
Oct 31, 2017
We could have toppled them last Saturday, keep the faith (also I slipped £20 on Wales)!

Edit: Will be watching Scotland demolish Australia myself, in frosty Edinburgh.
Man you guys are amazing atm and yeah you guys were close! You'll get Australia easily I think. Haha thanks for the bet but I really doubt it since even Georgia gave us a run for our money. At least we're letting new players play so will be good once they get the caps.


Nov 15, 2017
Wahey another Cardiff resident! You know if the Christmas market has sprung up in town yet? Gotta get a bratwurst asap.

Haha yes it has! I haven't had one yet this year but I walked past the other day and saw thousands of them hanging over the fire! Incredible! The stalls are really good this year too to be fair.

Also I'm pretty sure Depot is having a burger festival this weekend.


Oct 31, 2017
Haha yes it has! I haven't had one yet this year but I walked past the other day and saw thousands of them hanging over the fire! Incredible! The stalls are really good this year too to be fair.

Also I'm pretty sure Depot is having a burger festival this weekend.
Oh really? Might have to check it out but usually Depot is so packed/full of hipsters it's hard to get in. Thanks for the heads up!


Oct 25, 2017
So - officially Christmas now, just had my first Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks.

Each year they taste worse.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Sup BritERA, I'm flying to London next week for 5 days - will I be ok with 300 pounds or should I bring 400?


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, it depends what you want to do and what you've already paid for.

Museums are all free, so there's that.
Yeah I should have mentioned - accommodation is all taken care of.
I'll be traveling with 2 other friends we're all in our mid 20's. I guess most of the budget will be spent on food, drinks and a lil' bit of shopping.

J tourettes

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I should have mentioned - accommodation is all taken care of.
I'll be traveling with 2 other friends we're all in our mid 20's. I guess most of the budget will be spent on food, drinks and a lil' bit of shopping.
You can eat from a supermarket on the cheap, get good burgers and fries from honest burger for about 11 quid.

Depending when and where you drink, your money could last as little as one night or as far as all five.

What area are you staying in?


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
You can eat from a supermarket on the cheap, get good burgers and fries from honest burger for about 11 quid.

Depending when and where you drink, your money could last as little as one night or as far as all five.

What area are you staying in?
We are staying in north west, Finchley area at a friend's family house. Not the best but as long as it's free no complaints!

J tourettes

Oct 28, 2017

J tourettes

Oct 28, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if you have shares in Sam Smith pubs
There the best pubs in London, by far for me. I do fucking love them. Not been in one since they banned swearing earlier this year, not sure how strictly they're enforcing it.

Still that could help with my potty mouth getting cleaned up for the arrival of my daughter.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a Yorkshire pudding wrap at my local German market (yeah, I know). It was great, but not really worth 6 fucking quid.


Oct 25, 2017
Giant Yorkshire pudding containing either turkey, beef or pork, with stuffing, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy. It's a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a Yorkshire pudding wrap at my local German market (yeah, I know). It was great, but not really worth 6 fucking quid.
There's one here in Sheff too. Haven't tried it - I suspect they're all quickly jumping on a trend, where if you go to the original stools that did it it'd be great, but otherwise it's just your standard 'acceptable' Christmas market stool fare.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll never understand drinking at home, just feels like drinking for the sake of it.
Oct 27, 2017
The Christmas market in Edinburgh and Manchester are the only 2 UK-based Christmas markets that I enjoyed going to. I'm probably guessing that London has authentic shit going for it too (I'd be surprised if it didn't) but every other market I've been to during this period are so terrible. Glasgow's one especially given its just people selling fake snow, cheap shit toys and there's only one drinking spot (a hut/cottage of some sort) where people are required to stay in in order to drink (I believe because of the outdoor/public drinking ban or perhaps the organisers required a special license that they don't have) that place usually gets filled up and you end up getting stopped by bouncers and wait a while to get inside just to buy a drink. Maybe other markets in Glasgow are different but this one was last year near St Enoch Centre (city centre) and it was just depressing. Lacked the xmas feel and spirit of markets that were present in Berlin and even the Manchester and Edinburgh one. Street food was alright mind you. Nice mix of hot grub.


Oct 26, 2017
There the best pubs in London, by far for me. I do fucking love them. Not been in one since they banned swearing earlier this year, not sure how strictly they're enforcing it.
Still that could help with my potty mouth getting cleaned up for the arrival of my daughter.

grats on finding out it's a daughter. Personally I'm fairly foul mouthed too so dunno how long I'd last in one of those pubs.

Weekend was relaxed, cooked roast beef on Saturday had a couple bottles of Cava (getting in that classy christmas life) Sunday played a lot of south park which is pretty good.

I drink at home, nothing major, but it's nice on an evening to wind down and play games/watch tv with.


Oct 28, 2017
I saw the Chuckle Brothers at Bestival 2015 - likely the best 23 minute set I've seen. Mr Blobby was in the crowd presumably moshing as well.


Oct 26, 2017
The Christmas market in Edinburgh and Manchester are the only 2 UK-based Christmas markets that I enjoyed going to. I'm probably guessing that London has authentic shit going for it too (I'd be surprised if it didn't) but every other market I've been to during this period are so terrible. Glasgow's one especially given its just people selling fake snow, cheap shit toys and there's only one drinking spot (a hut/cottage of some sort) where people are required to stay in in order to drink (I believe because of the outdoor/public drinking ban or perhaps the organisers required a special license that they don't have) that place usually gets filled up and you end up getting stopped by bouncers and wait a while to get inside just to buy a drink. Maybe other markets in Glasgow are different but this one was last year near St Enoch Centre (city centre) and it was just depressing. Lacked the xmas feel and spirit of markets that were present in Berlin and even the Manchester and Edinburgh one. Street food was alright mind you. Nice mix of hot grub.
Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park is awesome, but gets really crowded on weekends so I usually take a day off and go in the week


Oct 30, 2017
Hello UKERA. Just came back from the London a couple of days ago. London was as beautiful and awesome as the first time I went, but I was stopped by police at the customs (both times), King Cross and while I was walking to the Big Ben. All times police was nice and just asked where I was from (Costa Rica) and checked my passport. I am white, but I have a prominent beard, so maybe that was it? I don't think less of the City for those small incidents, but I think is sad such a nice City lives in that state of panic. I had kind of the same issue in Paris, so obviously my looks is causing the problem, but the point still stands I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
Hello UKERA. Just came back from the London a couple of days ago. London was as beautiful and awesome as the first time I went, but I was stopped by police at the customs (both times), King Cross and while I was walking to the Big Ben. All times police was nice and just asked where I was from (Costa Rica) and checked my passport. I am white, but I have a prominent beard, so maybe that was it? I don't think less of the City for those small incidents, but I think is sad such a nice City lives in that state of panic. I had kind of the same issue in Paris, so obviously my looks is causing the problem, but the point still stands I guess.

This sounds really weird to be honest with you, it's not that bad here at all, to hear you got stopped twice is really strange..


Oct 30, 2017
This sounds really weird to be honest with you, it's not that bad here at all, to hear you got stopped twice is really strange..

Not at all, I know. My two friends did not have any problems, and even last year when I first went there I did not have any problem. Again, it was just a weird coincidence I think. People were always nice, but I guess I had a bad luck.

Dat post 9/11 TSA racial profilin' brah. Might wanna start trimming your beard.

My beard was even longer the first time I went there. But, I'll try next time.

Mr. Sam

Oct 26, 2017
My girlfriend, who is half-Indian, feels like she was racially profiled on our way home from Berlin (she was taken to one side and patted down, I was not). By her own admission, she's more likely to be mistaken as Hispanic than anything else.
Oct 27, 2017
Moving swiftly on to a brighter note, Who's looking forward to lazying around the house next month? :D Xmas! Fat guys in red suits! lazy mornings! stuffing faces! presents! All that materialistic over-indulgent shit! Yay!!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm hoping to minimise interaction with other people and get on with my gaming backlog for that week.
Merry Christmas!
Oct 25, 2017
Outside Perth Scotland
The hubby said we should go on holiday this year. Normally I'd chew his arm off for a trip abroad, i'd be packed before he finished the sentence, but this year I can't be arsed. The thought of organising everything, then getting on a plane and going to a hotel and doing activities. Nah. This year, I fancy just visiting friends and family, having a few parties and get togethers with the neighbours, seeing the New Year in and spending the rest of my time under the quilt, in front of the telly, stuffing my face with chocolate and whatever booze happens to be nearest


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I'm working Xmas day again (which, to be honest, I actually kinda like) but then I'm sodding off down to Cornwall for a few days afterwards to spend some time with the family. Getting fat and going surfing seems like a good way to kill some time before new year.


Oct 25, 2017
The hubby said we should go on holiday this year. Normally I'd chew his arm off for a trip abroad, i'd be packed before he finished the sentence, but this year I can't be arsed. The thought of organising everything, then getting on a plane and going to a hotel and doing activities. Nah. This year, I fancy just visiting friends and family, having a few parties and get togethers with the neighbours, seeing the New Year in and spending the rest of my time under the quilt, in front of the telly, stuffing my face with chocolate and whatever booze happens to be nearest
he probably just wants you nowhere near the new TV
Oct 27, 2017
I'm working Xmas day again (which, to be honest, I actually kinda like) but then I'm sodding off down to Cornwall for a few days afterwards to spend some time with the family. Getting fat and going surfing seems like a good way to kill some time before new year.

One of my previous jobs gave out overtime (triple pay) on Xmas day and double pay on Boxing day. Best thing ever man. Nobody bothered you and no managers to hassle your ass. and best part?



Oct 26, 2017
The best part of christmas is the fact that normal taboos of drinking in the morning get absolutely destroyed.

Snowball at 7:30am, sure why not. CAVA by 9am SUREEE GO ON THEN!

J tourettes

Oct 28, 2017
My Christmas routine has been trashed over the past couple of years. This year I've got the wife's rents over so it'll mostly be drinking her dad's moonshine whilst attempting to communicate in Russian, badly.