
Oct 30, 2017
You need to get some perspective lol, bitcoin/crypto is a blip on the radar, practically irrelevant, in comparison to other energy use or CO2 emissions like from cars that is killing us. In fact, we generate more energy that goes unused worldwide than crypto even uses to begin with, so even that waste is killing us more than crypto is. Come on. It's like being more scared and upset that someone is threatening you with a sewing needle than the person who has a gun to your head.

But as wasteful as it is, most driving has a point besides doing it, and in a lot of cases there's no other option.

Everyone stops being able to drive, and a lot of people can't work, a lot of people can't eat, a lot of people can't get health care. The way our society is set up currently, without some of that driving people would die.

Crypto, as currently existing, is mostly used as an investment platform and there are a ton of way less energy intensive ways to invest your money.
Dec 2, 2017
So sick of the grifting. People who share their opinion on cryptocurrency should disclose how much they have. Take the mask off already


Jun 25, 2021
the crypto defenders kinda have the same vibe as the ones who go into star citizen threads to defend it
And like the SC threads, it's more about convincing themselves than other people. Anyone looking at this from the outside with a modicum of objectivity can see how fucked up the Bitcoin situation is.


Nov 3, 2017
And like the SC threads, it's more about convincing themselves than other people. Anyone looking at this from the outside with a modicum of objectivity can see how fucked up the Bitcoin situation is.
In both case it's absolutely hilarious how defenders will try to claim that any skeptic do not understand the technology and that is the real issue when it's literally the one thing no one has any problem with it.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
So sick of the grifting. People who share their opinion on cryptocurrency should disclose how much they have. Take the mask off already

I hold a great deal of crypto, but I've been at a loss for years. I'm holding a high risk crypto of a project that is ambitious, so that makes it most exciting for me. I still think proof of stake crypto is cool.
Oct 26, 2017
I wasn't trying to prove it took more. Only that it takes a similar amount of power globally, which it definitely does.

If people are going to come in here and decry Bitcoin for consuming power, I'm hoping they're just as critical of other unnecessary uses of power is all.

Again as I've already stated before, gaming PCs are not consistently on max power consumption so this idea that they're somehow comparable is a bit silly. GPUs used for mining are always on 24/7 and at max performance. I don't know why you continue to disregard the difference in power consumption curve, especially when cryptomining was already estimated to hit 80TWh this year and has actually ended up hitting 130TWh peak consumption throughout the summer. And as more and more people become interested in mining, peak consumption will continue to increase as opposed to gaming PCs whose growth has been a lot smaller than the amount of people interested in crypto.

EDIT: I didn't even realize you ended up getting banned.