today and tomorrow. I am meant to be having my driving test tomorrow. Won't know if it's cancelled or not until I get there. Gah.


Oct 27, 2017
On strike? How come?

The BBC can explain it better than I can (link), but the new driving test is in place as of today. Along with the new test, there are changes to working conditions for examiners, which the union is not happy about. They are also not happy with some of the changes to the test.

I've been searching through social media to see if anyone in my area has posted something online about their test being cancelled today, but I can't find a thing. Will just have to wait and see tomorrow.


Oct 26, 2017
The BBC can explain it better than I can (link), but the new driving test is in place as of today. Along with the new test, there are changes to working conditions for examiners, which the union is not happy about. They are also not happy with some of the changes to the test.

I've been searching through social media to see if anyone in my area has posted something online about their test being cancelled today, but I can't find a thing. Will just have to wait and see tomorrow.

Why not just call the place and see if they are or not doing tests?