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Neo•Geo Saver
Oct 27, 2017
Damn lmao Andre definitely doesn't seem the type to wanna stir up unneccessary shit so it's obvious he feels very strongly about this, as he damn well should given the evidence. Good for him.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Damn. That Muslim comment got me feeling really upset. What an ignorant and ugly POS

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How this Nazi fuck goes from "lslam is bad for gays and women" in one tweet, and then turns around and says its "disgusting" for a Disney princess to have a same sex love interest shows how Nazi fucks don't actually have a genuine concern.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
Good on GX/Andre.

Never liked that Josh Thomas guy and I don't know why. Something about him rubbed me wrong.

I don't really "hang out on Youtube" as much as most people do but GX has my respect.

Only seen a few Bitblock vids but again, something about this guy rubbed me wrong from the few things I've seen.

Not exactly surprised by this. Fuck him.
Oct 27, 2017
Too many of these gaming celebs don't care about being so publicly racist and ruining whatever career or fame they have... what the heck is going on!


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
Also I know he did an Amiibo unboxing video lately where he set fire to a Marina Amiibo.

Apparently he hates the character, but I can't figure out why...


Nov 7, 2017
Hong Kong SAR
You have to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to get banned on Twitter, yet that only seems to have increased his resolve...

This drama could be worth the popcorn I'm poppin right now


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Ignoring and tolerating racists and sexists isn't how we'll progress as a society. We're all with Andre here and I can't quite fathom how some people think it was "dumb" to spread this awareness.


Oct 27, 2017
No human being is beyond redemption. Although many are rightfully disgusted with Josh, I do sincerely hope he finds professional help or his longtime friends like Roger get through to him.
Oct 25, 2017
Ignoring and tolerating racists and sexists isn't how we'll progress as a society. We're all with Andre here and I can't quite fathom how some people think it was "dumb" to spread this awareness.
I've been beating the "Josh Thomas is a terrible person" drum for quite some time, tell Andre thanks on my behalf for compiling all of Thomas's disgusting thoughts into one place for me so I have something to link to next time someone asks me why I find him repulsive LOL.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I kept reading some posters here talking about how ''this is already been known'' and other similar statements, so while I was somewhat aware of the walking trash bag that is Josh Thomas from a thread on the to the old site I just wanted to say thank you brainchild for making such a comprehensive post about the situation, even including a transcription of that shitheel's response which really spared me from having to listen to his crap and giving him views.

I'm glad more people are being exposed to what a pos he is.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
Ignoring and tolerating racists and sexists isn't how we'll progress as a society. We're all with Andre here and I can't quite fathom how some people think it was "dumb" to spread this awareness.

My sentiments exactly.

I kept reading some posters here talking about how ''this is already been known'' and other similar statements, so while I was somewhat aware of the walking trash bag that is Josh Thomas from a thread on the to the old site I just wanted to say thank you brainchild for making such a comprehensive post about the situation, even including a transcription of that shitheel's response which really spared me from having to listen to his crap and giving him views.

I'm glad more people are being exposed to what a pos he is.

You are very welcome.

I felt it truly important to make a comprehensive thread about this, despite some people knowing about Josh's bigotry. He's significant enough in the gaming industry to influence a lot of young minds, and it's important for people to know that the gaming community does not approve of his actions.

The more people that know about his bigoted attitudes, the better.

It's also a lot easier to convey this information when it's all in one place.
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Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
I used to write music for Josh. A couple of (terrible) video intro tunes.

When I heard and saw that he became a hate-filled psycho, I tried to lure him away from that darkness by offering to work with him in exchange for him tempering his spiteful, far-right public persona.

Due to life events, I couldn't meet the deadline (although I had warned him about that possibility) and when I went to profusely apologise, he completely blocked me throughout all social media.

He needs help. He's going down a very dark path from which it is going to be exceedingly difficult to return.
Wow, this borders on cartoon evil.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
It's hilarious that he thinks this is "slander" when Andre's literally done nothing but post screencaps of his tweets in full context.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, I remember this guy doing videos on Wii games.

I can't remember exactly what it was that put me off him, but I haven't watched any of his stuff in a long time.


Dec 22, 2017
Excited for TheBitBlock videos to constantly be on my Youtube recommendations now that they've been revealed as alt-right.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
"My God is better than your God". Pathetic.


Thanks brainchild :) Now I know to never even accidentally give this trash a click.

I was so mad having to listen to his YouTube drivel in order to make a transcription, but at least it's over and done with!

Thankfully, Andre's tweets streamlining the process made it less difficult.
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Oct 25, 2017
I usually just ignore horrible people on the internet, because there are so many, but Josh Thomas is truly one of the worst. Just vile hatred and casual cruelty wrapped up in a grossly gaudy sort of narcissism. Nintendo ought to avoid this guy like the plague - he's toxic to any brand that aims to be inclusive.

Out of curiosity, is Roger's Base still friends with Josh Thomas?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm happy that this is the first time I've heard of this guy....and hopefully the last. What a terrible terrible human


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
All I remember from this guy is his "Skyward Sword controls are perfectly fine" video. Shame he turned out to be such a hateful person.

Deleted member 19742

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
No human being is beyond redemption. Although many are rightfully disgusted with Josh, I do sincerely hope he finds professional help or his longtime friends like Roger get through to him.

Man, I want to believe that anyone can learn from their mistakes and become a better, kinder person, but I don't think this guy's gonna have a chance of that unless he gets help, and I get the impression that nothing short of a miracle will get him to do that.

This guy disgusts me, and yet I sort of pity him. Living a life of blind hatred must be pretty miserable, even if he isn't fully aware of it. Still, pity only goes so far when he wants to spread hate and misery to other people for the most pathetic and shallow reasons.

May fate somehow twist his life around and get him to realize his garbage behavior, and may people continue to call him and other hateful jerks out on their bile.

I'm happy that this is the first time I've heard of this guy....and hopefully the last. What a terrible terrible human

I feel the same way.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
I don't even really know who this dude or Gamexplain are, but I've been aware that this dude is a massive cunt for a bit almost purely by osmosis.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, used to watch this guy YEARS ago before following him on Twitter and seeing his real views. It was pretty gross. He came across as a nice guy in a lot of his older videos (no clue now) but after a while it became extremely evident he was not the kind of person I wanted to support in any way shape or form, regardless of any talent he may or may not have.

Him posting an image of pretend jizz on an Isabelle amiibo didn't really help my thoughts of him either. The dudes a creep and a nutcase.
I originally 1st ran across his YouTube a long time ago, he was a nintendo channel and seemed nice enough plus he was a shoehead. But then for sometimes no reason he was incredibly negative of Nintendo,not in a criticism sort of way but in a way that chased his fanbase away, I eventually heard that Nintendo took away his influencer title which allowed him to play Nintendo games for free for review purposes because he was being such a shithead and then I also ran into his racists views on twitter in a similar manner


Feb 24, 2018
Wouldn't it hurt him more to ignore the guy rather than taking his name and posting on a board?

I really don't understand these public shamings of people, just ignore the fool and let the troll die.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't it hurt him more to ignore the guy rather than taking his name and posting on a board?

I really don't understand these public shamings of people, just ignore the fool and let the troll die.

He's been ignoring him for quite awhile. Didn't work.

Sometimes ignoring someone doesn't make them go away, unfortunately.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Okay this will sound pretty silly but I remember a discussion he had with Rogersbase recently where Jodh way overreacted to the Octoling afro. Like he called it the dumbest thing Nintendo has done or something like that. I just rolled my eyes cause I knew it came from a place of hate when he said that


Oct 28, 2017
Wouldn't it hurt him more to ignore the guy rather than taking his name and posting on a board?

I really don't understand these public shamings of people, just ignore the fool and let the troll die.

Yes because ignoring racism/homophobia etc has such a long history of being successful.

Good on Andre (and others) who call rancid shit like this out.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Wouldn't it hurt him more to ignore the guy rather than taking his name and posting on a board?

I really don't understand these public shamings of people, just ignore the fool and let the troll die.
The social issue of our time is the misogyny, homophobia, and racism spread by young creators who use their platform to influence other young, impressionable minds. It's a poisonous culture of intolerance and hate that has indoctrinated and even radicalized a sizable portion of our generation. Like any other major social injustice of the day throughout history, like slavery, women not having the right to vote, segregation, etc, the answer has never been "ignore it and hope it goes away." Not ever. We have always made progress by confronting hatred and rebuking it. It's our duty as human beings to speak out against hate. Ignoring it has only allowed it to grow unchecked. Ignoring it got Donald Trump elected.

And keep in mind that the people targeted by this hatred don't have the luxury to just ignore it and hope it goes away.
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