
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
There are distinct cracks forming within the Committee right now. We essentially now have two factions in Cody-Nicole and Memphis-Christmas trying to shore up support with Tyler & Enzo as the central pivot in the middle. Memphis is attempting to leverage this current HOH reign to broker more long-term deals and while he's late to the party and making a play for people Cody secured weeks ago, Tyler & Enzo have an incentive to give Memphis consideration in light of the fact that he and Christmas are easily more beatable at the end in a jury vote than Cody.

That said, I'm not at all convinced Tyler is invested in winning this season for himself... he did try to cut and run once on this season after all and may have been co-opted into sticking around solely in service of an end game script that Production would prefer (i.e. a Cody victory).

Memphis may have flubbed his intended back door of David this week but this may well benefit him because nobody in the Committee is worried about Memphis taking a shot at anyone other than David so long as David remains in the house. This is the inherent benefit of having a stated target that's essentially a house pariah. If you're not coming for anyone else and are a vote for the majority, you're safe and sound so long as you're not a pressing jury threat for the end.

For all intents and purposes, Dani no longer has any power or influence within the Committee. With only 4 votes needed to evict anyone now, 5 people can control the game and Dani's sloppy play and nomination of Tyler during her HOH reign has burned her credibility. Oddly enough, despite being a sociopath, I do believe that Nicole's outside the game relationship with Dani was blinding her somewhat to the damage she was doing to her own game but Cody has put in the work to break Nicole away from Dani so he can have her all to himself... and to potentially wield as a means of influence with Christmas via Nicole.

With Da'Vonne getting evicted on Thursday, we will essentially have a 6-3 majority in control of the house. Dani is getting the boot as soon as she hits the block... so I believe she survives next week in only one of the following 2 scenarios...

1) Dani wins HOH herself... and actually follows through with taking a shot at Tyler-Memphis-Christmas
2) Kevin wins HOH; I think David would be prodded into sending Dani out the door; Kevin would be steered towards taking out David

Cody isn't winning HOH. He's throwing everything still.
Nicole isn't winning HOH, either.

If Tyler or Christmas win, Dani's ass is grass.


Oct 25, 2017
I was watching clips of the first All-Stars

I miss George, Marcellas and Will and Janelle and Kaysar


Oct 27, 2017
Love this episode because so many people looked dumb which is super entertaining and this season has been hot garage so at least we got a good episode out of this mess.


Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing how the mayo brigade are all aware of how much the audience hates them and most of them just sit around laughing about it.
I know the fans hate it but they are the golden state warriors right now. You can't fault them from dominating.

I would argue they are not laughing. Most are self aware that they know steam rolling sucks for the show and fans but if I was in their shoes, I kind of would be comfy too and not care what America thinks.


Oct 25, 2017
Da'vonne got into it with David and apparently called him an Uncle Tom which would explain his frustration with her.

I know the vast, VAST unfairness of her constant target status, but Da'vonne is really bad with handling information.


Oct 27, 2017
Da'vonne got into it with David and apparently called him an Uncle Tom which would explain his frustration with her.

I know the vast, VAST unfairness of her constant target status, but Da'vonne is really bad with handling information.
There is nothing unfair with her being targeted this season - Day SUCKS at this game and is an easy number and a very safe nom and vote out. She is an overly emotional player, she has pretty much done everything wrong this game from aligning to the wrong people, isolating herself from the majority of the players, making it well known who she is working with, not seeing the truth from lies, escalating fights, blowing comps, not being clutch to win when it really matter. She has been in the outside looking in since minute 1, she's a constant target because she lost the race before she knew she was in it.

Labor Day is the same, way too emotional to ever win and strategize properly and effectively. This literally just happened, people know she is crazy and call her out for her horrible gameplay: https://youtu.be/k1JNLdPWZxg
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Oct 26, 2017
Nicole falling made my day.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
I know the fans hate it but they are the golden state warriors right now. You can't fault them from dominating.

I would argue they are not laughing. Most are self aware that they know steam rolling sucks for the show and fans but if I was in their shoes, I kind of would be comfy too and not care what America thinks.
We can absolutely fault them for making a pre-game alliance that they knew would steamroll the house long before the game even started.


Oct 27, 2017
We can absolutely fault them for making a pre-game alliance that they knew would steamroll the house long before the game even started.
That's productions failt for hav paper thin or non existant NDAs. It was a joke to think the houseguests didn't talk, it's a sign of the times. And this wasn't going to happen in any way, the chatter online of an all star season was rampant since last winter.

Janelle even admitted to reaching out to Dan as well, she was searching out info on who was coming back.

not defending it, just not gullible to think it wasn't going to happen when 99% of alumni follow each other on social media and do podcasts with one another.


Oct 27, 2017
Da'vonne got into it with David and apparently called him an Uncle Tom which would explain his frustration with her.

I know the vast, VAST unfairness of her constant target status, but Da'vonne is really bad with handling information.
Davonne be killing me. She's the one chucking and jiving for the white folks in this house! She's flat out terrible in this game.

Dank Lotion

Oct 27, 2017
Honestly David didn't really help himself with lying about using his disruption power. He should have read the room and realized NO ONE is playing the game like that at all and everyone would figure out it was him.


Oct 27, 2017
Apparently Tyler and Flag Day are going to tell
Davonne that Nicole voted out Ian in their goodbye messages.

Love it, actually seeing game now!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Why would they do that?
To poison the jury against her. And because they're dicks.

That said, Nicole deserves it but this does boost Nicole's value as a goat at Final 2 should she happen to get that far.

That doesn't really hurt Tyler any but it does somewhat impede Christmas' ability to get carried to the end at Final 3 if Nicole is there.

That said, it also boosts Christmas' ability to win a jury vote should she happen to get there with Nicole.
(Both of which are tall orders as of right now.)


Oct 27, 2017
I mean wouldn't she find out in the jury anyways? Why is she so mistrusting of David?
Haterade mode on: She isn't game smart and does a terrible job of judging people. Wrote off David as a rookie so he obviously has no idea what he is doing compared to her, a 3 time player.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
it sucks that dayvonne is such a fuckin terrible player and that BB3 Danielle couldn't join the cast in her place.


Oct 26, 2017
Haterade mode on: She isn't game smart and does a terrible job of judging people. Wrote off David as a rookie so he obviously has no idea what he is doing compared to her, a 3 time player.

Well she's obviously bad at the game, but I just find it odd she trusts nothing from David but doesn't question Nicole at all?


Nov 11, 2017
Something I've wondered, do they show the evicted houseguests the rest of the goodbye messages after the show, or are the ones they air live the only ones they get to see? And you can obviously tell some of them are edited down, so do they also get to see the uncut versions?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Something I've wondered, do they show the evicted houseguests the rest of the goodbye messages after the show, or are the ones they air live the only ones they get to see? And you can obviously tell some of them are edited down, so do they also get to see the uncut versions?
Apparently they do get to see all of the goodbye messages beyond what gets shown to them immediately during their questioning with Julie.

That said, there is a case to be made that some of the houseguests (most notably the ones playing for TV time) don't care about and/or take in what's said in the goodbye messages outside of that immediate on-air backdrop... but the meaty stuff will likely make it on the air anyhow.

There is also a case to be made that Production may edit out comments that don't steer prospective jurors towards their favored houseguests and/or desired end game outcome.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Don't believe I need to shake up my boot order this week but I will confirm that my winner pick has switched BACK to Cody from Nicole now that she's lost her parachute and only put up a fight to give her cover with Ian in the jury house as opposed to actually keeping him in the game. On Dani's HOH no less. She now has far less room to maneuver outside of her alliance apart from tenuous game relationships with Christmas and Da'Vonne.
Finally missed a boot (although I would've had Day in a hypothetical Bottom 3). Should have known Day would find a way to blow up her game prior to the Final 9. I incorrectly assumed that Nicole and Dani wouldn't lose their Ian replacement shield so soon after losing Ian... but all of that last minute horseshit to allow Nicole to save face after voting out Ian, pinning her vote onto David to sever his association with her and their continued insistence to not have Day nominated last week and to blatantly try and steer her away from the block this week sunk her ship.

It's amusing to me that their side of the house is bleeding to death and they're still so blindly overconfident about their standing in the game. Dani has been a horrible influence on Nicole's otherwise adept game. And even Cody has grown lax about going to bat for them despite the fact that they're completely loyal to him largely because he feels threatened by them accumulating numbers that he can't control and Dani's incessant schmoozing of him while playing very transparent/sloppy in a way that he probably finds somewhat discomfiting given they each have significant others back home.

Cody has options outside of his loyal foot soldier army but they're options that are all keenly aware of his comp/jury/social game threat and I'm not sure that any of them want to go to the end with him apart from Tyler.

Everyone's trying to groom David for a potential jury goat slot but I'm not sure anyone has found a way to crack the code and talk game with him effectively prior to Christmas this afternoon. I think I may need to start referring to her as the David Whisperer if their pow-wow gains traction beyond the short-term.

Here's how I see Thursday's HOH competition playing out...
- Da'Vonne will be evicted (it was looking like a 6-1 vote earlier today; may now be a 7-0 after Day's veto ceremony speech)
- Memphis can't play
- Nicole will continue to throw
- Enzo will throw HOH but he will fight for POV so he can get Dani up on the block under a Tyler/David HOH reign
- Cody will throw once Kevin is out
- Christmas will throw once Dani is out
- If either win HOH out of self-defense, we will likely see Kevin/David noms with a Kevin boot unless he wins POV
- Tyler will throw once Dani AND Kevin are out; if he wins HOH out of self-defense, he will likely backdoor Dani unless he feels confident he can steer the vote against Kevin without losing David

That leaves David, Kevin and Dani who will actively be pushing for an HOH win irrespective of anyone else's standing in the competition. I believe Dani will throw to Nicole/Cody if they're the only ones left in the competition a la the wall endurance comp.

If David wins HOH, he will target Dani outright. Likely nominating her alongside Nicole.

If Dani wins HOH, she will put up Kevin/David and entertain taking another shot at a backdoor of Tyler.
Christmas might also get blown up once David gets thrown on to the block.

If Kevin wins HOH, that's where things get fun. He was talking earlier tonight about Cody/Memphis noms to blow up the house.
However, because this is BB22 and we can't have fun things, Kevin will not win HOH.
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Nov 6, 2017
Watch this. Kevin literally calls it 100% and she still doesn't believe it, she just sucks and her suckiness poisons her game. .
For a guy that is given very little info, Kevin is pretty sharp at figuring out what is going on. He's just in such a terrible position that he can't do anything about it. I'd love to see him get HOH.


Nov 6, 2017
it sucks that dayvonne is such a fuckin terrible player
When it's all done and Dayvonne watches last sunday's episode she's going to be embarrassed. She was so wrong.

I feel really bad for David. He got set up and he's not the greatest player, but Dayvonne doing him wrong was painful to watch.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
There's a super slim chance that Dani plays her power for Memphis to make it look like he won the power himself to play for HOH back to back and increase the target on his back.
That is true... although I would question the logic of such a play as Memphis can just visibly throw the comp to illustrate that he wasn't the one to deploy said power. Not that Dani has been making logical game play decisions or anything.

For a guy that is given very little info, Kevin is pretty sharp at figuring out what is going on. He's just in such a terrible position that he can't do anything about it. I'd love to see him get HOH.
Kevin's had a tendency to make very sensible decisions with limited info.
He, unfortunately, has also had a tendency to make very terrible reads about things he has been provided absolutely no info about.

He's easily been one of the more rational people in the house this season.
Although I would make that argument for most of the older guys in the house (i.e. not Tyler, not Cody, not David and not Ian).


Oct 25, 2017
Kevin's had a tendency to make very sensible decisions with limited info.
He, unfortunately, has also had a tendency to make very terrible reads about things he has been provided absolutely no info about.

He's easily been one of the more rational people in the house this season.
Although I would make that argument for most of the older guys in the house (i.e. not Tyler, not Cody, not David and not Ian).
The thing that kills me about Kevin is that their plan to save Ian may have had a small shot at succeeding, or at the very least possibly forcing Dani to pull the trigger, if he hadn't ran and told Dani about it right after they agreed.


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, WA, USA
They really need to put a perimeter around this house lol... or have it on some private lot with acreage.

So many people trying to ruin the game with their yelling of stuff, outing alliances & gameplay moves...

Not that it takes much to derail this season but they need to fix this, it's not the first time lol.


Oct 25, 2017
They really need to put a perimeter around this house lol... or have it on some private lot with acreage.

So many people trying to ruin the game with their yelling of stuff, outing alliances & gameplay moves...

Not that it takes much to derail this season but they need to fix this, it's not the first time lol.
It's always been crazy to me that it isn't on some production lot somewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of wall yellera, the Yes, Dear! crossover holds up today. Don't know about the rest of the show lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Feeds have been down for almost 10 hours because there was allegedly another wall yeller
At this point if I was Production, I would just pay my own people to hang around outside and yell nonsense over the wall so pulling the feeds could be endlessly justified.

As far as I'm aware, literally nothing that has been yelled has been registered by anyone inside that house since Christmas' HOH reign.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
At this point, I think it's the BB neighbor. It might be one of those stay up all night competitions and they don't want to give who the neighbor is away


Dec 14, 2018
At this point if I was Production, I would just pay my own people to hang around outside and yell nonsense over the wall so pulling the feeds could be endlessly justified.

As far as I'm aware, literally nothing that has been yelled has been registered by anyone inside that house since Christmas' HOH reign.
At a certain point it all becomes noise. There's just too many of them. The houseguests are more pissed about losing the backyard than caring about what they're saying.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
Anyone else think the "BB Neighbor" could potentially be a new houseguest? A lot of people are speculating that it's just some silly "BB legend annoys houseguest as punishment like an annoying neighbor" thing but they keep using verbiage like "Who will get evicted on Thursday plus a BB legend comes in to shake up the game!", I don't think that a silly punishment gag will "shake up the game" and seeing as they don't have a competition to show on Sunday, I have a feeling this is going to be some new twist tied with a competition that will be shown at the end of Thursday but continue into Sunday.

It feels like they're hyping this up too much for it not to be a big twist, and I saw on Twitter that there is apparently an apartment size building built into the BB house itself if you look in the background? Could that be where the neighbor is staying?
Oct 27, 2017
Well if the BB neighbor is going into the game as a new player, I would have to assume they had them quarantined for two weeks. If they are not then I understand why they have their room so separated from everybody else.

But this got me thinking... if all the people in the game are COVID free. Why are they wearing the mask when they leave? Shouldn't Julie be the one who should wear the mask since she is out and about?


Oct 25, 2017
But this got me thinking... if all the people in the game are COVID free. Why are they wearing the mask when they leave? Shouldn't Julie be the one who should wear the mask since she is out and about?

They technically both should be, but it's more to protect the houseguest from inhaling any particulates that are in the air from Julie + the crew as they get debriefed/handled to the jury house, who presumably are not quarantining.

I imagine all off-camera crew are masked.
Oct 27, 2017
At this point if I was Production, I would just pay my own people to hang around outside and yell nonsense over the wall so pulling the feeds could be endlessly justified.

As far as I'm aware, literally nothing that has been yelled has been registered by anyone inside that house since Christmas' HOH reign.

Take this with a grain of salt but apparently they heard the latest wall yeller. Day hears wall yeller.