
Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
I know you mean well, but you're inadvertently sending people to potentially harass him.
No, I'm trying to figure out why this particular rumor got so much traction. This is a news outlet reporting on information in the public record, information that has been spreading far and wide. That outlet's history deserves scrutiny.

I saw a Game Informer article citing this DirectFeedGames channel, which from a quick Google search has a history of being incorrect. Game Informer also cites their own sources - can't speak to that one. But as I posted earlier, what I've heard echoes what Brad Sams has heard.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't understand what's going on with these rumours.

Obviously MS wants GamePass on switch and we can assume Nintendo would be reluctant.

But what I don't understand if a GP deal is not being neogatiated between the 2 companies why is MS releasing Ori and possible Cuphead on Switch (MS don't give a shit about revenue from sales of these games on Switch).
Could be the devs pushing for it. It's happened with Sony a couple times and they allowed the devs to put the game on Steam/mobile (Helldivers, Everyone's Gone to The Rapture, Flower and Journey).


Oct 26, 2017
No, I'm trying to figure out why this particular rumor got so much traction. This is a news outlet reporting on information in the public record, information that has been spreading far and wide. That outlet's history deserves scrutiny.

I saw a Game Informer article citing this DirectFeedGames channel, which from a quick Google search has a history of being incorrect. Game Informer also cites their own sources - can't speak to that one. But as I posted earlier, what I've heard echoes what Brad Sams has heard.

Yeah, I heard your take on that podcast you participated in last week. But the speculation was a runaway train at that point. The source and their on/off history definitely deserved more caution I think.

I totally think MS would like this to happen, I definitely think MS might be prodding Nintendo about the possibility, but I also think there's many reasons Nintendo might not want full-throated gamepass access on Switch, or why it might take some time to figure out how it might happen. People were very dismissive of the potential risks for Nintendo in gamepass as a distraction from their own direct platform offerings, be they first or third party, particularly longer term, but I think those probably weigh heavily, especially for a company with Nintendo's history and how it's operated to date.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
I don't condone harassment and I hope people don't do that to the linked people here.

But it's time to recognize and point out the people who have a bad record. We already don't allow some Twitter insiders to be postsed here, I think it's fine to expand the number of banned sources or at least point out their record. We need to stop keeping people in the dark out of fear of harassment.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah Game Pass on Switch never made sense to me.

Xcloud on Switch does make sense, and game pass on Xcloud makes sense (Xcloud is the platform, the platform is not the device used to access Xcloud), but unless MS are doing native ports of all their first party games, Game Pass (a service by which you pay a subscription and then download many games) makes no sense for Switch.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No, I'm trying to figure out why this particular rumor got so much traction. This is a news outlet reporting on information in the public record, information that has been spreading far and wide. That outlet's history deserves scrutiny.

I saw a Game Informer article citing this DirectFeedGames channel, which from a quick Google search has a history of being incorrect. Game Informer also cites their own sources - can't speak to that one. But as I posted earlier, what I've heard echoes what Brad Sams has heard.
I get that and I even said that. But linking his Twitter is just going to send a bunch of negativity his way and no one should have that because they got a rumor wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
Vail, CO
I think it grew out of the very strong rumors of certain Xbox properties on Switch, such as Cup and Ori, and even Lucky Tales ... I think those games if multiple sources are right are instead native in nature, and published by MS. Like Minecraft


Oct 25, 2017
All those journalists and insiders decided to collectively lie about it, I find it pretty funny.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
I dont see it happen because of this - people who get pissed of because such news would probably look up the person themselves to send them a message.

But maybe im too naive.
From experience I can say people are nuts. I received death threats for saying that Smash Grinch rumor was fake
Oct 27, 2017
The "will he won't he" of whether Bonesawisready5 buys an Xbox continues.

I'd love it on Switch but I'm tempted to buy another Xbox after a year or two off. Waiting until e3 seems best maybe that $200 Maverick model will release tho original models can be had used for $150 some places


Oct 27, 2017
I think it grew out of the very strong rumors of certain Xbox properties on Switch, such as Cup and Ori, and even Lucky Tales ... I think those games if multiple sources are right are instead native in nature, and published by MS. Like Minecraft
Ori and Cuphead makes sense because they want people to get familiar with the IPs and the buy or get the Xbox for the sequels. Pretty much what 3rdPartys do when they drop the new AAA title on PS4/Xbox and the old Remaster on Switch.

From experience I can say people are nuts. I received death threats for saying that Smash Grinch rumor was fake
Okay - thats obv. messed up....didnt know people take this shit so serious.

Deleted member 30005

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
What of the near-term @schreier. If Ori is releasing on Switch, it makes sense to do that under the PlayAnywhere banner, right?


Jan 5, 2018
Could be the devs pushing for it. It's happened with Sony a couple times and they allowed the devs to put the game on Steam/mobile (Helldivers, Everyone's Gone to The Rapture, Flower and Journey).

Maybe but I don't know why MS would put Xbox exclusives on Switch and devalue the Xbox Platform & GP with their future roadmap needed their exclusives to sell consoles & GP.


Oct 27, 2017
Some are but I don't think it's that simple

I think either in this case, the rumour is true and as this guy is prominent his sources are pouring cold water on it to quell the rumours

Or, and I think this is more likely, the PR people are starting to spread misinformation to catch leakers. With what went on with Metroid Prime Trilogy, and now this, they clearly are being told stuff that's not true.

I don't think they're just making it up.

Ive always wondered about this, and whether they would try to spread false information to weed out leakers.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Says something specific isn't happening between MS and Nintendo but then says something is happening between them but he doesn't know what it is... lol.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
the last two years havent been very good for Nintendo insiders, Yikesboyardee


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't condone harassment and I hope people don't do that to the linked people here.

But it's time to recognize and point out the people who have a bad record. We already don't allow some Twitter insiders to be postsed here, I think it's fine to expand the number of banned sources or at least point out their record. We need to stop keeping people in the dark out of fear of harassment.
It would be a shame if you got warned/banned for this because this comment is 100% fax
You and a few others like bear force one have been spot on in this thread


Oct 29, 2017
Says something specific isn't happening between MS and Nintendo but then says something is happening between them but he doesn't know what it is... lol.
It's the other way around, he first said that he confirms that something is happening between them but that he couldn't confirm if it was gamepass, and now he was told that Gamepass/xCloud ain't it.


Oct 26, 2017
All those journalists and insiders decided to collectively lie about it, I find it pretty funny.
Could've just been a bad source. Or Brad and Jason don't have the right sources. I hold Jason extremely highly though and there'd likely be many people involved in something like this, so if he hasn't heard anything, I'm more likely to lean on it's not happening.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This rumor always felt like the result of people misunderstanding what the XDK's upcoming Switch support would look like. It didn't help that much of the press were reporting it as "Xbox Live coming to Switch", which at best indicated they had no idea what they were reporting.

While the XDK stuff on its own would mean MS is invested in the platform on some level, there's a huge difference between that and one of MS's services actually running on the system.


Oct 28, 2017
Nintendo making their own gamepass confirmed.

MarioPass play all Mario games for $299/month!

Day one.

Deleted member 4093

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No, I'm trying to figure out why this particular rumor got so much traction. This is a news outlet reporting on information in the public record, information that has been spreading far and wide. That outlet's history deserves scrutiny.

I saw a Game Informer article citing this DirectFeedGames channel, which from a quick Google search has a history of being incorrect. Game Informer also cites their own sources - can't speak to that one. But as I posted earlier, what I've heard echoes what Brad Sams has heard.
Just give us star fox grand prix and we straight


Oct 28, 2017
Vail, CO
MS just might want some of those sweet Switch sales. I imagine they look at performance numbers, and the fact that most Indies sell better on Switch has not escaped their attention. Also, the sales of Minecraft on Switch have been pretty impressive. Smoke has definitely been there, even before the GP rumors

I could see the less demanding games such as Ori and Cuphead as a possibility. Hell, Ori cannot be that intensive because I can play it in Steam via Wine on my MacBook Pro - which is way harder to do


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe but I don't know why MS would put Xbox exclusives on Switch and devalue the Xbox Platform & GP with their future roadmap needed their exclusives to sell consoles & GP.
They are already on Steam, so they probably don't mind as much about that. And Ori on Switch would be great marketing for Ori 2 on Xbox/Windows.


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
I can imagine them bringing Ori and/or Cuphead to Switch and allowing you, if you choose to, to log into Xbox Live and earn achievements while playing on Switch. That is where the Xbox Live on Switch will end for the time being. The other option is obviously to play without having a Live account and at least MS will still get your $$ for the game purchase.


Jan 5, 2018
Their roadmap needs them to sell more GP, not more consoles.

That's what im saying. How does putting 2 exclusives (Ori & Cuphead) on Switch sell more GP when there is 2 less games that are exclusive to GP/Xbox Platform. If either of them were key games I wanted to play I just purchase them on switch instead of GP.


Oct 25, 2017
This rumor always felt like the result of people misunderstanding what the XDK's upcoming Switch support would look like. It didn't help that much of the press were reporting it as "Xbox Live coming to Switch", which at best indicated they had no idea what they were reporting.

Yeah a lot of the articles that were written about that panel lost the plot and stacked a lot of fuel for the GamePass rumor to run with.