
Oct 28, 2017
Great for Mistborn visibility but unfortunate for me as I'm not interested. Not gonna be mad at it though.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it's finally out! Yes, we're doing Kelsier in Fortnite.

So what's going on behind the scenes? Well, Donald Mustard (director of Fortnite) is a friend of mine. We worked on Infinity Blade together back in the day. So, he asked if I was interested in sticking Kelsier into the game--and I thought it was cool. So we've been working on that for a few months.

Like I said (and several of you confirmed in this thread) it's not something I expect my general fanbase to go crazy over--but it's nifty, and I hope it will be fun for those of you who enjoy both properties. It's also been a blast to work with the Fortnite team.

They'll release more, but don't expect a huge crossover event. It's just a little fun thing that I'm doing with my friend, who happens to have accidentally made one of the most popular games of all time.



Oct 25, 2017

Not how I pictured Kel at all. This guy is way too young to be him, right?


Oct 25, 2017

Not how I pictured Kel at all. This guy is way too young to be him, right?
For some reason when I was reading through Mistborn I always pictured Kel, and consequently any Skaa, as the same race as Freya from FFIX. Don't know why, but it always just kind of made sense to me. It was weird seeing pictures of him and other characters as humans.


Oct 25, 2017

Greetings, all! Brandon here with another update on your book. Short version, the rough draft is finished!

Before I get on to the longer explanation, I want to apologize. I planned to give you an update between the first one (which you can read here) and now. Turned out, the timing around early July proved difficult, and by the time I had a chance to work on an update, the book was almost done. I figured I'd just wait until it was.

That said, the book is finished at 149k words. It has an extra beefy epilogue, as this is the end of Era Two, and I wanted to make certain to linger just a little extra with the characters and the setting. I also thought that doing this book at 50% longer than the previous three in the series felt right. It is, hopefully, a very nice send off to what turned out to be one of the most rewarding accidents of my career.

Plan is, I'm afraid, to publish the book NEXT year. I have been pushing hard to get things done this year so my team can get to a place where they have more time to work on books. Rushing to do production on each one and have it ready just a few months before publication is proving too difficult. I don't want my team to be stressed or burn out.

So, our schedule looks something like this: I'll launch into a second draft starting on Friday, and do a solid revision ending sometime mid September. Then the book will go to my editor and beta readers, followed by two more revisions (one substantive, one a polish) sometime in spring when I need a break from Stormlight 5. Then proofreading and continuity can be done the rest of the spring with a turn in sometime in the summer for a publication in November. (This should coincide with the first two books being published as a leatherbound special edition.)

I've already started turning my eyes toward Era Three, which will be my main big project following the completion of Stormlight 5. My goal there is still to write three novels, 200k words each, back to back like I did with Era One. We'll see how that works out! Between now and then, I still need to finish Skyward 4, Stormlight 5, and (most likely) the Horneater novella about Rock.

I will plan to roll around and give you another update later in the year, perhaps once I know better my schedule for 2022 in regards to the third and fourth draft.



p.s. Some of you might have noticed, but I've been extra bad at responding to my DMs lately on reddit. Livestreams and weekly updates on YouTube are gobbling away at my social media responding ability. I do still see most everything people tag me in, but often it's weeks after the tags, so I don't get around to responding.

Likewise, as is my habit, I won't have replies here sent to my inbox--so I apologize if I don't see or respond to your comment here, though I will try to look them over.

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Mar 25, 2020
W&W4 next year, Stormlight 5 will be 2023 then?
Yep, end of 2023 or potentially early 2024:
And, theoretically, I'll be finishing the fourth Skyward book soon thereafter for a release about a year after that. We're looking at spring of 2023 for that, and then Stormlight Five in 2023 fall. I think that's what we're looking at. And I am warning up front, Stormlight Five is the ones I will let slide a little bit if I need to. Because it's the end of a sequence, and the deadline doesn't need to be as strict because it doesn't bump back things as much. So it's possible that Stormlight Five goes into the spring of 2024. We'll see what happens there.


Oct 28, 2017
Finally, that'd be great to see.

That and more of Dusk and Threnody.

Grain of salt on that one. Someone asked if he has plans for Warbreaker 2 and he said "Tentative ones" before mentioning between Stormlight 5 and 6. So don't get your heart set on it just yet.


Mar 25, 2020
In the replies to the reddit update, Brandon said he'd love to do Warbreaker 2 in-between Stormlight 5 and 6.
I am pretty skeptical, if only because he has mentioned doing Elantris 2 and 3 in the same slot quite a few times in the last year. The guy writes like crazy, but if Stormlight 6 is really coming in 2028, then he needs to fit all of those books in the 40 months or so between fall 2023 and early 2027. If each 200k book takes him about 9 months and he also writes some novellas or YA/middle grade… things are already getting tight in there.

Nov. 2020


Any news on an Elantris sequel?

Brandon Sanderson

No news. I want to do this between Mistborn Era 3 books, is do some Elantris. But I'm gonna have to see how things play out in writing those books. It depends on a lot of factors.

I do plan to do them, still, just like I plan to do one Warbreaker sequel. But I have to balance these things, because I also want to do some new stuff in the cosmere, with new planets. Like, we need to do the Aethers. They're relevant to space-age cosmere, so I need to have at least a book or some novellas to get you used to that magic system, as well.

Jan. 2021


I just wanted to ask you if the Elantris sequels are still in the pipeline between SA 5 and 6 or is Mistborn era 3 the only thing in that timeframe?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm going to have to see. My goal is to write Mistborn era three straight through, without publishing the first one until the last one is done. If so, I'll need a break between books, but I don't know if I can squeeze Elantris sequels in there or not. I plan to try, but we'll see.

April 2021
So, those are all things that you could see in the interim, between. What you're not gonna get is a Mistborn novel or a Stormlight novel for a number of years, as I work on the Mistborn books. In a perfect world, I'm writing Elantris Two and Three then, as well. So I get done with those five books, each of which I plan at 200,000 words (which is the length of Elantris and the original Mistborn trilogy). Which, when I work on a Stormlight book, I do 400,000 to 500,000 words in eighteen months. And so, we would see how these other ones would turn out. One a year, plus change, basically. And then I would jump to Stormlight six.

July 2021


Any chance for a sequel [to Elantris]?

Brandon Sanderson

The chance for a sequel to this is pretty decent. I hope to get to it. My goal is to write them after Stormlight 5, but we will see.


Oct 25, 2017
I am pretty skeptical, if only because he has mentioned doing Elantris 2 and 3 in the same slot quite a few times in the last year. The guy writes like crazy, but if Stormlight 6 is really coming in 2028, then he needs to fit all of those books in the 40 months or so between fall 2023 and early 2027. If each 200k book takes him about 9 months and he also writes some novellas or YA/middle grade… things are already getting tight in there.

We shall see, I guess.

perfectly balanced

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One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Now let's see how long it takes for the Skyward 4 (Defiant) draft 1 bar to go from 0 to 100%

My guess is that he finishes either by December 31st or during the first week of January.

Watching Brandon's progress is a spectator sport.


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
When it comes to Warbreaker, Sanderson wavers between "I would like to do this very soon" and "It might never happen because of other projects", so I'm not holding out much hope. If it happens, great.
Oct 25, 2017
Tbf one of my big selling points for Warbreaker is it being a self contained book and not some series, so that might be better (even though I would love a sequel).


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, so I'm about 40% of the way through rhythm of war (no spoilers pls) and I'm just wondering what are people's thoughts on Venli?

And when I say that, I am asking for your thoughts specifically, reader, but also what is the general communities thoughts on Venli?


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, so I'm about 40% of the way through rhythm of war (no spoilers pls) and I'm just wondering what are people's thoughts on Venli?

And when I say that, I am asking for your thoughts specifically, reader, but also what is the general communities thoughts on Venli?
Don't know about the community's thoughts on her, but I thought she was unlikable and wished the book was about Eshonai instead.


Sep 22, 2020
Just finished Skyward which I picked up as it was cheap and liked it enough to pick up the sequel. Going on a bit of a Sanderson binge shortly with the skyward sequel, Rythm of War and The rythmatist. Would do Dawnshard but it's a little close to home atm as I'm stuck at home unable to walk properly atm.

I like Sanderson a lot but wondered if anyone had any recommendations for any other more recent fantasy authors? I've read the usual suspects.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Hi, so I'm about 40% of the way through rhythm of war (no spoilers pls) and I'm just wondering what are people's thoughts on Venli?

And when I say that, I am asking for your thoughts specifically, reader, but also what is the general communities thoughts on Venli?
I think most people are basically lukewarm on Venli. I didn't have any particular issue with her, but I also don't think we got much from hearing the Eshonai flashbacks over again from her perspective.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished Skyward which I picked up as it was cheap and liked it enough to pick up the sequel. Going on a bit of a Sanderson binge shortly with the skyward sequel, Rythm of War and The rythmatist. Would do Dawnshard but it's a little close to home atm as I'm stuck at home unable to walk properly atm.

I like Sanderson a lot but wondered if anyone had any recommendations for any other more recent fantasy authors? I've read the usual suspects.
I like Michael J Sullivan, Brian McClellan, NK Jameson and Brian Stavely.

I've also heard good things about Evan Winters and RF Kuang


Mar 25, 2020
I like Sanderson a lot but wondered if anyone had any recommendations for any other more recent fantasy authors? I've read the usual suspects.
I just finished the first two books in The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu and thought they were great. It's a Chinese-rooted fantasy, with the first book as a loose adaptation of the Chu-Han Contention. Book 3/4, which conclude the series, are both done and going to be published in November and next year (April is planned), respectively, so there won't be any long wait either.
Oct 25, 2017
Hi, so I'm about 40% of the way through rhythm of war (no spoilers pls) and I'm just wondering what are people's thoughts on Venli?

And when I say that, I am asking for your thoughts specifically, reader, but also what is the general communities thoughts on Venli?

Im one of the few people that like Venli. I get why everyone would prefer Eshondai but 1) I really liked Eshondai death back in the previous book. I thought it was very brutal. 2) I appreciate the difference in perspective she brought by not being another soldier (though I did prefer her chapters in book 3)
Dec 11, 2017
Thinking about diving into this series, starting with Mistborn. I mostly read non-fiction, so I'm hoping I'm not in over my head here. Plenty of fun ahead?


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
First post in this thread, but I'm now completely caught up on Mistborn, having finished Secret History tonight. Elantris and Emperor's Soul are the only other Cosmere books I've read so far, and Elantris is good to have down before Secret History.

Era 1 was enjoyable. The Final Empire was definitely my favorite book of the three by a good margin, I just liked the big fantasy heist setup. Vin was also at her best in this book, IMO. Well of Ascension is my least favorite Sanderson book so far. I liked the idea behind it but it just felt lacking in execution. Hero of Ages was better with some great highs, but the scope of the conflict just got a little too out of hand for my preference.

I wish I hadn't put off Secret History until after era 2. Definitely something to read while era 1 is fresh, especially Hero of Ages. I struggled a little remember the exact sequence of events while trying to piece everything together. An attentive reader seeking out questions and answers can make the connections in era 2 without Secret History. I managed to, at least. If you overlook some of those details, I can see where some events in Bands of Mourning might be more surprising without having read Secret History. Sanderson described this as a pretty disjointed story, and I'd agree. It's an interesting read with appropriate context, but it wouldn't work at all otherwise.

Era 2 was a lot better IMO. The magical power in era 2 is generally nerfed compared to era 1, and that results in a lot more interesting and in-depth use of what is available. My taste is definitely for more limited (or even a complete lack of) magical abilities. I also like the relatively smaller scale of the conflict that helps it feel more grounded. More "people dealing with people problems." Cast is also a lot better. In particular, I think Marasi has the potential to be the best written Sanderson character I've experienced and I really hope he sticks the landing with her character arc in the last book.

Warbreaker is next, then Stormlight Archive. The length of those books is pretty daunting.


Oct 27, 2017
First post in this thread, but I'm now completely caught up on Mistborn, having finished Secret History tonight. Elantris and Emperor's Soul are the only other Cosmere books I've read so far, and Elantris is good to have down before Secret History.

Era 1 was enjoyable. The Final Empire was definitely my favorite book of the three by a good margin, I just liked the big fantasy heist setup. Vin was also at her best in this book, IMO. Well of Ascension is my least favorite Sanderson book so far. I liked the idea behind it but it just felt lacking in execution. Hero of Ages was better with some great highs, but the scope of the conflict just got a little too out of hand for my preference.

I wish I hadn't put off Secret History until after era 2. Definitely something to read while era 1 is fresh, especially Hero of Ages. I struggled a little remember the exact sequence of events while trying to piece everything together. An attentive reader seeking out questions and answers can make the connections in era 2 without Secret History. I managed to, at least. If you overlook some of those details, I can see where some events in Bands of Mourning might be more surprising without having read Secret History. Sanderson described this as a pretty disjointed story, and I'd agree. It's an interesting read with appropriate context, but it wouldn't work at all otherwise.

Era 2 was a lot better IMO. The magical power in era 2 is generally nerfed compared to era 1, and that results in a lot more interesting and in-depth use of what is available. My taste is definitely for more limited (or even a complete lack of) magical abilities. I also like the relatively smaller scale of the conflict that helps it feel more grounded. More "people dealing with people problems." Cast is also a lot better. In particular, I think Marasi has the potential to be the best written Sanderson character I've experienced and I really hope he sticks the landing with her character arc in the last book.

Warbreaker is next, then Stormlight Archive. The length of those books is pretty daunting.
As someone who is currently going through wheel of time I feel ya. My only recommendation is to read a different author between books


Oct 30, 2017
How does he keep doing this


Oh and fucking Shallan going Mr. Robot too god damn

I'm emotional

To be fair I've been waiting for anything to happen for....1000 pages. So much slow worldbuilding and little tiny reveals about the world and cosmere connections. It's been worth it for this. Damn.

Uncle Sensei

Oct 25, 2017
So after putting it off for years, I've finally read through all the books of stormlight archive. . . And now I don't know what to do with my life. How long til late 2023?


Sep 22, 2020
Have been reading a lot of Sanderson lately, but have found it very easy to burn out on it quickly so instigated a different author at the end of each Sanderson novel to keep it fresh. Done the two Skyward novels (first was definitely better than the second) and the Rithmatist which was ok. I'm hesitating on Rythm of War, partly because it feels like I should read Dawnshard first. Problem with that is that it feels a little too close to home atm due to being off work with leg issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Have been reading a lot of Sanderson lately, but have found it very easy to burn out on it quickly so instigated a different author at the end of each Sanderson novel to keep it fresh. Done the two Skyward novels (first was definitely better than the second) and the Rithmatist which was ok. I'm hesitating on Rythm of War, partly because it feels like I should read Dawnshard first. Problem with that is that it feels a little too close to home atm due to being off work with leg issues.

You can read Dawnshard later and be ok. There's just a few small details that get hinted in RoW from Dawnshard.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey! First time posting in this thread!

I've been making my way through Stormlight for the second time on audiobook and I decided to check out Warbreaker in between Oathbringer and RoW. I was pretty surprised by it. Both by how much I ended up enjoying it, and by how many things are left unanswered. Having read Stormlight and both Mistborn eras, I was used to getting explanations for things, but I left Warbreaker with a ton of questions.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, and it makes some of the Warbreaker tie-ins you find in RoW all the more interesting for what they seem to imply.

I also read the whole of the currently published Mistborn books only after finishing RoW (Stormlight was my introduction to the Cosmere) and I'm realizing how much magical overlap there is in RoW. It's really cool being able to recognize and even predict how some things work that aren't even mentioned. For instance:
I instantly recognized that the shardblade resistant metal the Fused fought with must have been aluminum, and during the parts of Navani's fabrial lecture that mention the metal cages, the function of the metal roughly matches what the metals allow Allomancers to do on Scadrial


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
There are notes on each story's title page for what you should have read first.

The only one that's debatable is Secret History. IMO it would be best right after finishing the original Mistborn trilogy. Especially if you're an active reader that tries to piece things together while you read. I waited until after Bands of Mourning to read it, but wish I hadn't. Would have been easier to follow right after Hero of Ages, and the connections were things I pieced together just from information in Era 2, so it wouldn't have "spoiled" anything for me.


Oct 25, 2017
There are notes on each story's title page for what you should have read first.

The only one that's debatable is Secret History. IMO it would be best right after finishing the original Mistborn trilogy. Especially if you're an active reader that tries to piece things together while you read. I waited until after Bands of Mourning to read it, but wish I hadn't. Would have been easier to follow right after Hero of Ages, and the connections were things I pieced together just from information in Era 2, so it wouldn't have "spoiled" anything for me.

I can agree that reading it after the first trilogy is fine, but its not debatable at all that its massive spoilers for all things Mistborn...


Oct 26, 2017
I just read again Wax & Wayne books. I'm ready for book 4.... shame I will have to wait a year.