
Oct 27, 2017
Some manager at Ubi got a fat bonus last year for taking free money

If not they sure deserve one lol.

You would think that Google would 'only' have to pay for the cost of the ports, so that every copy that is sold is instant profit for Ubisoft. However, Ubisoft instead got their cake, ate it, and then asked for more.


Oct 27, 2017

LMAO I didn't even know The Division 2 was available on Stadia

The problem with this take is that it isn't an either/or situation. You have to have both of those things to succeed. Google was never willing to do the groundwork in the trenches to become a serious competitor in this industry.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
That ET
Now hold on a second. The picture may be real, but someone just *has* to have snuck in and replaced the Game Boy, Wii, etc. with this stuff. It's just a little *too* on-the-nose. There is no way management signed off on literally putting E.T. on a pedestal, when it's renowned for being one of the all-time biggest industry failures.

They dug up the ET cartridges from the landfill for that documentary, so there is plenty of room for Stadia Controllers.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
I dont say stadia hasnt issues. I mean the platform is perfect in terms of "hardware". Its by far the best cloud that there is. But than you have those games.... there were about 400 already in the running? On the other side you have ps5 that has huge stock issues. Its also the first console were most games will still be crossgen for a longer term than we ever have seen. I'm not saying thay stadia will get a boost soon, but in my imo, it will grow more and more. But those who are deciding which game should be ported are not on the right place. Who choose rdr2 over gta5 anyway when it comes to reaching most people. Again more and more on reddit comments about switching to stadia becausre skipping ps5... (multiple reasons)
This is....quite a take.


Oct 27, 2017
Its so bizarre to me that the stadia team was willing to spend tens of millions of dollars licensing games but didn't want to spend the money getting those games into users hands as irritant free as possible. Why didnt they have a period where you could just play any stadia game for a flat $10/mo fee?

The second you tell someone "you can play these games... but you gotta pay $60 each... " is the second you lose a LOT of interest. Instead tell them "pay $10 now, and for the next 30 days you can play any of these 100 games as much as you want". You WILL get a fuck ton of people who try it out. And some of them will decide to stay.

Its just so bizarre to me they wouldn't spend the extra $10... 20... 50? million it woulda taken to tell all these developers "look, we'll give you $5/mo for each person who plays your game, its just a way to get the stadia user base big".
This kind of launch sounds like it'd be extremely difficult to manage. They didn't have anywhere close to 100 games at launch (the 100th game to appear on Stadia was Assassin's Creed Valhalla) and the launch itself was hardware-gated so if they had managed to get millions of people interested in that launch, they wouldn't have been able to accommodate them. Once that period ended they'd be back to the same business model they have now, which I think would be difficult to sell (and difficult even to explain to people).

It's perhaps also worth noting that a Stadia Pro subscription (which is free for the first month) has been adding and subtracting games each month, but generally has been adding more than subtracting, and currently offers access to several dozen games. If paying US$10 for a month of access to 100 games was going to attract significant interest, there should be some moderate level of interest in paying US$0 for a month of access to around 28 games. There doesn't seem to be.

I'm surprised Google didn't try to get Call of Duty on the system. Wonder if Activision didn't consider it worth it or maybe their price was too high even for Google
We don't know that they didn't try. All we can say for sure is that they didn't succeed.

My expectation is that they approached every major publisher and made similar offers to them all - millions of dollars in return for each big-name game. The big names that exist on the service now are from publishers who said yes, but not all of them would have wanted that.

They paid $20 million for TWO Ubisoft ports?

What the fuck?
They got fleeced.

They probably knew that they were getting fleeced as well, and accepted it as the reality of trying to enter the market. They were going to publishers asking them to shift development to include Stadia. Publishers would have pointed out that this meant allocating resources away from their other projects (or hiring new people and devoting resources to training them). They'd have said that instead of working on Stadia ports, those developers could be helping to release games sooner, or making ports for other more established platforms, or working on updates for released games. As a new entrant in a weak bargaining position, Google didn't have many ways to respond to that other than just asking publishers to name their price.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
To add some clarity to the "reddit Stadia community is growing and people are ditching the PS5 for Stadia" idea. Here is a Google Trend graph on the popularity of Stadia and PlayStation 5 as search terms on Google.


Here's a link to Google Trends if anyone wants to test it for themselves.
Google Trends


Oct 29, 2017
Night City
Everything involving Stadia is just hilarious. Imagine burning this much money to rehash the OnLine model that has already failed. While internet infrastructure is garbage and data caps exist.

Just what the fuck was anyone expecting?


Oct 27, 2017
It works wired. Not sure if they'll ever make it work wireless. It does have a Bluetooth radio inside it but that's only used during initial pairing.
Oh interesting last time I tried connecting it wired nothing was really happening on Steam guess I either messed something up or something changed then, I remember looking in Google Reddit people said the same thing, gonna try again tomorrow thanks


Apr 10, 2019
Oh interesting last time I tried connecting it wired nothing was really happening on Steam guess I either messed something up or something changed then, I remember looking in Google Reddit people said the same thing, gonna try again tomorrow thanks
Weird. It's HID compliant so should work like any other HID controller. I double checked online just to make sure I wasn't mis-remembering and yeah that seems to be the case. Not sure if it was like that to begin with or updated later. But yeah, give it a shot again, it should work.


Oct 27, 2017
You keep seeing it, corpos salivating at the mouth for those game industry profits, they rush in grovelling and foaming with their special executive business room ideals on how to squeeze microtransactions out of the freshest live service obsessions.
Anthem, Avengers, Stadia, Luna... just reek of that special kind of big brain business room decision making on the quickest way to fleece the customer.
$9.99/mo to be able to play a full priced title that vanishes into thin air the minute their eyes latch on to the next big sparkling thing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So it was never, "Developers saw the power of THE CLOUD and bought in." It was Google overpaying publishers to such a degree that yes, of course we'll put the game on your ass-backwards service because you're literally giving us free money."

That's exactly what it looks like. Can't believe more people on the inside didn't see this for what it was and what the inevitability was.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Stadia is technically still alive, so it could possibly make it to three Quibi's before it dies. No way it makes it to four Quibi's though.
amazing how some people are given money just to burn, but i can't get funding for my owl cafe/comicbook store


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
I think I disagree with Jason's premise here. 90% of products at Google that are managed the "Googley" way fail miserably too


Oct 29, 2017
So as a lot of people suspected in the Google Stadia Development Studios shutting down thread this month, Google had no clue what it was doing with Stadia from a Commercial perspective and will probably abandon the platform in the near future.

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
If Google wants to get involved in the games industry they should start by becoming a publisher and using their overflowing pot of gold to fund the development of promising indie titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Laurel, MD
All these stories are depressing because there is so much I find in Stadia to be fucking great. The people I play it with are cool. The accessibility is cool. It has the best and most consistent performance of any streaming solution I've used. Destiny PvP has a fraction of the networking jank than it has on the other platforms. I can jump on to Destiny from my desk at work, or in bed on my phone, or on my TV with the CCU.

They've blown so much potential here. I've met multiple people on Stadia that didn't play video games before now and I'm playing fucking Destiny with them. That's crazy to me.


Oct 29, 2017
To add some clarity to the "reddit Stadia community is growing and people are ditching the PS5 for Stadia" idea. Here is a Google Trend graph on the popularity of Stadia and PlayStation 5 as search terms on Google.


Here's a link to Google Trends if anyone wants to test it for themselves.
Google Trends

Oh so you doubt Google re: Stadia, but then turn around trust their Trend Search results.

#hypocrisy #logicalfallacy #debateowns



Oct 29, 2017
I think I disagree with Jason's premise here. 90% of products at Google that are managed the "Googley" way fail miserably too

Commercially viable consumer products are not one of Google's core competencies, agreed.

Hell even companies who are extremely experienced at this fuck up a console launch every now and again. It's a very tough industry where you need to thread the needle.


Jan 22, 2019
You keep seeing it, corpos salivating at the mouth for those game industry profits, they rush in grovelling and foaming with their special executive business room ideals on how to squeeze microtransactions out of the freshest live service obsessions.
Anthem, Avengers, Stadia, Luna... just reek of that special kind of big brain business room decision making on the quickest way to fleece the customer.
$9.99/mo to be able to play a full priced title that vanishes into thin air the minute their eyes latch on to the next big sparkling thing.

This is exactly it basically - these modern attempts by tech companies to kind of just dump money on people to jumpstart their entrance into the video game space tend to just blow up or get bogged down forever in various instances of dev and mismanagement hell because they simply just don't have the patience that this industry requires. They see lots of money, think "hey what if we made some of this money?" and expect to be major players inside of a couple years. There is no fast track here. You have to actually put in the effort to make your own shit and build those relationships with partners and the public and that takes time.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
The only person I know who was interested in Stadia was interested because they thought it was $10 a month for All The Games. When they learned it was $10 a month and then you had to buy the games, they were like "wait, what? what's the point?"

(Weirdly, they have an Xbox but not a Game Pass subscription.)


Apr 10, 2019
The only person I know who was interested in Stadia was interested because they thought it was $10 a month for All The Games. When they learned it was $10 a month and then you had to buy the games, they were like "wait, what? what's the point?"

(Weirdly, they have an Xbox but not a Game Pass subscription.)
That's actually a bit off.

You don't have to pay $10 a month to play the games you buy. If you buy a game then you can play it whenever you want without a subscription. Online play is also free so a Pro subscription is not required for that.

The $10 a month is for the Pro subscription. This is sorta like a Games with Gold/Gamepass hybrid. It gives you games you can claim every month plus an expanding list of around 30 games (currently) that you can play regardless when you join. With the Pro subscription you also get a bump in streaming resolution (4k instead of 1080p), HDR, and 5.1 audio plus some special Pro discounts on games.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
That's actually a bit off.

You don't have to pay $10 a month to play the games you buy. If you buy a game then you can play it whenever you want without a subscription. Online play is also free so a Pro subscription is not required for that.

The $10 a month is for the Pro subscription. This is sorta like a Games with Gold/Gamepass hybrid. It gives you games you can claim every month plus an expanding list of around 30 games (currently) that you can play regardless when you join. With the Pro subscription you also get a bump in streaming resolution (4k instead of 1080p), HDR, and 5.1 audio plus some special Pro discounts on games.

Ah, okay. I think this was during the beta phase, wasn't it Pro-only for a while?

In any case, the point is that the $10/month "all the games" subscription, the only think that made them interested in Stadia, didn't exist.


Apr 10, 2019
Ah, okay. I think this was during the beta phase, wasn't it Pro-only for a while?

In any case, the point is that the $10/month "all the games" subscription, the only think that made them interested in Stadia, didn't exist.
When it initially launched it required a Pro subscription. The free tier came out around 4 months after the initial launch (April of last year). But yeah, there is no "one price for everything" subscription. The Pro (if you've claimed every game since launch) I think puts you around 70ish games now. Not every Pro game ends up on the "claim whenever you join" list (like I was saying, it's up to around 30ish now). Ubisoft+ came out several months ago as well which is a subscription that basically gets you access to every Ubisoft game on Stadia.


Oct 30, 2017
Paid tens of millions of dollars per game and did not get them to sign up for a subscription based business model. Wtf Google. The business model is what I think really killed Stadia.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I was going to get a Stadia controller just to try it , but if it doesn't work with Xinput whats the point?